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IVF cost in Sharjah
  • Leading Fertility Center in Sharjah with Highest success rate
  • An Ultra Fertility laboratory following the highest international standards in the world.
  • The teams have 20+ years of experience in the fertility field
  • High success rate in IVF+ICSI+IUI treatments
  • Free First consultation: Book an appointment
  • Call/W: +91 9311850412 Email:

IVF cost table in Sharjah

The Center offers several ways to pay for services:

  • Individually
  • Package system
  • Account of government entities supporting the treatment

Individual service Prices in DIRHAMS

Initial Consultation200
Gynecology Scan400
Semen Assessment250
In Vitro Fertilization12000-14000
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection18000
ICSI for frozen Eggs11000
OVUM Pick up (accumulation of eggs)9000
Ovulation Induction3000
Semen freezing2000-3000
Egg Freezing3500
Egg donation14000-20000

Process of IVF Treatment 

The process of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) involves the fertilization of an egg outside a woman’s body in a specialized lab. It is often performed after other methods of trying to get pregnant have failed. After the fertilization, the development of embryos in the laboratory will perform. Once the healthy embryos are created they will be carried out in a nutritionally rich (or Petri) dish under the supervision of fertility specialists and later transferred to the uterus of the woman in preparation to allow for pregnancy.

Welcome to Fertility World Center, Sharjah

Fertility World Clinic is entirely equipped with the latest lab dedicated to helping you make your dream of becoming a parent via IVF, ICSI, IUI, etc. We provide all genders fertility treatments within Sharjah inside a cutting-edge medical facility within the city of Sharjah.

Our cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment strategies, as well as our highly-skilled and experienced team of embryologists, doctors, and nurses, have enabled us to get high rates of success. We create treatment plans that are specific to each patient, ensuring the best chance of a positive result. Our record of success is evidence of our dedication and commitment to each patient.

Lets understand the reasons for Infertility

The causes of infertility are diverse and identifying the root of treatment for infertility is the most effective way to tackle the issue and offer the most appropriate treatment.

Reasons for Female Infertility

The infertility of females is caused by:

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Endometriosis
  • Diminished Ovarian Reserve
  • Recurring mistakes
  • Inadequate menstrual cycle
  • Infertility secondary
  • The fallopian tubes can be afflicted with adhesions due to inflammation
  • Fibroids, Polyps, and Adenomyosis

Reasons for Male Infertility

Male infertility is caused by:

  • Obstructive Azoospermia
  • Non-obstructive Azoospermia
  • Oligospermia
  • Varicocele
  • Retrograde ejaculation

In some instances, there are instances where the reason for the problem cannot be identified, but it is possible to identify them through an examination of the male.

In-Vitro Fertilization 

In Vitro Fertilization, also known as IVF is a process where eggs are fertilized by sperm from outside the body. Eggs taken from a woman’s ovaries following stimulation by hormones are fertilized with washed sperm, spermatozoa that have been removed from the other elements of the seminal fluid. Sperm and eggs mix in a fluid medium within a specialized cultivation dish inside an incubator.

ICSI is a good choice to select the best sperm that can fertilize the egg, thus reducing the possibility of having an embryo that is unhealthy.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection or ICSI

It is a micromanipulation process that requires an exact selection process of properly-formed sperms with good mobility. With the microscope, a micropipette first blocks the sperm in one piece by cutting off its tail using its point. The spermatozoa then get injected into the egg’s cell.

ICSI is created to enhance the efficacy of fertilization which will increase the success rate of IVF levels. For couples who are struggling with finding a way to conceive due to unrelated reasons, such as repeatedly failing if the procedure could be an alternative.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Insemination through the uterus Insemination (IUI) IUI is a procedure that involves inserting the sperm of a woman’s uterus to help fertilization. It’s an assisted conception method.

IUI is typically the first choice of treatment when treatment with medication and timing intercourse does not work. It is suggested for those with a moderate to a mild decrease in motility and sperm count as well as if there is slight endometriosis. If women do not frequently ovulate, ovulation stimulation may be coupled with IUI. Additionally, in certain couples where there is no reason to suspect

Genetic Testing

Genetic Testing is conducted on embryos. It is specifically designed to identify specific genes that can cause a condition or chromosomal irregularities that can stop a pregnancy from developing.  Fertility World offers pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and pre-implantation Genetic Screening (PGS) tests.

PGD is suggested when there is a recognized genetic issue that is present in one or both parents, or if the couple before had an affected child. There is a possibility to examine embryos created during IVF to determine if they have a particular issue, and only those which are healthy are substituted.

PGS is a less precise test that involves embryos being tested for chromosomal irregularities (such for instance, the prevention of Down Syndrome or Sickle-cell anemia). PGS can be conducted in women over the age of 50, who are at a higher risk of genetic abnormalities or in situations where repeated miscarriages were previously experienced.


Microsurgical testicular sperm extraction, also known as “Micro-TESE” has been developed to find sperm within the testicles of those with low sperm production as the tubules in the testicles are tiny structures that are not discernible with the naked eye.

Semen Analysis

The Semen Analysis, commonly referred to as the sperm count test evaluates the health and the viability of the sperm of a man. Semen is the fluid that contains the sperm (plus additional protein and sugar substances) which is released in ejaculation. A semen analysis identifies three key aspects of sperm health

  • the amount of the sperm
  • how the the sperm
  • the movement of sperm, also referred to by the term “sperm motility”

Egg Freezing

Egg freezing is thought of as a method for stopping the clock on biological time, broadening options for fertility, and protecting healthier, younger eggs. For many women who want to increase the duration of their childbearing, It is now a popular alternative.

The freezing of eggs is essential for women who undergo treatments that include chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which could cause damage to the eggs and ovaries. Eggs can be taken and frozen prior to treatment for use in the future.

Sperm Freezing

Sperm freezing is an excellent option for those who wish to hold off having children until later in life, or for those who intend to undergo certain types of medical treatments that might affect their sperm production. Sperm can be frozen to serve as an alternative during fertility treatment.

Would you like to become the next Sperm Donor ?

Donating sperm can give others the possibility of having a baby and is a generous present. For some donated sperm is their sole possibility of having a child. Consider if you can give the gift of life to someone else.

We’re in need of more donors for sperm at Fertility World IVF.

As a sperm donor, you play an important role in our program. Therefore, we’ll make it as simple and easy as we can, which includes:

  • Flexible appointment times that can be arranged to work with your timetable
  • Collection and tests in our private clinic
  • Absolute confidentiality throughout the procedure, and this will be overseen by our Donor Program Manager.
  • Compensation for the expenses you have to pay in the course of your work (parking or travel expenses  and a small amount of reimbursement for the time you spend)

Do I have the possibility of becoming a donor of sperm ?

If you’re a healthy male who is between the ages of 25 and 45, think about donating your sperm directly to our clinic, so we can provide your sperm to people who require it the most.

Why should I become a donor of sperm?

There are many great reasons to be a donor of sperm:

  • You have kids of your own and would like to help others to experience the same joy, you can do it.
  • If you’re not quite ready to start children with your family, yet would like to aid others
  • Do you want to get an entire general health and fertility test for security
  • You know of someone trying to come up with a plan and wants to help them in this process, please do so directly.

Fertility World Center offers a diverse range of fertility treatments at a reasonable cost, and pricing for treatment is contingent on the kind of treatment you are recommended by your doctor. If you’d want to know more about our procedures and costs, please come to our center to have a consultation in which you and your doctor will discuss options for treatment or contact our staff

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