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Gay Surrogacy in Canada Cost | Fertilityworld

Embrace parenthood dreams to reality at reasonable gay surrogacy in Canada cost with fertilityworld, the top ART group in the world. We guarantee that families will always be assisted until pregnancy is achieved under a single package. Our renowned Gamete Bank (eggs & sperm) helps many gay partners secure their fatherhood dreams.


Is gay surrogacy legal in Canada?

Yes, gay surrogacy is legal in Canada with only an altruistic surrogacy program. National health care covers the surrogate’s medical expenses, but not the baby’s if the intended parents are from overseas.  The Assisted Human Reproduction Act (AHRA) is the federal legislation that regulates any activities prohibited or permitted in surrogacy in Canada. Depending on where you live in Canada, the legal implications will also differ. For example, in British Columbia and Ontario, the intended parents can register as legal parents. The parental rights are transferred to the intended parents using a court order within a week or two of the delivery in the case of other provincial countries. However, surrogacy is restricted in the province of Quebec.

More about gay surrogacy in Canada cost. 

The fertilityworld offers a reasonable gay surrogacy in Canada cost ranging from €145000 up to €165000. Under this package, gay surrogacy in Canada comes with egg donors from the US, with permanent Health Canada, along with shipment in less than one month after the batch is chosen. One surrogacy cycle with 3 cryo transfers. The process is mainly carried out in Ontario (Toronto) under the legal provision of the Assisted Human Reproduction Act (AHR Act) of 2004. If by chance a male gamete donor is needed, it will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, if we can offer a guarantee and when the surrogate has to be replaced, the only expenses that will be incurred for the family are those made so far for the first surrogate. All other services will be repeated without a price increase. 

Gay surrogacy in Canada cost table. 

The fertilityworld team has enabled Gay surrogacy cost breakup in Canada, such that couples can financially manage and pay the surrogacy cost. It has made four different cost breakup intervals, payable at different stages during the gay surrogacy program. The table below represents Gay surrogacy in Canada cost breakup: 

Payments Cost breakupCost (€)
1st Payment Signature of Agreement with fertilityworld50,000.
2nd PaymentBefore initiating In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)50,000.
3rd PaymentAfter pregnancy confirmation35,000.
4th PaymentAt 15th week30,000.
Total cost165,000.

Gay surrogacy success rate in Canada. 

At fertilityworld, the gay surrogacy success rate is between 85% to 95%. The success rate is always guaranteed because it uses donor eggs and fertilityworld sources donors from its donor banks in the US, the most trusted donor bank in the world. In reality, surrogacy depends upon the age of the egg directly proportional to the egg donor’s age. The best age is 21 to 35 years which produces good quality eggs that guarantee a success rate such a database is available at our banks at an affordable price. We also assist with unlimited cycles and 3 cryo transfers until pregnancy is achieved. The pie chart below depicts the Gay surrogacy success rate in Canada:

 How does gay surrogacy work in Canada?

Before proceeding, detailing how gay surrogacy works in Canada is a must to prepare you for the smooth journey ahead. Whether you want to be the surrogate mother or intended parent, we have shared the steps that are included in the surrogacy process in Canada:

  1. Create a profile with the fertilityworld: The first step is to create a profile with the fertilityworld, which will take complete responsibility for sourcing you potential surrogates and donors that you can meet and match. The fertilityworld is rated as the best surrogacy service provider in all the provinces of Canada. 
  2. Medical and Psychological Screening: Once a potential surrogate and egg donor is arranged. The specialist will perform medical and psychological screening. This is done to ensure that there are no issues with the surrogate’s and donor’s physical and mental health which guarantees success rates. 
  3. Legal Surrogacy Agreement procedure: A legally written signed contract is done once the surrogate and donor have passed the medical and psychological screening. The intended gay parents and the surrogate will have separate legal representation on behalf of the fertilityworld. The agreement ensures that both parties agree to the terms of the agreement legally.
  4. Cycling and Embryo Transfer: After the agreement is in place, it is time to move on to the process of surrogacy starting with the IVF procedure of the donor egg and the gay parent’s semen to generate a biological embryo. Followed by an embryo transfer in the surrogate uterus to become pregnant with the child of the intended gay parents. Followed by a pregnancy test within 3 to 4 weeks of transfer. Once the pregnancy is achieved, it is a matter of waiting till the baby comes to become legal parents of the child.

Pros and cons of surrogacy in Canada.

Canada is a popular destination for gay couples seeking surrogacy, along with the United States. The pros and cons of surrogacy in Canada are described below:

  • Canada only permits altruistic surrogacy, surrogates cannot be paid more than their out-of-pocket expenses. 
  • The legal framework for surrogacy in Canada reduces legal risks for both the surrogate and intended parents. 
  • Surrogacy in Canada is generally less expensive than in the US. 
  • Intended parents and surrogates should have separate attorneys to represent their interests and ensure the legal contract is drafted and approved. 
  • Surrogates are only reimbursed for medical expenses and pregnancy-related costs.
  • Agencies are not legally allowed to match surrogates with parents for payment, some consultancies provide similar services. 
  • All babies born in Canada are granted Canadian citizenship at birth.

Gay surrogacy cost in Canada for Indians.

Generally, the cost of surrogacy can vary based on the fertility clinic, the surrogate’s expenses, and the treatments needed. At fertilityworld packages, Gay surrogacy cost in Canada for Indians ranges between €145000 to €165000 which is the same as that of Canadian citizens. However, visa fees, the transportation cost, and hotel/homestay costs must be borne by the couples. Under this inclusive package, fertilityworld will assist Indian Gay couples with Visa assistance to Canada, transportation assistance, pick-n-drop services, hotel/homestay arrangements, etc. Insurance policies are available to cover some costs, such as hospital stays and NICU care. All our service assistance will lend parents the most reasonable and complete satisfaction. We will assist you unless your fatherhood is achieved in Canada. Contact the fertilityworld today. 

Factors affecting gay surrogacy cost in Canada. 

The gay surrogacy process involves several steps which are smoother and easier with more simple proceedings upon obeying the legal process. Most of the surrogacy-providing centres calculate surrogacy costs ranging from minimum to maximum. In reality, each surrogacy procedure has a cost which in conclusion becomes hefty packages essential for successful programs. The most common factors affecting gay surrogacy costs in Canada are discussed below:

  • Egg donation: Gay couples need an egg donor and the cost of the egg is higher affecting the package.
  • Sperm testing & preparation: If you use your sperm, you have to pay for sperm washing, concentration, and surgical aspiration (if applied). 
  • IVF process: The cost to prepare eggs, retrieve, fertilize, create embryos, and perform transfers affects the package. 
  • Insurance: Some couple’s insurance may cover IVF, but others may need to pay for it out of pocket. 
  • Number of embryos transferred: Transferring more than one embryo increases the chance of a twin pregnancy, which can increase costs. 
  • Pre-implantation genetic testing: This optional test can help determine which embryos have the highest chance of resulting in a successful pregnancy.
  • Surrogacy location: Surrogacy costs may be higher in states where surrogates are in high demand, like Ontario, Toronto, etc.
  • Agency fees: These fees cover the costs of finding & screening a surrogate, and egg donors, including background checks, medical file reviews, and social and psychological testing.
  • Extra medical use: Unexpected medical expenses can also occur, so it’s important to have extra money set aside.

Surrogate Canada requirements. 

The surrogate Canada requirements or qualifications to become a surrogate mother include:

  • She must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • She must be at least 21 years old and not more than 40 years.
  • She should be in good physical and mental health with no history of pregnancy complications or chronic medical conditions.
  • She has a BMI below 35, or potentially up to 40 with no diabetes or high blood pressure.
  • She has given birth to at least one child with healthy pregnancies and births. 
  • She is a non-smoker and has no history of illicit drug or alcohol dependence.
  • She is free from indictable offenses, and neither should your partner or any other adults living in your household. 
  • The surrogate must give consent after the birth.

Gay surrogacy price in Canada Ontario.

The average gay surrogacy price in Canada Ontario ranges from €145000 to €165000. Under this package, the fertilityworld, rated as the best surrogacy centre in Canada, Ontario offers as many cycles as it is necessary from its own clinics, and laboratories renowned as the best in quality. Your egg donor assistance will be sourced from our gamete bank in the US based on your preferences. Before shipping our donor assistance, we will highlight the biography of the donor database including origins, appearance, height, colors (eye, skin, hair, etc), shape of the ear lobes, education background, and genetic background. Accordingly, gay couples will select their preference. All these services and facilities come under €145000 to €165000.  

Cheapest gay surrogacy package in Canada.

Fertilityworld, the largest group of Assisted Reproduction and members of REDLARA, ESHRE, and ASRM is providing the cheapest gay surrogacy package in Canada in the range of €145000 to €165000. This inclusive gay surrogacy package will cover a complete single-cycle procedure starting from consultations, legal documentation, Egg Donor assistance, surrogate arrangements, semen donor assistance (if needed), fertility screenings ( gay couples, surrogate, and donors), IVF procedures (ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo development), embryo transfer into a surrogate, pregnancy tests, follow-up appointments, parentage order, childbirth, child citizenship, and return home with legal baby(ies). The fertilityworld offers fertility services assistance for international couples including visas, transportation (flight tickets), pick-n-drop services, hotel/homestay arrangements, etc. Please contact the fertilityworld team for more detailed information.  

Surrogate cost Ontario. 

In Canada Ontario, the legal surrogacy program is altruistic which means the surrogate is not paid financially other than for her expenses during the surrogacy program including medications, fertility tests, clothing, fooding, a surrogate home, Childcare traveling to the clinic, her health maintenance, and more. Therefore, the surrogate cost in Ontario does not calculate the surrogate cost separately, rather it is included in the inclusive package of €145000 to €165000.  

Wait time for gay surrogacy in Canada at affordable cost.  

Independent arrangements of surrogates in Canada can take anywhere between six months or more. Intended gay parents with no specific medical attention will find a match quicker than the rest. However, if you have specific requirements of the surrogate such as age, ethnicity, and more, then it is much easier to seek assistance from a service provider such as the fertilityworld in Canada as it has a surrogate database that can match your preferences in a short period.  After you find a surrogate and donor assistance, it will take between 12 months to have the baby, as you have to account for the cycling process, medical screenings, and more. In short, the wait time for gay surrogacy procedures in Canada at an affordable cost is about 12 to 18 months with the assistance of the surrogacy provider. Contact the fertilityworld today. 

Why choose the fertilityworld in Canada? 

For more than 20 years, the fertilityworld has been the finest gay surrogacy-providing agency emitting a guaranteed success rate at the most reasonable gay surrogacy cost in Canada. It is recognized as the largest group of Assisted Reproduction and a legit member of REDLARA, ESHRE, and ASRM. It has established its clinics, donor banks, surrogate databases, and laboratories as having the best awards in quality. The team is always ready to assist gay parents at all times in Canada. It offers one-by-one gay surrogacy cycles in Canada and many cycles as it is necessary in the USA, Greece, and Argentina. It has a Lab team of Senior Embryologists who travel worldwide to teach our thawing protocols in its collaborating centres. Our Courier Department has more than 100 tanks for transportation around the world and counts 8 people traveling to help Fertility Centres and Families in all provinces of Canada. We are traveling the world sending eggs and sperm from Europe to Australia, the UK, Canada, the USA, Latin America, and even inside Europe.


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