With fertilityworld, the best gay surrogacy in Colombia is obtained. An independent journey to fatherhood is exciting & challenging as well, as the emotional intricacies & financial crisis are certain with no assistance. At fertilityworld, the performing teams sit, discuss & impart the most affordable surrogacy for gay couples that guarantees a success rate.     


Is surrogacy legal in Colombia?

Yes, Surrogacy is legal in Colombia for both LGBT and Hetero couples (and singles). It is rated as a popular destination for gay surrogacy because of its progressive laws, affordable costs, and good medical facilities. Highlights of surrogacy laws in Colombia include:

  • Altruistic surrogacy is legal with only gestational surrogacy.
  • The surrogate cannot donate her egg, it is illegal.
  • Gay couples can legally pursue surrogacy in Colombia.
  • No biological link between the surrogate and the child.
  • Either 1 of the parents must ultimately connect genes with the child. 
  • The Colombian constitution protects parental rights, children’s interests, surrogate rights, and donor rights and limits eligibility. 

Gay surrogacy Colombia. 

Surrogacy makes the possibility of embracing parenthood even in the worst reproductive scenarios including infertility, couples poor-quality egg & sperm, and extends to LGBT couples. Gay surrogacy Colombia is the most highlighted program today. Thousands of international gay couples achieve fatherhood as it offers the most affordable surrogacy for gay couples. The fertilityworld is highly considered a gay surrogacy centre in Colombia, its exclusive assistance to such couples fulfills their fatherhood dreams. It assists gay couples with full legal documentation represented by its surrogacy lawyers enabling the most successful gay surrogacy Colombia. The specialist’s team provides free consultations where all the inclusive gay surrogacy processes and procedures are discussed and assures couples with very clear knowledge about gay surrogacy in Colombia. Contact the fertilityworld today.

Colombia Gay Surrogacy Success Rate. 

At fertilityworld, the Colombia Gay surrogacy success rate is guaranteed to be 85% to 95%. Surrogacy with donor eggs and partner sperm is pre-quality-checked. Before egg retrieval, a donor is checked with certain eligibilities such as age, egg quality, genetical background, reproductive background, etc. The surrogate and donor are assured after the complete reproductivity system is approved before the procedure. Women’s age is often the most critical in the surrogacy success rate. Age between 21 to 35 years is the most fertile age in women while men’s fertility age is 65 years and more. The fertilityworld team guarantees a Gay surrogacy success rate of 85% to 95% maximum. Look at the pie chart below for the Gay surrogacy success rate in Colombia:

Affordable surrogacy for gay couples. 

Affordable surrogacy for gay couples in Colombia is 64,000 USD, where either one of the couples is genetically linked to the child, and the total package of having a baby with a biological link with both parents is 110,000 USD. This package includes a fully inclusive program with guaranteed birth. The inclusive program will cover the complete surrogacy process and procedures including consultations, legal documentation, lawyer’s fee, medications, egg donor IVF procedures (ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization of egg & sperm), embryo transfer into the surrogate uterus, donor compensation, surrogate mother expenses, and doctors charges.  Additionally, the fertilityworld team will assist international gay couples with Visas, transportation, hotel/homestays, pick-n-drop facilities, and return-home flight booking assistance. In case, the first surrogacy cycle fails, the fertilityworld will offer a second cycle at the lowest package than the first cycle. Book an online appointment with us today and secure your fatherhood dreams from Colombia. 

Colombia gay surrogacy agency. 

The fertilityworld is rated as the finest Colombian gay surrogacy agency. It has assisted over 30,000+ gay couples both international and Colombian gay nationals. Many have fathered a child/children while many of them are fathering a child today with the help of the fertilityworld gay surrogacy agency.  Any gay couple of any origin wishing to father a child through surrogacy can book an online appointment with us, our coordinators will schedule a free phone call consultation with the finest consultant. He/she will deliberate everything regarding Colombia’s gay surrogacy and will listen to your side story. He/she will suggest the best surrogacy destination/clinics in Colombia or assist you unless your fatherhood is received. Connect with the fertilityworld today.

LGBT surrogacy Colombia. 


L = LesbianG = GayB = BisexualT = Transgender

The Colombian constitution allows both LGBT and Hetero couples (and singles). Lesbian couples can pursue surrogacy with donor sperm with either one couple’s eggs and carry pregnancy by the surrogate mom. The child will exhibit a genetic link to the lesbian couple. Gay couple surrogacy is possible with donor eggs and either one partner’s sperm to generate an embryo. The embryo will be transferred into the surrogate uterus for carrying the pregnancy and the childbirth. Bisexual couple surrogacy is possible with either a donor egg or donor sperm with partner sperm/eggs. The selection of which donor sperm/egg to be used will depend upon the reproductive quality of the couple who decides to share the genes with the child. Transgender surrogacy is also possible depending on the couple’s reproductive systems, either to use donor egg or donor sperm is decided after certain fertility screenings and tests. LGBT surrogacy in Colombia is offered by the fertilityworld at an affordable package but with strict LGBT surrogacy laws laid in Colombia.    

LGBT surrogacy Colombia cost. 

The average LGBT surrogacy in Colombia costs between 64,000 USD to 110,000 USD, where either one of the couples is genetically linked to the child and the total package of having a baby with a biological link with both parents. The total LGBT surrogacy Colombia price will cover an entire LGBT surrogacy program including consultations, legal documentation, lawyer’s fee, medications, egg donor IVF procedures (ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization of egg & sperm), embryo transfer into the surrogate uterus, donor compensation, surrogate mother expenses, and doctors charges.

Gay surrogacy countries. 

Many countries do not allow gay surrogacy while some parts of the country allow surrogacy partially. Some countries allow gay surrogacy with very strict regulations including only altruistic gay surrogacy for its citizens and few countries allow international gay surrogacy too. 

Some of the finest gay surrogacy countries with affordable prices and smooth regulations for gay couples include:

  1. Colombia.
  2. Kenya.
  3. Mexico.
  4. Laos.
  5. Greece.
  6. Canada. 
  7. Argentina.
  8. New Zealand.
  9. United Kingdom.
  10. The USA.

Out of these gay surrogacy countries, some allow only altruistic to both national and international while some allow only to its citizens. You can directly contact the fertilityworld if you wish to know more about gay surrogacy countries and their gay surrogacy regulations.   

Surrogacy for Gay Couples in Colombia.

The friendliest country to offer surrogacy for gay couples is Colombia. Gay couple surrogacy is governed by the Colombian constitution with most acceptance including national and international gay couple surrogacy. The finest destination for surrogacy for gay couples in Colombia has been rated as the fertilityworld for decades. It has an established world-class Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) with the finest state-of-the-art and served by the most prominent surrogacy doctors in Colombia. It is committed to serving the most affordable surrogacy for gay couples in Colombia with a promising success rate of 85% to 95%. The fertilityworld team is always dedicated to providing complete satisfaction with no compromise.

Why choose the fertilityworld in Colombia?  

The fertilityworld has been rated as the most successful gay surrogacy provider in Colombia for over 25+ years. It has the best surrogacy doctors, nurses, and trained staff in place. Its fertility infrastructure is the most accredited and comes with world-class equipment of ART which guarantees a success rate. The team is always dedicated and serves all the patients with personalized care and compassion. We understand that the journey to parenthood is not easy as challenges and emotional difficulties intake along with the treatments including financial management. We commit our professional services to all the patients who seek us to receive a parenthood dream. We promised the most affordable surrogacy for gay couples in Colombia. Contact us today. 


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