IVF Clinics in Cameroon
  • The top IVF clinics are “The Fertility World” in Cameroon.
  • Get IVF done 100% at a lower cost from 3200 USD 
  • The Clinic has the best IVF specialist that delivers services
  • It has an ultra IVF laboratory with the best lab technicians
  • Its IVF professionals are very kind and ready to serve better
  • It has long years of IVF experiences, no compromisation
  • It has overall fertility solutions under its roof, no travels
  • Free first consultation: Book an appointment
  • Appointment: 919311850412 Email: info@fertilityworld.in

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization is an assisted reproductive technology whereby an egg is fertilized by the partner sperm outside the body. The fertilization takes place in the fertility laboratory under the culture medium. The fertilized egg known as an embryo is transferred into the uterus (womb) of the female partner.

Today, In vitro fertilization has captured the attention of the public since its sensational introduction in 1978. The medical procedure of IVF is efficient, safe, readily accessible, and relatively affordable. More than 2.5 million IVF children have been born to date, and continued enhancements will likely widen its appeal and applicability.

What conditions of the people can undergo IVF treatment?

  • If you and your partner are unable to get pregnant after long periods of trying intercourse.
  • If you have failed after trying less-invasive treatments before attempting IVF.
  • If you have failed after using fertility drugs to increase the production of eggs or IUI.
  • Absent fallopian tubes or tubal disease 
  • Egg quality or ovulation problems
  • Antibody issues, which harm eggs or sperms
  • Endometriosis 
  • Male infertility with low sperm counts or motility
  • Severe male factor infertility in which sperm must be obtained surgically
  • Unexplained infertility that has not responded to other treatments
  • Genetic diseases that result in miscarriage or abnormal births

IVF is the best treatment option that we would suggest the couple go through. During the consultations, the Fertility World professionals thoroughly understand the conditions behind your infertility. Then, we examine the couple’s problem through different tests and using different medication processes. After that, a complete treatment is provided under our guidance. They have the normal delivery, but when the issue is not treatable through other means, we offer the technique of IVF.

What is the best age for having a successful IVF baby?

Age plays a critical role in achieving successful IVF treatment for infertile women. As you age the percentage of the egg quality declines. Female fertility starts declining after 30 years of age. The best reproductive age for women is between 21 to 35 years old. However, successful IVF treatment is possible beyond 45 years in females.

  • Women who intend to use their eggs for IVF should be in their early forties.
  • Donor eggs, whether from known, identified, or anonymous donors, are eligible for women below the age of 50.
  • Men’s fertility potential is at its best till the age of 45-50 years.

Let’s discuss the process of IVF treatment in Cameroon

IVF treatment involves five different steps, they are:

  • Ovarian stimulation
  • Egg retrieval/Oocyte removal
  • Sperm collection/retrieval
  • Fertilization & embryo development
  • Embryo transfer
  1. Ovarian stimulation: 

IVF is possible with the use of self eggs or a donor egg. You will be injected with hormonal drugs or other fertility medications for stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs instead of just one egg that normally develops each month. This helps increase the chances of having at least one viable embryo to use during the IVF procedure. 

Ovarian stimulation takes 10 days before the eggs are ready for retrieval. During this time, a vaginal ultrasound is conducted often to monitor the ovarian follicles and blood tests to see the estrogen levels. Once we determine the follicles are of adequate size, measured by ultrasound, we can move to the next step.

  1. Egg retrieval:

Egg retrieval is typically performed as an office-based procedure in a doctor’s office about 36-hours after the final trigger shot to mature the eggs. The timing of the egg retrieval is critical because waiting much longer than 36 hours risks ovulation and the loss of some or all the eggs.

It involves intravenous sedation followed by a transvaginal ultrasound-guided needle aspiration to carefully retrieve the eggs from each follicle. In about 20-minutes, multiple eggs are typically removed. The eggs are then placed in a culture medium and sperm are added later in the day for fertilization. 

  1. Sperm retrieval:

 If you are using a partner’s sperm, you will be asked for a semen sample the morning of the procedure. Donor sperm can also be used. Or, in some cases, the sperm can be harvested in advance and frozen. There are several ways to harvest sperm from men depending on their infertility and health. In some instances, it may be necessary to harvest sperm surgically.

  1. Fertilization:

 There are two primary methods of fertilization during IVF:

  • The conventional method- mixes healthy sperm and eggs in a laboratory petri dish and leaves them to incubate overnight for natural fertilization.
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI)- It involves the injection of sperm directly into the egg to overcome male factor infertility or when testicular sperm are used. Once the sperm and egg have been combined, after about 20-hours fertilization is being monitored. The fertilized eggs may be allowed to grow in the lab for up to six days before the next step. There are also other techniques that doctors can recommend before proceeding the next step, including:
  • Assisted hatching- suggest in certain circumstances to create a tiny incision into the shell of the embryo right before embryo transfer to increase implantation.
  • Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) – allows genetic testing of the embryos before transfer to determine if the embryo is chromosomally normal and/or to screen for certain genetic diseases based on your genetic screening. 
  1. Embryo transfer: 2 to 5 days after the eggs were retrieved, based on your situation, you will visit your doctor’s office again for the embryo transfer. You will remain on hormones before the visit, and throughout the first trimester, to support your uterine lining called the endometrium. The embryo transfer consists of the doctor inserting a soft, flexible tube (catheter) into your uterus through the cervix under ultrasound guidance. Then the embryos (or embryos) are carefully injected into your uterus. If there are any additional viable embryos, it may be possible to freeze them for later pregnancy attempts. After the successful embryo transfer procedure, one can usually resume all normal activities, including exercise. You may feel mildly bloated or have breast tenderness. Cramping or passing a little bloody fluid may represent embryo implantation. Less than two weeks after the embryo transfer procedure, your doctor will run a blood test to determine whether you are pregnant and, if so, your test will be repeated in two days. As long as your blood hormone level (hCG) is rising appropriately, a vaginal ultrasound is scheduled approximately three weeks later to view the health of the pregnancy. Keep in mind that you may become pregnant on the first try—but you may not. It’s good to think of your IVF journey as potentially multiple embryo transfers per one egg retrieval and less as an individual medical treatment.

Is there any alternative affordable treatment before IVF treatment?

There are 3 fertility treatment options available for you to try before Ivf Treatment. The anxiety could lead the couples to spend thousands of dollars on a fertility procedure that may not be necessary. Therefore, moving according to the doctor’s suggestions is the best way to achieve fertility successfully. Three treatments options available are: 

1. Ovarian Stimulation Medications:

Female fertility issues account for a third of all infertility cases among men and women. why? Women have a hard time conceiving because of hormone imbalances throughout the reproductive system. 

The female body has many hormonal changes during periods and ovulation, and when everything is working properly, tracking these stages with accuracy can be a simple endeavor. However, when hormonal processes are stifled due to PCOS, uterine fibroids, PID, or endometriosis, certain parts of the reproductive organs can malfunction or get thrown off course. 

Correcting any low complexity mishaps like hormone imbalances can be done efficiently with ovarian stimulation medications. By using controlled ovarian hyperstimulation medications (COH), such as various gonadotropins, women can bring regularity and predictability to their cycles and increase their odds of impregnation without getting too involved with advanced procedures.

Successful pregnancies are aided by well-developed ovarian follicles, as well as a release of multiple eggs during ovulation. Plus, other medications help prepare the uterine lining for implantation to further protect the embryo.

2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI):

Although it may sound similar to an IVF, IUI is much less invasive and can lead to promising results for couples as IUI treats male infertility factors. 

An IUI is a low-complexity procedure that directly injects sperm into the uterus to fertilize the egg. Couples who choose to pursue an IUI typically consist of a female partner with a healthy reproductive system and a male partner dealing with low sperm count or poor sperm volume. 

Overall, the procedure itself is quite minimal. A fertility doctor uses an insemination catheter, a thin flexible tube, to inject the sperm sample, and the female partner will undergo two treatments at 12 and 36 hours after hormone medications are given. 

In addition to it being a straightforward experience, hopeful couples or individuals can enjoy moderately high success rates during their first attempts. A fertility specialist will certainly do everything in its power to help achieve pregnancy right away, but research shows that age and number of tries play a significant role in the success of an IUI, making it a good first option to pursue. 

3. Laparoscopy: 

After receiving an assessment from a fertility specialist, female partners may discover that certain growths or adhesions are preventing them from getting pregnant. In this case, undergoing laparoscopic surgery is a good way to increase the odds of pregnancy without facing too many complications. 

Laparoscopic surgery or laparoscopy is an outpatient procedure that places a narrow fiber-optic scope through a small incision made into the navel of the female partner. Once inside, the device can thoroughly detect the presence of any cysts, fibroids, adhesions, or damages to the reproductive organs and allow doctors to advise an immediate plan to remedy the issues. Cases of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis have a major effect on the female’s ability to conceive, so removing their presence will surely lead to better results with future attempts.

Another benefit of laparoscopic surgery is that the recovery time after the procedure is fairly quick. After it’s complete, women can resume their normal routines in about one week, and any scarring is typically smaller than the size of a keyhole, which will fade over time. 

Laparoscopy can offer some tremendous insights into any underlying issues that a female partner is facing, so rather than jumping to any conclusions or uncertain treatment options, consult with a fertility specialist first to see if it’s right for you. 

Why the Fertility World IVF clinic in Cameroon?

The Fertility World IVF clinic is not only in Cameroon, it has the highest chain with the world’s best fertility clinic all around the world. The good thing why it is recommended is because of its highest IVF success rates up to 100% at a very affordable cost. Its fertility experts are from the world’s top clinics with high qualifications in the fertility field. Today, infertile couples from any part of the world are choosing the fertility world in Cameroon as their fertility destination. 

If you’re an infertile couple, parents, single parents from any corner of the world looking for IVF treatment, surrogacy, IUI, ICSI, Laparoscopy, Donor eggs, Surrogate mother, Cryopreservation, etc. the fertility world offers the best treatment at a reasonable price in Cameroon. We also provide free consultation, and up to 10% concession from inclusive packages related to any fertility treatments.

For more information. Contact us now. We serve as your home away from home fulfilling your dreams of parenthood.

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