Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)| Fertilityworld

Frozen embryo transfer (FET) is a facilitated advanced IVF procedure. FET creates a shorter timeline of parenthood pathways than the time taken in a normal IVF cycle. The patient can preserve their embryos using cryopreservation technology for over 10 years and opt for IVF treatment when they are ready to experience parenthood through FET. The fertilityworld fertility clinic has specialized in embryo freezing technology and FET for decades.

What is frozen embryo transfer (FET)?

When patients use their years-preserved embryos in the IVF cycle, it is known as frozen embryo transfer (FET). Usually, the patients come to the fertility clinic and give their eggs and sperm samples. Then the embryologist through IVF technology combines them under the medium in the laboratory and generates the embryos. The fertilityworld considered the 5-day embryo (blastocyst stage- 4 to 8 cells) the best cycle to preserve as it yields an excellent FET success rate. On the patient’s recommendation, the embryos are preserved using cryopreservation technology for up to 15 years. Whenever patients feel ready to experience parenthood, they use this embryo for transfer. Patients can also approach the clinic and use the frozen embryo donor assistance for FET.    

On which day of the cycle is frozen embryo transfer (FET) done?

The procedure of Frozen embryo transfer (FET) is done right after the end of the menstruation cycle. Right after your period, a hormonal medicine, usually a GnRH agonist is prescribed to suppress the female natural ovulation process. During the next menstrual cycle, a blood test is done to confirm a positive response to medication. When the right condition is confirmed, a supplementation like estrogen is given for 2 weeks which helps to create a healthy endometrium along with regular monitoring. Again, progesterone support is added after estrogen supplementation. The exact procedure of the FET cycle begins once the progesterone support starts. The fertilityworld considers a day 3 or day 5 developed frozen embryo (blastocyst stage) as the finest cycle for the frozen embryo transfer (FET) because the highest success rate is seen in this developed embryo cycle. 

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) step by step

The simple and most efficient Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) step-by-step are:

  1. Hormonal medication

Immediately after the end of your period, a hormonal medicine, usually a GnRH agonist is prescribed to suppress the female natural ovulation process. 

  1. Estrogen supplementation

If the hormonal medication is conditionally responded to. In the next immediate menstrual cycle, estrogen supplementation is provided for 14 days, usually one pill twice a day with regular monitoring to create a healthy endometrium lining.

  1. Administration of additional progesterone support

After 14 days of estrogen supplementation, progesterone support is provided either vaginally or through intramuscular injection and continues until the day of the pregnancy test depending upon the individual physician’s protocol. 

  1. Frozen embryo transfer (FET) procedure

After the 3rd day of progesterone support, an embryologist performs the FET procedure by selecting the best surviving frozen embryo and thawing process. From there either 1 or 2 embryos are placed in the uterine cavity (endometrium) using a catheter under ultrasound guidance in the hope to achieve fertilization. However, this number is flexible, and your physician will discuss this issue with you.

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Success Rate

The highest frozen embryo transfer (FET) success rate is between 75% to 85% and can rise to 95% when the age of the egg falls between 21 and 35 years (female) during embryo freezing, the periods of freezing do not add the years of the embryo because its functions are inhibited by freezing. The success rate is also enhanced by the medication’s good response, and FET is performed by the best embryologist. FET in IVF has a good chance of getting pregnant with a healthy baby whereas a fresh embryo transfer has only one chance to get pregnant.

When is Frozen embryo transfer (FET) done after a period cycle?

Frozen embryo transfer (FET) is done at the end of the period cycle followed by hormonal medication, and then the next immediate period cycle with hormonal supplementation, and progesterone support (may continue till pregnancy confirmation).

How many days of progesterone before frozen embryo transfer (FET)?

Progesterone is given for 3 days when day 3 embryo is to be transferred and 5 days when the frozen embryo is on day 5 (blastocyst) before the frozen embryo transfer (FET) procedure and continues for about 12 days after embryo transfer until the pregnancy test. If the pregnancy is positive, progesterone may be continued for several weeks following the individual physician’s protocol.

Frozen embryo transfer (FET) process and procedure?

While beginning the FET, there are some processes to be done starting from consultation, pre-screening, fertility evaluation of periodical cycles or ovulation cycles, and endometrial biopsy. If the patient has risk factors for uterine structural abnormalities, uterine cavity evaluation is done before FET. After ensuring fertility conditions, the actual FET procedures start at the end of the menstrual period with hormonal supplementations and then transfer the embryos in the endometrial receptivity to achieve pregnancy.  A small plastic catheter is passed gently through the cervix into the uterus. After waiting for 1-2 minutes to allow any mild cramping to resolve, the embryos are deposited into the cavity along with a small amount of fluid. You will be discharged after resting for 20 minutes. No anesthesia is required for the embryo transfer procedure.

How long does frozen embryo transfer (FET) take?

The overall FET procedure takes about 6 to 8 weeks beginning with ovulation-suppressing or reduced ovarian activity medication at the end of the menstrual cycle, hormonal supplementation in the next immediate menstrual cycle for endometrial preparation, regular monitoring with blood work and ultrasound followed by progesterone support supplementation, and the FET procedure following IVF transfer techniques till pregnancy confirmation tests.    

Relation between menstrual cycle and FET cycle timing

In a month, a woman undergoes 4 phases of the menstrual cycle namely:

  1. Menstrual Phase (Days 1-5 of the month), signified by bleeding in the uterine lining.
  2. Follicular Phase (Days 1-13 of the month). In this phase, the ovaries prepare to release an egg, with normal hormonal stimulation.
  3. Ovulation Phase (Day 14 of the month): A mature egg is released from the ovary, the prime time for conception.
  4. Luteal Phase (Day 15-28 of the month), the body produces progesterone to prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy.

Frozen embryo transfer (FET) cost

The cost of frozen embryo transfer (FET) ranges from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 90,000 inclusive of pre-fertility screening, evaluation, and treatment of any infertility issues, and the FET procedure including medications, required labs, ultrasounds, embryo thaw, and embryo transfer in the package price. In India, the fertilityworld clinic offers the FET at a more reasonable price than others with excellent success rates. When compared, FET is cheaper than IVF.  The FET cost is much higher in Western countries than in Asian countries and India offers the lowest FET package worldwide.  For these many reasons, many International patients traveled to India to meet their parenthood dreams not only in FET but through various infertility treatments. 

What are the benefits of Frozen embryo transfer (FET)?

  • Achieve pregnancy at your convenient time.
  • Able to decide how many embryos are to be transferred into the uterus, single or twins.
  • Creates parenthood within a shorter period than the IVF procedure.
  • Achieve ensured success rate.

What are the good signs after embryo transfer?

The following signs or reactions can depict a successful frozen embryo transfer: Spotting, cramping, sore breasts, tiredness, nausea, bloating, discharge, and Increased urination.


Frozen embryo transfer (FET) opens a wide window for those patients or couples looking for delayed pregnancy, overage, or cancer patients (freezing embryos before cancer therapy. FET is an advanced fertility treatment option to embrace parenthood in the plan. FET technology is quite simple and highly efficient and mostly, it is lower in cost than other fertility treatments. FET may fail when your approach falls into the wrong hands. The fertilityworld is the finest fertility clinic running for over 25 years and highly specialized in FET and embryo cryopreservation with a comfortable package. You can freely contact the clinic’s finest specialist and get a free consultation.   



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