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The fertilityworld is excellent for Gay surrogacy UK | LGBT surrogacy, enacting norms of UK surrogacy laws. The embarkment of gay/LGBT parenthood can be challenging as the emotional intricacies are certain. Our versatile team with personalized care & cutting-edge tech guarantees Gay/LGBT parenthood in the UK.    

Surrogacy legal UK. 

  • The Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1985 & the Human Fertilisation-Embryology Act 2008 govern surrogacy legal UK.
  • The intended parents can be single, unmarried, or same-sex couples (Gay/LGBT). 
  • It is illegal to advertise that you are looking for a surrogate or to arrange surrogacy as a commercial enterprise. 
  • The surrogate is the legal parent of the child at birth unless prospective intended parents apply for a parental order within 6 weeks to 6 months after birth. 
  • Surrogacy is an altruistic act in the UK- it is illegal to pay a surrogate more than reasonable expenses but is entitled to the same maternity leave and pay. 
  • The fertilityworld organization helps potential surrogates & intended parents navigate the surrogacy process.

Gay Surrogacy UK cost.

The most reasonable Gay surrogacy UK cost is €95000 offered by the fertilityworld. The inclusive package covers a complete single-cycle gay surrogacy process and procedures including consultation, legal documentation, donor assistance, surrogate expenses, medications, IVF procedures, embryo transfer to a surrogate, specialist fees, and lawyer fees. All other services will be repeated without a price increase. The fertilityworld sources donor eggs from its US Egg bank all over the world with unlimited egg batches and Egg Donor unlimited cycles until reach pregnancy.  If by chance a male gamete donor is needed, it will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, if we can offer a guarantee and when the surrogate has to be replaced, the only expense that will be incurred for the family are those made so far for the first surrogate. 

Gay surrogacy cost breakup table UK.

The table below represents a gay surrogacy cost breakup table in the UK:

Payments Cost BreakupCOST (€)
1st Payment Signature of Agreement with fertilityworld25,000.
2nd PaymentBefore In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)25,000.
3rd PaymentAfter pregnancy confirmation25,000.
4th PaymentAt 15th week20,000.
Total cost95,000.

More about Gay Surrogacy UK at fertilityworld. 

Our UK Gay surrogacy programs strictly adhere to bioethics, family law, and assisted reproduction technology that ensures fair rights to all the parties involved in the program including donors, surrogates, intended gay couples, and the interest & the rights of the child born.

  • We offer as many cycles as is necessary for the UK and all gay surrogacy-legal European countries. 
  • We have our clinics, laboratories, and the best awards in quality. 
  • Our Courier Department has more than 100 tanks for transportation around the world and counts 8 people traveling to help Fertility Centres and Families. 
  • Our Lab team (Senior Embryologists) travel worldwide to teach our thawing protocols. 
  • We are members of REDLARA, ESHRE, and ASRM. 
  • We travel the world sending eggs and sperm from Europe to Australia, the UK, Canada, the USA, Latin America, and even inside Europe.

LGBT couple surrogacy success rate in the UK.

At fertilityworld, the LGBT couple’s surrogacy success rate in the UK is between 85% and 95%. Gay surrogacy is guaranteed as it involves donor eggs. The lesbian surrogacy success rate is assured as it involves donor sperm. The bisexual surrogacy success rate is excellent either with donor egg/sperm. According to the fertilityworld specialist’s team in the UK, the age of the egg and the sperm plays a vital role. The younger the age, the better the reproductive quality. The best reproductive age in women is between 21 to 35 years while male reproductivity is below 65 years. The fertilityworld team is dedicated to delivering the best possible outcomes in LGBT surrogacy in the UK. Contact the fertilityworld today.    

LGBT Surrogacy. 

L = LesbianG = GayB = BisexualT = Transgender

If you’re from the UK and fall within any of these abbreviations and looking for parenthood. Surrogacy is a way of conceiving a child who is biologically connected with you, and who will be part of your family immediately from birth. The UK supports LGBT surrogacy.  However, in LGBT surrogacy, either sperm or egg can be from a donor, but not both. LGBT Surrogacy is legal in the UK, but it’s illegal to advertise for surrogates and the surrogate cannot be compensated, that is only altruistic surrogacy. The fertilityworld is the best-recognized surrogacy centre that formalizes LGBT surrogacy in the UK which produces excellent success rates. The centre has the finest cutting-edge technology, experienced surrogacy lawyers, a surrogate mother database, donor database of all origins. It has a dedicated team of surrogacy Doctors who exhibit compassionate care with personalized individual fertility requirements. All these boosted facilities profound the centre ensuring a 100% guaranteed LGBT surrogacy success rate in the UK. Contact the fertilityworld today. 

Surrogacy Laws by country.  

Let us understand the Surrogacy laws by Country in each table represented:

  • Altruistic surrogacy is legal.
  • The intended parents can be single, unmarried, or same-sex couples (Gay/LGBT).
  • Authorized payment for commercial arrangements when it is in the child’s best interest in the case of parental orders applied.


  • Allow only altruistic surrogacy.
  • Commercial surrogacy is a criminal offense.
  • New South Wales, Queensland, & the Australian Capital do not allow international commercial surrogacy. 
  • The intended parents inherit parental rights.
  • South Australia allows LGBT couples to do surrogacy.


  • Surrogacy is legal for infertile couples, single parents, & LGBTQ people.
  • Altruistic surrogacy is legal.
  • Commercial surrogacy is banned, the practice is performed illegally throughout the country. 


  • Only altruistic surrogacy is permitted by AHRC.
  • Commercial surrogacy is illegal.
  • LGBT surrogacy is allowed. 
  • A surrogate is reimbursed for approved expenses but payment of other considerations or compensation is illegal.
  • A surrogate cannot donate her Egg.
  • Surrogates don’t have parental rights.


  • Surrogacy is legal in Georgia.
  • Altruistic & commercial surrogacy is legal. 
  • Donor programs, shipped embryos & self-cycles are legal.
  • A surrogate cannot donate her Egg.
  • Surrogates don’t have parental rights. 
  • Same-sex couples & LGBT+ intended parents are legal.


  • Surrogacy is officially regulated by Clause 123 of the Family Code.
  • Surrogacy is permitted to heterosexual married couples with fertility issues or medical reasons. 
  • LGBT surrogacy & surrogacy for single people are prohibited by law in Ukraine. 
  • Egg/sperm donation is legal.
  • A surrogate mother has no parental rights over the child.
  • The child legally “belongs” to the prospective parents from the very moment of conception.


  • No clear rules in Colombia as of today regarding surrogacy. 
  • But surrogacy is practiced for both LGBT & Hetero couples (and singles).
  • LGBT surrogacy laws have progressed since 2019.


  • Commercial surrogacy is illegal.
  • Only altruistic surrogacy is permitted to married Indian couples, single women (widowed/divorced), Indian-married foreigners, and foreigners with Indian passports. 


  • There are no specific laws regulating surrogacy for gay or heterosexual couples.
  • Surrogacy is availed by anyone regardless of their sexual orientation.
  • There are no legal protections for couples, & the surrogacy contract isn’t legally enforceable.


  • Surrogacy in Greece is fully legal.
  • Only heterosexual couples & single women (widowed/divorced) surrogacy.
  • LGBT couples or single-man surrogacy is not allowed.
  • Legal protection for intended parents.
  • The surrogate has no right over the child born.
  • Surrogacy has been extended to foreigners.


  • Surrogacy is legal in New York.
  • LGBT couples, heterosexuals, single individuals, and unmarried couples are allowed for surrogacy.


  • Surrogacy is legal in Mexico.
  • Both commercial & altruistic surrogacy is allowed.
  • Donor-cycle & self-cycle surrogacy is done.
  • The donor or surrogate has no parental rights over the child.
  • LGBT surrogacy is also legal in Mexico.


  • Surrogacy is legal in the USA.
  • The legal issues fall under state jurisdiction and surrogacy laws vary greatly from state to state.
  • Some states have written legislation, others have developed law regimes.
  • Some states facilitate surrogacy & contracts, others simply refuse to enforce them, and some penalize commercial surrogacy.


  • There are no legal regulations/laws of surrogacy in Kenya.
  • Altruistic & commercial surrogacy is practiced.
  • Heterosexual, single, LGBT couples surrogacy is usually practiced.
  • It offers the cheapest package.


  • Surrogacy is legal for Thai heterosexual married couples.
  • LGBT couples will have access to the services once the country legalizes same-sex marriages later this year 2024.
  • International surrogacy is also likely to be legalized.


  • There is no legal framework for surrogacy.
  • Donor surrogacy is not allowed. 
  • The lack of legislation has allowed the surrogacy industry to thrive, and the Philippines has become a popular destination for gestational surrogacy.

First Gay Surrogate Couple in the UK.

Tony and Barrie Drewitt-Barlow are the first Gay surrogate couple in the UK. They are the first gay men in the UK to father children; a twin boy and a girl Saffron and Aspen through surrogacy without revealing which dad is the biological father. Saffron and Aspen were conceived using the donor eggs of one woman, Tracie McCune, and were then carried in the womb of another woman, Rosalind Bellany as a surrogate. This gay couple is renowned for their trans-Atlantic surrogacy business and a global medical research company. They become same-sex parents on the birth certificates as “parent one” and “parent two” instead of “mother and father” which created a history for LGBT communities in the UK. They later went on to have a son Orlando and twin boys Jasper and Dallas born in February 2010. Orlando born in August 2003 is a triplet to Saffron and Aspen through cryopreserved embryos.

The first gay couple to have a surrogate in England.

The first gay couple to have a surrogate in England are Barrie Drewitt and Tony Barlow. They conceived five children using surrogates through donor egg surrogacy programs at different periods. Saffron and Aspen were the first twins conceived using either Barrie or Tony’s sperm with donor-egg through surrogacy in England. Other children were also conceived through cryopreserved embryos which were left unused in the first fertilization process. Embryos can be preserved for many years and used again to conceive a child through Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). Barrie and Tony made history in 1999 when they became the first UK same-sex couple to be named as the parents on their children’s birth certificates.

Gay surrogate Dads.

Donor-egg surrogacy program is the only pathway for gay couples to become Gay surrogate Dads. Gay men may choose to father a child with the help of a donor-egg and other women called surrogates where she bears a child for the gay couple. Either one of the gay couple’s sperm is a combined donor egg in the laboratory to achieve fertilization. That fertilized egg called an embryo is transferred into the surrogate uterus where she will carry the pregnancy to term. A pregnancy test is conducted within 2-3 weeks of embryo transfer through blood work and ultrasound. Either one or both partners could be a genetically intended father. After embryo transfer, the extra embryo left behind can be cryopreserved for up to 15 years. This preserved embryo can be used to get another child through Frozen embryo transfer (FET).

Gestational surrogacy for gay couples.

Gestational surrogacy is the option for gay couples to become the father of the children. The process involves using in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to create embryos using sperm from one or both fathers and eggs from a donor. The embryos are then transferred to a surrogate’s uterus for gestation. Gestational surrogacy can allow gay couples to maintain a genetic connection to their child. For example, one of the fathers can provide his sperm for IVF, which can create a biological link between the child and one of the intended parents. This can be an important emotional connection for LGBT intended parents.

Surrogacy options for Gay couples.

Surrogacy options for Gay couples include: 

  • Egg donor: A child is born from the egg and sperm fertilization. A gay couple needs a donor egg which can be from a known donor such as a sister or female cousin. This option can result in a child with a genetic connection to both gay parents. If Gay couples can’t manage their Donor, the fertilityworld will help navigate the best donor in the UK.
  • Surrogate mother: Literally, Gay surrogacy means a surrogate mother who carries the pregnancy for the gay couple. In the UK, only altruistic surrogacy is legal which means; gay couples have to bring or manage their surrogate and they must be the relatives of the couples. 

Other surrogacy options for gay couples include Legal Options, Unregulated Options, and Illicit Options. Gay couples should understand the benefits and risks of each.

  • Legal option: Gay couples must seek legal surrogacy in the destination country for the program. Countries like the United States (commercial programs), Mexico, Canada (altruistic programs), Colombia, some states in Australia, and a few European countries including the UK, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands are the best surrogacy options for gay couples. There are excellent clinics including the fertilityworld in the UK, with success rates of around 85% per embryo transfer.  
  • Unregulated Gay Surrogacy Option: Many countries don’t have legislation on surrogacy. Gay surrogacy is practiced but “unregulated” including Kenya, Cyprus, Guatemala, etc. In these countries surrogacy is possible for all couples because there are no laws regarding surrogacy — either restricting it or offering protections. The risk in unregulated countries is that the surrogate is the legal mother until a court process (like adoption) can replace her name on the birth certificate with the non-genetic parent’s name.

Why choose the fertilityworld for Gay surrogacy in the UK?

The fertilityworld is the largest and most successful Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) in the world, with operations in over 50+ countries. We guarantee that gay couples will be assisted at all times with affordable surrogacy in the UK. We have the top Egg bank, our renowned Gamete Bank (eggs and sperm) to help families. Our services are classified as safe today because our operating countries uphold the fundamental principles of Human Rights and Bioethics in the application of “Third-Party Reproduction techniques”.  It has seeded records of creating more than 20,000+ Gay/LGBT parenthood through various surrogacy options. The centre has the world’s best cutting-edge ART technology that suffices. Our finest team of surrogacy specialists provides personalized and compassionate care during the programs that ensure success rate. It helps and navigates all the possible assistance including donors, surrogates, and legal documentation by its lawyers representatives. All the surrogacy programs are done legally according to UK surrogacy law. We ensure complete satisfaction in surrogacy programs without compromises. Contact the fertilityworld today. 

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