IVF cost in Nagpur | low Cost IVF in Nagour | Fertilityworld
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IVF treatment cost in Nagpur ranges between Rs.90,000 -2,50,000 which includes medicinal drugs needed at the time of treatment. IVF treatment can be combined with other additional infertility treatments (IUI, ICSI, PESA, TESA) based on your medical history and reproductive issues. This may increase the cost of your IVF treatment depending on the additional treatment (if required). There are many clinics in Nagpur offering IVF treatment with an average cost of Rs. 1,00,000 and patients may also avail 10% discounts. IVF-ICSI is needed where ICSI treatment is an extra step in the IVF procedure.

Factors of IVF Treatment Nagpur

Many factors affect the cost of IVF treatment in Nagpur. These factors make a significant contribution to your success rate for IVF treatment in Nagpur. These Factors can directly increase your IVF cost in Nagpur.

  • Consultation charges are Rs.500 to Rs 1,500.  
  • IVF is dominated by the laboratory charge. The main part of IVF in Vitro is, as you can see from the name, conducted in the glass.
  • Sometimes you need IUI or ICSI because of infertility issues before proceeding to IVF treatment. This could help to lower the cost of your IVF treatment.
  • Important factors such as egg donors, surrogacy and sperm donors may increase the cost of your IVF treatment by up to Rs. 90,000.
  • If the couple wishes to freeze their eggs, this could increase the IVF cost.
  • Sometimes, for male infertility treatment, TESA (also known as Testicular Sperm Aspiration) . The cost of the procedure is approximately 18,000.

What is IVF treatment?

IVF is an advanced medical treatment used to treat many infertility issues. These include women with moderate to severe endometriosis who don’t respond to IUI treatment.

  • Fallopian tubes that are partially or completely blocked or may be damaged. This could be due to previous reproductive surgery, or pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Low sperm counts or poor sperm motility can be the major cause of severe male factor infertility. In such cases, Women in advanced reproductive years. These cases are critical and IVF is not an option.
  • Infertility issues that are not explained by other treatments.

The field has made great strides in recent years. IVF treatment in India has led to a significant drop in costs. Since the birth of the first test-tube baby in India, the cost of medication, doctor’s fees, and the actual procedure have fallen by a significant amount. This could also be said about India’s IVF success rate. The worldwide average is IVF has the highest success rate between the age group 30s and the 40s.IVF in India offers the highest success rates as compared to other countries.

What to Expect during IVF Treatment?

A six-week IVF cycle takes place. Research has shown that couples who manage stress well before and during IVF treatment have a higher chance of success. The following are the things that a woman who is undergoing IVF treatment will usually do:

  • Multiple visits to the clinic.
  • The doctor will determine the best time to inject or ingest fertility drugs.
  • Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound scans are a good way to check the follicles.
  • A mild general anaesthesia is used to remove the eggs.
  • Transferring the embryo is another outpatient procedure.
  • To facilitate embryo implantation, a daily dose of progesterone is given as an oral formulation or an injection.
  • Wait at least two weeks before you take a test to confirm your pregnancy.

Average IUI Treatment Cost in Nagpur 2021

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is recommended for most couples suffering from infertility issues. IUI treatment at first. This is the most cost-effective and least invasive way to address infertility. This treatment is quicker and requires no general or local anesthesia. The cost of IUI treatment in Nagpur is between Rs. 6000 to 9000 9000. You will need to spend between Rs. 8000 to Rs. 10,000.

ICSI Treatment Cost in Nagpur

ICSI is the most crucial part of IVF treatment. This treatment involves injecting a single sperm into the egg and then watching for fertilization. The ICSI treatment has a higher success rate than other infertility methods. ICSI in Nagpur is more expensive than traditional infertility treatments. IVF treatment costs Rs. 120,000, which includes ICSI, lab charges, and scans. 120,000, which can go up to Rs. 150,000 ICSI treatment can be more expensive if the sperm donor is not available. The cost of IVF can go up to Rs. 1,70,000.

How ICSI Treatment perform

ICSI, IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection is usually offered by fertility clinics with IMSI in India. The latter is a technique that enhances the benefits of ICSI. ICSI injects sperm into an egg, but IMSI refines the process by selecting the most potent sperm and injecting it into an embryo.

High power microscopes can magnify images by more than 6,000 times. The embryologist can see tiny structural differences in the sperm from a sample of semen that is not visible with a standard microscope. After carefully sorting through the samples, the embryologist selects the most morphologically compatible sperm to inject into the egg. After the best viable sperm is isolated, IMSI treatment can be performed in the same way as ICSI.

IVF with Egg Donor

Egg donation refers to the act of donating eggs from another woman. The recipient of donor eggs can have a child with her partner, or use donated sperm. We only accept eggs from women with normal functioning ovaries at our  Fertility World center.

Donor eggs

Donors are young women less than 33 years old who are able to borrow eggs from the recipient woman with her consent. These eggs are fertilized with the sperm from the husband of the recipient woman. The embryo, which is the earliest form of the baby, is then inserted into the womb. Women are now focusing more on their careers, which means they often get married later. While most women can conceive at this time, there are 10-15% of women who have difficulty and need to resort to IVF. The package starts from Rs.90,000.

Embryo Freezing Cost in Nagpur

The couple may want to freeze fertilized eggs that have been created by ICSI treatment. A woman who has successfully frozen embryo transfer is more likely to have a successful pregnancy than a woman who has not. The cost to freeze the embryo is Rs. 1,50,000.

Laser Assisted Hatching Cost In Nagpur

Laser-assisted hatching is one of the most effective infertility treatments. Experts in IVF recommend that the eggs be hatched by laser directly into the uterus. This advanced technology can be availed at Nagpur’s best IVF Clinics for as low as 150,000.

Frozen embryo Transfer Cost in Nagpur

The frozen embryo transfer involves transferring the embryo into the uterus that has been fertilized during an IVF cycle. Frozen embryo transfers are less expensive than IVF cycles. Nagpur’s maximum FET cost is Rs. 40,000.

Comprehensive IVF TREATMENT package Cost by Fertility World 2021 Nagpur

IVF single cycle cost in NagpurCost (including medicinal drugs)
IVF single cycle with own eggs and sperm Rs.1,00,000-1,50,000
IVF single cycle with Fresh donor eggs and sperm Rs.1,20,000-170,000
Additional IVF Treatment Options- In addition to IVF CostCost
IUIRs.8,000 -10,000
Laser assisted HatchingRs.1,50,000
Frozen Embryo TransferRs.40,000
IMSI (20,000-35,000)including ICSI

Fertility World is one of India’s top IVF centers with a high success rate of over 90% It has unique and standardized treatment protocols. These are the primary factors that influence Success rates in IVF treatment.

These are maternal age, ovarian function, and infertility duration. IVF is most beneficial for women between the ages of 23 and 37. Women over 38 are less likely to be able to produce sufficient oocytes on their own. In such cases, IVF with donor oocytes is a viable option. Surrogacy is an option if IVF fertility treatment fails to produce a pregnancy. Surrogacy centers in India are many, but very few of them are successful. This is why you should be on the lookout when searching for surrogacy centers in India. Fertility World’s best surrogacy center in India, That is why it is advised only to consult the best fertility specialists and doctors after extensive research.

Contact us for Advanced IVF treatment.

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