IVF cost in Varanasi

The cost of IVF treatment in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh is Rs 1,00,000 for a single IVF cycle including prescribed medicines, injections, Blood reports, etc. Fertilityworld provides lesser IVF treatment costs as compared to other clinics, with over 35+ years of experience with doctors who have given an excellent IVF success rate.

  • A pioneer in IVF+ICSI+IUI+Surrogacy treatments
  • Low-Cost of IVF starts from Rs.1,00,000 only
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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF born Baby in Varanasi

IVF is a treatment for fertility that uses medication to stimulate egg production. It involves the removal of eggs from patients’ ovaries and then fertilization by sperm in a lab. An embryo is a fertilized egg grown in a laboratory for several days. It can then be placed into a uterus or frozen. When embryos are placed in the uterus they will hopefully become a part of the uterine tissue and continue to develop, so that a successful pregnancy can be achieved.

When should I consider IVF?

When should I consider IVF?

If you are in one of these situations, IVF may be an option.

  • Nonfunctional or blocked fallopian tubes
  • Advanced reproductive age
  • Reduced ovarian reserve
  • PGT is a genetic testing of embryos.
  • Your partner has very low sperm counts
  • Conservative treatments have not worked.

What to Expect during IVF

At the Fertility World Centre in Varanasi, you will have a knowledgeable team of fertility experts every step of the way to help you achieve a joyous pregnancy experience. Your treatment will last 6-8 weeks, starting with preparation and ending when you find out you are pregnant. A typical IVF cycle can be divided into three parts: stimulation, preparation, retrieval, and transfer.

At Fertility World – How is IVF done?

At Fertility World - How is IVF done?

The following steps are followed when IVF treatment takes place in the fertility lab:

  1. Ovarian stimulation: Multiple ovarian follicles can be used to induce ovulation. Prescriptions for fertility medication are available.
  2. Egg Retrieval: The embryologist retrieves the best quality mature eggs.
  3. Sperm Retrieval: The male partner collects the sperm or a healthy donor.
  4. Fertilization: The eggs are retrieved and the sperms collected are mixed in a Petri plate or test tube with a culture medium. The fertilized eggs are known as Embryo.
  5. Embryo Culture: The embryologists will watch the embryos grow from two to four cells to eight cells. We can watch their growth, sometimes for up to five days, at the blastocyst stage where they have 100 and 125 cells.
  6. Implantation of an embryo: For conceiving a baby, the best embryo is chosen and implanted in the uterus.
  7. Last Step of the journey- “Baby(ies)”: A day of delivery is after a normal, full-term pregnancy via IVF. You could be the world’s happiest person after hearing your baby’s first cry.

Shared IVF Treatment Package  by Fertility World

A single IVF cycle using self-egg and self-sperm is Rs.1.50 lakhs including the cost of IVF injections, fertility medicine, and the entire procedures involved in the IVF treatment. On average, IVF will be achieved in the 1st or the 2nd cycle, Rs. 50,000 is added for repeating the IVF cycle to create a fresh embryo that will support +ve pregnancy. The cost of IVF using a donor egg or donor sperm in Varanasi ranges from Rs 2.00 lakhs to Rs. 2.50 lakhs depending on the donor selection by the intending parents.

Fertility World’s Egg Freezing 2023

Fertility World’s Egg Freezing 2023

Most women are planning to freeze their eggs. A woman may decide to freeze eggs for future use for many reasons. Women are freezing their eggs for future use because they’re not ready to have children. You may be starting a career or paying off student loans. You can ease some pressure by freezing your eggs. Other women freeze their eggs for medical reasons, such as:

  • Surgery can cause the loss of an ovary
  • A disease such as stage V endometriosis can reduce egg reserves.
  • A medical condition that makes it toxic to eggs.
  • High doses of testosterone medication
  • Premature menopause in your family
  • Positive test for low egg reserves

You can freeze your eggs to take control of your fertility. This allows you to preserve your eggs when they’re most fertile. It also gives you options for creating your future family.



Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is the process where sperm is injected directly into an egg to fertilize it in an IVF procedure. In natural conception and traditional IVF, sperm swim to the egg, attach to the egg’s shell and push through the shell to get inside the egg. Once inside the egg, the sperm’s genetic material mixes with the female to form an embryo. This is called fertilization. Sometimes, the sperm can’t penetrate the egg’s eggshell. In these cases, ICSI is necessary to assist the sperm in getting into the egg.

ICSI: When should you consider it?

If the male partner is pregnant, ICSI is recommended:

  • Low sperm count
  • Many sperm have abnormally-shaped shapes. If the sperm has an abnormal shape (morphology), it is not possible to fertilize an egg.
  • Sperm is taken directly from the testicles.
  • Traditional IVF methods that had low fertility rates were used in the past.

Unexplained infertility can be treated with ICSI. Undiagnosed infertility can be explained by the inability of the sperm to fertilize an egg.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine fertilization is a method of achieving fertility. It involves injecting washed fertile sperm into the uterus. This is done during ovulation to increase the chance of getting pregnant. The day before the IUI procedure, the male partner excretes a sample of semen into a cup at his home or in the private room of the clinic. One of our urologists will receive the sample, usually within 30 minutes. The andrologist will wash the sample and prepare it for IUI.

This process takes about two hours. The sperm from the wash is placed in a thin plastic catheter and then into the woman’s body through her cervix. The sperm is then released. After insemination, you will need to lie down for approximately five minutes. The sperm will not come out and your cervix will close, so you don’t need to stay down for too long. After the IUI, you can resume your normal activities. IUI can be performed in about five minutes.

Donor Eggs by Fertility World 2023

Donor Eggs by Fertility World 2023

Fertility World works with Donor Egg Bank. They have eggs from donors around INDIA and overseas. In this Treatment, healthy & frozen eggs are sent to our center which we fertilize at Fertility World or they will ship our sperm to Fertility World Centre for fertilization. Fertility World is responsible for embryo transfer in all cases.

Donor Sperm by Fertility World 2023

Donor Sperm by Fertility World 2023

Donor sperm injection is when sperm from a known or anonymous donor is placed into a woman’s body at the time of ovulation. Donor sperm can also be used by:

  • Single women
  • Lesbians
  • A woman whose male partner doesn’t have sperm can be married.
  • A male partner who is a woman with a hereditary condition

What to Expect During Treatment

IUI is the same thing as donor sperm insemination, but the source of the fertile sperm is a donor and not a partner.

Where do donor sperm come from?

Donor sperm may be from someone you know, or anonymous donors through sperm banking. Most women use anonymous donor fertilization.

Sperm Freezing Program by Fertility World

Sperm Freezing Program by Fertility World

As the name suggests, Sperm Freezing is the process of storing & freezing semen samples of your partner to become pregnant shortly. Many men decide to freeze their sperm as a safeguard against unforeseen future circumstances. Note * One of the most successful methods is because sperms can be frozen indefinitely. Fertility World – cost guide for non-insured services.

IVF Base cycle cost in Varanasi (including orientation, egg retrieval, and collection )Cost (including medicinal drugs)
IVF single cycle with own eggs and sperm Rs.1,00,000-2,00,000
IVF single cycle with Fresh donor eggs and sperm Rs.2,20,000-2,50,000
IUI with Sperm WashRs.8,000 -10,000
ICSI procedureRs.1,20,000-1,80,000
Sperm FreezingFrom Rs.1,00,000
Laser-assisted HatchingRs.1,50,000
Frozen Embryo TransferRs.40,000

Contact us for advanced IVF treatment.

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