IVF in Malaysia | Best IVF centre in Malaysia
  1. IVF assisted reproductive technology for the conception of a baby.
  2. Pioneer in IVF+ICSI+IUI+Donor eggs + Gestational Surrogacy.
  3. Choose the best doctors to discuss fertility concerns with us.
  4. Best IVF Centre with package starts from RM 8,800 only.
  5. Free consultation: Schedule an appointment.
  6. Call/W: +91 9311850412 Email: info@fertilityworld.in

Fertility World – IVF Success Demographics

The rate of success for IVF is dependent on age & individual medical reports. The average rate of pregnancy for IVF can exceed 80% for women in the younger age group, however, it drops to 50% after the woman turns 40. Live birth rates following IVF average around 40% for younger patients and 5-10% in the case of older patients. 

Fertility World is the best IVF Centre in Malaysia 

welcomes patients from all over the world to enjoy our expertise in fertility and treatment. Each day we are able to accommodate our international patients, acting as a unified network of other providers to assist with the treatment plan, communication as well as logistics involved in coordinating care for international patients for you. Through your treatment, and throughout your care, you’ll be a member of our  Fertility World family.

In Fertility World IVF Group we recognize our international clients have specific requirements, and so we make sure to offer an easy experience for you.

International Patients Help Desk

Being the leader in providing the best and affordable IVF Services Pan INDIA. If you are choosing INDIA as your Fertility Destination, We have a special International Patients Help Desk to provide you with highly-specialized solutions. 

  • Online medical advice prior to admission and travel
  • Assistance for visa applications and extensions
  • Assistance with booking accommodation for family members and you
  • Airport transfers are included in the price.
  • Transparent and ethical treatment

International patients from all over the globe including the USA, UK, Canada, Mauritius, Middle East, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Norway, Spain, and many more are able to benefit from our services and even join our family!

We suggest that you stay clear of coordinators that promise to arrange your medical appointment and steer you through a lot of problems.

Our affordable IVF Packages start @ just RM 8,800 only.

Infertility Service offer at Fertilityworld

Many patients choose Fertility World IVF knowing we remain at the forefront of new technology. Our national fertility team of doctors, scientists, embryologists, researchers, and doctors cooperate to provide top-quality care using the most advanced techniques. We provide our patients with compassion and care, as well as access to the most effective treatments for fertility, including:

  • IVF
  • IUI
  • LGBTQ Fertility
  • egg freezing
  • donor egg
  • donor Sperm

When is IVF advised ?

  • Low sperm count
  • problems with fertility are caused by conditions such as polycystic Ovulation Syndrome
  • Problems with the fallopian tubes
  • If either one of you has been sterilized
  • endometriosis
  • A desire to prevent your children from inheriting genetic disorders

IVF with Donor Eggs

Many women with poor egg quality have discovered the path to motherhood via donor egg treatment. Even women in menopausal stages the uterus can be improved and childbearing can be achieved by hormone preparation and donor eggs. IVF offers a higher probability of a successful pregnancy.
Donor Egg Sources And Profile:

  • Egg donors of high quality are obtained from reliable agencies.
  • They come from middle class backgrounds, or may be students at a college.
  • All necessary blood tests, such as HIV as well as Thalassemia profile are done.Only after thorough screening, egg donors are identified.
  • The profile of the egg donor is available for you to share if you wish.

Each egg of one donor can be donated exclusively to intended parents or shared with a different patient. Sharing eggs lowers the price, it doesn’t allow for freezing when the first attempt is not successful. 


Many people who might not otherwise be able to have children due to male infertility, or the lack of a man partner can now become parents via donor sperm injections.

Third-party reproduction is when donor sperm is used. The donor of the sperm being used is called the third party. Couples and individuals may choose to use donor sperm from a family member or friend or an anonymous donor. 95% of donors use anonymous sperm obtained from a sperm bank.


ICSI can be described as the name of an assisted reproduction process in which fertilization is done to Oocytes through the injection of only one sperm

One sperm is injected into the egg to help facilitate fertilization. This is generally the initial stage of the IVF procedure, but there are some differences between this method and conventional in Vitro fertilization. The steps that are followed prior to and after the insemination are identical to traditional In Vitro fertilization, but the method of insemination differs. In order to carry out ICSI just one sperm must be produced per ovule. However, in the traditional in vitro fertilization procedure without ICSI between 100,000 and 50,000, the sperm cells are required, which must battle to overcome the walls of the Ovule.

Egg Freezing Program

There are a variety of valid reasons to postpone pregnancy. You might be more focused on your work or career, or you simply cannot be able to afford an infant right now. Maybe you’re not in a good relationship or simply not emotionally prepared. Whatever the reason, you are the only one who can find the right time to begin your family.

In the meantime, your body runs in accordance with its own internal clock, which has a timeline that is likely to be incompatible with your daily life. No matter how fit and healthy you are, your body’s clock tells you that as you age, your eggs age and become less efficient. Egg freezing can be a method to connect the biological clock and goals for your life. The Fertility World Egg freezing Program assures you that you’ll have the option to start an embryo when you’re ready, and also serves as an effective backup plan in case you experience fertility issues on your way.

Thanks to our eggs freezing technology available you will feel confident in knowing you’ve got the final say on the biological clock.

Are there any dangers associated with Vitro fertilization?
There are a variety of steps involved in the normal IVF process, and complications may occur at a variety of points along the treatment pathway. This can be:

Egg retrieval
Eggs are collected by using an aspirating needle, which can cause infection, damage, or bleeding.

Multiple pregnancies:
IVF techniques can increase the risk of more than one embryo being implanted. The birth weight that is low and preterm birth: There’s a slight increase in the probability of developing this condition in the aftermath of IVF treatment.

Ectopic pregnancy:
Between 2 and 5 between 2 and 5 percent of IVF patients have pregnancies that begin outside of the uterus.
The failure to conceive creates an environment of stress which IVF can add to the complexity of procedures, as well as cost.

Fortunately, our team from In Fertility World Genetics will be there to assist you! We’ll advise you on how to minimize stress and make your fertility journey into a pleasurable journey towards the stage of parenthood.

Number of attempts to achieve a full-term pregnancy.

The likelihood of success of this method has always relied on impressive figures, but there are occasions when the treatment isn’t beneficial or efficient for any of the conditions that are presented during the course of treatment.

Estimated Time Required And When To Arrive:

One IVF cycle lasts about 5 days from the beginning of the period until embryo transfer. In this instance, it is necessary to wait 3-4 days prior to when your period begins.

Some patients might not have the time to devote the time. If you get your medication from us ahead of time, the duration of your stay will be reduced to between a week and 10 days at the time of the embryo transfer. If this is the case you will be able to reach days 7 or 8 of your cycle.

You are able to return two days following the transfer of embryos. We are confident that traveling doesn’t reduce the chances of having a child. It takes about 15 days after the time of the embryo transfer to receive the pregnancy test results. 


Sometimes, parenthood doesn’t go in the way that we’d like it to, particularly with the hectic job schedule and the ever-stressful society. Here at Fertility World’s Clinic, you can count on the assistance of our experienced and friendly medical assistants and a doctor. If you’ve tried for more than a year we would suggest you seek help from us.

Male Infertility

Infertility isn’t only an issue for women. Up to 40% of infertility problems could be traced back to male-related issues, as well as an additional 30% may have a mix of female and male causes.

The fertility specialists of Fertility  World in Malaysia, stay at the forefront of the latest developments in male infertility that enhance the chances of biological children. Contact us today to learn more.

Most Frequently Asked Questions About the male fertility issue?

What is Male Factor Infertility?

Male Factor Infertility (MFI) is the term used to describe problems with the quantity or quality of male sperm. Because sperm only comprise 2 to 5% of the total amount of semen created during an ejaculation process, there’s no specific indication that something is amiss, even if your body ceases producing fertilized sperm. There are many circumstances that could happen that hinder the sperm produced by a man from fertilizing an egg.

Begin your journey today !

We want to share your excitement and guide you through your journey towards parenthood. At Fertility World, we offer you the most pioneering fertility techniques together with the best guide and assisted reproductive technology.

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