Currently, Laparoscopic surgery Cost in Mumbai at the fertilityworld is the best and most affordable package ranging from Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 80,000 for all types of diseases and problems that require diagnosis, removal, repair, resection, or reconstruction. 

Laparoscopic Surgery Cost in Mumbai, contact

Laparoscopic surgery specialization in Mumbai

Laparoscopic surgery specialization in Mumbai

The fertilityworld in Mumbai has a specialized team of healthcare professionals and surgeons who are the finest in providing Laparoscopic Surgery for the following problems and diseases, they include:

  • Removal of tissues (cysts, fibroids, stones, polyps, ovaries, blocked fallopian tubes, digestive, urinary disorders, tumors, rectum, samples for biopsies, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, Hernias, gallbladder, appendicitis, prostate, adrenal, kidney, spleen, stomach), 
  • Repairing (urethral, vaginal, rectal prolapse, Hernia, bowel resection, transitional cell cancer, liver resection),
  • Esophageal anti-reflux laparoscopic surgery, 
  • Gastric bypass laparoscopic surgery, 
  • Testicle correction laparoscopy, 

Laparoscopic surgery cost details in Mumbai

Laparoscopic surgery cost details in Mumbai

The Laparoscopic surgery cost in Mumbai at fertilityworld starts from ₹35000 (minimum), ₹50,000 (Average cost), and ₹80,000 (maximum cost) depending on the type of problems or diseases undergone for laparoscopy. Generally, the cost of Laparoscopic surgery in Mumbai may vary among hospitals and centres depending upon their standards. However, having advanced international standards of laparoscopic surgery environments the fertilityworld offers the most reasonable packages with flexibility. The table below represents the most common type of laparoscopic surgery cost in Mumbai: 

Laparoscopic SurgeriesMin. cost (₹)Max. cost(₹)
Diagnostic 35,000 50,000
Ovarian Cystectomy (removal)50,000 80,000
Hernia Repair50,00080,000
Hysterectomy (uterus)50,000 80,000
Bariatric (Obesity)150,0003,00,000
Appendectomy (appendix)50,000 80,000
Cholecystectomy (gallbladder)50,000 80,000

This laparoscopic surgery inclusive cost offered by the fertilityworld in Mumbai also covers all the processes and requirements of the surgical procedure including:

  • Free first consultation,
  • Admission fee,
  • Follow-up consultation cost, 
  • Diagnostic tests (before laparoscopy), 
  • Room charges based on chosen standards, 
  • Type of procedure and medicines prescribed. 
  • Professional fees.

Detailed cost of Laparoscopic Diagnostic procedure 

Detailed cost of Laparoscopic Diagnostic procedure 

The most reasonable, transparent Laparoscopic diagnostic cost in Mumbai is ₹35k to ₹50k that are offered by the fertilityworld. In fact, laparoscopy surgical procedure is one of the best procedures to diagnose various diseases and problems that cannot be diagnosed by other medical procedures. This technology allows the surgeon to visualize the video images of the patient’s internal body like abdominal parts, reproductive organs, and pelvis as well as other closed spaces, such as the knees, and helps diagnose a wide range of diseases and problems such as the conditions affecting the fertility (endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, buildups of scar tissue, etc.). Also, at this laparoscopic diagnostic procedure, some diagnosed conditions can be repaired, removed, reconstructed, or resected at different costs.

What factors affect the laparoscopic surgery cost?

What factors affect the laparoscopic surgery cost?

Generally, there are minimal factors that could affect the laparoscopic surgery cost in Mumbai. The factors that could impact (increase/reduce) the cost of Laparoscopic surgery include:

  • Variation in admission fees of different centres/clinics,
  • The standards of professional fees,
  • The age of the patient/longer duration of the problems need careful/skillful experts, certain medication, additional attention, and involvement of instruments cost.  
  • The types of laparoscopic surgery (diagnostic, removal, repair, and resection) have different costs.
  • The medical condition of the patient, if major then more time involvement adds up to the surgical cost.
  • Post-surgical complications due to careless follow-up by the patient need additional medication and treatment for speed recovery means more cost.
  • The choice of room from standards, average, and normal have different costs.
  • Pre-laparoscopy surgery tests and screenings also add to the laparoscopic cost.

Tests & screenings cost of pre-laparoscopic surgery in Mumbai

Tests & screenings cost of pre-laparoscopic surgery in Mumbai

Before the process of laparoscopic surgery, different tests and screenings are done to ensure or locate a specific problem indicated by the patients. The fertilityworld healthcare professionals primarily look for a medical history and perform different tests including a physical examination, Blood tests, Ultrasound, X-rays, and lab imaging tests like MRI, CT scan, Cholescintigraphy, and Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). It allows the surgeon to either remove, repair or reconstruct the problems. The fertilityworld in Mumbai charges a very minimal cost for each pre-laparoscopy surgical test.

The table below represents the cost of different tests before undergoing any type of Laparoscopic surgery in Mumbai:

Diagnostic testMinimum costMaximum cost
UltrasoundRs. 1,000Rs. 1,500
MRIRs. 2,500Rs. 4,000
X-rayRs. 800Rs. 1,000
CT ScanRs. 2,000Rs. 3,000

What is the process of Laparoscopic surgery?

What is the process of Laparoscopic surgery?

Laparoscopy is considered a  “minimally invasive surgery” or “keyhole surgery” because it involves a small hole incision rather than a traditional, “open” surgery procedure that makes a large cut.  In Mumbai, the fertilityworld best surgeons begin any form of laparoscopic procedure only after having thorough pre-laparoscopic tests and screenings and ensured. Then a laparoscopic surgery procedure starts in the following order:

  • A surgeon makes 1-2 small incisions in the body area of targeted problems, usually a belly button. 
  • A long & thin tube connected to a camera known as a laparoscope is inserted through 1 incision. The camera sends images of the inside body parts to a video monitor, allowing the surgeon to see the target.
  • Then in one incision carbon dioxide gas is pumped to inflate the surgical area for free movements of the surgical instruments inside the body. 
  • After that, a special surgical tool is inserted to perform surgical procedures like removing tissue samples for biopsy, removing the target problems, and repairing or reconstructing the problems. For example, if a laparoscope finds a tumor, it can be removed completely, if a hernia then it can be repaired or removed, removing the gallbladder for gallstone, etc. 
  • After the surgical procedure is done the gas is let out of your abdomen, and the incisions are closed using stitches and a dressing is applied.
  • Patients can often go home on the same day of laparoscopy, although one may need to stay in the hospital overnight.

How long does a laparoscopic surgery take?

How long does a laparoscopic surgery take?

Laparoscopic surgery for diagnosing a condition, the procedure usually takes about 30-60 minutes. However, it may take longer than 60 minutes when laparoscopy is used for treating a condition. Usually, time consumption depends on the type of surgery being carried out.

What are the benefits of Laparoscopic surgery?

What are the benefits of Laparoscopic surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery also known by the other name as diagnostic laparoscopy, exploratory laparoscopy has many benefits than open surgery. Some of the Laparoscopic surgery benefits include:

  • Avoids large open wounds or incisions,
  • Decrease blood loss, pain, and discomfort,
  • Shorter hospital stays,
  • Shorter recovery time and smaller scars,
  • Less cutting of skin and tissue,
  • Fewer wound complications,
  • Laparoscopic surgery is always successful.

Why choose the fertilityworld in Mumbai?

The fertilityworld is the oldest and most successful in providing excellent laparoscopic surgeries for more than 25 years. It is well-equipped with the best-advanced instruments and has a team of the best healthcare professionals and finest surgeons from pan India. The fertilityworld is open in all parts of Mumbai and has provided laparoscopic treatments to more than 35,000 patients with different problems and diseases especially female problems including, problems in getting pregnant, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Endometriosis, Ectopic pregnancy, Uterine fibroids, and Ovarian cysts. The fertilityworld team in Mumbai offers lower laparoscopic surgery costs and assures a 100% success rate with guaranteed faster recovery of the incision. Contact us today and get a free consultation from the top healthcare professionals in Mumbai.    

Laparoscopy for infertility cost in Mumbai?

The cost of laparoscopic infertility in Mumbai varies from Rs. 35,000 to Rs.80,000 and above. The cost depends on multiple factors, including the type of hospital, type of surgical equipment used, disease the patient is undergoing surgery for, anesthesia fees, etc.

Laparoscopic surgery cost in Indian rupees?

The Laparoscopic surgery cost in India at fertilityworld starts from ₹35000 (minimum), ₹50,000 (Average cost), and ₹80,000 (maximum cost) depending on the type of problems or diseases undergone for laparoscopy.

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