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Symptoms of Pregnancy Fertilityworld

Every prospective mother awaits a moment of positive symptoms of pregnancy in the first month. Well, such symptoms may be the same or different individually, and knowing the symptoms is important to clarify and follow accordingly. Some symptoms can be felt as if pregnant but may indicate other health issues. The fertilityworld team with over 35 years of experience has described positive symptoms of pregnancy in the first month of every hopeful mother in this context.   


First 72 hours of pregnancy symptoms, 3-day pregnancy symptoms.

When natural fertilization, accidental sex, or IVF implantation is successful. Most people might not have pregnancy symptoms during the first week, while others may experience very early pregnancy symptoms. On average people may experience the first 72 hours of pregnancy symptoms. These include:

  • Late period: Earlier you have regular periods but overdue by less than 72 hours (3 days), this could be early pregnancy symptoms. Late periods also arise from factors, such as lifestyle modifications and medical problems.
  • Positive pregnancy test: Pregnancy tests best results in the late period and early in the morning, if you test too early, it’s possible to get a false negative. Blood and urine tests measure a pregnancy hormone known as the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). The most accurate result is predictable within 9 days of embryo implantation in the uterine cavity.
  • Implantation bleeding: Usually people experience implantation bleeding after 10 to 14 days of conceiving, but early bleeding can also be the first 72 hours’ symptoms of pregnancy.
  • Overwhelming tiredness: Overwhelming tiredness might be a common early symptom of pregnancy. This results from the increase in the sex hormone progesterone which also slows down your metabolism. Get enough sleep or rest when you can at this early pregnancy symptoms.
  • Twinges/cramps: Generally, women can feel twinges or cramps in the 1 or 2 weeks after conceiving, while some active people can feel these pregnancy symptoms during the first 72 hours of conceiving. Some women experience mild uterine cramping early in pregnancy.

Very early signs of pregnancy 1 week 

Exhibiting very early signs of pregnancy at 1 week is negligible. However, some to-be mothers may experience very early pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue, breast tenderness, mild cramping, etc within the first 5-6 days after intercourse, or after successful IVF implantation. Below we have discussed possible “Very early signs of pregnancy at 1 week”:

  1. Implantation Bleeding: Implantation bleeding is a sign of early pregnancy. Unlike the menstrual period, it includes light bleeding with a single spot of blood or a minute pink discharge. It is due to raised basal body temperature and experienced before a missed period.
  1. Fatigue or tiredness: The state of tiredness, exhaustion, or loss of energy describes the very early signs of pregnancy at 1 week. A rapid rise in the pregnancy hormone levels of HCG progesterone can contribute to fatigue.
  1. Breast tenderness or swelling:  Changes in pregnancy hormone levels specifically, increases in estrogen and progesterone make the breasts sensitive, sore, swell, or tingling which usually decreases after 1 week while some may experience it during the entire pregnancy. These experiences can be very early signs of pregnancy at 1 week.
  1. Mild cramping: Some women experience mild uterine cramping early in pregnancy when the embryo enters uterine receptivity. These cramps can be felt in the abdomen, pelvis, or lower back area like a pulling, tingling, or pricking sensation.  Mild cramping can be the very early signs of pregnancy at 1 week.


  1. Other possible symptoms of “Very early signs of pregnancy 1 week” include nausea with or without vomiting, frequent urination, headache, increased basal body temperature, bloating in the belly or gas, irritability or mood swings, food cravings or aversions (mostly sourness taste), a heightened sense of smell, and a metallic taste in the mouth. 

Symptoms of pregnancy in first-month discharge.

A woman will increasingly discharge, typically sticky, thin & clear, milky white, or pale-yellow mucus which is a symptom of pregnancy in the first month.  A typical vaginal discharge called leukorrhea will start to change from one to two weeks after conception. The healthy vaginal discharge does not smell unpleasant and is perfectly normal to have a mild-smelling creamy white discharge even before pregnancy. As pregnancy progresses, the vaginal discharge will become more noticeable, and heavier. 

Early pregnancy increases estrogen levels and increases the blood flow in the uterus and vagina, it signals the vagina to produce more discharge. A rapid discharge makes the cervix and vaginal walls soften, which is a sign of protection from infectious disease. The early pregnancy discharge is typically harmless. 

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first month before the missed period


Some women may begin noticing the first early signs of pregnancy a week such as sore or tender breasts, cramping, spotting, and morning sickness (feeling more tired & nauseous) are the most common symptoms of pregnancy in the first month before your missed periods. Taking repeated at-home pregnancy tests or getting a blood test or ultrasound may determine if you’re pregnant. Between weeks 1 to 4 (one month), implantation of the embryo can cause pain along with light bleeding. A missed period occurs after successful implantation and the body produces hCG that causes a missed period. However,  there isn’t a 100% certain way to tell you’re pregnant before delaying or missing your period.

Uncommon pregnancy symptoms in the first month

Some people will have uncommon pregnancy symptoms in the first month of conception. Such weird pregnancy symptoms show variation from one another. Here, we have listed the unique, uncommon, and weird pregnancy symptoms:

  • Different taste buds: Metallic tastes like aluminum or pennies (dysgeusia), or funny food taste in the mouth.
  • Increased saliva production: Excess saliva is influenced by a response to weird smells, tastes, acid reflux, and extra sensitive pregnancy nerves.
  • Mouth Dryness: Hydration is a must for the pregnant body, and a lack of fluids could contribute to mouth dryness.
  • Sighting toilet seats to blue: The most unique uncommon pregnancy symptom is the assumption of sighting a toilet seat as blue usually due to a condition known as pseudochromhidrosis. 
  • Hot flashes or feeling chilly: A shift in the central nervous system, organs, and yes, hormones influence internal temperature changes in some people.
  • Heartburn: In pregnancy, hormones can impact the valve between the stomach and the esophagus. This area becomes relaxed during pregnancy, which can cause stomach acid to leak into your esophagus, causing heartburn.
  • Wild dreams: Some pregnant moms can have surreal or strange dreams due to psychological responses to feelings, changes, memories, and new brain activity that pregnancy can bring up.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (burning palm): Increased blood flow in the body can also put pressure on the nerves in your wrists causing carpal tunnel syndrome or strange sensations on your palm, like burning or itching. 
  • Sciatica: People can experience earlier sciatica and back pain in the first trimester rather than in 3 trimester, even before the baby bumps.
  • Constipation: A pregnancy’s hormonal changes can lead to constipation. In addition, as your uterus grows during pregnancy, your intestines typically shift, which can also affect your regularity and feel like passing gas or pooping.

70 early signs of pregnancy

The fertilityworld top specialists Dr. Nidhi Sharma and Dr.Pammy Murthy, who are well-known obstetricians, gynecologists, and embryologists with over 35+ years of fertility experience have described the most common “70 early signs of pregnancy”, especially between 1 to 4 weeks that is first-month pregnancy symptoms:

70 early signs of pregnancy
Sore breast Fatigue Nausea Smell sensitivity
Headaches Irritability Cramping Tingling, aching breast
Dizziness Vaginitis Backache Implantation bleeding
Food aversion sense of smell Changes in taste Nasal congestion
Mood swings Spotting Lightheadedness Food craving
Anxiety Bloating libido changes Breast changes
Dry skin Vulvar varicosity Vagina discharge Frequent urination
Heavy limbs Anaemia Missed period Missed period
Tinnitus Brittle nails Urinary tract infection Temperature changes
Nose bleeds Nesting Itchiness on stomach Shortness of breath
Thirsty Foods Aversion Glowing Increased appetite
Thickened hair Bleeding gums Emotional Increased heart rate
Baby brain Swollen ankles Dark nipples Increased sweating
Catching colds

Weak core

Poor sleep Weight gain
Varicose veins Restless legs High blood pressure Reduced immunity
Dry Mouth  Hemorrhoids Poor appetite Blue color sense
Sciatica Hot flashes Wild dreams Burning palm
Excess saliva  Heartburn Constipation Metallic Taste


The symptoms of pregnancy in the first month may not be experienced by all pregnant mothers. Although some early pregnancy symptoms are familiar to most of us they are quite common. If you don’t know what to look for and think you might be pregnant or most excited to know the results, follow the pregnancy symptoms guide mentioned in this content. These pregnancy guidelines were thoroughly researched, refined, trailed, and produced by the top fertility specialists of the fertilityworld best IVF centre in pan India. If you think you may be pregnant, you can take a home pregnancy test and make an appointment with a doctor to confirm the results, the fertilityworld team is here to help you.


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