IVF succeeds as your path to parenthood connects with a reputed IVF clinic. The fertilityworld, rated as the Best IVF Clinic In Japan cracks your parenthood dream into reality. Dedication of IVF doctors, consultants, nurses, & support staff with a supportive & effective approach, such nature of IVF clinic delivers successful pregnancies.     

Types of fertility treatment in Japan.

All the latest and the most demanding types of fertility treatments are available in Japan. As the longest and most reputed fertility service provider, you’ll receive different types of fertility treatment under its single roof. Whenever patients visit the centre or register online, our specialists will offer a free consultation and recommend compatible fertility treatments looking at individual medical needs. The following are the fertility treatment options in Japan:

  1. In-vitro fertilization (IVF),
  2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
  3. Intracytoplasmic sperm Injection (ICSI). 
  4. Frozen embryo transfer (FET).
  5. Laser-assisted hatching (LAH)
  6. Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)
  7. Tubal Evaluation.
  8. Laparoscopy
  9. Semen Analysis: Semen Analysis test.
  10. Egg, sperm, and embryo cryopreservation (Freezing).
  11. Altruistic Surrogacy- What is Altruistic Surrogacy

What is the IVF success rate in Japan?

About 75% to 85% is the highest recorded IVF success rate in Japan which is only produced by the oldest and most successful IVF clinic in the fertilityworld. According to the top IVF specialist team, an excellent IVF rate is found in women between 21 to 35 years and men below 65 years. This age group usually exhibits good-quality eggs and quality sperm required during IVF and concludes that women’s age is considered the main factor for the failure or success of IVF.  As women grow beyond 35 years, their egg quality slowly declines causing diminished ovarian reserve at menopause, and IVF at such an age may cause ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or certain complications compelling to abort the IVF procedures. However, it is experienced that IVF can be possible even for older women when favorable treatment and medication are provided before starting the IVF treatment. Let’s study the pie chart below which shows the IVF success rate in Japan:

Figure 1: Pie chart showing the IVF success rate in Japan. 

Fertility treatmentsSuccess rate (%)
Donor-cycle IVF85%
Self-cycle IVF70%
Simple IUI80%
IUI with a medical condition45%

Table 1: Table representing the IVF success rate in percentage. 

More about IVF treatment at the best IVF clinic in Japan.

For any infertile patients seeking IVF treatment, the fertilityworld regarded as the best IVF clinic in Japan guarantees successful IVF with a healthy child/children. At fertilityworld, IVF has two options that are self-cycle IVF and donor-cycle IVF. Both IVF treatment is carried out by the most qualified, prominent, and experienced IVF Doctors such as chief embryologists, gynecologists, andrologists, endocrinologists, fertility consultants, nurses, and trained supporting staff. Before IVF begins, our doctors will personally consult, evaluate, and examine medical records, and analyze the fertility treatment possibilities by studying the individual medical needs. We provide comprehensive and compassionate care.  At the time of the IVF procedure at the best IVF clinic in Japan, begin by administering fertility medication to females for 8-10 days for starting ovarian stimulation that is the development of multiple eggs than normally 1 egg per month.  Followed by egg retrieval performed by the chief embryologists using sophisticated tools during a male partner/donor sperm is also collected either traditionally or through surgical methods (TESA/TESE/PESA), etc. Immediately after egg retrieval and sperm collection, they are combined and cultured under the medium in the ultra-embryology laboratory, and incubated overnight to achieve fertilization (embryo). The fertilized egg called embryo (day 3,4, or 6) is carefully selected by the embryologists and transferred into the female uterus in the hope of receiving pregnancy. The number of embryos to be transferred is discussed among doctors and patients. Sometimes IVF can yield twins when more embryos get implanted into the uterus. After 2-3 weeks of embryo transfer, a pregnancy test is conducted either through blood work, ultrasound, or pregnancy test kits. A repeated test is done so that it ensures 100% results (either positive/negative).

IVF requirements in Japan. 

IVF is legal but there are certain conditions to be eligible for IVF treatment in Japan. IVF qualifications include

  • Couples with fertility medical records.
  • Female with damaged or blocked fallopian tube. 
  • Couples who cannot conceive after having intercourse for 6 months to 1 year.
  • Couples with ovulatory dysfunction, immunological problems, or unexplained infertility.
  • Female with severe endometriosis.
  • Males with sperm disorders like low count, poor mobility, difficult ejaculation, and poor morphology. 
  • Single women with donor assistance.

What is the timeline for a complete IVF cycle in Japan?

The timeline for one “complete IVF treatment cycle” in Japan is about 6 to 8 weeks maximum. This complete IVF cycle includes from beginning to finish that is consultation, ovarian stimulation (1-2 weeks), egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo transfer, and pregnancy tests.   

What age is best for IVF treatment in Japan?

There is no age limit for IVF in Japan. However, we have clearly described above in the IVF success rate that the best age for women is 21 to 35 years and males below 65 years. A good quality egg and quality sperm is found in this group which is required for the IVF treatment success. IVF is also possible in older women with the right fertility treatment and medications.

What is the IVF treatment cost in Japan?

The IVF treatment cost in Japan is ¥7,27,087 or 4,500 USD to ¥10,50,237 or 6,500 USD which is considered the most reasonable IVF cost in Japan. This most affordable IVF cost is offered only by the fertilityworld IVF clinic in Japan. According to individual medical needs, patients may undergo any type of IVF treatment such as self-cycle, donor eggs with self-sperm, self-egg with donor sperm, IVF with ICSI, IVF with FET, IVF with LAH, IVF with surgical sperm aspiration, etc. However, each type of IVF has a separate cost but falls within the range of ¥7,27,087 or 4,500 USD to ¥10,50,237 or 6,500 USD only. This total IVF price in Japan inclusively covers complete cycle IVF procedures including medications, IVF injections, hormonal drugs, ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo transfer, pregnancy tests, and other fertility service assistance. For IVF repetition, the cost is added separately.  The fertilityworld best IVF clinic in Japan team always guarantees a success rate at the most reasonable IVF cost. Contact the fertilityworld today and receive a free consultation.

Is IVF covered by insurance in Japan? 

Yes, various insurance policies provide IVF treatment cost coverage in Japan. There are different policies where some cover the part of IVF, some cover full IVF procedures, some cover medicines, etc, depending on the individual medical conditions that are minor/major. However, not all policies work in the same way, some insurance is set within the timeline and the individual medical conditions. Any patients can avail of IVF coverage insurance if they hold the policy. For more IVF coverage insurance or policy registration, please contact the fertilityworld team, we will guide you and check whether your condition is eligible for any of the available policies provided in Japan.

Best fertility clinic in Tokyo.

The best fertility clinic in Tokyo is rated as the fertilityworld, the most reputed and renowned fertility clinic with over 25 years of working in the fertility sector. It has quality fertility facilities and services for every patient’s condition. The clinic wholly understands the challenges faced by the patients during the fertility journey including psychological issues. Therefore, the fertilityworld team is here to help and guide you throughout the fertility journey comfortably. Here, patients can grab different types of fertility treatment that favor their medical conditions, they include self-cycle IVF, donor cycle IVF, IVF with ICSI, IVF with FET, IVF with LAH, IVF with surgical sperm aspiration, and so on where we assist couples at every procedure. Only, after a thorough and careful examination during consultation, our professionals will recommend the best type of fertility treatment that can crack your dreams of parenthood into reality. This fertility clinic exhales in an advanced, comprehensive, and sophisticated strategy defeating all other fertility clinics in Tokyo. If you wish to know more about the fertilityworld fertility clinic in Tokyo, you can visit their website or simply register for a free consultation, during which you can enquire about anything related to fertility problems, solutions, clinic services, ranking, reputation, etc. The clinic team eagerly listens and answers all your queries about the fertility clinic in Tokyo.  

Male fertility test in Tokyo.  

The most prominent entrusted diagnostic tool of male fertility tests in Tokyo is the “Semen Analysis test”. Semen is the most powerful body fluid and an asset of men that expands its generation. The Semen Analysis test can determine all the possible male fertility parameters in the sperm but cannot be corrected or treated. The parameters of the sperm determined include

  • Ejaculate sperm volume,
  • Sperm concentration,
  • sperm pH,
  • sperm count,
  • sperm motility, 
  • The sperm forward progression,
  • sperm vitality, 
  • Sperm morphology (shape, and size),
  • The presence of white blood cells in sperm,
  • Fluid thickness, acidity, and sugar content,
  • The presence of white blood cells in sperm.

A one-time Semen analysis may not be accurately considered as accurate. Therefore, more than one cycle of this test is done to ensure its results. 

Why choose the fertilityworld IVF clinic in Japan?

The fertilityworld is more than 25 years old and has been serving IVF and other fertility treatments in Japan. The clinic is legally certified and rated as the best IVF clinic in Japan and has recorded the highest IVF success rate.  Most importantly the fertilityworld is well-established in state-of-the-art, ultra-laboratory, and classified into world-class fertility services offered in Japan. The clinic is served by the finest IVF Doctors who are committed to building parenthood for any couples suffering from infertility and facing challenges. One of the most important features that greatly attracts infertile patients is the promise of the clinic to offer the most affordable IVF cost than any other clinic in Japan which truly happens. The clinic’s other attractive parameters include; Great observation from top staff, versatile procedures & techniques, top counseling sessions, experienced male and female fertility doctors, and the benefits of affordable IVF Treatment in Japan. Contact the fertilityworld today. 


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