- Get complete advice regarding fertility treatment from our Top Fertility specialists.
- Experienced IVF Doctors: High IVF Success Rate.
- Affordable IVF Treatment: Best IVF Centre in Guwahati.
- Free first consultation: Book an appointment.
- Call/W: 919311850412 Email: info@fertilityworld.in
Fertility World, Guwahati is a super specialty IVF center equipped with state-of-the-art modern technology that provides the highest quality medical services with human touch within accessibility of everyone.
Here are the main reasons for selecting Fertility World :
- “State-of-the-art” Infrastructure, world-top equipments, and world
- World-class certified, award-winning Gynaecologists, Andrologists, and Reproductive surgeons with 10 years of experience (minimum).
- Excellent track record for IVF success rates
- One of the top high-quality IVF and other additional treatment providers in the region.
- Fertility World’s largest contribution to the medical Tourism Sector of Assam for the year 2019.
Our Infertility Doctors

Our Infertility Experts are board-certified specialists on male and female infertility as well as female infertility and are well-known for their experience and their success in helping to reproduce. Our highly experienced infertility specialists and staff are aware of the complex psychological and medical issues faced by patients with infertility. Our fertility doctors work hard to make their patients feel relaxed and at ease throughout their treatment. Our sole goal is to keep your care local and confidential.
When should we need a Fertility doctor?
Are you trying to become pregnant for over an entire year and have not seen any positive outcomes? Chances are you require medical help in order to have a successful conception. The window for conception is shorter for couples who are over 35 and need expert advice after trying for six months.
What Are The Factors That Need to be Considered When Planning A Family?
- Age: Are you aged over or below 35?
- Medical Histories: Do you have an ancestral medical history of chronic illnesses or menopausal pregnancies?
- Reproductive Problems: Do you suffer from PCOS and fallopian tube/uterine disorders endometriosis or thyroid issues (for women) Erectile dysfunction, early ejaculation, or sperm disorders (for males)?
- Surgery/Injury: Have you endured an injury or undergone surgery on the reproductive organs of your body?
- Cancer: Did you get diagnosed with cancer or received treatment for cancer?
- Lifestyle: Do you smoke or drink? Are you overweight/underweight?
Why Should You Not Delay IVF Treatment?
- The ovarian reserve decreases as menstrual cycles progress.
- The aging process is associated with an increased chance of miscarriage
- The tests for screening for fertility can take days/lead to more tests.
- It’s possible to change your lifestyle prior to beginning treatment
- The treatment may need multiple attempts or could be delayed
What’S The Next Right Step?
Fertility World provides the Couple Screening Package that can speed up your journey to fertility. Its components are:
- An appointment for a fertility consult at any of your choice Fertility World Center
- Screening tests for a female partners Ultrasound scan and Anti-Mullerian Hormone HBA1C
- Screening tests for male partners Semen analysis and HBA1C
The test kit can help identify the root cause of fertility issues and assist you in making an informed decision about the next step.
Is Infertility Curable?
Infertility isn’t curable however certain instances are reversible. At Fertility World We offer four main treatments:
- Ovulation induction (OI): Regulation/restoration of ovulation using medications
- IUI (IUI): A minimally interventional procedure that places the sperm that has been washed into the uterus in the woman’s partner in order to increase the chances of fertilization.
- Self-cycle IVF is A process that takes the mature eggs of the wife and husband’s healthy sperm and then blends them in a lab to allow fertilization.
- Self-cycle ICS: IA procedure in which one healthy, single egg with sperm with a fine needle to remove limitations caused by low-quality sperm/egg.
OB-GYNs are surgeons with training who are able to perform a broad variety of procedures which include:
- cesarean sections
- instrumental deliveries during childbirth
- A Hysterectomy
- The removal of growths, for example, cysts of the ovary and the uterine fibroids
- the surgical procedure to treat pelvic organ injuries
Ob-GYNs are also able to carry out a variety of in-office and routine procedures that include:
- Screening for cervical cancer using pap smears. cervical cancer
- STI tests
- fertility treatments, like egg retrievals to aid in IVF or freezing eggs
- pelvic ultrasounds for checking the pelvic organs as well as monitoring the progress of pregnancy
- Infertility treatments and counseling
- Treatment of urinary issues, for example, infection of the urinary tract as well as bladder incontinence
- managing common issues treating common ailments, like anemia, for example.
- screenings for breasts and management of breast health, such as mammograms and additional tests for breast cancer screenings
Obstetricians can select from a range of specialties. Some choose to specialize in obstetrics and provide care to pregnant women. Some specialize in gynecological services and do not carry babies. Some OB-GYNs opt to focus on one particular area of their practice. For example, an obstetrician could specialize in vaginal births following Cesarean birth (VBAC). Many also treat women with a holistic approach and osteopathic viewpoint. The focus of this treatment is usually on traditional or natural remedies.
Reproductive Endocrinologists
Reproductive endocrinologists, or REs, are fertility/infertility specialists. These are doctors who are trained in offering fertility treatments that utilize assisted reproductive technology (ART) like In vitro fertilization (IVF) and freezing eggs. They are as well-trained in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. They were further trained to perform fertility treatments (more on this later). REs are able to diagnose and treat infertility, polycystic syndrome (PCOS), or any other issues in the reproductive system and also perform fertility preservation procedures such as freezing eggs.
They are mostly urologists or endocrinologists in certain circumstances. However, based on the issue or procedure patients may be seen by different types of specialists, such as surgeons or psychiatrists. Andrology is a broad field of disorders and procedures such as penile problems, male fertility, and genitourinary problems. Andrologists can help with procedures like vasectomy, prostatectomy, or circumcision.
We can help!
The experts in our Fertility World center are highly experienced reproductive endocrinologists who have the knowledge to assist you in your journey towards becoming parents. In addition to helping you get the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan, our goal is to ensure that you are calm at ease, and supported every step of the process.
Get in touch with us for more information.
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