Surrogacy centre in Siliguri1
  • The best surrogacy Center with highest success rate
  • It offers surrogacy at the lowest cost from Rs.11 lakhs 
  • It produces guaranteed success rates of surrogacy of 100%
  • It offers assisted surrogacy with donor gametes 
  • All the fertility facilities are available under its roof
  • Free first consultation: Book an appointment
  • Call/W: 919311850412 Email:

What does surrogacy mean to you?

Surrogacy is a complex series of procedures that uses assisted reproductive technology (ART) and helps the intended parents start their families with a healthy beautiful child when they can’t conceive pregnancy naturally. In surrogacy, all intending parents work with their gestational surrogate.

What does gestational Surrogate mean?

Gestational Surrogate only means a woman who carries a pregnancy to term and gives birth to a child for another couple or person (intended parents). The moment the child is born, she hands over the child to the prospective parents without any complications. The child does not share any genetic relationship with the surrogate because the embryo implanted into her uterus is from the intended partner’s genes which mean the eggs and the sperms used to make the embryos do not come from her, this technique requires the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

What is Gestational Surrogacy?

Gestational surrogacy is a form of surrogacy where 80% of intended parents seek to use out of 100%. In gestational surrogacy, the child is not biologically linked to the surrogate mother, who is often referred to as a gestational carrier. Here, the embryo is created via in-vitro fertilization (IVF), using the eggs and sperm of the intended parents or from healthy donors, and is then transferred to the surrogate womb(uterus).

This form of surrogacy is sometimes also called “host surrogacy” or “full surrogacy.” 

In other forms of surrogacy like traditional surrogacy, at least one of the intended parents is genetically linked to the child, and the surrogate because the surrogate eggs are used to create the embryo where the surrogate mother becomes the biological mother of the born child. Therefore it makes gestational surrogacy less legally complicated than other forms of surrogacy because stepparent or second-parent adoption is not required here.

To understand different forms of surrogacy, go to the fertility world and check our blogs by typing “Types of Surrogacy

How does gestational surrogacy work, in the Fertility World?

Today, most of the developed and developing countries (like the United States and India) in the World allow gestational surrogacy because of its great success rates as compared to other forms of surrogacy. Also, most of the articles you see from the media, news, and true stories about surrogacy, are most likely gestational surrogacy.

The gestational surrogacy process involves finding a surrogacy opportunity, completing legal contracts, and transferring the embryo to the surrogate womb for conceiving. All intended parents in Siliguri choose to work with the Fertility World Surrogacy Center because they stand with them in every step from the start of gestational surrogacy and help them find the best gestational carrier of their choice.

Once a surrogate match has been identified, our surrogate mother and hopeful intended parents will each work with our provided legal attorney to discuss each party’s legal risks and responsibilities, as well as surrogate compensation. Once everyone agrees, the contracts are signed. Our fertility clinic handles all the In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) processes and the embryo transfer process. An embryo will be created and transferred to the surrogate womb using one of the following:

  • The egg and sperm combination of the intended parents, so both intended parents are genetically related to the child.
  • A donated egg is fertilized with sperm from the intended father, here the intended father is genetically related to the child. Not the intended mother.
  • The intended mother’s egg is fertilized with donor sperm, so the intended mother is genetically related to the child
  • A donor embryo or an embryo created using donor eggs and donor sperm, neither of the intended parents is genetically related to the child

From here, the gestational surrogate carries the baby as if it were any other normal pregnancy to the term, and then intended parents will welcome their child and have full legal custody the moment he or she is born. According to gestational Surrogacy regulations, we accept the following eligibilities from intended parents, surrogate mothers, egg donors, the child rights

What are the Gestational Surrogacy Provisions in India?

India is one among the few countries that are still allowing commercial surrogacy for its citizens and in special cases foreigners (anyone holding an Indian passport, either one of the partners). 

India Commercial surrogacy is allowed without any legal basis, which implies that there is no particular law governing it. However, the Indian Council Of Scientific Research (ICMR) has established standards regarding surrogacy guidelines. Therefore, The Fertility World surrogacy center strictly follows the surrogacy guidelines indicated by the ICMR and executes the Surrogacy programs, fulfilling many hopeful parental dreams to experience parenthood nurturing their biological child.

Who is eligible to undergo gestational surrogacy in Siliguri?

The Fertility World allows gestational surrogacy to the following people with these health conditions:

  • Either one of the intending couples should be suffering from ‘proven infertility’
  • A Married couple who is unable to conceive after unprotected coitus or other proven medical condition preventing a couple from conception.
  • Couples, having certain medical conditions like absent or abnormal uterus, irreversible damage or destruction of the uterus, removal of the uterus due to cancer, fibroids, etc.
  • Couples medically prove that surrogacy is the only option left with them to have a child of their own.
  • when an intending couple has a medical indication necessitating gestational surrogacy” as the condition precedent in the 2020 bill.
  • An Indian woman who is a widow or divorcee between the age of 35 to 45 years and who intends to avail the surrogacy, to opt for surrogacy.

Who can become a surrogate mother in India?

  • A married woman having a child of her own,
  • She must be between the age of 25 to 35 years,
  • A certificate of medical, psychological fitness for surrogacy from a registered medical practitioner is mandatory.
  • She cannot donate her gametes for surrogacy,
  • A surrogate mother not more than once in her lifetime

Who is eligible to donate the eggs?

Any willing woman can donate her eggs for a surrogacy program. She must fall under the following criteria:

  • Must have previously successful pregnancy and delivery
  • She must be between the age of 25 to 35 years,
  • A certificate of medical, psychological fitness for donation is mandatory

What are the rights of the Surrogate child?

  • He/She is deemed to be a biological child of the “intending couple” or “intending woman”
  • He/She shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges available to a natural child.
  • He/She is not for sale, prostitution, or any other form of exploitation or abandon or disown or exploit or cause to be abandoned, disowned or exploited in any form, the child or children born through surrogacy, exploit or cause to be exploited the surrogate mother or the child born through surrogacy in any manner and stringent penalties have been provided to deter potential violators.

Which surrogacy is offered by the fertility World in Siliguri?

In Siliguri, the Fertility World surrogacy center today greatly accepts and offers only gestational surrogacy because of its great recommendations from its intended parents. Based on our long-term fertility experiences we greatly recommend our hopeful parents opt for gestational surrogacy. 

  • We know that surrogacy is a complicated series of procedures that can consume your long valuable time if your step taken is not appropriate. So always seek the help of experienced professionals like the Fertility World to ease your hardship.
  • Our success statistics have greatly achieved up to 100% success rates with healthy live child delivery without any complications.
  • We also recommend our prospective parents to use assisted gametes donation for surrogacy if repeated failure of IVF as it shows no difference in healthy live child delivery.

How much does gestational surrogacy cost in Siliguri?

Gestational surrogacy costs depend on several factors. Surrogacy can be a long and demanding process that involves many types of professionals, advanced medical technology, and a yearlong commitment from a woman who is willing to carry a baby for another family.

In Siliguri, the Fertility World surrogacy center offers an inclusive package from Rs. 11 lakhs up to Rs. 18 lakhs. This inclusive cost accounts for all necessary medical expenses, attorney fees, counseling costs, service fees, and surrogate living expenses and compensation. Many of these expenses are variable; for example, the surrogate mother’s monthly allowance may vary based on where she lives, and attorney fees may differ depending on state laws and legal processes.

In addition, insurance may not cover the medical expenses for intended parents and their surrogates, and there are fewer financing options available to intended parents than to adoptive families. Intended parents should work closely with their surrogacy professional to determine a more accurate figure of the cost of their surrogacy, and budget accordingly.


While gestational surrogacy can be a long and somewhat challenging process, it is a rewarding and exciting way for hopeful parents to expand their families and experience all of the joys and challenges of raising a biological child.

Getting started

If you’re an intended parent, egg donor, or willing to become a surrogate. Always feel free to book an appointment with us. We’re 24*7 available at your services. We offer free consultations with up to 15% concessions from overall inclusive packages. Be the First one to grab exciting offers.

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