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Best fertility centre in Puerto Rico| Fertilityworld

The fertilityworld team welcomes you to fertility treatment in Puerto Rico. We’re rated as the most successful fertility treatment provider narratively for our inclusive IVF treatment at the best IVF cost in Puerto Rico. The fertilityworld has delved into the fertility sector for over 35 years with a motto “Nurturing Life In You”. As of today, our comprehensive and compassionate fertility services towards infertile patients are world-class which is highly appreciated by all. We understand being infertile, trials and tribulations are inevitable in the journey of parenthood. To realize your dreams of parenthood, we’re backed by highly qualified, well-experienced fertility specialists and established state-of-the-art that secure family plans. We at fertilityworld prioritize helping and navigating patients to the right fertility treatment plans according to individual medical demand conditions.


Fertility Treatment Options in Puerto Rico

The Fertilityworld provides well-supported options including all fertility treatments and services to infertile patients according to individual medical needs in Puerto Rico. The fertility treatment options include:

  1. In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
  2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
  3. Intracytoplasmic sperm Injection
  4. Frozen embryo transfer (FET).
  5. Laser-assisted hatching (LAH)
  6. Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)
  7. Tubal Evaluation.
  8. Laparoscopy
  9. Semen Analysis: Semen Analysis test cost.
  10. Egg, sperm, and embryo cryopreservation (Freezing).
  11. Altruistic Surrogacy- What is Altruistic Surrogacy


In-vitro fertilization (IVF) fertility treatment.

Globally, IVF is the most popular and most recommended fertility treatment because the technology behind IVF is medically designed to produce biological offspring when both parent’s gametic qualities are viable but unable to get pregnant naturally. Also, IVF technology greatly supports donor assistance (donor egg with husband’s sperm, donor sperm with wife’s egg) which produces offspring inheriting 50% biological parents and 50% of donor DNA. In Puerto Rico, thousands of infertile patients realize their parenthood dreams through IVF treatment every month. Medically, IVF technology involves achieving fertilization of the oocytes and the sperm of infertile patients from outside the human body which is in vitro. Then, they return them to the female womb to conceive a pregnancy. All IVF procedures are done in the embryology laboratory.

Let us understand more about the medical IVF procedure step by step:

Ovarian stimulation.

The first IVF step is to allow the woman to produce and develop multiple eggs through the ovarian follicles called ovarian stimulation. This is achieved by injecting or administering hormonal drugs for 8 to 10 days.

  1. Oocyte retrieval.

The second IVF step is collecting the developed oocytes (Eggs) by the embryologists. A fine needle called a catheter is used in oocyte retrieval. During this step, the female partner/donor is asked to provide his semen sample traditionally, if not, a semen surgical procedure like TESA, TESE, PESA, PESE, and MESA is performed by the specialist and collects the sample.

  1. Fertilization.

Eggs and sperm are inoculated in the culture medium and incubated to achieve fertilization. The resultant fertilized egg is called an embryo.

  1. Embryo transfer.

The best stage embryo is selected (day 3 or day 5 embryo) and transferred into the female uterus.

  1. Pregnancy test.

After 14 days, a pregnancy test is done through blood work and ultrasound specifically to confirm embryo implantation. After confirmation, she continues to carry a pregnancy to term.

  1. Childbirth.

The patient can give birth in her hometown or can avail of the assistance of the fertilityworld team.  

IVF success rate in Pureto Rico

The average IVF success rate in Puerto Rico is 75% in self-cycle and rises to 85% in donor-cycle in the fertilityworld. A common factor that causes elevation and deviation of IVF success rate is the women’s age. A better success rate is produced in women between 21 to 35 years. As they cross 35 years, the success rate is reduced because the egg quality gradually declines and diminishes. However, IVF is also possible in older women when they receive proper fertility treatment with follow-up fertility specialist appointments. Look at the pie chart below for the IVF success rate in Puerto Rico:

More about the IVF cost in Puerto Rico

At fertilityworld, all infertile parents achieve IVF ranging from 10,000 USD to 25,000 USD, the most reasonable IVF cost in Puerto Rico. The cost of self-cycle IVF is 10,000 USD which is IVF using the patient’s gametes (egg and sperm). The Donor cycle IVF can cost up to 25,000 USD, depending on treatment either IVF with donor egg, IVF with donor sperm, IVF with donor embryo, IVF with ICSI, IVF with FET, IVF with LAH, IVF with TESA/TESE, IVF with PGD/PGT, etc. A transparent cost but not exceeding the maximum is notified based on the individual medical requirements in the hope of conceiving.  At fertilityworld, these inclusive IVF costs in Puerto Rico (self-cycle, donor-cycle, or IVF with standard procedures) also cover a complete IVF package including consultations, pre-fertility screenings and evaluations, medication, hormonal drugs, IVF procedures (ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, surgical method sperm collection, fertilization, embryo transfer, and pregnancy tests).  International or Puerto Rican peripheral infertile patients also receive additional assistance including medical visas, transportation, pick-n-drop services, and hotel/homestay arrangements. The fertilityworld team helps patients as long as the parenthood dream is delivered.   

Does IVF come under insurance coverage in Puerto Rico? 

Usually, fertility treatments like IVF are expensive mostly in Western countries which is the biggest concern for all infertile patients. Unlike the other 17 states, Puerto Rico does not mandate insurance coverage for infertility treatment including IVF treatment. However, if the patient has an insurance policy, it may still cover some treatment based on your plan and your specific treatment needs. The good news is that many insurance companies cover at least some of the cost of IVF fertility treatments in Puerto Rico and depend on your personal insurance plan, eligibility criteria for not conceiving like infertility proofs, your age, etc. If you’re holding an insurance policy, the fertilityworld team will help you out. Contact the fertilityworld today. 

IVF cost break-up in Puerto Rico

The IVF cost break-up in Puerto Rico offered by the fertilityworld is well designed that allow patients to pay the IVF cost at 4 different IVF stages as represented below:  

Payment break-up Payment Schedule
1st PaymentAt the time of IVF registration
2nd PaymentDuring infertility screening & tests. 
3rd PaymentDuring fertilization & development. 
4th and last paymentAfter embryo transfer.


Best fertility centre in Puerto Rico


The best fertility centre in Puerto Rico is rated as the fertilityworld. The centre’s comprehensive and compassionate care team assures hopeful fertility treatments. The centre has an established state-of-the-art that guarantees a success rate. Every month thousands of infertile patients seek the fertilityworld for its great reputation in the fertility sector. Here, every individual’s medical needs are fulfilled. Under its single roof, all forms of fertility treatments are provided including IUI, IVF, ICSI, FET, LAH, surrogacy, etc. All fertility treatments are offered at a reasonable cost and most importantly the team stands with the patients unless their problems are corrected and achieve parenthood.     

More about fertility treatment in Puerto Rico

1. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).

IUI is the least expensive fertility treatment that can overcome other treatments and fulfill your parenthood when fertilization is achieved after IUI. IUI is specifically designed for male infertility (weak mobility, low count, and poor morphology) and the procedure involves a selection of single viable sperm directly injected into the female uterus during her menstrual period.  At fertilityworld, the cost of one cycle IUI is 4,000 USD in Puerto Rico. 

2. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

ICSI is an extensive and specialized form of in vitro fertilization that is used most commonly in cases of extreme male infertility, after repeated failed fertilization attempts with conventional IVF, or after egg freezing. The ICSI procedure involves injecting a single live sperm into the middle of the female eggs from the laboratory for fertilization. This procedure produces better chances of creating an embryo (fertilized egg) when culture medium fertilization fails.

3. Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).

Transferring the frozen or cryopreserved embryo into the uterus in the hope of conceiving pregnancy is FET. The patients preserve their embryos and use them in the future to conceive parenthood. FET is commonly done by cancer patients, aging women, couples that put career first, or personal circumstances. The embryos are preserved using cryopreservation technology for up to 15 years. Whenever patients feel ready to experience parenthood, they use this embryo and get pregnant. Patients can also approach the clinic and use the frozen embryo donor assistance for FET.   FET is done at the end of the period cycle followed by hormonal medication, and then the next immediate period cycle with hormonal supplementation, and progesterone support (may continue till pregnancy confirmation).

4. Laser-Assisted Hatching (LAH).

The failure of embryo hatching is one of the various factors that limit reproductive efficiency, specifically in assisted cultured ART embryos. LAH is an advanced standard procedure, performed with IVF treatment which assists embryo hatching via laser guidance. It makes the hardened or thickened embryo’s outer shells hatch and allows successful embryo implantation into the uterine cavity which leads to pregnancy.  LAH is highly required for women with poor embryo quality, older age women, FET, or poor-quality ART-cultured embryos, and young women between 21-37 years who have previously experienced repeated IVF cycle failure. LAH felicitates the better success rate of fertility treatments like IVF, ICSI, and FET.

5. Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA). 

Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA) determines the conditions of the endometrial receptivity which is performed before transferring the embryo to the uterus during fertility treatments. The fertilityworld is the finest fertility centre in Puerto Rico offering ERA at a reasonable price. ERA is a molecular diagnostic tool that identifies the function of the endometrium receptivity by studying the biopsy sample of the endometrial lining and depicts the right day to transfer the embryo during an IVF cycle. ERA technology is clinically designed to determine the patient-specific window of embryo (blastocyst) implantation, and progesterone administration before the transfer to personalize the correct time for transferring the embryo in the uterus.

6. Tubal Evaluation.

Tubal problems are responsible for infertility in 35-40% of cases. To determine such factors, tubal evaluation is an essential strategy as it outlines the internal conditions of the uterus’s shapes, functions, and associated infertility factors like blocked/damaged fallopian tubes, endometriosis, fibroids, etc. Tubal evaluation estimates the fallopian tube strategy and uterine cavity. Fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus which is the only system of human reproductivity that occurs (ovary release, uniting the sperm, fertilization, embryo receptive to implantation, and carrying pregnancy). Fertility issues (endometriosis, fibroids, block/damage tube, etc) on these organs can cause miscarriages, recurrent pregnancy, and pregnancy failure in both natural processes or Assisted reproductive technology like IVF, ICSI, FET, IUI, surrogacy, etc. Therefore, tubal evaluation has become an essential fertility treatment and corrects tubes to achieve pregnancy.

7. Laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy is a fertility treatment that helps diagnose or treat infertility factors (endometriosis, chronic pelvic, pelvic inflammation). Laparoscopy also helps in removing damaged or infected (diseased organs) or removing tissue samples for further biopsy. A surgical procedure where a small incision is created in the abdomen using a thin tube called a laparoscope. This surgical procedure is also known as keyhole surgery or minimally invasive surgery and is offered by the fertilityworld in Puerto Rico at lower cost.

8. Semen Analysis Test.

The semen analysis is a laboratory test that evaluates the male semen sample under a microscope and examines certain characteristics of both semen and the sperm contained therein. It is an important test that provides the andrologist with useful information on the male partner’s fertility potential, i.e., characteristics of sperm quality. This test is solely done to characterize male fertility i.e. sperm quality, of those males seeking to impregnate their wife/partner. The semen analysis test can also verify the success of vasectomy. 

The parameters of semen analysis include: 

  • Ejaculate sperm volume,
  • Sperm concentration,
  • The sperm pH,
  • The sperm count,
  • The sperm motility, 
  • The sperm forward progression,
  • The sperm vitality, 
  • Sperm morphology (shape, and size),
  • The presence of white blood cells in sperm. 

Puerto Rican sperm Donors.

The fertilityworld is known for running a healthy sperm donor database in Puerto Rico. Patients can avail of screened healthy sperm donors at a reasonable cost. Patients can choose sperm donors based on their profiles including height, skin color, hair color, eye color, ear shape, educational background, and genetic background. The names of the donors remain confidential.

Tubal ligation reversal in Puerto Rico. 

Tubal ligation reversal is done surgically to allow a woman who has had her tubes tied (tubal ligation) to become pregnant again. The fallopian tubes are reconnected in this reversal surgery but tubal ligation cannot always be reversed if there is too little tube left or if it is damaged. After tubal ligation reversal, the fertility success rate shows better outcomes. Older women are much less likely than younger women to have success. Tubal reversal is extremely safe, affordable, and essentially pain-free. We know everyone worries about pain after surgery and may even avoid surgery because of this fear. That’s why we use the revolutionary Exparel injection, a numbing agent for pain relief.

Why choose the fertilityworld in Puerto Rico?   


The fertilityworld is the oldest and most successful fertility centre in Puerto Rico. The centre is run by a well-experienced fertility specialist. The centre’s comprehensive and compassionate care overcomes most challenges of the infertile patient’s emotions. All types of fertility treatments are available under a single roof. The team assures success rates at a comfortable cost. The centre is enriched with world-class laboratories and sophisticated equipment that secures the infertile factors. The infrastructure and the environment provided are satisfied with no compromises. Every individual is treated according to his/her medical needs. The centres believe in transparency, flexibility, and favoritism of the patient’s choices. Contact fertilityworld today and get a free fertility consultation.


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