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Infertility Treatment In Somalia | Fertilityworld

Grab the experience of parenthood dreams at fertilityworld with Infertility Treatments in Somalia like IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, LAH, surrogacy, etc., offered with tailored programs. It’s exciting; at the same time stressful to navigate the path of parenthood. We commit a full spectrum of ART to help you with any infertility treatment, preservations, & other ways to have a family.



Our infertility treatment success rate in Somalia. 

The success rate in any infertility treatment depends on the individual’s medical condition and responses. Aging is one common factor that decides the infertility treatment success rate, the best reproductive women age is 21 to 35 years, and males below 65 years. Each fertility treatment is designed to tackle specific and multiple fertility factors. Every individual shows different medical responses, some respond faster, some respond slowly,  some may not respond at all, and some require more other medications. However, the fertilityworld infertility specialist team always takes precautions carefully analyses individual medical needs, and provides solutions accordingly. Let’s analyze the fertility treatment success rate from the table and pie chart provided below:

Infertility Treatments

Success rate (%)

Self-cycle IVF (self egg+ self sperm)


Donor-cycle IVF (donor egg/sperm/ embryo)




IVF with LAH 




IUI with a medical condition


Simple IUI treatment





All infertility treatment success rates obtained above are dependent upon the patient’s age, the quality of the gametes, and the standards of the treatment-providing centre. 

 The pie-chart of the Infertility treatment success rate is given below: 

More about infertility treatments in Somalia. 

Available infertility treatments in Somalia include In-vitro fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic sperm Injection, Frozen embryo transfer (FET), Laser-assisted hatching (LAH), Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA), Tubal Evaluation, Laparoscopy, Semen Analysis, and altruistic surrogacy. All these infertility treatments are offered by the fertilityworld under its single roof. Infertility treatment details are discussed below.

In-vitro fertilization (IVF).

The most popular and successful fertility treatment is In-vitro fertilization (IVF). The term in-vitro simply refers to the fertilization of the egg and sperm outside the human body and is typically carried out in the embryology laboratory with assisted reproductive technology (ART). IVF offers two options to infertile patients, one is self-cycle and the second is donor-cycle IVF. In self-cycle IVF, an embryo (fertilized egg) is generated using a female self-egg and male partner sperm. In donor-cycle IVF, patients can either go with a donor egg and partner sperm, self-egg & donor sperm, or a donor embryo.  In both of the IVF, the success rate obtained is good but the donor cycle is 100% guaranteed. 

IVF procedure simply involves 4 steps:

  1. Ovarian stimulation: A female patient/egg donor is given hormonal medication for 8 to 10 days. This allows the ovarian follicles to produce more than one egg.  

  2. Egg retrieval: The developed eggs are retrieved by the embryologist using special instruments along with an ultrasound guide. During this, a male partner or sperm donor is asked to give his semen samples.

  3.  Fertilization: The eggs and sperm are placed in the dishes containing culture medium. They are incubated overnight which achieves fertilization. 

  4. Embryo transfer: The fertilized egg known as the embryo is selected and transferred into the female uterus in the hope of conceiving pregnancy reproductively.

One complete IVF cycle hardly takes 3 to 4 weeks. In Somalia, most of the infertile patient’s parenthood dreams are fulfilled through IVF treatment. The IVF cost in Somalia ranges from 4,500 USD to 7,000 USD. Contact the fertilityworld for the best IVF treatment in Somalia. 

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) infertility treatment in Somalia. 

Among all other infertility treatments, Intrauterine insemination (IUI) which is also known as artificial insemination (AI) is the simplest and least-invasive fertility treatment. IUI is performed in male sub-fertility factors including low sperm count, poor sperm morphology, and weak sperm motility. The timeline for the IUI procedure is four weeks (around 28 days) from beginning to finish. It’s about the same length as a regular menstrual cycle.  

In the IUI procedure,

  • A male sperm is collected or aspirated through surgical methods such as TESE, TESA, PESA, etc. 

  • Top andrologists then prepare the sperm which includes “wash” and “concentration”. 

  • Ready sperm is loaded into a specialized syringe connected with an ultrasound and injected into the female uterus during ovulation. 

  • If sperms get mixed with the egg, the chances of pregnancy are confirmed.

The IUI treatment cost in Somalia is 1500 USD to 2,500 USD. Remember, the IUI treatment success rate is promised when the female egg is healthy and allows the sperm through its membrane.  

Intracytoplasmic sperm Injection (ICSI).

In some cases, fertilization fails during the IVF cycle due to low sperm count, poor sperm morphology, weak motility, or due to thickened or hardened female egg membrane, etc. Intracytoplasmic sperm Injection (ICSI) is an advanced procedure designed to assist the sperm in fertilizing the egg for the IVF cycle. ICSI procedure gives an excellent fertilization success rate. The cost of ICSI-IVF in Somalia ranges from $2500 to $4500 (USD). 

During the ICSI procedure:

  • A male sperm is collected either traditionally or aspirated through surgical methods such as TESE, TESA, PESA, etc. 

  • Top andrologists then prepare the sperm which includes “wash” and “concentration”.

  • A single healthy sperm which ensures fertilization is selected and injected directly into the middle of the retrieved egg.

  • The injected eggs are cultured under the medium and observed for fertilization to occur. 

  • The fertilized egg (embryo) is transferred into the uterus following the IVF procedure to achieve pregnancy. 

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).

The transfer of preserved/frozen embryos into the uterus is known as FET. Frozen embryo transfer (FET) is the best infertility procedure that has benefitted many individuals including single-aging individuals, young couples having committed long-term careers, and cancer patients before chemotherapy. Such people can freeze their eggs, sperm, or embryos for up to 15 years. Your parenthood can be fulfilled by using such fertility preservations whenever you’re ready.

Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA).

Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA) is a molecular diagnostic tool that can identify the conditions, problems, or stability of the endometrial receptivity before transferring the embryo to the uterus. The procedure involves endometrial lining biopsy, its study allows the doctors to know the right day to transfer the embryo into the uterus during an IVF cycle. ERA technology is clinically designed to determine the patient-specific window of embryo (blastocyst) implantation, and progesterone administration before the transfer, and personalize the best time for transferring the embryo in the uterus.  

In females, the endometrial receptivity acts as the welcome gate to receive the “cultured-ART hatch embryo” in its uterine lining. Once the embryo gets aligned to the uterine cavity through endometrial receptivity, the implantation is ensured and results in pregnancy. Excessive estrogen activity, endometrial thickness, endometrial pattern, endometrial volume, and embryonic defects such as chromosomal abnormalities, uterine polyps, septa, leiomyomata, and adhesions can negatively affect endometrial receptivity.

The fertilityworld is the top clinic in Somalia that offers ERA at a reasonable cost. 

The ERA procedure consists of two steps; endometrial biopsy & gene sequencing

  • Women undergo a “prep or mock” cycle by taking oral or self-injected medications to stimulate the uterine lining.

  • For a biopsy, a sample of the uterine lining is taken usually during the mid-luteal phase and later molecular analysis (expression of hundreds of genes).

  • An ERA is usually performed in case of IVF implantation failure or for women who have multiple miscarriages or recurrent pregnancy loss.

  • The doctor analyzes the biopsy results and determines if the endometrium is receptive or non-receptive to an embryo and provides favorable services accordingly.

Tubal Evaluation. 

Tubal evaluation is a fertility diagnostic procedure or technique to evaluate the fallopian tube stability and uterine cavity. This technique is important as it outlines the internal conditions of the uterus’s shapes, functions, and associated infertility factors like blocked/damaged fallopian tubes, endometriosis, fibroids, etc.

In the female reproductive system, fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus where female reproductivity occurs from ovary release, uniting the sperm, fertilization, embryo receptive to implantation, and carrying pregnancy. Any infertility impact (endometriosis, fibroids, block/damage tube, etc) on these organs can cause miscarriages, recurrent pregnancy, and pregnancy failure in both natural processes or Assisted reproductive technology like IVF, ICSI, FET, IUI, surrogacy, etc. Therefore, tubal evaluation can identify tubal conditions in advance and correct them to achieve a successful pregnancy. There are different methods for tubal evaluation such as Hysterosalpingography (HSG), Saline infusion sonography (SIS), Hystero-contrast sonosalpingography, Laparoscopy, tubal ligation, etc. However, each of the mentioned diagnostic tubal evaluation tests is provided only after having a complete fertility screening and is offered based on individual medical needs by the fertilityworld in Somalia. 

Semen Analysis Test. 

Semen is the most powerful body fluid and an asset of men that expands its generation. A Semen analysis test can specifically estimate the quality of the sperm accounting for all the parameters involved in the sperm quality:

  • Ejaculate sperm volume,

  • Sperm concentration,

  • The sperm pH,

  • The number of sperm count,

  • The sperm motility, 

  • The sperm forward progression,

  • The sperm vitality, 

  • Sperm morphology (shape, and size),

  • The presence of white blood cells in sperm,

  • Fluid thickness, acidity, and sugar content,

  • The presence of white blood cells in sperm. 

A one-time Semen analysis may not be accurately considered. Therefore, more than one cycle of this test is considered accurate. 

Why choose the fertilityworld in Somalia?

The fertilityworld is the right place for any infertility treatments in Somalia. We have 35+ years of experience which is considered the oldest infertility centre with the highest success rate track records. Our main goal is to secure your parenthood through various fertility treatments at the most reasonable cost in Somalia. 

Some of our best-appreciated services and facilities include:

  • Legally certified for over 35 years,

  • Patient-focused Centre, 

  • performed by professionals with extensive education and experience. 

  • Infrastructure that is well-built for maximum comfort and happiness. 

  • The entire medical staff treats you with respect. 

  • Assists you during the whole process from beginning to finish. 

  • Delivers promised success rates.

  • Offer transparency and a flexible package.

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