Is IVF a paniful procedure | Does IVF procedure hurt

Infertility and Pain: Is IVF a painful process 

Different people experience different sensations. What may seem difficult to some may not be for others. This is a reason to not be too concerned about how much pain you will experience when undergoing IVF treatment. Every patient reacts differently to the procedure and may experience some discomfort. It is normal to feel some discomfort. 

A trained Fertility professional or expert will explain everything and offer comfort throughout the process. Other forms of pain can also occur, like the emotional pain that comes with a failed attempt. These should not be ignored. Successful IVF cycles usually mean childbirth, it would be foolish to claim that there isn’t pain (generally psychological) But, just know that it will all be worth it when you hold your child in your arms. Any queries related to IVF talk to our expert for a free consultation with Fertilityworld:

  • Award Winning Fertility Experts.
  • Free first consultation: Book an appointment
  • High success rate in IVF+ICSI+IUI treatments
  • Low-Cost of IVF starts from Rs.90,000 only in pan India.
  • Call/W: 919311850412 Email:

A Painless Procedure : IVF

IVF requires a large number of eggs. If the patient uses her own egg rather than a donor, then ovulation drugs may be required. These drugs stimulate the release of more eggs than usual. The patient administers the drugs using a needle. Although injections can often cause fear, there really is no reason to be afraid. The needles are so thin that they don’t feel any pain. If the patient is unable to bear the pain, she can ask a friend or partner to help her. This may have the advantage of making the other person feel more involved in the process. Although egg release can be uncomfortable, it should not be painful. Side effects include bloating and discomfort when jeans suddenly stop fitting. However, this will be negligible if you succeed in falling pregnancies.

After the eggs are released, they must be removed. There are many ways to do this, but most likely the patient will be put under sedation, which will prevent any discomfort. Although cramping is common after eggs are removed, it is very similar to monthly menstrual cramps most women have experienced since puberty. These cramps will be handled by the patient, who will probably have her own method. Paracetamol is used by some women, while others resort to swimming, exercise, or hot water bottles for relief. Everybody is unique and has their own ways of dealing with discomfort. The procedure to return the fertilized eggs into the uterus is the most painful aspect of IVF. This is done a few days following egg retrieval. It feels like a smear check, but not something to fear.

What preparation is required before IVF can be started?

First, we evaluate each couple’s basic fertility status. These include routine blood tests to assess your health, such as ultrasonography, hormonal blood tests, and semen parameters. This allows us to choose the most successful IVF protocol for you. This could be an antagonist protocol, a short protocol, or another modified protocol. An appointment will be scheduled at the Fertility World Centre on the 2nd or third day of your period in order to begin your IVF process.

What is the Success Demographics of IVF

  • Our success rates are comparable to the best clinics around the globe and we have been proven many times over that our results are consistently high.
  • International patients can also be accommodated according to the guidelines of the Indian Council of Medical Research.
  • For women younger than 35 years, our pregnancy rate is between 80 and 95% per cycle. Our patients are able to conceive in three cycles for 85-90% of their patients.
  • Women under 35 years old have a higher success rate. As you age, it decreases. The embryo transfer rate for older women who have donated eggs to their children rises to 70%. Surrogates have a higher pregnancy rate.
  • Our vitrification results for embryo thaw recovery are 90%, with a pregnancy rate of 80-85%
  • High success rates can be attributed to the fact that our highly skilled specialists are involved in all aspects of the embryo transfer process, including clinical decision making, dose calculation, egg collection, and dosage calculations. These crucial tasks are not left to less qualified fertility doctors. Our advanced technology, highly skilled embryology team, and our work discipline support this.

IVF with Additional Treatments comprehensive cost Package.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

You might consider intrauterine injections (IUI), before IVF. It is less expensive and more invasive. A sperm sample can be prepared during IUI. Sperm is then inserted into the womb via the vagina right before ovulation. A woman may take drugs sometimes during an IUI cycle, but it is possible to do it without drugs.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm (ICSI) 

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is an extra part of IVF treatment. It involves injecting one sperm into each egg in order to aid fertilization with very fine micro-manipulation tools. ICSI is a method that can overcome severe male infertility.

Frozen embryo transfer

Frozen embryo transfer (FET), is when a frozen embryo is transferred from an IVF cycle to a woman’s uterus. You won’t need to go through another cycle of hormone stimulation or egg collection. Frozen embryos can be done on your own natural cycle, using hormone preparation or by using ovulation Induction.

Donating Sperm

Donating sperm to others is one of the greatest acts of generosity you can do. It gives them the opportunity to have a child. There is a great need in India for sperm donors. We appreciate your consideration and help to start a family.

There are many reasons people may need donor sperm. These include single women wanting to have children, couples who struggle to conceive, and people of the same sex or LGBTQ+ who wish to expand their family. Fertility World IVF  has an experienced and dedicated donor team that provides guidance and support to donors and recipients all through the process.

Preservation of Fertility

Fertility World IVF offers fertility preservation services to preserve and protect your fertility for the future. If you are interested in fertility preservation,

  • If you have a serious illness like cancer, it is possible that your eggs and sperm may be damaged by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or any other treatment, such as surgery.
  • Because your age is increasing, but you’re not ready or capable of having a baby right away

There are many options for women

Women have several options to preserve their fertility, including freezing eggs, embryos, frozen ovarian tissue, and medications that may protect the ovaries against toxic chemotherapy drugs.

IVF Base/ Single cycle cost  (including orientation , egg retreival ,collection )Cost (including medicinal drugs)
IVF single cycle with own eggs and sperm Rs.90,000-1,60,000
IVF single cycle with Fresh donor eggs and sperms Rs.1,20,000-2,50,000
IUI with Sperm WashRs.8,000 -10,000
ICSI procedureRs.20,000
Sperm FreezingFrom Rs.1,00,000
Laser-assisted HatchingRs.1,50,000

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