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  • High success rate & best IVF centre in Juhu Mumbai
  • World Class IVF TREATMENT package starting at just Rs 1,00,000
  • IVF+ICSI+IUI+Mini IVF+EGG FREEZING all under one roof
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The cost of IVF treatment in JUHU, Mumbai ranges from Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 2,00,000, including prescribed medicines and injections. The cost of IVF treatment packages may edge up depending upon the Blood reports, the number of IVF cycles that the patient may require & medical anecdotes. Juhu’s IVF treatment costs can be directly affected by many factors. These factors are crucial in Juhu’s success rate for IVF treatment.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF is a method of stimulating egg production. It involves the removal and fertilization of eggs from patients’ ovaries using sperm in a laboratory. An embryo is a fertilized egg that has been grown in a lab for several days. The embryo can then be placed in a uterus or frozen. If embryos are placed into the uterus, they will become part of the uterine tissue. They can then continue developing so that a successful pregnancy is possible.

Fertility Services

  • Confidential Counseling
  • IUI (IntraUterine Insemination)
  • IVF (In vitro Fertilization)
  • ICSI (IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
  • IMSI (IntraCytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection)
  • LAH (Laser Assisted Heating)
  • Blastocyst culture
  • Cryopreservation
  • Surgical sperm retrieval
  • Donor programs (Egg / sperm / embryo & gestational Surrogacy)

Mumbai, Juhu is a leading city for IVF treatment. At Fertility World, we can take care of all your IVF-related needs under one roof.

When should I consider IVF treatment?

IVF might be an option if you’re in one of these situations.

  • Fallopian tubes that are not functional or blocked
  • Advanced reproductive age
  • Reduction in ovarian reserve
  • PGT is a genetic test of embryos.
  • Your partner has low sperm counts
  • The traditional treatments are not effective.

What to Expect During IVF

The Fertility World Center in JUHU will provide you with a team of fertility specialists who will guide you every step of your journey to a happy pregnancy. The treatment lasts 6-8 weeks. It starts with preparation and ends when you discover you are pregnant. The typical IVF cycle is divided into three parts: stimulation; preparation; retrieval; and transfer.

How is IVF treated at Fertility World?

When IVF treatment is performed in the fertility laboratory, these steps must be followed:

  1. Ovarian stimulation: To induce ovulation, multiple ovarian follicles may be used. There are prescriptions available for fertility medication.
  2. Egg Retrieval: The best quality mature eggs are obtained by the embryologist.
  3. Sperm Retrieval: The sperm is collected by the male partner or a healthy donor.
  4. Fertilization: The eggs are removed and the sperms are collected in a Petri plate or test tube with culture medium. The fertilized eggs are called Embryo.
  5. Embryo Culture: The embryologists will observe the embryos grow from 2 to 4 cells to 8 cells. Sometimes, we can observe their growth for as long as five days at the blastocyst stage, where they have between 100 and 125 cell counts.
  6. Implantation of embryos: The best embryo for conceiving a baby is selected and placed in the uterus.
  7. The last step of the journey – “Baby(ies):Day of delivery: This is after an IVF-induced normal, full-term pregnancy. You could be the happiest person in the world after hearing your baby’s first cry.

Fertility World offers a shared IVF treatment package -LGBTQ Couples

If you are an LGBTQ couple, you may be able to have biological offspring. Once you have chosen an egg donor, half of the eggs can then be fertilized using the sperm from one partner while the other half will be fertilized by the second partner. From the fertilized eggs, embryos would be grown in a lab. The embryos can then be created using the sperm from each partner and transferred into the uterus by a gestational carrier.

Fertility World’s Egg  Freezing Guide 2021

Many women plan to freeze eggs. For many reasons, a woman might decide to freeze eggs for future uses. Women may freeze eggs for future use in order to avoid having children. It could be that you are starting a job or paying off student debts. Freezing your eggs can help relieve some of the pressure. Some women also freeze their eggs for medical reasons such as:

  • Ovarian loss can be caused by surgery
  • An illness such as stage V endometriosis may reduce egg resources.
  • An illness that is toxic to eggs.
  • High doses testosterone medication
  • Premature menopause in the family
  • Low egg reserves . 

To control your fertility, you can freeze eggs. This allows you to preserve your eggs at their most fertile. This gives you the opportunity to create your future family. The package starts from just Rs.1,20,000 only.


Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), is where sperm is injected directly into eggs to fertilize them in IVF procedures. Natural conception and traditional IVF involve sperm swimming to the egg. Sperm attach to the egg’s skin and push through the shell to reach the egg. Once inside the egg the sperm’s genes mix with the female to create an embryo. This process is known as fertilization. Sometimes the sperm cannot penetrate the eggshell. In such cases, ICSI may be necessary to aid the sperm in entering the egg.

ICSI: When should it be considered?

ICSI is recommended if the male partner is pregnant.

  • Low sperm count
  • Many sperm are abnormally shaped. It is impossible to fertilize an egg if the sperm has an unusual shape (morphology).
  • Sperm directly taken from the testicles
  • In the past, traditional IVF methods with low fertility rates were used.

ICSI can be used to treat undiagnosed infertility. ICSI can help with undiagnosed infertility. ICSI can be used to test for single-gene disorders (PGD). Fertility World ICSI offers ICSI with IVF ranging between Rs.1,20,000-1,80,000.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine fertilization can be used to achieve fertility. This involves injecting fertile sperm from the wash into the uterus. This procedure is performed during ovulation in order to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

A sample of the semen is collected by the male partner the day before the IUI procedure. The sample will be received by one of our urologists within about 30 minutes. The andrologist will clean the sample and prepare it to undergo IUI. The entire process takes approximately two hours. The sperm is then placed into a thin, plastic catheter that’s then inserted into the woman’s cervix. The sperm then is released.

You will need to lay down for five minutes after insemination. You won’t see the sperm and your cervix open so don’t stay down too long. You can resume normal activities after the IUI. IUI takes approximately five minutes. IUI costs Rs8,000-10,000 if donor sperm is needed.

Fertility World 2021: Donor eggs

Fertility World collaborates with Donor Egg Bank. They are able to obtain eggs from donors all over INDIA and abroad. This Treatment involves sending healthy, frozen eggs to the Fertility World Centre. The Fertility World Centre will fertilize the eggs. Fertility World handles all embryo transfers.

Fertility World 2021: Donor Sperm

Donor sperm injection refers to when sperm from an anonymous donor or known donor is placed in a woman’s body during ovulation. You can also use donor sperm by:

  • Single women
  • Lesbians
  • A woman who doesn’t have sperm from her male partner can marry.
  • A male partner that is a woman who has a hereditary condition

What to Expect During Treatment

IUI is also known as donor sperm injection. However, the source of fertile sperm is not a partner but a donor.

From where does donor sperm come?

Donor sperm could be from someone you know or anonymous donors through Sperm Banking. Many women opt for anonymous donor fertilization. Fertility World 2021 Donor Egg packages ranges between Rs.1,10,000-1,70,000.

Fertility World offers a Sperm Freezing Program

Sperm Freezing, as the name implies, is the act of freezing sperm samples from your partner in order to get pregnant. As protection against unforeseeable future events, many men freeze their sperm. Note: Sperms can be frozen indefinitely, making it one of the most popular methods. Fertility World – Cost guide for services not covered by insurance but offers a comprehensive cost of Rs.1,50,0000.

How to find the right Fertility Team

Look at the success rates of IVF procedures to find the best fertility clinic. You can look up various fertility clinics on the websites to see their outcome statistics as well as an estimate of your cumulative success of a baby from one to three cycles. Looking on the clinic’s website for patient testimonials may give the right path to the intended parents. Make sure the clinic doctors are board-certified in R reproductive endocrinologists, Endocrinology, and Infertility specialists. To find out more about the team at Fertility World: The IVF Center and how we can help you achieve your dream.

Contact us online anytime to schedule an appointment.

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