IVF in Ghana | Fertilityworld

The fertilityworld recognized as the best IVF centre welcomes you to IVF in Ghana. It is a premier fertility hospital for individuals and couples looking for IVF treatment in the heart of Ghana. The centre focuses on delivering comprehensive and compassionate care for rebuilding your parenthood dreams through IVF in Ghana. Our experienced fertility specialists understand the emotional and physical challenges faced by infertile patients. To revive such infertility challenges, our specialists are ever ready to guide you through every hurdle with commitment. Our teams are highly appreciated for delivering personalized care following the latest reproductive advancements in reproductive medicine. IVF is the finest-most successful fertility treatment in the world. IVF in Ghana is in the highest demand from both national and international infertile patients due to its reputed and best fertility hospital known as the fertilityworld. This fertility hospital in  Ghana has a track record of delivering more than 50,000+ babies through IVF treatment at a reasonable IVF cost.



Fertility services at the best fertility hospital in Ghana. 

The Fertilityworld provides well-supported fertility treatments and services to infertile patients, at the most reasonable costs. They include:

  1. In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
  2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
  3. Intracytoplasmic sperm Injection
  4. Frozen embryo transfer (FET).
  5. Laser-assisted hatching (LAH)
  6. Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)
  7. Tubal Evaluation.
  8. Laparoscopy
  9. Semen Analysis: Semen Analysis test cost.
  10. Egg, sperm, and embryo cryopreservation (Freezing).
  11. Altruistic Surrogacy- What is Altruistic Surrogacy

Hospitals that do IVF in Ghana

The finest hospitals that do IVF in Ghana are the fertilityworld. Patients from different parts of the world travel here and achieve their dreams of parenthood at the most reasonable IVF cost. The IVF success rate is mostly guaranteed when patients opt for donor-cycle IVF as the hospital has a ready healthiest donor database and allows patients to pick them according to their preferences. The environment, infrastructure, and state-of-the-art types of equipment are highly maintained in a ranking of world-class fertility facilities. Also, international patients willing to pursue IVF are additionally assisted with medical visas, transportation, hotel/homestay or hospital patient guest house, and complete healthcare by the physicians.   

IVF success rate in Ghana

The IVF success rate in Ghana is 75% to 85%. This is the highest success rate produced in Ghana from the best fertility hospital in Ghana, the fertilityworld. Remember that age is the common factor in deciding IVF in Ghana. Women in the age group of 21 to 35 years have better chances due to the quality of egg production in this age group. IVF is also possible in women above 40 years upon receiving the right fertility treatment for such age. Let’s take a look at the IVF success rate represented by the pie chart below: 

Best fertility hospital IVF price list in Ghana.

In general, IVF treatment in Ghana is expensive with most clinics charging from GH₵66,000 to  GH₵96,000, upon conversion is 4500 USD to 6500 USD depending on the type of IVF done. However, the fertilityworld hospital offers all types of IVF treatment at the most reasonable cost and ensures its success rates. The table below represents the best fertility hospital IVF price list in Ghana:

Types of IVF treatmentCost in USD
Self-cycle (self egg and sperm) IVF.$1000 to $4500
Donor-cycle (donor egg or sperm).$4500 to $6500
IVF with embryo donation $4500 to $6000
IVF with ICSI$2500 to $6500
IVF with PESA, TESA, and TESE$3500 to $4500
IVF with FET$2000 to $4500

Best IVF clinics in Accra, Ghana

The fertilityworld is well-acquainted and ranked as the best fertility hospital in Ghana performing IVF treatments for over 35 years since it was established. Today, the fertilityworld has established its fertility centres and clinics in every state in Ghana, enabling patients to connect with the team in their hometown.  Today, the fertilityworld is one of the top ranking IVF clinics in Accra, Ghana. Here, the mode of the IVF treatment process and procedure is very smooth where the experienced fertility specialists attain every patient with less wait time. Patient fertility background, fertility report, and intentions for IVF treatment are well-recorded, and keep in touch with patients accordingly. Every patient is honored and treated with a commitment to achieve parenthood. The IVF costs are managed to be quite reasonable by the specialist team as they focus on the infertile patients to enjoy parenthood.      

IVF treatment procedure in Ghana

IVF treatment is simple involving the following steps:

  1. Pre-fertility screenings, and evaluations of patients. 
  2. Allows women to develop multiple eggs by IVF medications and the step is called ovarian stimulation.
  3. Collection of the developed matured eggs from the ovarian follicles by the embryologists, this step is egg retrieval.
  4. Collect semen samples from male partners.
  5. Combine the egg and sperm to get fertilized in the laboratory. 
  6. Fertilized eggs (embryo/s) is/are transferred into the female uterus to achieve pregnancy.
  7. Regularly monitored through bloodwork and ultrasound to confirm successful pregnancy. 
  8.  Give birth under specialist arrangements or in your hometown.

Who should go for the IVF treatments?

IVF is the best alternative fertility treatment to embrace parenthood when they cannot conceive naturally. The most common infertility factors that compel the parents/couples to go for IVF treatment include:

  • Advanced maternal age (if 35 years and above),
  • The chances of pregnancy with IUI are very low,
  • Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
  • Endometriosis, 
  • Fibroids,
  • Pelvic adhesions,
  • Male factor (decreased sperm count & blockage),
  • Couples with unexplained infertility.

Best doctors for infertility in Ghana

Embryologists and reproductive endocrinologists are the best doctors for infertility. Reproductive endocrinologists (REs) are specially trained gynecologists who focus on fertility-related problems in both men and women and have an in-depth knowledge of disorders and problems such as endometriosis, uterine anomalies, fallopian tube problems, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). For the IVF treatment, the embryologist decides the fate of parenthood as he/she handles and controls the egg’s qualities.

Best Fertility Hospital in Kumasi

Fertilityworld is the best fertility hospital in Kumasi (Ghana). Many previous successful patients recommend Fertilityworld Hospital for its serene environment, excellent human relations, best doctors, and nurses who are always ready to deliver their services. The centre is located at the heart of Kumasi where every mode of transportation is available.  At Fertilityworld Hospital, every patient is treated to feel important and special. The environment has also been created for patient’s families where they can spend quality time together during the IVF in Ghana. Some of the most appreciated qualities include the affordable IVF cost, promising IVF success rates, and the most friendly environment. If you’re looking for IVF treatment in Kumasi (Ghana) , connecting with the fertilityworld can create your parenthood and be full of amazing memories. 

Cost of IVF in Kumasi  

The cost of IVF in Kumasi ranges between 4500 USD to 6500 USD. This IVF cost may vary from clinic to clinic, hospital to hospital depending upon various factors. But the fertilityworld is the only hospital that offers an affordable IVF cost in Kumasi, Accra, Kasoa, Cedis, etc. The inclusive IVF cost covers the entire process and procedures including consultations, medications, IVF medical procedures (ovarian stimulation, trigger shot, egg retrieval, sperm collection, fertilization, embryo transfer, pregnancy test, and childbirth), and Doctors fees. Fertilityworld will provide additional assistance with medical visas, transportation, hotel/homestay, pick-n-drop services, and other minor expenditures. 

How much is IVF in Ghana Cedis?

IVF in Ghana Cedis ranges between 4500 USD to 6500 USD. The inclusive IVF cost will depend upon the type of IVF treatments including self-cycle, donor-cycle, IVF with embryo donation, IVF with ICSI, IVF with PESA, TESA, and TESE, IVF with FET, and number of cycles.  The Inclusive IVF cost will cover the complete IVF cycles including consultations, fertility medications, ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm collection, fertilization, embryo transfer, pregnancy tests, professional fees (doctors, nurses, caring staff, etc.), and other minor expenditures.

Best fertility Hospital in Kasoa

The best fertility hospital in Kasoa is the fertilityworld. This hospital has been established in every city in Ghana for over 35 years, it is acquainted with all the sophisticated fertility instruments of world-class that are ensuring the IVF success rates. The finest team of fertility specialists including embryologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists, and nurses serves the patients with overwhelming hospitality and friendly behavior. These appreciated qualities of the fertilityworld have led to securing the best fertility hospital in Kasoa (Ghana).  

Why choose the fertilityworld fertility hospital in Ghana?

The fertilityworld ranks as the best fertility hospital in Ghana, having been established over 35 years ago and today it is the most successful for IVF in Ghana, Kumasi, Cedis, Kasoa, Accra, etc. With an established fertilityworld, most of the infertile patients in Ghana could avail fertility services and treatments without transportation and financial problems at the nearest location. All sophisticated fertility instruments, the finest state-of-the-art, well-experienced fertility doctors, experienced nurses, and trained patient caretakers enhance the efficiency of the IVF success rate output.  The IVF treatment cost is very reasonable apart from that the fertilityworld specialist also offers free consultation and is always committed to delivering a healthy baby(ies) through IVF treatment to any infertile patient who connects with the fertilityworld services. Contact the fertilityworld today and secure your parenthood when your age is right.  




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