Male infertility treatment in Bangalore1


  • Best male infertility Care Centre in Bangalore.
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  • Highly experienced Board Certified Experts
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We offer a holistic approach to treat all types of male infertility issues bestowing the advanced diagnostic services 

  • Micro-TESE
  • Varicocele repair
  • Testicular biopsy
  • Electroejaculation and ancillary services

Know About  Male Infertility

Infertility refers to the inability to conceive a child or carry it to term after 12 consecutive months of unprotected, regular intercourse. Either one partner may have fertility issues or both. Research shows that nearly half of all cases of infertility are caused by male factor infertility. Male fertility is complex. Healthy male fertility is dependent on two important aspects:

  1. Producing healthy sperm
  2. The testes are where sperm is made. At least one testicle must be functioning correctly to ensure healthy sperm production. A healthy sperm includes a sufficient number of normal-shaped, forward-moving sperm in its semen. A low sperm count is defined to be less than 15 million sperm in a milliliter of semen or less than 39 million per egg. Transfer of sperm to the semen

The seminal fluid is infused with sperm through tubes. Sperm are made in the testes. Low sperm counts or no sperm can be caused by problems in the delivery system.

Male Infertility: Causes

The following are some of the causes for male infertility:

Sperm disorders

According to the World Health Organisation sperm can be considered fertile if it contains 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen, has motility greater than 40%, and is of a sperm shape determined by strict Kruger analysis. A low or insufficient sperm count (azoospermia), poor motility, and abnormal morphology/form of sperm can all impact the sperm’s ability to penetrate the egg of the female partner and fertilize it.

These disorders may be present at birth due to inherited conditions, or they can be acquired later in life via unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking illicit drugs, certain medical treatment (such as chemotherapy), and certain medical conditions.

Ejaculation disorders

Further classified are issues involving ejaculation (reaching an urge to sex and releasing sexual semen).

1. Premature Ejaculation: An ejaculation that occurs just before or right after penetration. This is usually caused by performance anxiety during sex. Stress, depression, a history of sexual repression, and other psychological problems can also be caused. Ejaculation can also be affected by certain medications, such as antidepressants.

2. Inhibited or delayed Ejaculation: Ejaculation occurs very late or never at all. It could be caused by long-term health issues. Side-effects from medications, alcohol abuse, and surgery. This can also cause psychological issues like anxiety, depression, and stress.

3. Retrograde Ejaculation: The retrograde ejaculate, or semen, is forced back into your bladder instead of being expelled through your penis. This is more common in diabetics with nerve damage. This can also happen as a side effect of certain medications, or after surgery to the bladder neck/prostate.


Varicoceles, which are larger veins in the testicles than the varicose veins that can be found in the legs, are called varicoceles. They can develop over time and may obstruct the transfer and production of sperm into semen, resulting in lower sperm quality.

Retrograde Ejaculation

Retrograde ejaculation refers to an ejaculation disorder where the semen enters a bladder through an orgasm and not from the penis tip. This can be caused by spinal injuries, diabetes, and certain medical procedures.

Hormone imbalances

Low male fertility can be caused by hormonal imbalances, such as those in the hypothalamus and pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, testicles, pituitary, pituitary, and thyroid. Low fertility can be caused by hormonal imbalances.

Structural problems of males

Sperm is produced by the testicles. The sperm is then transferred through delicate tubes into the ejaculate or semen. Sperm can be affected by structural defects and blockages, which can cause low or no sperm count. There are many causes of obstructions in the male reproductive system, including those that affect the testicles. These include trauma, surgery, previous infections, and inherited conditions.

Chromosome defects

Certain inherited disorders and genetic conditions can cause men to have lower fertility. They can also lead to abnormal development of the male reproductive system or sperm production.


Extended exposure to certain environmental factors, such as radiation, heavy metals, heat, and industrial chemicals can cause sperm loss or hinder sperm production.


Over-consumption of alcohol, drug abuse, long-term use of steroids, and smoking tobacco can all have a negative effect on sperm quality.

Diagnosing Male Infertility

A semen analysis can detect issues such as low or no sperm counts, abnormal sperm structure (shape and function of sperm), and poor sperm motility. (the ability of the sperm to be mobile and fertilize the egg). To explain anomalies in the semen analysis, additional investigations such as ultrasound, hormone testing, and post-ejaculation urine urinalysis, genetic tests, sperm function tests, and testicular biopsy may be required.

Male infertility treatment

Male infertility Treatment depends on the cause, time, gender, and personal preferences.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is an ART procedure that is used in IVF cycles to treat male factor infertility. The procedure was introduced for the first time in 1990. In 1992, the first ICSI test tube baby was born. ICSI has made it possible for patients suffering from severe male factor infertility to have healthy children. ICSI is a method of carefully extracting one sperm cell from an egg, using either surgical sperm retrieval or from a semen sample. It then injects it into the egg’s center to encourage fertilization.

Varicocele repair and other interventional procedures can be used in certain situations to enhance reproductive function. If traditional methods of collecting semen are incontinent, surgical sperm retrieval procedures such as TESA or PESA can be used. This allows for the extraction of sperm directly from the testicles. These procedures are generally outpatient and minimally invasive.  

Simple Lifestyle Changes:

Male fertility can be improved by abstaining from smoking, alcohol, and illegal drugs. Fertility can also be improved by a healthy diet and regular (but not excessive) exercise.

General Sexual Problems:

Impotence and premature ejaculation can be treated to improve fertility. These problems are often treated with medication and behavioral approaches. However, sometimes surgical and mechanical treatments can be effective. To overcome infertility, artificial insemination using an ejaculate may be used.

Low Sperm Count

In 5% of men, hormonal treatment is required. Other options include ejaculatory incisions, surgical treatment for varicocele, and sperm concentration techniques through electroejaculation.

In Absent Sperm

The most common treatment options are microsurgical bypass, micro-epididymal, and bilateral testicular biopsy.

Surgical Management

When there is no sperm (azoospermia), surgical sperm retrieval may be indicated. Obstructive azoospermia can be caused by an obstruction in the reproductive system (obstructive) or by a lack of sperm generation (non-obstructive). Obstructive azoospermia can be caused by a blockage in the tubes that transport the sperm. This could be caused by infection or surgical blockage. Surgical sperm retrieval allows the urologist the ability to retrieve sperm directly from the epididymis, or the testes of patients with obstructive azoospermia. The sperm can then go to ICSI to fertilize eggs. For future fertility attempts, the extra sperm can be frozen along with testicular tissue.

What should a man avoid the following infertility?

First, We are here to assist you at every minute. The fertility counseling starts with our urologist performing a physical exam on you and asking questions about your medical history. This includes any previous surgeries, medications, exercise habits, and whether or not you smoke. You may be asked about your sexual life and any issues you’ve experienced. Then, you’ll be asked to provide a sample of your semen for analysis.

What is Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA), How can it help you?

Semen analysis is performed to determine if there are any male fertility issues. CASA is a method that allows objective evaluation of sperm quality. It measures sperm cell movement (movement) as well as morphology (shape, size). 

Fertility World uses a sophisticated electronic imaging system and advanced software to evaluate dozens of sperm parameters. This examination yields very precise results and can be tailored to males in fertilization.

Book a Free consultation with the leaders of Fertility Science. Reach out to us!

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