Surrogacy cost in Darjeeling
  • The Fertility World Surrogacy Center is best in Darjeeling
  • It offers a surrogacy program at a lower cost from Rs. 11 lakhs
  • It ensures Guaranteed Surrogacy with Donor eggs of 100%
  • All fertility facilities are available under one roof.
  • Free first consultation: Book an appointment
  • Call/W: 919311850412 Email:

The Fertility World Surrogacy Center Darjeeling welcomes all our prospective intending parents with a great hope to let you achieve parenthood.

For many normal parents, the joy of raising a child is priceless and unforgettable memories. However, Surrogacy is a complex series of fragile procedures, therefore many professionals and services staff are required to make your parental dreams into reality. Due to these many complex processes and requirements, all intended parents ask, “How much could surrogacy cost them?”

Generally, at the Fertility World surrogacy center in Darjeeling, the surrogacy program is charged based on three types of surrogacy expenses that determine the overall surrogacy cost:

  • The Fertility World surrogacy center Fee
  • Legal formalities fees
  • Surrogate compensation and reimbursement for expenses
  • Additional professional services, including medical costs

Let us understand the surrogacy cost in details:

The Fertility World surrogacy is the most trusted center in Darjeeling today, even in this pandemic. We have not stopped rendering our services to many hopeful parents, with strict protocols laid down by the medical authorities. We are in great collaboration with other best fertility services in India and around the World.

We offer expert legal services as well as the best surrogate database, egg donors, sperm donors, pre-screening, case management, and other fertility-related services under our roof. No traveling expenses and free consultation. 

Today, we are making your surrogacy journey successful, guiding and standing with you from the start to success, and charging you a minimal package starting from Rs. 11 lakhs up to Rs. 15 lakhs. The cost can vary depending on your fertility medical conditions.  

Types of TreatmentsCost in Rupees
Surrogacy Inclusive Package11 lakhs up to 20 lakhs
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)1.5 lakhs up to 2.5 lakhs
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)5,000 up to 40,000
Intracytoplasmic sperm injectionUp to 1.2 lakhs
Surrogate Mother5 lakhs to 6 lakhs
Egg Donor35,000 up to 45,000
Sperm Donor10,000 up to 20,000
Embryo Donation40,000 to 70,000
Embryo Freezing10,000 to 15,00/month
Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)45,000 onwards
Semen Freezing5000/month
Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)30,000+
IUI without injection18,000+
IUI 2 cycle with injection50,000+
IVF 3 cycle with injection (Donor egg+self sperm)3,80,000
IVF 3 cycle with injection (Own egg+donor sperm)3,70,000

What surrogacy programs are covered by surrogacy costs?

The fertility world is one of the best centers that understands and values the sweat of each intended parent’s financing. Therefore, we charge surrogacy at a very affordable price. However, surrogacy is not for everyone today, as it is about giving life to losing dreams it is expensive. The charging cost covers the following services and expenses, which will be provided by appropriate professionals designated by the fertility world:

  • Surrogacy service fees (up to 20%)
  • Accounting and medical billing cost (up to 10%)
  • Intended parents legal rights protection (up to 5%)
  • Legal surrogacy contract agreement ( up to 10%)
  • Screening and support of the surrogate (up to 5%)
  • Surrogate mother expenses (up to 40%)
  • Child Delivery Charges
  • Insurance if applicable (up to 10%)

How is surrogacy performed at the Fertility World in Darjeeling?

In general, there are two forms of surrogacy: 

  • Traditional surrogacy and 
  • Gestational surrogacy. 

The difference between the two forms of surrogacy, traditional surrogacy uses the surrogate mother’s egg for conception. In contrast, gestational surrogacy is performed by transferring embryos made through IVF with eggs from the intended mother or a donor. Thus, the advent of IVF has assisted gestational surrogacy. 

However, today traditional surrogacy is rarely practiced, and also rarely opted in some countries due to many legal, parentage, external and emotional issues. Gestational surrogacy is the only form of surrogacy that is performed by many surrogacy centers. Therefore, Fertility World also offers only gestational surrogacy.

Let us understand how gestational surrogacy is performed in brief:

In general, the gestational surrogacy process involves finding a surrogacy opportunity, completing legal contracts, completing the IVF process, transferring the embryo to the surrogate, confirming pregnancy and delivery of the baby.

Some Intended parents locate a surrogacy opportunity on their own and pursue an independent surrogacy with an attorney specializing in assisted reproductive law. However, most intended parents don’t succeed with independent surrogacy because of a lack of knowledge behind surrogacy, some fall into the hands of fraud and lose their money. So, today most hopeful parents choose to work with full-service surrogacy professionals (the Fertility World surrogacy center) to help them find a gestational carrier and have a successful surrogacy.

Finding the Surrogate: Once a match has been identified, the surrogate and intended parents will each work with an attorney to discuss each party’s legal risks and responsibilities, as well as surrogate compensation. Once everyone is in agreement and the contracts are signed, a fertility clinic will handle the IVF and embryo transfer process. An embryo will be created and transferred to the surrogate using one of the following:

  • The eggs and sperm of the intended parents,
  • A donated egg fertilized with sperm from the intended father, 
  • The intended mother’s egg is fertilized with donor sperm,
  • A donor embryo or an embryo created using donor eggs and donor sperm.

From there, the surrogate will carry the baby as if it were any other pregnancy, and the intended parents will welcome their child and have full legal custody when he or she is born.

What Is a Surrogate?

A surrogate is a woman who carries and delivers a child for another intended couple or an individual. She could be a friend, family member or a new known acquaintance, or an arrangement from the fertility world. 

She will not share any genetic relationship with the child. The embryo the surrogate carries isn’t related to her genetically. Instead, it is implanted through a fertility procedure called in vitro fertilization and may come from the mother who hires her or an egg donor.

How to get the best Surrogate mother at a low cost?

A surrogate mother’s role is not an easy task, she undergoes several medical screenings, bears lots of pain, carries the pregnancy for 9 months, and sacrifices her body. Therefore, she should be a young and healthy woman. We keep our surrogate under the following criteria, which is considered the best surrogate:

  • She is a young, fit, and healthy women
  • She is between the age of 21 to 35 years
  • She is full support from her husband, families
  • She is legally accepted to be surrogate
  • Happy and pleasing personality
  • Already delivered at least one child
  • All blood investigations clean positive results Day 15-18 endometrial thickness > 9mm
  • She is ready to receive the embryo
  • She is willing to carry the pregnancy for 9 months.

We provide our surrogate mother to any intended parents who are looking for gestational surrogacy and finding difficulty in arranging their surrogates. We let you select your surrogate based on your preferences from our database. Her identity remains confidential between the involved parties. 

If you choose the fertility world surrogacy center as your surrogacy destination, the cost of surrogacy is included in our surrogacy package from Rs. 11 lakhs onwards. If you prefer only a surrogate mother from us, she will be compensated between Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 6 lakhs.

Understanding Gestational Surrogacy Laws

The surrogacy journey is relatively not so old, and legal laws are currently fairly unsettled and complicated in India. It is recommended that intended parents and surrogates each have their legal representation to guide them through the process and protect their rights.

While surrogacy law can be complicated, the legal process for gestational surrogacy is often less complex than other forms of surrogacy.  In gestational surrogacy, at least one parent is usually genetically related to the child, simplifying custody issues.

Surrogacy laws are determined by each state, and certain states do not allow surrogacy at all. Our professional or an attorney will help you understand gestational surrogacy laws in India and help you complete the surrogacy process regardless of where you live. 

How to get the Donor eggs in Darjeeling?

The Fertility World surrogacy center in Darjeeling runs a very successful Donor Egg Gestational Surrogacy program in India, it is availed by mostly includes:

  • Married couples where the wife is no longer able to form her eggs and requires both an egg donor as well as a Gestational Surrogate.
  • Single parents, where a wife is no more
  • Divorcee male couples

We support all these patients in their endeavor to become parents as we believe that everyone should be able to enjoy the joy of parenthood like any normal parent. Our donor database has more than 40 ethnic Indian egg donors and is ready to donate at any given point in time. We offer our donor eggs at the lowest price from Rs.35,000 to Rs.45,000.

We provide you with the profiles of the donors for you to choose from. We can also arrange by referring you to an overseas center that helps you with the same. We work in collaboration with surrogacy centers from all over the world and you can avail yourself their contact details by writing a mail to

Starting Surrogacy with the Fertility World in Darjeeling?

To start the surrogacy program or for any fertility-related queries, questions, confusions, legalities, donors, surrogates. we require you to register with us. Once registered, we will be right away into your services.

Apart from this, we provide free complimentary consultations on your first registration. Also, you can avail of up to 10% concessions from our inclusive surrogacy package.

Book an appointment or Register with us today!

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