- Recognized Surrogacy Program in Pune- The Fertility World
- The surrogacy program starts at Rs. 11 lakh only
- Best surrogate Mothers for couples
- Guaranteed surrogacy with Donor Assisted Reproduction
- Free first consultation: Book an appointment.
- Call/W: 919311850412 Email: info@fertilityworld.in
The Fertility World is the gold standard for surrogacy and has the most advanced IVF clinics in India. The Surrogacy in Pune (INDIA) is not expensive compared to many countries like the U.S, including Independent Surrogacy and Assisted Surrogacy starting from INR 11 lakhs only.
The Fertility World Surrogacy recommends surrogacy programs in Pune for intending couples with the available resources. Success rates among Pune IVF clinics are the best. Birth certificates are automatically issued with the name of the Future Parents, and children born via surrogacy agreements.
Medical Procedure of Surrogacy
Before choosing surrogacy let us understand how gestational Surrogacy is practically carried out step-by-step at The Fertility World in Pune…
In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate becomes pregnant through a procedure called in vitro fertilization (IVF). An embryo is created in the laboratory and transferred to the surrogate’s uterus, and she(surrogate) is not genetically related to the child.
1. Medical screening of the Surrogate
Be Confident, healthy, and physically ready for surrogacy. Before the surrogacy starts, you will undergo medical screening (blood works) to ensure you are healthy enough to carry a surrogate pregnancy.
- Ultrasound to examine your uterus.
- Your spouse or partner also tests bloodwork to check for infectious diseases.
2. Fertilization: The best quality of the egg is retrieved by the embryologist from the intending female ovaries or Donor and combined with the sperm of the husbands or Donor sperm in a test tube under culture medium for Fertilization. The fertilized egg is called an embryo.
Fertilization is achieved either by conventional insemination, Intrauterine insemination (IUI), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Which method should be used is decided by the doctors based on the quality of the sperm.
3. Receive the embryo transfer: Our doctor uses birth control pills, other hormones to regulate your cycle. It allows the Doctors to control your cycles and ensures you are ready to receive the embryos at the exact right time.
During the surrogacy process, at this point, you will be prescribed progesterone injections and estrogen replacements to help maintain your hormone levels and support a stable pregnancy. You will continue taking these hormones until the 12th week of pregnancy when the placenta generally takes over hormone production.
The transfer of embryo procedure takes place when the embryos have grown for 5 to 6 days and you are five days past mid-cycle. The embryo(s) will be transferred using a catheter, which is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. This procedure is very quick and painless, you won’t be sedated, but you will be advised to rest for some time.
3. Confirm pregnancy: About 6 to 10 days after the embryo transfer, you will come back to our fertility clinic to measure your pregnancy hormone levels.
- An HCG count of 50 or higher indicates a positive, stable pregnancy,
- An HCG count over 200 may indicate multiple pregnancies.
- The doctors will do another HCG test a few days later to ensure that levels are rising; they should double every two days.
It is important to remember that multiple embryo transfers may be required before a surrogate pregnancy is confirmed. You will continue to monitor throughout this process.
4. An ultrasound continues for about six weeks and begins prenatal care: Once a successful embryo transferred, the doctor will perform an ultrasound around the sixth week of pregnancy. If a heartbeat is heard during the ultrasound, you may be released to your own OB/GYN, or you may complete another ultrasound around 12 weeks before being released from the fertility clinic’s practice to your own OB/GYN.
At this point in the process, you will continue to receive prenatal care as you would with any other pregnancy. However, you may have more frequent appointments to ensure the pregnancy is still stable, especially if you are carrying multiples.
5. Welcome a Baby: During labor and delivery, some women require medication such as Pitocin to stimulate contractions or an epidural for pain relief. In some situations, a surrogate may need a cesarean delivery or c-section.
Ultimately, it will be your birth experience, so you and your doctor will create your birth plan. Throughout the process, the baby’s parents will be involved and eager to support you. The birth of the baby will always be one of the most memorable milestones, and never forget how they felt that day when you gave them the gift of their child.
The Fertility World understands a surrogate’s desire to have a thorough knowledge of the surrogate medical process. We are always here to answer questions about medical procedures for surrogacy, and to provide support.
How Surrogate mother arrangement is done at Fertility World

The Fertility World Pune collaborates with the best Surrogate provider- they provide the list of surrogate mothers with proven fertility and completed family with a proper consent form.
Then, we provide the surrogates list to the intending parent to choose their preferred surrogate mother from the list. If a match has been found between the intended parents and the surrogate mother, all screenings (blood investigations, ultrasounds, screening of complete medical history, surgical & family history) are effectively done. All the legal formalities are performed by our legal advisor before processing the surrogacy procedure. All these facilities are available in the same premises at the best surrogacy center in Pune, the Fertility World.
Also, the team at Fertility World accepts, if you bring your known surrogates (relatives, friends), it will reduce the surrogacy cost and save time, arrange surrogates, to help create your family.
Surrogacy with assisted Gamete Donation
Gestational surrogacy which is also known as host or full surrogacy, or gestational care is where the intended mother or an egg donor provides the egg, and the intended father or a sperm donor provides the sperm. The resulting embryo is transferred to the gestational carrier, who then has no genetic connection to the child.
Guaranteed surrogacy with donor Egg
The first-ever pregnancy from a donor egg was reported in early 1984. After this, an egg donation has helped many infertile people to conceive. Surrogacy with donor eggs results in guaranteed healthy 100% live birth success rates than using own eggs. About 90% of embryo transfers result in a pregnancy when a donor egg is used. The child will be a genetic link of the intended parents only if the male partner contributes its sperm to fertilize the egg.
Egg donation requires in vitro fertilization (IVF), as the eggs are removed from one donor woman, fertilized in the fertility laboratory, and the resulting embryo is transferred to the recipient’s uterus (surrogate mother). The first step is to find an egg donor. This can be either someone is known to the intended parent(s) or an anonymous donor.
To remove the Donor Egg and Fertilize, the following steps are required:
- The donor is given medication to stimulate her ovaries to produce multiple eggs and the eggs are collected. Sometimes, to share costs, the eggs from an egg-donation cycle are split among several recipients.
- Sperm from a male partner or a sperm donor is used to fertilize these eggs in the fertility laboratory.
- The best stage embryo (fertilized egg) is chosen and implanted to the uterus of the intended carrier and, hopefully, pregnancy is established. The intended carrier can be the intended parent or another woman (gestational carrier), depending on the health conditions applied.
Why Donor Eggs are Used?
Egg donation is often used for those women whose
- Ovaries have either been surgically removed or are functioning poorly.
- Premature menopause,
- Severe diminished ovarian reserve,
- Medical disorders, or
- Exposure to toxins like chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
- Egg donation is also appropriate for women who are born without ovaries.
- To avoid passing down inherited diseases to the child.
- Women who have had multiple failed IVF cycles due to poor-quality eggs,
- Women of advanced reproductive age (over age 38),
- Women with a low response to medications for ovarian stimulation.
Assured Surrogacy With Donor Sperms
According to ICMR guidelines, Sperm donors will be anonymous. They undergo detailed history clearance, Laboratory Testing such as
- Semen analysis and culture,
- Routine tests, blood groups, infection screens and
- Sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing,
- Genetic Screening (Karyotyping).
Semen is collected and kept frozen in a sperm bank. After the 6 months of the quarantine period, the donor is again tested for infection screening tests (HIV/ HBsAg/HCV/VDRL), and once negative the sample is released for use, or even fresh sperm is used after complete screening and analysis of the Donor.
Why surrogacy with Donor sperm is required?
Surrogacy with donor sperm is required when the husband is having the following abnormalities :
- Azoospermia, or absence of sperm,
- Severe oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, or less abnormal sperm
- Genetic abnormalities
- Repeated IVF failures due to poor sperm quality
Surrogacy with Embryo Donation
Surrogacy with Embryo Donation is required by couples or parents when both of them have the following problems:
- Severe fertility problems
- Genetic problems
- Repeated pregnancy loss or IVF failure with poor quality eggs and sperms
What is the cost of Surrogacy at Fertility World in Pune?
Fertility World in Pune offers the surrogacy cost at lower packages than the rest other surrogacy centers. These programs include all components of the surrogacy process. A single fee includes all medical procedures (including the IVF, embryo transfer, prenatal care, and delivery), legal contracts and filings, the surrogate compensation and expenses as well as the logistical support from the Intended Parents.
The basic Surrogacy with Normal Health conditions medically with self gametes starts from INR. 11 lakhs. The cost may vary based on the health conditions, duration, Assisted Donor surrogacy, and additional medication if needed.
To know more about complete details of the surrogacy procedure, contact us today! Our fertility expert will guide you in a better way.