Testicular atrophy

The testes are the male reproductive organs. Two testicles of the same size are found in the scrotum. The temperature around the testicles is controlled by the scrotum, which relaxes in response to heat and shrinks in cold. Sometimes, this can make your testicles smaller or larger than usual. Sometimes, however, the testicles can shrink. This is called testicular atrophy.

What is a Testicular Atrophy

The narrowing of the testicles (the two male reproductive glands located in the scrotum) is known as testicular atrophy. The scrotum’s main function is to regulate temperature around the testicles. It does this by contracting when it gets cold and then relaxing when it gets warmer. This can cause your testicles to look smaller or larger than normal.

Testicular atrophy is the narrowing or shrinking of your testicles and not your scrotum. It can occur due to injury, underlying conditions, or exposure. Two types of cells are responsible for the function of the testes: Leydig cells and Germ cells. The Leydig cells produce testosterone, the male sexual hormone. While the germ cells make sperm, the Leydig cells are responsible for their function. These two types of cells are produced in equal amounts during the normal development of the testis. This results in tests that are round, firm, full, and firm. Testicular fluid levels can change if one or both types of cells are reduced, which can cause extremely shrinking testes. These are some possible causes of testicular atrophy.


Hormonal Imbalance 

Testicular atrophy is the most common type. Testicular atrophy can be caused by hormonal imbalances, radiation exposure, and chronic steroid usage. Hormonal imbalances can cause the body to believe it has too many sex hormones. This causes the testes to shrink and produce fewer sex hormones. Depending on the severity of the problem, stopping these drugs can often reverse it.


Testicular atrophy can be caused by medical conditions like HIV and the mumps virus. It is possible to reverse the condition with appropriate treatment, depending on the severity of atrophy.


Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to liver cirrhosis, which can cause damage to the testes and eventually atrophy.


Natural aging can cause testicular atrophy. It is more common in men older than 40.


The most visible sign of testicular atrophy, or shrinkage, is often the diminution of one or both of the testicles. However, it is possible for some people to experience additional symptoms depending on their age and underlying conditions.

  • Larger penis sizes
  • Absence of facial hair or pubic hair
  • Additional symptoms can include:
  • Soft testicles
  • Lower sex drive
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Infertility
  • Reduced facial or pubic hair

A person might also experience testicular atrophy if they have an underlying medical condition.

  • Pain in the testicles
  • Inflammation
  • Fever
  • Nausea


A doctor will usually ask questions about the patient’s medical history and lifestyle to determine if they have testicular atrophy. A doctor will also inquire about the person’s current medication.

The doctor may also conduct a physical exam of the testicles to look for the following characteristics:

  • Size
  • Shape
  • Texture
  • Firmness
  • A doctor might order further tests to determine the cause of testicular atrophy. Tests that may be performed include:
  • An ultrasound of the testicles is done to check for abnormalities or blood flow.
  • Blood tests are done to check for signs and symptoms of infection
  • To test for sexually transmitted diseases, you can use urine or swabs to test.


  • The underlying cause of testicular dystrophies will determine the treatment. The treatment and early diagnosis can help reverse narrowing. There are several options for treatment:
  • Antibiotics might be prescribed in the event of a bacterial infection.
  • Lifestyle changes are highly recommended
  • Hormone therapy can be used to treat low or imbalanced testosterone production
  • Surgery may be required for testicular torsion

Home Remedies

There are natural remedies for testicular atrophy, according to some people. There is no evidence that natural remedies for testicular atrophy can be used to correct it or the underlying causes

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