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The IUI is an affordable treatment ranging from 5k to 15k INR with the highest success rate provided by the fertilityworld in Guwahati, Assam. IUI is a minor invasive fertility treatment and is recommended as the first option before deciding on any other infertility treatment.

IUI  Treatment in Guwahati Assam

IUI Treatment Success Rate

The IUI treatments depend upon different factors such as unexplained fertility, the opening of the fertility tube, male factor infertility, and the age of the women.

Below bar graph shows the IUI treatment success rate based on the women’s age:

IUI Treatment Success Rate in Guwahati

Factors affecting the IUI Success Rates

There can be some very crucial factors that may affect the IUI treatment’s success rates. We have discussed this below:

  • Unexplained fertility:  Some women may have a good egg count, a healthy uterus, and perfect open fallopian tubes, and males with good sperm count but the success rate can be lower than expected per cycle which signifies an unexplained fertility condition. 
  • Opening of fertility tube problems: For women with one blocked and one unblocked fallopian tube, pregnancy can happen but the success rate depends on the blockage’s location on the blocked tube. the blockage closest to the uterus produces a higher success rate than the blockage closest to the ovary. 
  • Male factor infertility can affect the IUI success rate.
  • Woman’s age: Age is a crucial factor in determining the success rate of the IUI procedure. The conception rates drop significantly with advanced age due to decreasing egg quality. One may require repeated IUI cycles to conceive.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

IUI is the artificial insemination of fertility treatments. It is a simple fertility treatment process and is done with or without the use of fertility drugs. The procedure involves transferring directly processed semen into the female uterus, assisting the fertilization and getting conception. IUI has an impressive success rate of up to 80% success rate within 1 to 5 cycles, in the right patients.

What is the best age to do IUI?

What is the best age to do IUI?

The best age to do IUI treatment for women is between 21 to 37 years of age. While the best age for males to do IUI treatment is even beyond 55 years.

Cost of IUI treatments in Guwahati, Assam

Generally, the cost of IUI treatments is less expensive than any other fertility treatment. However, the price can vary from clinic to clinic, location to location, and for medical conditions treatments. But the fertilityworld having 20+ years of experience in IUI treatments offers an affordable price ranging from 5k to 15k INR per treatment cycle, providing overall satisfaction to its patients fulfilling their dreams of parenthood at any cost.

The table below shows the fixed and transparent cost of IUI treatments at the fertilityworld in Guwahati, Assam:

IUI TreatmentIUI Cost in INR
Drugs and Medicine2,000 to 8,000
IUI Procedure3000 to 5000
Total Cost15, 000

You can also visit this; IUI cost in Delhi | IUI treatment in Delhi and compare the cost of IUI from Guwahati, Assam.

How much is IUI per cycle in Guwahati, Assam?

IUI per cycle includes complete monitoring, medication, and egg retrieval, and the insemination procedure will cost range from 5k to 15k INR at the fertilityworld in Guwahati, Assam.

Process of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) 

Process of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) 

The process of intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is quite simple and non-invasive but delays in any part of the process can decrease the success rate of conception. Let’s discuss the IUI procedure below, step by step:

  • The first step is booking an appointment and providing free consultations from the fertilityworld experts. Consultation is provided either online or offline.
  • The timing of the procedure is determined by the experts when ovulation occurs. 
  • The entire process is well planned by the doctor when to take medication and when your partner should provide a sperm sample.
  • A male partner or donor semen sample is collected via a conventional method on the day you come for the insemination i.e your first menstrual cycle. If you opt for a sperm donor, the donor sample will already be thawed and ready for the procedure.
  • The semen sample collected is washed and concentrated so that only good-quality sperms remain, and all other impurities are removed.
  • A device called a catheter, containing the washed sperm is placed in your cervix and the filtered semen is inserted into your uterus.

How painful is the IUI process?

How painful is the IUI process?

IUI is not a painful process but it is a painless procedure, and most women don’t experience much discomfort. The procedure takes about 5 to 15 minutes at the fertilityworld clinic and does not require anesthesia or painkillers. However, it’s not unusual to experience cramping or slight bleeding during or after the procedure, but recovers after a few days without medication.

How long does IUI take to get pregnant?

After the completed IUI procedure, the pregnancy confirmation will be counted. Since insemination occurs during ovulation, it takes approximately two weeks after the procedure to determine positive pregnancy confirmation.

Who should go for the IUI treatments?

IUI treatment is mostly recommended for couples who have had trouble conceiving a child through natural means after having regular unprotected sex for up to one year.  You may have the following conditions:

  • Unexplained fertility, 
  • Male factor infertility like low sperm count, poor sperm motility, problems with erection or ejaculation, or for those couples using donor sperm. 
  • Women with moderate to severe endometriosis
  • The male partner does not produce the sperm 
  • Women having severe fallopian tube disease
  • Women have had both fallopian tubes removed, or both are blocked
  • Women having multiple pelvic infections
  • When a couple wants to avoid passing a genetic condition to the child
  • A single woman who wants to conceive using donor sperm.
  • Issues with the cervix or cervical mucus

What are the benefits of IUI treatments?

IUI treatments provide various benefits for males suffering from infertility and who cannot impregnate their women. Some of the advantages of IUI treatments include:

  • IUI is less invasive than any other fertility treatment like IVF, or ICSI. 
  • Fewer stresses on the body. 
  • IUI enhances sperm quality as it involves washing the sperm. It removes prostaglandins, infectious agents, antigenic proteins, non-motile spermatozoa, immature germ cells, etc. It results in quality sperm.

Why the fertilityworld is the best for IUI treatments in Guwahati, Assam?

For the past 20 years, the fertilityworld has been serving IUI treatments by having the backbone of its finest leading specialists. The fertilityworld is a committed clinic to serving infertile patients who have another hope to conceive after failing the natural ways. The clinic most recommended and the best advice is to provide less-invasive treatments for IUI and make their dreams of parenthood possible. Apart from its commitment and dedication, the clinic has the latest and ultra-laboratory equipment.

More about IUI treatments and their cost:

If you have any confusion or did not understand this page and want to know more about intrauterine insemination (IUI) or to directly discuss with IUI specialists at fertilityworld in Guwahati, Assam, please feel free and write to us at we’re right away to answer and solve your problems with free consultations. 

Further, if you want to directly discuss the cost of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Egg freezing, the cost of a donor egg, the cost of donor sperm, the cost donor embryo, the cost of IVF, the cost of ICSI, or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount in Guwahati, Assam. Please feel free and write to us at We provide free consultations and no charges for your query.

Contact the fertilityworld today and get your IUI done at the lowest cost from Guwahati, Assam.

what is the cost of an IUI in Guwahati?

The fertilityworld having 20+ years of experience in IUI treatments offers an affordable price ranging from 5k to 15k INR per treatment cycle, providing overall satisfaction to its patients fulfilling their dreams of parenthood at any cost.

Best infertility treatment clinic in Guwahati?

Fertilityworld in Guwahati is the best infertility clinic in Assam with the highest success rate achiever from the past decade. Doctors having 20+ years of experience and research in infertility treatment have given successful results to every couple who becomes a parent after visiting the Fertilityworld clinic. Contact Today

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