Cost of Surrogacy in Hyderabad
  • India’s Most Trusted Surrogacy Centre- Fertilityworld
  • Only Altruistic surrogacy is legal in India (New law 2022)
  • Guaranteed Surrogacy package with 100% surety of baby available.
  • The cost of Surrogacy ranges from 18 to 20 lakhs approximately.
  • Make an appointment and get a free consultation with our doctors and lawyer.
  • Call/W +91 9311850412 Email:

Parenthood” (or “Marital Bond”) is heavenly bliss. If it is not, it can lead to untold misery. We at “Fertility World Surrogacy Centre in Hyderabad“, work hard to support you and make your dreams come to life using different treatment procedures at an affordable Cost of Surrogacy in Hyderabad. IUI- IntraUterine-Insemination, IVF In Vitro Fertilization, “ICSI- Intro Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection”, and “Surrogacy” can all be done under one roof in Hyderabad. It is a historic and happening city. The services are affordable “high quality and successful are provided” to clients from all over the world. A big team of highly trained doctors, embryologists, and nurses, as well as support staff and patient counselors, are ready to provide world-class A.R.T. (Assisted Reproductive Techniques), as we have achieved Guaranteed Surrogacy with Donor Egg for infertile couples, the Commissioning Couples of Surrogacy.

Serving at the top of the A.R.T Field, with proven high success rates, like 50% to 70% in IVF & – ICSI 30% in IUI, or 80% to 90% in Surrogacy, can be verified by cross-checking the results, as maintained in our ” Evidence-Based” website. We are now considered to be one of the best in the World” in surrogacy. There are about 100+ women in the Surrogate home with ongoing pregnancies. We offer comfortable, well-furnished accommodations and all the nutritious food that pregnant women require.

Steps for surrogacy

i.Share your medical information with us.

ii. Our specialists will examine your history and records to determine the best course of action and revert to you as soon as possible.

iii. Once you have decided to proceed, you will need to contact our legal adviser to make sure all required paperwork is completed. You should also contact your network centers (nearest to you ) to ask about the necessary documents. We will be happy to help you.

iv. In the meantime, we will post a surrogate advertisement, screen the candidates, and choose the best one to transfer your embryos. A minimum deposit is required before the embryo transfer can be initiated. This deposit can be wired to our bank account. 

v. Once we have established your travel dates, you will be synchronized with the surrogate’s / egg donor’s (ED) cycle.

vi. You need access to injections which can arrive by the 2nd day of your period, you could start the process of your ovarian stimulation process at home. You will need to reach Hyderabad on the first or second day of your period if you have difficulty in accessing the injections.

All of the above steps are performed simultaneously: monitoring the stimulation with ultrasonography and blood level, giving injections, retrieving oocytes, and embryo transfer. To make sure that pregnancy occurs, the surrogate must remain in the hospital for the duration of the transfer.

The pregnancy test can be done 14 days after embryo transfer. We will email you a copy of the results.

Guaranteed Surrogacy Program with Donor Eggs

Finding the right donor can seem like a daunting task. This is where our center can help. We make every effort to match the ED with your suggestions.

Below are the requirements you will need to supply us

✔ Age limit on ED

✔ Skin color

✔ Hair color

✔ Height

✔ Weight

Surrogacy Services using donor eggs with partner sperm can be referred to as Guaranteed Surrogacy with Donor eggs. Your doctor might recommend that you obtain a donor egg to create embryos if your female partner cannot produce her own eggs. The embryo is then transferred into the uterus.

Every Couple from India can avail of the Guaranteed surrogacy program. After signing up for a Guaranteed surrogacy Program agreement, you can start having twins or more. You must wait and watch the entire Surrogacy Doctor process. Also, wait for Live Birth. Guaranteed Surrogacy Program refers to the live birth of a single or twin baby after 32 weeks.

For Surrogacy Procedure to be started, either egg or sperm must come from an infertile couple. Your partner (First choice) or a donor will provide the Second Component. Every client who signs up for Guaranteed Surrogacy Program will have the option to choose from a surrogate as well as from a donor (if a Donor Cycle is Required). Guaranteed Donor cost will be added to this package it starting from 15 lakhs onwards. Get a FREE Quote on a Guaranteed Surrogacy with Fertility World.

Self Egg Surrogacy (Assured Package)

Assured pregnancy and live birth – Packaged surrogacy INR 18,00,000./ (Rupees Eighteen Lakhs Only). This is an assured plan that will ensure a live birth of the baby after 33 weeks with multiple attempts. Your reports and the donor’s cycle will be reviewed to confirm your plan. The package does not include fees for donor eggs, legal documentation, or baby delivery. The Intended Parent must commit to a few IVF cycles. In each cycle, multiple embryos will be transferred. If the IVF cycle fails to produce a pregnancy and live birth after 33 weeks, the surrogacy process will continue with a different surrogate.

Note: Donor egg is covered under the Guaranteed surrogacy package whereas the procedure of using surrogacy via own eggs undertakes multiple IVF attempts

Criteria for Surrogacy

Surrogate Requirements

To ensure maximum health and success, all our surrogates need to meet these strict criteria:

  • Between 21-35 years of age
  • You can live in a surrogacy-friendly country
  • Are you a former mother to a healthy child born at term?
  • Have proportional height/weight
  • You will not be eligible more after delivery for public assistance
  • Participate with spouse/partner in medical screenings, background checks, or psychological evaluations
  • Be covered for 8 weeks 

Surrogate Mother Cost Package

We recognize that selecting a surrogate mom is a crucial part of any program we offer. You want to feel confident that your decision was right and that you are making the best choice for your family. This is why we take great care to ensure every surrogate mother that we add to our database meets certain criteria. All surrogate mothers are young, healthy, have proven medical records, and are committed to carrying the pregnancy to its fullest. So you can rest easy knowing you made the right choice. You’ll also have a healthy child by the end.

Surrogate MotherPrices
With Self EggsUp to 20 lakhs
Inclusive Surrogate CareUp to  5-6 lakhs
Injectable Medication, Drugs allowance, Embryo Transfer allowance.Up to 4 lakhs
Housekeeping allowance, psychological support 
(Delivery included)
Up to 4-5 lakhs


  • The above-mentioned costs and prices are subject to change / may vary.
  • Surrogate mother with twins will be charged Rs 2 lakhs extra

Comprehensive Surrogacy Package by Fertility World

Surrogacy Process Surrogacy Package 
Surrogacy with own eggs & own sperms18 to 20 Lakh
Surrogacy with donor eggs & own sperms20 Lakh
Surrogacy with Donor Embryo18 to 20 lakh
Cost of Surrogate Mother Up to 5 to 6 Lakh
Cost of IVF & Embryo TransferUp to 4 Lakh
Surrogate mother selection, blood test, surrogate mother preparation (cost)Up to  1 lakh
Normal Vaginal Delivery CostUp to  35,000
C-section delivery costUp to 1 to 2 lakhs
The surrogate mother stays and foods Up to 2.5 lakhs

Success Rate

Fertility World’s holistic Surrogacy Programme is a strong fertility service that provides clients with the tools and resources to help them achieve their parenthood dreams. We have a nearly 90% initial match rate when Intended Parents and surrogates choose each other.

Parents can expect a 95-100% success ratio when they have opted either for egg donation or own eggs with us. Because we are confident in our success, we can offer parents guaranteed surrogacy plans. Many parents found this offer appealing. With this program, they can better plan their expenses and are more certain that they will have a healthy baby. This increased their trust in clinics because we offer guaranteed/Assured programs.

An overview

It is a huge step for parents to decide on surrogacy. It’s a big decision. Many people are overwhelmed by the details of surrogacy. However, this overview will give you a good idea of what to expect. First, you need to decide whether surrogacy would be the right choice. Potential parents may be influenced by infertility, single parenthood, or an LGBTQ couple. It’s important to weigh the benefits and the risks of this decision, as well as understand that it can be a lengthy and uncertain process.

Since surrogacy laws are different from one state or another, everyone considering surrogacy needs to review the state laws. You shouldn’t base your decision solely on emotions. To help you decide if surrogacy is right for you, speak to professionals in the field.

Here is a closer view of the process.


Gestational Surrogacy is when eggs are taken from the biological mother (intended) or from a donor. It is fertilized with sperm from the intended dad or donor via IVF in a laboratory and then transferred to a gestational surrogate through minor medical procedures. This creates a baby with no genetic relationship to the surrogate. A surrogate is a person who is not a member of the intended family. Before fertilization, the gestational surrogacy process involves:

  • – Submitting a request
  • For both parents, schedule a physical exam

Fertility World is a familiar surrogacy attorney. Identifying a surrogate can take between 3-5 weeks and be done by a professional.

  • Before being matched, the surrogate must be interviewed, have their medical records reviewed, undergo background checks, and undergo a social work evaluation.
  • Matches will be found based on both the surrogacy plans and the gender of each party. Fertility World Team creates profiles so that they can match potential matches. Meetings can be set up with potential surrogates who have been pre-screened. Once a match is made the surrogate goes through mental health and medical evaluation by the IVF doctor.
  • Surrogates or intended parents may choose one another based on race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, personality, as well as the amount of contact they prefer during the process.
  • Final decision taken

Legal Process

Both parties must be represented. An attorney may be retained by either party, or FERTILITY-WORLD Surrogacy will refer them. The lawyers will discuss the legal aspects of this process. The attorney representing the prospective surrogate (once the contract has been signed by the intended parents, she will receive payments to cover the agreed-upon cost) will review it. The attorney will discuss with potential parents their legal rights and compensation. The first trimester sees the creation of a pre-birth or, naming the parents as the legal guardians of the child. After the legal contract has been signed and drafted, confirmation letters are sent to both the agency and the IVF doctor. Now the fertilization process may begin.

Accommodation of a Surrogate

We are often questioned about where the intended surrogate lives during gestation. Before they enroll in a surrogacy program, intended parents want to make sure that everything is okay for their baby.  FERTILITY WORLD offers These divine women are called Surrogacy Houses and take on the responsibility of carrying another’s child. All these houses are well-furnished with all the necessary amenities for surrogates. The surrogates live in good health during the gestational period provided they have the right arrangements. It is emphasized the importance of living with the family during this time. This is because surrogates tend to be more relaxed when they are with their family.

Surrogacy is a natural process. It is best to keep surrogates in nature and not in dormitories. Her mental health and ability to live with her family or regular life can be affected, which could also affect the child’s development. She also benefits from the affectionate companionship and support of her family. Her own family has taken greater care of her.


The gestational contract is signed. After the parents sign the gestational agreement, there is a need for psychological evaluation as well as medical screening. This can take as much as 2 to 3 months. The egg donor or intended mother will initiate a program of medication to stimulate her eggs. Ultrasound of surrogate mother- A probe is inserted in the vagina, allowing the technician access to the preferred surrogate for polyps and scar tissue.

Physical and pap smear. Hysteroscopy: This procedure involves the placement of a small camera in the uterus to examine the uterine cavities.IVF cycles, medical instruction, injections, and medication, as well as embryo transfer

A doctor can perform an egg extraction procedure at a fertility clinic. Viable eggs are then transferred to a laboratory to be combined with sperm in order to form an embryo. The surrogate can then use the embryos for her future needs. Often, the embryos undergo genetic testing and are then frozen. The clinic will give the surrogate a detailed schedule that will explain exactly what medications she should be taking each day. The embryo transfer will occur approximately 3-5 weeks after the surrogate starts her medication. The IVF laboratory staff will choose one to two embryos. A physician will then place the embryos in the surrogate using a long catheter.

Medication & Drugs

Fertility World IVF center will give you all the information you need to plan for the embryo. Most medications are taken approximately 3 weeks before the scheduled transfer. Every IVF doctor has a unique protocol for success. Some medications are administered orally while others require intramuscular injections. While the details of the workup vary from one center to another, they will generally include: It is important that you follow the medication protocol precisely or it could cause delays in surrogacy and transfer. The IVF center may ask you to take additional blood tests and to check your lining to ensure that your body is responding properly to the medication.

Embryo transfer

The embryo will implantation will take approximately 2-3 days following the embryo transfer. A blood test 10-14 days later after the embryo transfers will determine if the surrogate has become pregnant. Two weeks later, the surrogate will receive an ultrasound. The monthly allowances start if there is a heartbeat on the ultrasound. The procedure for intended parents is dependent on many factors. The embryo can only be implanted after it has been incubated in an incubator, just like it is with potential sex surrogates. Embryo transfer can be performed quickly without the need for Anesthesia. The clinic will confirm if the pregnancy has occurred or not by visiting the clinic several weeks later.

Step 8 – Post Transfer & Pregnancy

The surrogate will receive a beta-blood test 10-14 business days after transfer. It measures the level of hCG within her body to determine if there is a pregnancy. After transfer, the Surrogate will be given a beta blood test to determine if she is pregnant. She will also have her first ultrasound in 4-5 weeks. This will confirm the fetal heartbeat. It will likely be continued to be monitored in an IVF or local monitoring facility until she “graduates to our local OB/GYN” for the remainder of her surrogacy.

Step 9 – The delivery

Surrogates will deliver your baby in our networked hospitals, except for any emergencies or complications. Most IPs prefer being present at birth, if possible. Before contracts are drawn up, you will be informed of the details of your birth plan so that everyone can be available for the delivery.

To book your appointment, give us a call or fill up the form____________

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