Surrogacy centre in Kalimpong
  • Best Surrogacy centre in Kalimpong-Fertilityworld
  • Legally Secure Options: Multiple Destinations
  • Guaranteed Surrogacy with assisted Donors Egg package available.
  • Get the Best & healthy Surrogate mother at their best age to carry your biological child.
  • Free first consultation: Book an appointment.
  • Call/W: 919311850412 Email:

Planning for a child is an exciting and enjoyable experience. But, it can also be stressful for some people, such as the 30 percent of Indians who are struggling with infertility, or even couples who are gay. Many hopeful parents have a tough path to conceiving their children. Surrogacy can be a great alternative, offering a way to be a parent.

Surrogacy for couples in Kalimpong

Fertility World Kalimpong is among the most reputable and renowned surrogacy providers in India. Since its founding, this center has been dedicated to the aim of establishing a new lifestyle by providing surrogacy services to the inhabitants of Kalimpong. Kalimpong is an east Indian hill, small town in the Himalayan foothills of West Bengal, and is an extremely popular location for tourists from all over the world. Our Fertility clinic gives you the opportunity to be an oasis of joy!

Let’s understand Surrogacy in detail

Surrogacy is typically an arrangement wherein a woman agrees to carry a baby for someone else. After the baby is born, the birth mother gives custody and guardianship to the intended parent or the biological parents. As with all major events, there are numerous legal and financial, emotional, and health-related factors that need to be considered. 

Understand gestational surrogacy

The surrogate mother is not biologically connected to the child. This is the only form of surrogacy practice today. So, the couples opt for gestational surrogacy as they are the real parent. The role of a surrogate mother is to carry the pregnancy on behalf of the intended parent till the child is born. After the birth of the child, she will follow the process as per the law and hand over the baby. There will not be any genetic link to a surrogate. This means that you pay the surrogate only for expenses that are related to the pregnancy.

Why couples should choose Fertility World 

It is a prominent surrogacy center aimed to provide state-of-the-art IVF and surrogacy solutions for Intended Parents, regardless of gender, age, or race, with the lowest costs in India. We are pioneers in offering assistance to couples who are infertile, couples of same-sex as well as single males and women looking to have children by using assisted reproduction technology. We also select and screen competent, honest surrogates who can help create the dream of a baby – A reality!

Surrogacy laws in India

Surrogacy is permissible in India. It was only the first step towards the creation of laws to regulate surrogacy. The law was adopted in December 2018 after over two decades of deliberation the adoption of it was decided that an Indian Surrogacy Law was enacted which:

  • Conceived Commercial Surrogacy is illegal
  • Surrogacy that is altruistic only allows those who are infertile or needy Indian couple
  • The law requires parents of the intended child are married for five years, and that they obtain a doctor’s approval of their infertility

These changes are the result of the surrogacy industry which is currently flourishing all over Asia.

What Infertility programs We Offer

  • In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) / ICSI
  • Egg Donation Program
  • IVF with Donor Eggs Program
  • Self-Cycle Surrogacy Program
  • Surrogacy with Donor Eggs Program

Surrogacy Program , Kalimpong

To ensure the best service we employ Case managers throughout India. We’ll work in conjunction with the clinic in order to assist with any appointments or travel arrangements that are required. We believe that, in order to aid potential parents as well as gestational surrogates throughout this process, we need to have the understanding and knowledge of all aspects that go into surrogacy. A lot of our case managers are surrogates with experience themselves who are eager to assist you on your way starting with finding a suitable match until the moment your newborn baby arrives. We’ll ensure that you and your surrogate receive the highest quality possible education, guidance, and guidance. 

Our team of surrogacy specialists is available 24 all-day 7 days a week working hard for you even on holidays. In addition, every month, mandatory meeting for surrogate support groups, which provide assistance from other surrogates as well as The Fertility World Surrogacy staff that have been through the same journey that you’re about to begin. We’re looking forward to helping to strengthen your family to build a lasting connection in this exciting period.

Specifications to use The Surrogacy /surrogate program:

  • Women who have had at the very least one child
  • Women who have experienced uncomplicated pregnancy
  • Between the ages of 21 and 38*
  • You must possess an U.S. citizen
  • Non-smokers (Must be free of smoking for six months)
  • Excellent health history
  • An appropriate height-to-weight ratio (BMI)
  • In a stable home setting
  • Ineligible for government aid
  • Get reliable transportation
  • Have been able to:One-on-1 assessment,Criminal background checks,Psychological Screening.

Our gestational surrogates are screened through our extensive screening process that includes an application review prior to the submission of a request and a complete assessment of their application. If possible, we visit the applicants in their homes, with their families to ensure that they are supported in the right way and lifestyle to be successful surrogates. Every surrogate we have is prepared to establish a special relationship with you and offer the benefits of family.

Women have many reasons to opt to be a gestational surrogate:

  • The love of their children as well as empathy for other who require help to create the family
  • They’ve had fun and easy pregnancies.
  • Surrogacy can allow them to stay the home with their children or allow them to help financially with their family
  • It’s a chance to give a special gift to someone else, regardless of religion, race or political beliefs, or the level of education. It is a chance to show humanity in the best way possible.

We know the challenges in making this huge decision, and the amount of money that has been put into it. Be assured that you can put your trust in us to help you create your Pathway toward Parenthood.

Surrogacy using donor eggs.

Parents first submit an inquiry to the primary contact via our website, thereby providing information on the requirements they must meet in addition to the dates on which they’re willing to take part in the program.

After the dates have been negotiated then parents can begin the process of selecting a donor. In order to select a suitable egg donor, parents must visit our website. The case manager will offer the login information for accessing the database. Then, by clicking on the database link, parents can access all eggs available to donors. The donor’s photographs along with personal profile information are linked to each donor’s profile. Parents are able to easily look up the medical information, prior donation history, their current job as well as their education level, and so on. The questionnaires are extremely informative. However, we encourage parents to seek any additional information on the donor that will assist them in making their choice.

Following that, parents provide the passports of their children, and we make the agreement. The contract is exchangeable electronically, so there is no requirement to mail our original copies of hard copies. Parents pay the first installment in accordance with the invoices we send. When we receive the payment, we conduct an exhaustive exam for the donor to confirm that we are ready to begin the preparations. The IVF procedure will take place according to the dates assigned and therefore, parents have to stay for about 5 days since it’s difficult to know beforehand when the exact date of egg retrieval will be.

Next step is the retrieval of eggs and fertilization. After that, embryos are given to the surrogate mom. It is a common practice to transfer embryos from day three. However, blastocyst embryos from day five transfers are possible at the request of parents. The maximum number of embryos that can be transferred per trial is 3. If the parents are against twins, they could choose to transfer two embryos. The transfer of more embryos than 3 isn’t advised.

Initial pregnancy confirmation HCG tests are performed 14 to 16 days following the embryo transfer. Parents will be notified of the test results the next morning. If the amount of HCG is found to be present in the first test , we’ll repeat the test two days later to verify the pregnancy. A month after the transfer of the embryo the first ultrasound can be performed.

Surrogacy using Frozen Embryos Program

Parents should first make an inquiry to the primary contact via our website, thereby giving information about the specific needs they face in addition to the dates on which they’re willing to take part in the program.

Parents need to arrange to have the embryos transferred to our lab. The clinic that will be storing the frozen embryos needs to create a thorough report in order to accompany the embryos. The report will have to know how many frozen embryos, the many straws they were freezing in, what is the class of every embryo, the number that they have been frozen for, the number of days for, and the method employed to freeze the embryos. We will also require the infectious disease test outcomes (B Hepatitis, C Hepatitis, HIV, syphilis) of both parents.

Once the embryos are transferred to our lab, parents must send us copies of their passports in order for us to create the contracts. Parents must first pay us a deposit before we begin preparation for the surrogate mother. The embryos will then be frozen and given to the surrogate mom. The number of embryos that will transfer will be decided by the parents prior to.

Factors that impact surrogacy cost 

The birth of a child is an exciting and life-changing event in your life emotionally and financially. It can also be an investment in your finances.

Fertility World Kalimpong is a service provider that connects prospective parents with surrogates. They’re the ones you can seek out if you require assistance in finding an embryo. “However there isn’t a budget that’s universally applicable,”This is because the majority of these costs usually are medical-related that can be difficult to forecast. If you require several rounds of IVF or an egg donor, you could be paying more than the average.

The intended parents are required to budget for costs associated with the surrogate’s pregnancy. It could be for things such as:

  • Maternity clothing,
  • medicine,
  • prenatal vitamins,
  • costs for travel,
  • childcare and
  • Compensation for wages lost.

Then, consider appointing experts. A family health attorney, financial advisor or even a surrogacy company will help you feel safe throughout all the steps.

It is important to choose a surrogacy firm capable of finding and evaluating suitable gestational surrogates in the states that are in the vicinity. Fertility World, Kalimpong is among the biggest surrogacy treatment providers in India, with plenty of resources to offer surrogacy for couples who are heterosexual or LGBT couples and singles that reside within the country. We invite you to meet our staff in person and ask us any concerns you may have regarding being the surrogate. We’re certain that you’ll pick our surrogacy center after meeting our staff and get to know the satisfying experience you can expect.

Build and Grow your family through Fertility World Surrogacy, Kalimpong.

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