Find Surrogate mothers in Canada
  • Best certified Surrogates database at the Fertility World
  • Avail surrogate at the lowest expenses CAD 20,000
  • She is young, healthy at her best reproductive age
  • She is pre-screened and ready to Matched
  • Free first consultation: Book an appointment
  • Call/W : 919311850412 Email:
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Surrogate Mother Canada!

A Surrogate is a woman who volunteers to carry a child in her uterus (womb) and delivers the ultimate gift of family to intended parents all across the world fulfilling their parenthood dreams. She is aware and readily prepared to receive embryo implantation in her uterus.  

A medical process called In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) makes it possible to gather eggs from the intended mother or donor, and fertilize them with sperm from the intended father, and place the embryo into the uterus of the surrogate. The surrogate then carries the pregnancy of the baby until birth. Surrogates don’t share any genetic ties to the child because it wasn’t their egg that was used for IVF.

Why do Intended People need Surrogate mothers?

If a woman partner is unable to carry a pregnancy, a surrogate is considered for several reasons:

  • Your uterus could be a medical problem
  • You had a hysterectomy and removed your uterus (womb)
  • Conditions where pregnancy is impossible or risky for you, such as severe heart disease

You may need a surrogate if you tried conceiving yourself but couldn’t get pregnant with a variety of assisted reproduction techniques, such as IVF. Surrogates have also made parenthood possible for people who can’t be able to adopt a child, perhaps because of their age or marital status.

Also, a gay couple needs to decide to use a traditional surrogate, where one of your partner sperm is used to fertilize the surrogate’s egg through artificial insemination. The surrogate then carries the baby, gives birth, and hands over the baby(ies) to you. A donor egg is also an option, fertilize that donated egg, and then have the embryo implanted in a gestational surrogate to carry until birth.

How can you arrange a surrogate mother?

There are several ways you can do and find a surrogate mother:

  • She can be from among your friends or family. Sometimes you can ask a friend or relative to be a surrogate for you. If you have your surrogate it can reduce the high cost of surrogacy and the complex legal issues it raises about parental rights, a tried-and-tested family relationship can be simpler to manage.
  • If you can’t arrange yourself, the Fertility World surrogacy center in Canada stands with you in every step and gives you the best surrogate mother from our surrogate database. We will provide surrogacy at a very minimal cost but it is covered from the inclusive surrogacy package. Only the medical expenses are paid by the intending parents

What are the limitations of the surrogate expenses during surrogacy in Canada?

As per the Assisted Human Reproduction Act (AHRA), gestational surrogates in Canada cannot be compensated for surrogacy. She can be reimbursed for her expenses during her surrogate pregnancy. Below mentioned are some of the following expenses cost to be reimbursed to the surrogate by the prospective parents such as:

  • Maternity clothing, 
  • Travel for medical appointments,
  • Lost wages due to bed rest.
  • Health Insurance
  • Health-related costs for the baby born
  • All obstetrical delivery costs will be covered by the surrogate mother’s health insurance (your health card).

Please contact us from the above link to discuss your situation personally. Our team of coordinators will ensure you are supported through the process of requesting reimbursements and that you fully understand what you are entitled to be reimbursed.

In Canada the AHR Act does not:

  • Prohibit surrogacy, as long as a surrogate mother goes for altruistic reasons i.e. without financial or other gains.
  • Criminalize a woman who agrees to be or becomes a surrogate mother in Canada. 
  • It will be illegal for paying, offering to pay, or advertising to pay a woman for surrogacy.

What is the minimum age of surrogates in Canada?

At the Fertility World based on the AHR Act, the minimum age of our surrogate is 21 years old.

What are the Qualifications of the surrogate in Canada?

The Fertility World Surrogacy Center in Canada strictly follows the guidelines mentioned in AHR Act and accepts the surrogate mother based on its guiding qualifications. Our surrogate mothers in Canada is highly qualified fulfilling all the criteria mentioned below:

  • A Canadian Citizen or permanent resident may or not with active provincial healthcare
  • She is 100% aware and agrees about the contract
  • She is at her best reproductive age between 21-45 years old
  • She is a married, single mother
  • She has had at least one child, or currently nursing a baby.
  • Body Mass Index of 35 up to 40 if no diabetes, no high blood pressure, etc.
  • She is non-smoker and non-drug users
  • She is supported by her partner and family
  • No history of serious pregnancy/delivery/postpartum
  • No records of premature birth (before 34 weeks)
  • She is physically, emotionally, mentally fit for surrogacy.
  • She has no criminal records

If you feel you’re a capable candidate to become a surrogate mother. Contact us to discuss your situation personally. We are happy to speak with you whether you’re a first-time surrogate or experienced surrogates wishing to render your services to hopeful parents via the Fertility World.

Surrogate Benefits working with the Fertility World, Canada

  • Our Surrogates are prepared every month and Virtually Meet-Ups 
  • Our surrogates are trained to remain socially active to build a good chain with others via Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, video conferences.
  • Our surrogates are access to Licensed Family & Marriage Therapists
  • Continue to build a strong relationship with the fertility world team and strong bonding with the prospective parents even after handing over the baby.
  • Reimbursement of pregnancy-related expenses up to CAD 3,000 per month

What is involved in the Surrogacy Agreement?

Every state that allows surrogacy has their laws and agreements and states which prohibits Surrogacy also have their provision. In many states Surrogacy is regulated by the federation. Likewise in Canada, the Surrogacy agreements purely respect the AHR Act, provincial, and territorial laws and strictly follow its guidelines. Canadian law is very explicit and is regulated by the Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR) Act. The act explicitly places the following constraints on surrogacy in Canada and is followed:

  • No person shall compensate a female person to become their surrogate mother or advertise to them it will be paid.
  • Intending parents should not accept to compensate for arranging the services of a surrogate mother, any person or organization offering to make such a compensation arrangement or advertise the arranging of such services.
  • No person shall pay compensation to another person to arrange for the services of a surrogate mother or offering to pay such consideration or advertise the payment of it.
  • In short, a surrogate mother can only be repaid for out-of-pocket expenses if they are directly related to the surrogacy and usually when a receipt is attached.

Benefits of Surrogacy in Canada, at the Fertility World?

There are several benefits for choosing surrogacy destinations as in Canada. Below mentioned are some of the key benefits for surrogacy in Canada:

  • One of the biggest benefits is its low cost in the Fertility World. It is significantly lower than surrogacy programs in the US. 
  • In Canada, the average surrogacy cost is about CAD 85,000 equivalent to about USD 75,000. Comparing the United States from USD 90,000 to $120,000 or more. 
  • Mandatory only altruistic surrogacy which means no compensation to the surrogate mother.
  • At birth, the baby born through surrogacy in Canada is eligible for Canadian citizenship. New parents can quickly return to their home country with their baby’s Canadian passport.

In Canada, intended parents can enjoy national health care services, which will cover both the surrogate’s prenatal care and the delivery. This saves the cost of medical treatments during the pregnancy.

Inclusive Cost of Surrogacy in Canada- The Fertility World?

Canadian surrogacy is more expensive than many couples initially think. The overall inclusive can cost about CAD 85,000 USD if everything goes well with the first transfer and your surrogate gets pregnant right away. The Fertility World offers surrogacy at an average lower than mentioned cost CAD 55,000 up to CAD 75,000. The cost covers the following:

  • Attorney fees around $15,000
  • Clinical procedures about $20,000
  • Surrogate compensation about $20,000
  • Egg donor from $5000 to $10,000
  • Travel, hotel, etc. can be about $5000 to $8,000

So the total cost is typically around CAD 75,000 for a program that includes just one initial embryo transfer, at the Fertility World. Additional embryo transfers are between $3000 to $5000 for each attempt.

The Fertility World surrogacy center in Canada is among the Highest Success Rate Centers with up to 100% success.

For further information about the surrogate arrangements, procedures, processes, and expenses. Book an appointment with us today! Or contact us via 919311850412 Email: We are right away for your solutions. Together we make your parenthood possible.

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