IVF clinic in rohini delhi | infertility centre in rohini
  • Best IVF centre in Rohini (Delhi)- The Fertility World
  • Transparent & clear IVF pricing starts at just Rs. 90,000/-
  • It guaranteed up to 90% IVF success rate 
  • Highly supportive professionals, staff, nurse & coordinator
  • It provides a safe, comfortable, and confident Environment
  • Offers all advance IVF treatments under one roof
  • Call us +91 9311850412 Email: info@fertilityworld.in

The Fertility World at Rohini (Delhi) is ideally located for smooth transportation. It is considered one of the Top IVF centers at World standard having highly advanced technology fulfilling thousands of couples Dreams of Parenthood. Here we take a look at Fertility World IVF treatments in Detail…

IVF treatments Success rate at the Fertility World

Which type of Infertility conditions can IVF treat?

IVF treats a person having the following infertility conditions:

  • Ovulation abnormalities
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Low sperm counts
  • Fallopian tubes damage or blockage
  • Antibody problems that harm sperm or eggs
  • Low sperm mobility to penetrate or survive in the cervical mucus
  • Poor egg quality
  • The genetic disease of mother or father or both
  • An unexplained fertility problem

How is IVF performed at Fertility World?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most effective and alternative, commonly performed, and final infertility treatment in the world. IVF is associated with assisted reproductive technology (ART). IVF is a sequence of procedures that involves the fertilization of an egg outside a woman’s body in a specialized lab. It is often performed after other methods of trying to get pregnant have failed.

Here’s how IVF works, step-by-step at Fertility World:

1. Testing and Ovarian Stimulation: Before IVF, your uterus and fallopian tubes will be evaluated. Pre-cycle test includes hormonal evaluation to assess thyroid function and ovarian reserve, screening both partners for sexually transmitted infection and semen analysis of the male partner.

For 8-14 days most of the infertile women will have fertility drugs (average is 10 to 11 days) for Ovarian stimulation. More mature eggs are developed for retrieval, at normal conditions one egg is developed per month. Not all mature eggs are viable to use as on average only about 2/3th have the appropriate maturity.

Fertility drugs for IVF are usually injected, and you’ll be frequently monitored using hormonal testing and vaginal ultrasounds for the best result. Once an ultrasound determines you have a sufficient number of large enough follicles and your estrogen level is at the right level, you’ll receive a trigger shot of hCG or other medication. This replaces the natural luteinizing hormone surge a woman has that spurs the final stage of egg maturation, so eggs are capable of being fertilized.

2. Egg Retrieval: After 34 to 36 hours before the mature eggs ovulate you’ll have a surgical procedure to remove the eggs from fluid-sac follicles in your ovaries. An average of 10 to 20 eggs is usually retrieved for IVF. Your physician will carefully design a protocol to try to obtain the maximum number of eggs while protecting against the development of ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome. An ultrasound guide is used to visually guide a small needle with a suction device through the top of the vagina into each ovary at a time. 

3. Fertilization: Once eggs reach the lab, specialists examine them to determine maturity and their quality. Selected mature eggs are transferred into a special culture medium, placed in an incubator and within a few hours of egg retrieval are fertilized with your partner sperm or with donor sperm.

Fertilization can be achieved by two methods: conventional insemination or intra-cytoplasmic injection (ICSI). The method to be used depends on many factors related to the couple going through IVF. Both methods have approximately the same success rate. ICSI is used approximately 70% of the time when factors make fertilization less likely due to poor semen quality or previous IVF failure. 

In ICSI, one sperm is injected directly into the cytoplasm of the egg using a needle and a sophisticated operative microscope. The conventional method involves placing the sperm in the culture medium in a small petri dish containing an egg; the sperm and eggs are incubated together in the dish in the fertility laboratory, allowing the sperm to enter the egg on its own. No matter which method is used, fertilization is checked the next morning only.

4. Embryo Transfer: After 1 to 6 days of fertilization the developed embryo (Blastocyst stage) is implanted into the uterus. However, if genetic testing is required before implantation, firstly a biopsy (sample) is taken from the embryo, almost always on culture day 5 or 6. Usually, 3 to 8 cells are sent for testing performed at an outside lab, while the embryos are frozen and remain in the IVF laboratory. After receiving the genetic test results, the selected embryo is chosen, thawed, and transferred into the uterus, usually within 1 to 2 months after the egg retrieval.

A soft, flexible, and thin tube called a catheter is used to place the embryo into the uterus. An abdominal ultrasound makes sure that the tip of the catheter places the embryo at the best location for the embryo to implant. Pain and discomfort are rare, and the experience has been compared to how it feels to get a pap smear. Good embryos not used for transfer are usually frozen in case the cycle is not successful or a couple wants more children following a successful first cycle.

Assisted Hatching: Assisted hatching is a micromanipulation procedure where a hole is made in the flexible shell that surrounds the cells of the early embryo. Sometimes this process is needed in older women, couples with previous IVF failure, or with frozen/thawed embryo transfer. 

Generally, this membrane dissolves on its own since this is necessary for embryo implantation. Assisted hatching, if performed, is done just before embryo transfer.

5. Pregnancy Test: After 12 days of an embryo transfer, you will have a blood pregnancy test. Once pregnancy is confirmed, followed by blood tests and eventually ultrasounds to confirm viability and whether there are multiple pregnancies. If the pregnancy appears normal at 9 to 10 weeks, you’ll be suggested back to your obstetrician.  

What happens after the IVF procedure?

After the embryo transfer, daily activities can be resumed. However, your ovaries may still be enlarged. Consider avoiding heavy activity that could cause discomfort. Typical mild side effects include:

  • Passing a small amount of clear or bloody fluid shortly after the procedure
  • Breast tenderness due to high estrogen levels
  • Mild bloating
  • Mild cramping
  • Constipation

These mild effects recover within a short period, or sometimes you may be prescribed medication for faster recovery.

IVF with Donor Egg or Donor Embryo

With donated eggs or Donor embryos, couples can opt for artificial fertilization IVF through laboratory procedures and expect a pregnancy with live birth as a result. There are several aspects to it, such as finding a suitable donor, going through a course of medicines, undergoing various tests, and finally the fertilization itself. Younger couples are given preferences over older ones when it comes to adoption, so considering donor eggs/embryos can be a more viable option for successful IVF.

Intrauterine insemination treatment (IUI)

In this IUI method, sperm is placed/injected directly into the uterus near the egg at the time of ovulation with the help of a tube called a catheter for fertilization. This method is used before IVF treatment.

What are the Benefits of IVF treatments?

  • IVF helps many patients who are unable to conceive because of various conditions such as Blocked tubes or damaged fallopian tubes, Older patients/ patients with a low ovarian reserve, Male infertility, Unexplained infertility, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Endometriosis, and Premature ovarian failure.
  • It has been used for a long time and has a safe track record.
  • IVF can be more successful than IUI and other forms of assisted reproductive technology. 
  • It can help single women and same-sex couples. 
  • IVF can help to diagnose fertilization problems
  • Unused embryos can be donated to research or another couple or freeze for future IVF treatment.
  • Developed embryos are also used to screen for inherited disease

What is the best age for women to undergo IVF treatment?

Advanced maternal age is now a trending and critical social and clinical issue today. Unlike men who can produce sperm throughout their lives, a woman is born with a finite number of eggs in her ovaries, the completion of which marks the onset of her menopause.

Women have a Reproductive Life Span during which their ovaries are active, which starts at her puberty and ends at menopause. An age-related decrease in the number of eggs in the ovaries is called Diminished Ovarian Reserve. As the women advance in age, not only does the quantity of eggs decrease but also the quality of eggs declines as evident by fewer chances of becoming pregnant and more chances of having miscarriages. This is due to the increase in the number of chromosomally abnormal eggs as the woman ages. Women are best fertile in their 20s up to 35 years. Your chances of getting pregnant with IVF are best the younger you are.

What is the upper age limit for women in IVF treatment?

According to researchers, the success of IVF in terms of implantation rates, clinical pregnancy rates, and live birth rates are at its best in women less than 30 years of age, also its egg quality starts declining as women cross 35 years of age. Common complications during pregnancy in patients with advanced age are gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, increased cardiovascular morbidity of the mother, increased miscarriage rates, premature delivery, low birth weight, and chromosomal abnormalities in a fetus. Pre-existing co-morbidities like diabetes, hypertension are also more common in women with advanced age that further complicate the IVF success rate, if they plan it at a later age.

What is the cost of IVF at Fertility World?

Fertility World IVF center offers its best possible IVF treatments at a lower cost starting at just Rs.90,000/- only. The price sometimes may differ depending on the infertility conditions, advance IVF treatments if required, and additional medications. However, we are very transparent about the IVF cost. We also provide free consultation at your first registration, and up to 10% concession from the overall cost of IVF treatments.

To know more about the cost, treatments, and procedure or separately talk to our experts, contact the fertility world today!

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