The Fertility World is the best IVF center in Punjab. The center has the best IVF Doctors in India with 20+ years of experience in the fertility field who are the pioneers in IVF treatments. We’re connecting thousands of infertile couples from across India and the world fulfilling their dreams of parenthood in their life every month. The center offers complete IVF treatments producing high success rates without compromise.

IVF Clinic in Punjab Contacts

The fertility world is considered the best IVF center in Punjab. We provide advanced IVF treatments (IVF+ICSI, IVF+FET, IVF+TESE, IVF+TESA, IVF+MESA, IVF+Surrogacy), at a lower cost starting from Rs 1.5 to 1.50 lakhs INR. Also, Know more about the lowest IVF Cost in India in different cities. Fulfill your dreams of parenthood via IVF treatment in Punjab today.

Infertility treatments at the Fertilityworld

Infertility treatments at the Fertilityworld

The fertilityworld provides the best international standards IVF treatments in Punjab, which assures better success rates without compromise including:

  • Self-cycle IVF treatments (self-egg & self-sperm).
  • Donor-cycle IVF treatments (donor-egg & self-sperm, self-egg & donor-sperm, or Donor embryo).
  • Surrogacy.
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
  • Frozen embryo Transfer (FET).
  • Laser-assisted hatching (LAH).
  • Surgical sperm aspiration (TESE, TESA, MESA).
  • Laparoscopic surgery.
  • Semen analysis test.
  • All male-female fertility treatments.

Infertility services at fertilityworld in Punjab

The fertilityworld promises and provides all necessary infertility services that may be required by the patients including:

  • Donor Assistance (Donor egg, sperm, & embryo).
  • Egg freezing, sperm freezing, & embryo freezing.
  • Surrogate mother arrangements.
  • Egg donor banking.

IVF success rate in Punjab

IVF success rate in Punjab

The elevating IVF success rate in India at Punjab is 75% in self-cycle IVF and 85% in donor-cycle IVF. This highest success rate is found among women in the age group of 21-35 years as they bear the good-quality eggs that greatly influence the IVF treatment. But when women grow beyond 35 years, their egg quality begins to decline, and deteriorate. This advancing age may also invite certain infertility complications like endometriosis, fibrosis, obesity, miscarriages, recurrent pregnancy, etc. Age is one of the most important factors for successful IVF treatment. Although IVF is possible at an older age it requires various fertility medical attention and is only prescribed by the best IVF Doctors. Look at the IVF success rate in Punjab produced by the fertilityworld:

Success rate of IVF in Punjab

Best IVF centre in Ludhiana

Best IVF centre in Ludhiana

The best IVF center we find today in Ludhiana is the fertilityworld. This is the finest top leading IVF center where thousands of infertile patients are treated every month either through IVF or by other infertility treatments like ICSI, IUI, FET, LAH, or with the best fertility medication. Ludhiana is one of the most attractive IVF destinations from the fertility sector services provided by the fertilityworld. The center has provided successful IVF treatments for 25 years in Ludhiana thereby being trusted by all infertile patients, today it is the most renowned IVF center.

Best IVF hospital in Jalandhar

Best IVF hospital in Jalandhar

The fertilityworld has established a reputed IVF hospital equipped with all the latest ART technologies in Jalandhar. It is providing promising, cutting-edge IVF treatments supported by the finest infertility specialists. These IVF hospitals’ ways of caring for patients are highly appreciated. The most applaudable thing about this hospital is listening to every bit of the infertile patient’s struggles and then giving its full dedication and expertise to help and guide them to the best possible means of IVF treatments that suit their infertility conditions.    

Best IVF center in Chandigarh

Best IVF center in Chandigarh

The best IVF centre in Chandigarh has been the fertilityworld for years. The center has immensely contributed to the fertility sector by focusing on IVF treatment which has enabled in production of a better IVF success rate at a lower IVF cost in Chandigarh for self-cycle IVF and donor-cycle IVF. It has been 25 years since its center was established in Chandigarh, today the clinic has become the epic infertility treatment center. It offers all male-female infertility treatments including IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, LAH, etc., and other infertility services such as Donor assistance via its Donor egg database, egg freezing, semen cryopreservation, laparoscopic surgery, etc. The center manages the top infertility specialist for each infertility problem born in the patients.

Best IVF center in Amritsar

Best IVF center in Amritsar

Today, Invitro fertilization (IVF) is the highest number of infertility treatment options and there are hundreds of IVF centers emerging in Amritsar. Among all the centers, the fertilityworld is rated the best IVF center in Amritsar for its dedication and commitment to providing the best international standards IVF treatments for 25 years to all visiting patients despite their conditions. The fertilityworld is the only IVF center that offers the most affordable and flexible cost of IVF in Amritsar ranging from Rs. 1.50 lakhs for self-cycle IVF and Rs. 2.20 lakhs for a donor-cycle IVF. 

Who should go for IVF treatment in Punjab?

Who should go for IVF treatment in Punjab?

IVF treatment is needed when the female partner or husband has the following infertility conditions:

  • Women with low-quality eggs,
  • Women with blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
  • Failure of IUI and other fertility treatments
  • Women with Endometriosis
  • Immunologic infertility 
  • Male infertility– symptoms of infertility in Men
  • Tubal ligation due to genetic/medical/health issues,
  • One or both partners have Genetic diseases,
  • Recurrent failure with intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and pelvic adhesions
  • Low IUI pregnancy rates, relatively higher with IVF,
  • Either one or both partners with unexplained infertility.

If you’re suffering from any infertility conditions mentioned, a man still can maintain the infertility conditions, know How to Increase sperm Motility.

What is the best age for males and females to go for IVF treatment?

Generally, women’s age plays a vital role in IVF success rates. As women age, their fertility declines gradually.

  • The best reproductive age for women is between 21 to 35 years of age.
  • The best age for male IVF treatment is between 45 to 55 years.

Let’s discuss different methods of advanced IVF treatment:

Self-cycle IVF treatment (egg/sperm)

Self-cycle IVF treatment (egg/sperm)

In a self-cycle IVF treatment, a couple’s gametes (sperm and egg) are used. Under this procedure, women with AMH levels above 1ng/mL and males with at least 10 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml are eligible for self-cycle IVF treatment.

IVF with Donor egg or Donor sperm

IVF with Donor egg or Donor sperm

Either sperm or egg from a donor is used in a donor IVF cycle. Donor-cycle IVF is generally associated with a slightly higher success rate than self-cycle IVF. Women between 0.4 to 1ng/mL AMH level and a male between below 15*10(6)/mm sperm in semen should use IVF treatment with Donor’s assistance with eggs and sperm. IVF with donor Egg is used for women with the following:

  • Women between 0.4 to 1ng/mL AMH level,
  • Ovaries have been surgically removed or are functioning poorly, 
  • Premature menopause, 
  • Severe diminished ovarian reserve, 
  • Medical disorders, or 
  • Exposure to toxins like chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
  • Women who were born without ovaries,
  • Multiple failed self-IVF cycles.

ICSI-IVF treatment

ICSI-IVF treatment

ICSI stands for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. It is an advanced treatment for male infertility who chose IVF treatment but suffer from infertility. Under this procedure from the collection of the husband or donor sperm, a single sperm is injected directly into each egg to assist fertilization using micro-manipulation equipment. For better understanding, read in detail IVF vs ICSI – Which is the best option? ICSI-IVF produces a high success rate where male sperm motility is low.

TESE with IVF treatments

TESE stands for Testicular Sperm Extraction. Under this surgical sperm retrieval procedure, the doctor creates a tiny surgical incision on the patient’s scrotum and testicular tissue is excised where a small tissue is expressed out. The tunica is exposed and small tissue is expressed. The extracted tissue is handed over to our IVF laboratory where it is examined for the presence of sperm. TESE with IVF is done when the male partner has the following conditions:

  • When testicles don’t generate enough sperm (Non-obstructive Azoospermia).
  • When the sperms get blocked from ejaculate (Obstructive Azoospermia).

For men with such conditions, TESE+ICSI+IVF is the best option to achieve parenthood. If enough sperm gets generated in their testicles via TESE, then it is frozen, and preserved for ICSI. One can also perform TESE with IVF on the day of the egg retrieval for a fresh sample to be used during ICSI.

IVF with TESA treatment

IVF with TESA treatment

TESA stands for Testicular sperm aspiration. It is an alternative to the TESE treatment. TESA is a procedure performed for men who are having sperm retrieved for IVF+ICSI treatments. It is done with local anesthesia that is coordinated with the female partner’s egg retrieval. Under this PESA procedure, a needle is inserted in the testicle where tissues or sperm are aspirated. TESA best option for men with obstructive azoospermia, Vasectomy. 

IVF with PESA treatment

IVF with PESA treatment

PESA stands for Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration. PESA is also an option for male infertility treatment to have sperm retrieved for IVF/ICSI. PESA is used in male infertility with the following problems:

  • Obstructive azoospermia- vasectomy or infection. 

The procedure is done with local anesthesia in the operating room or office and is coordinated with the female partner’s egg retrieval.

IVF with MESA treatment

IVF with MESA treatment

MESA stands for Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration. This treatment is made for men with the conditions like Vasal or epididymal obstruction such as vasectomy, and congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens. MESA is performed with general anesthesia utilizing the operating microscope. MESA is done for the IVF/ICSI treatments. MESA produces an extensive collection of mature sperm as compared to other aspiration techniques. It is done with local anesthesia that is coordinated with the female partner’s egg retrieval.

Process of IVF treatments

Process of IVF treatments

IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilization which means fertilization outside the body in the laboratory. IVF is best recommended for advanced Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) whereby the fertilized (egg+sperm) called embryo is transferred and gets implanted in the lining of the woman’s uterus for pregnancy. The successful IVF implantation process is achieved by the fertilization of female eggs and male sperm outside the body in the Petri dishes under the laboratory. It only takes about 3 weeks for the embryo to get implanted.

In General, all the IVF treatments with advanced treatments are almost the same but the success rates vary based on the medical conditions of individuals, the experiences of the professionals, and the standard advanced treatments used. At the fertilityworld, the IVF treatments process is carried out in the following steps:

  1. Booking an appointment,
  2. Initial Consultation- Free consultations,
  3. Medical pre-screening,
  4. Followed by ovulation simulation,
  5. Then get a trigger Injection,
  6. The Egg is retrieved (Self egg or Donor egg),
  7. Coordinated by Semen Collection (self/Donor),
  8. Fertilization (egg+sperms),
  9. Transferring the Embryo into the Uterus
  10. Then cope with the luteal phase
  11. Then pregnancy test
  12. Pregnancy is successful.

Read further, for detailed information about the IVF treatments and IVF process Step By StepDid you know the reasons for multiple-cycle IVF treatment failure? Read more about What Are The Reasons For IVF Failure. However, IVF Treatment always succeeds in the fertilityworld in Punjab.

IVF Cost in Punjab

IVF Cost in Punjab

In Punjab, the fertilityworld is the only IVF center that offers the most affordable IVF cost. The cost of IVF in Punjab is Rs. 1.50 lakhs for a single self-cycle IVF and Rs. 2.20 lakhs for a donor-cycle IVF treatment. On average, IVF is achieved in the 1st or the 2nd cycle. The fertilityworld IVF center takes Rs. 50,000 for every repeated IVF cycle because it involves creating a new fresh embryo that will absolutely support the IVF pregnancy. Other than this, no other charges. The inclusive IVF cost covers the entire IVF process starting from fertility medication, injection, and IVF process including ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm+egg preparation, fertilization, embryo transfer into the uterus, and the IVF pregnancy confirmation. The fertilityworld best team takes care of the patients until IVF is achieved.

Where do you get Donor Eggs?

Where do you get Donor Eggs?

A donor egg is required in IVF treatment If the female partner has an AMH level between 0.6 to 1.0ng/mL. IVF with a donor egg can fulfill your dreams of parenthood. The Fertility World has a good Egg Donor bank. Our donors are young, healthy, and at their best reproductive age between 21-30 years old. We provide any prospective parents with our donor egg at the cost of Rs.35,000/- to Rs.50,000/- upon registration or appointment. We will provide our donor profiles with the relevant information in it such as:

  • Height, skin color, eye color, ear shapes, education background, medical background, and also generation background. However, our Donor’s identities will remain anonymous and confidential.

Infertile parents and couples are allowed to choose their Donors. We accept IVF treatments with infertile parents with their donor arrangements at the Fertilityworld. The Donor should be the relatives or the friends of the infertile parents.

Where do you get Donor Sperm?

Where do you get Donor Sperm?

If the male partner’s sperm count is below 15*10(6)/mm semen, Donor sperm is the best option for successful IVF treatments. The fertility world has a good sperm Donor bank, offering Donor sperm at Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 35,000 only in Punjab.

Final Decisions

If you’re an infertile couple or infertile parents hoping for miracles to happen in your life to experience parenthood despite your infertility conditions- IVF treatments can create your hope of miracles into reality. The Fertilityworld Best IVF center in Punjab stands with you throughout your ups and downs to create your dreams of parenthood possible. Our door is open for anyone who is looking for IVF treatment, providing free consultations and an affordable inclusive IVF package at the fertilityworld. Get IVF done at your best reproductive age:

IVF cost in Punjab?

Fertilityworld provides affordable costs for those who are looking for ivf in Punjab starting from Rs 1,00,000 to 1,50,000 for Self and Rs 2,20,000 for using Donors. If the intended parents require 2nd cycle 50k will add up to the IVF cost package.

Best IVF hospital in jalandhar?

The best IVF center we find today in Jalandhar is the Fertilityworld. This is the finest top leading IVF center where thousands of infertile patients are treated every month either through IVF or by other infertility treatments like ICSI, IUI, FET, LAH, or with the best fertility medication.


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