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For the past 25 years, the fertilityworld is the most successful IVF centre in Noida. Its excellency in advanced assisted reproductive technologies (ART) has treated 100,000+ infertile couples, and 50,000+ babies are born through IVF treatment. The centre’s experienced & dedicated infertility specialists are creating a history of being the highest IVF success rate provider in Noida.  

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Fertilityworld infertility treatments and services

Fertilityworld infertility treatments and services
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • IVF with self-egg and self-sperm
  • IVF with Donor-Egg 
  • IVF with Donor sperm
  • IVF with Donor Embryo
  • Frozen Embry Transfer (FET)
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • Egg Freezing
  • Semen Cryopreservation
  • Egg Donation, Sperm Donation, Embryo Donation.
  • Surgical sperm Aspiration (TESA/PESA/MESA).
  • Semen Analysis Testing.
  • Male and female infertility treatments
  • All infertility medication and injections.

IVF success rate in Noida, Uttar Pradesh

IVF success rate in Noida, Uttar Pradesh

In Noida, the highest IVF success rate with self-egg & partner sperm is 70-75%, and IVF with Donor eggs is 80-85%. A good quality egg & good quality sperm are found in the age group between 21-35 years, giving higher chances of IVF. But as we grow older and cross 35 years the reproductive quality start to decline slowly and may invite infertility complication including miscarriages, recurrent pregnancy, endometriosis, etc, but the use of a fertility prescription from an infertility specialist can improve this issue. In general, age plays a major role in successful IVF, look at the IVF success rate in India from the graph provided below: 

IVF success rate in Noida

If you, your partner, or any person is suffering from infertility and searching for the best IVF center in Noida, this article can be of great help. 

Top 5 IVF centre in Noida

Top 5 IVF centre in Noida

The fertilityworld is among the top 5 IVF centre in Noida for its 25+ years of excellence in producing over 85% IVF success rates. The centre has the best IVF Doctors, the finest state-of-the-art technologies, International standards fertility equipment, and all the infertility treatments including IVF, IUI, ICSI, FET, surrogacy, etc are provided under its single roof. Since its establishment, the centre has been giving out its dedication to fertility, and today it has achieved the best top 5 IVF centre in Noida and the top 10 best IVF clinics in the world. Reach out to the fertilityworld today and get the best IVF and infertility treatments at lower cost with free consultation.

Best IVF Doctor in Noida

Best IVF Doctor in Noida

Generally, an embryologist is considered the best IVF Doctor because he/she performs a major role in IVF treatment. The main role of the embryologist is handling and ensuring good quality of the egg and the sperm which is most important for achieving successful IVF treatment. Other IVF Doctors include Gynaecologists, obstetricians, psychologists, and general infertility consultants. All this Doctor works together and makes IVF parenthood at the fertilityworld in Noida.

Low-cost IVF treatment in Noida

Low-cost IVF treatment in Noida

For most infertile couples, IVF treatment is the only hope of conceiving a baby and it involves different steps process, and each step involves a cost that can vary from clinic to clinic. But the fertilityworld is the best IVF centre that offers low-cost IVF treatment in Noida at Rs.1.50 lakhs for a single cycle using self-egg and Rs. 2.20 lakhs for IVF with donor egg. Most of the infertile couples achieved IVF in the 1st or the 2nd cycle where Rs. 50,000 is charged for repeating the Cycle to create a new fresh embryo that supports 100% IVF pregnancy. Not only in Noida but it also offers the lowest IVF cost in India. All other infertility treatments are reasonable, contact the fertilityworld, Noida. 

Best IVF centre in greater Noida

Best IVF centre in greater Noida

The fertilityworld is also the best IVF centre in greater Noida. This centre has an excellent history in IVF for the past 25 years since its establishment in PAN India, with a higher IVF success rate of 70-75% in self-cycle IVF, 80-85% in donor-cycle IVF, reasonable IVF cost, amicable and its friendly environment, and at its utmost of providing the top International Standards assisted reproductive treatment (ART). The centre has the best IVF Doctors who are dedicated and committed to serving infertile couples and being part of their parenthood dreams. 

Who needs  IVF treatments?

The fertilityworld most qualified and experienced infertility specialist in Noida has advised those couples about the need for IVF treatment if they have the following problems: 

  • Women over the age of 37 years.
  • Couples with multiple IUI failures.
  • Female with endometriosis & repercussion on tubes.
  • Females with blocked fallopian tubes or without tubes
  • Female with Uterine Fibroids
  • Female with previous tubal sterilization or removal.
  • Women with hydrosalpinx.
  • Couples need to carry out a preimplantation genetic study.
  • The male partner with low sperm count, impaired sperm production or function.
  • Unexplained fertility issues

IVF treatment process step by step

IVF treatment process step by step

IVF is a simple procedure involving various process steps and performed by the best embryologist, gynecologists, and nurses. 

  • Firstly, a free consultation is provided to the couples, and upon IVF treatment needs the clinical IVF procedures are done starting from, 
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation by injecting IVF injections that produce multiple eggs. 
  • The next step is retrieving the egg from the embryologist followed by sperm collection from the male partner. 
  • Then fertilization of the egg & sperm under the culture medium and incubation overnight. 
  • Followed by Embryo development for 5 to 6 days, our embryologist takes thorough responsibility for completely viable embryos. 
  • Then the embryos are transferred into the uterus.
  • After two weeks the Pregnancy confirmation is done through a blood test follow-up with ultrasounds after 20 days. Then, once you’re six weeks into your pregnancy, we’ll perform an ultrasound scan to check for a heartbeat. Then after a full-term pregnancy, we prepare a delivery for you.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): 

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) 

Intrauterine insemination is a basic infertility treatment recommended as the primary infertility treatment. IUI involves injecting sperm directly injected into a woman’s uterus during ovulation. IUI is often done in conjunction with ovulation-stimulating drugs. This medical procedure can be performed using the husband’s sperm or donor sperm. 

Intracytoplasmic Sperm injection (ICSI):

Intracytoplasmic Sperm injection (ICSI):

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection involves injecting only a single sperm directly into the center of the egg from the embryology lab to assist egg fertilization. The technique was developed to help achieve fertilization for couples with severe male factor infertility or couples who have had failure to fertilize in multiple IVF attempts. The ICSI procedure overcomes complications in reaching fertilization. ICSI procedure uses an aspirating needle to suck a single live sperm and directly inject it into the egg.

Embryo Preservation

Embryo Preservation

Embryo freezing is a procedure that allows people to preserve their unused embryos for future Frozen Embryo transfer (FET). Couples can also freeze their eggs, which are not fertilized. The procedure involves 

  • Removing eggs from the ovaries, fertilizing them to create embryos, letting them grow for several days, and then freezing them.
  • Embryo transfer with thawed frozen embryos is widely used today, and pregnancy rates are high, and sometimes even higher than with embryos that have not been frozen.

Laser-Assisted Hatching 

Laser-Assisted Hatching 

Laser-assisted hatching is a scientific IVF technique that makes it easier for the embryo to hatch or break through its outer layer, a membrane known as the zona pellucida, that is by creating an opening. In some couple infertility situations, this layer can be abnormally thick and hardened with the freezing and thawing process among the contributing factors. The less difficulty the embryo has in hatching, the better the chance of attaching or implanting into the wall of the uterus. Pregnancy cannot occur unless the embryo hatches and implants, and laser-assisted hatching plays a crucial role in achieving these main steps.

Egg vitrification

Vitrification is a technique used in embryo freezing and egg freezing so that they can be stored for a long period. It is a technology that has many applications outside of fertility care with egg and embryo freezing, as it allows something with a crystalline structure to be converted into something very smooth.

We freeze cells in a lab. The main focus of the process is avoiding ice crystal formation as the fluid in the cell cools to subzero temperatures. Ice crystals pose two significant and deadly problems for cells. 

  • First, an ice crystal is razor-sharp and will readily shred any cell membrane. 
  • Second, as water in the cell turns to ice, it expands in volume, rupturing the cell. As a result, processes must be developed that allow cells to be frozen while avoiding the formatting of ice.

Testicular sperm aspiration (TESA)

TESA is a technique used for men that require sperm retrieval for IVF/ICSI when the conventional method fails. A needle is inserted into the testicle then tissue/sperm are aspirated. TESA is used for men with obstructive azoospermia (vasectomy). 

Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)

PESA is also another technique for men who are having sperm retrieval for IVF/ICSI and who have obstructive azoospermia from either a prior vasectomy or infection.

Testicular sperm extraction (TESE)

Another surgical sperm aspiration, TESE involves making a small incision in the testis and examining the tubules for the presence of sperm. Patients usually cryopreserve sperm during this procedure for future IVF/ICSI. It is done in men with no sperm in their ejaculate (azoospermia) from a problem with production. TESE makes it possible to retrieve the sperm.

Best IVF Doctors in Delhi

Best IVF Doctors in Delhi

Delhi is one of the most favorable IVF destinations for many infertile couples from Noida for the availability of the best IVF Doctors in Delhi including:

Egg Freezing in India

Egg Freezing in India

Egg freezing means preserving the egg for a longer period like 15 years and used them later when the woman feels she is ready for conception and pregnancy. The medical term for egg freezing is oocyte cryopreservation. In India, the fertilityworld is a top leader in egg freezing with the highest Egg Donation in India | Donor Egg Bank. Freezing your eggs | Cost of Egg Freezing In India, Delhi is preferred by most couples and women to preserve its eggs for they provide the highest egg durability with a lower Egg freezing cost in Delhi

Best clinic for IVF in India

Egg Freezing in India

The fertilityworld is rated as the best clinic for IVF in India today comparing all other IVF clinics. The clinic has served the highest IVF success rates for the past 25 years with affordable IVF cost that ranges from Rs.1.5 lakhs for self-cycle and  Rs. 2.20 lakhs for donor cycle IVF. The clinic is supported by the top leading experienced IVF Doctors from PAN India, it has excellent state-of-the-art fertility equipment providing the highest level of International standards IVF treatment. With a free consultation, infertile couples are mentored and recommended the best infertility treatments depending on the fertility condition diagnosed. The clinic also offers serves as a second home in IVF in India for foreigners.

Why to choose fertilityworld for the IVF treatment in Noida 

Because the fertilityworld has been the best IVF centre for the past 25 years in PAN India and it has the same successful IVF functioning centre established in Noida.  The top infertility specialists, embryologists, and gynecologists are committed and sacrifice to provide the best IVF treatments to all infertile hopeful couples. Once the appointment is made, the centre promised to give out overall complete satisfaction without compromises in IVF treatment. 

Top 5 IVF centre in Noida?

The fertilityworld is among the top 5 IVF centre in Noida for its 25+ years of excellence in producing over 85% IVF success rates. The centre has the best IVF Doctors, the finest state-of-the-art technologies, International standards fertility equipment, and all the infertility treatments including IVF, IUI, ICSI, FET, surrogacy, etc are provided under its single roof.

IVF cost in Noida?

The fertilityworld is the best IVF centre that offers low-cost IVF treatment in Noida at Rs.1.50 lakhs for a single cycle using self-egg and Rs. 2.20 lakhs for IVF with donor egg. Most of the infertile couples achieved IVF in the 1st or the 2nd cycle where Rs. 50,000 is charged for repeating the Cycle to create a new fresh embryo that supports 100% IVF pregnancy.

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