Surrogacy is a well-defined ART that balances parenthood abilities but it can’t be done without the law of the country. Every country has its laws that regulate it. In this context, the fertilityworld rated as the greatest & the oldest centre has elaborated surrogacy laws in different countries.
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Best country to pursue surrogacy.
Every country does not legalize surrogacy depending on different interpretations, faiths, moral grounds, and the laws of the land. The surrogacy journey involves legal formats, medical, and logistical considerations, which can vary significantly from one country to another. Here, we will discuss the best country to pursue surrogacy in terms of legal frameworks, medical standards, costs, and other essential factors.
Kenya: Best country for surrogacy
Kenya is the premier destination for surrogacy, especially for international intended parents. Even though Kenya does not have proper laws regulating surrogacy, it functions with a single well-established legal framework and quality medical standards. The country has good provisions in safeguarding the rights of both surrogates and intended parents. The fertilityworld is a renowned surrogacy centre in Kenya serving for over 25 years till today, it has the best surrogacy specialists from around the world.
Surrogacy laws in Kenya.
Kenya has no specific laws for surrogacy. However, surrogacy is smoothly practiced under the Law of Contract Act. A contract agreement between the parties held as strong regulations as the established legal agreements. Therefore, surrogacy in Kenya is the best option for local and international parents. The agreement is signed between the intended parents, the surrogate mother, and the performing teams. The contract includes clarifications, terms, and conditions, outlining responsibilities, parental rights, and surrogate rights. Intended parents are allowed to use donor cycles if their fertility condition prevails. Kenya is a country that is legally open for commercial surrogacy. The country is famous for surrogacy for same-sex and single individuals.
Surrogacy cost in Kenya.
The surrogacy cost in Kenya ranges between 35,000 to 47,000 USD, comparatively 2 times cheaper than in Western countries. This surrogacy cost varies depending on the nature of the treatment including self-cycle or donor cycle (egg/sperm/embryo). The inclusive cost covers a complete set of single attempts starting from consultations, and evaluation of the intended parents, surrogate mother, and donors (if applied), medications, and surrogacy procedures (ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm collection, fertilization, embryo development, and embryo transfer in the uterus of the surrogate mother. Gay couples are welcomed for surrogacy in Kenya but have to practice strict discretion during the procedure. The fertilityworld also offers India-Kenya cross-border surrogacy at 47,000 USD only to all international parents.
Surrogacy in Georgia.
Surrogacy in Georgia is the next ideal destination after Kenya, its affordable cost, favorable legal framework, and high success rates are satisfied. The fertilityworld is an excellent surrogacy centre and an agency with a donor-cycle guaranteed success rate and an assured success rate in the self-cycle. Our centre’s cutting-edge ART technologies are world standards and are operated by the finest infertility specialists. Our team assists in the following programs: Egg Donor, Sperm Donor, Embryo Donor, Surrogate mother arrangements, Fertilization Assistance, and Gametes freezing. To all international patients, our team provides free consultation, visa assistance, transportation, pick-n-drop facilities, hotel/homestay arrangements, and other necessities.
Surrogacy laws in Georgia.
In Georgia, surrogacy is regulated by the legal framework. The courts typically uphold surrogacy agreements. It allows both commercial and altruistic surrogacy. It recognizes heterosexual couples as the legal parents of the newborn, including foreigners. Intended parents must be married heterosexual couples or de facto heterosexual couples (same-sex, different sex) who can prove they have been living together for over one year. The country allows an efficient and friendly surrogacy process and comes with a reasonable package. The Republic of Georgia (an eastern European country) is quickly becoming a favorite global surrogacy destination today. Georgia is considered a surrogacy-friendly state and home to a wide range of family-building resources and home to top-notch fertility centres including the fertilityworld.
Surrogacy laws in Greece.
Surrogacy in Greece is legal, and one of the countries in the world to give legal protection to intended parents. Surrogacy laws in Greece state that intended parents must meet certain qualifications and approach a family judge before starting their journey. Parents may be heterosexual or be a single female. Proof of medical indication of infertility and below 50 years at the time of the contract. surrogates must satisfy medical and psychological tests being medically and mentally fit. The intended parent is the legal parent in birth documents, this also applies if an egg or sperm donor is used by one of the partners. However, the recent law of 2014 states that surrogacy is legal for applicants or surrogate mothers who have permanent or temporary residence in Greece but now it has extended to applicants or surrogate mothers of any origin (foreigners). Important key points about surrogacy laws in Greece:
- Only altruistic surrogacy; where the surrogate mother is not compensated.
- The courts closely scrutinize surrogacy arrangements.
- No residency requirements,
- Represented by an expert legal advisor.
Surrogacy laws in Argentina.
Surrogacy in Argentina has been legal since 1999. Law 26.618/2010 recognizes same-sex marriage, to form a family with descendants through surrogacy, and recognizes the right of any family profile before IVF, before birth, and after birth. Reinforce the surrogate rights, families, and children, it has been applied to the procreational will and responsibility as the basis for the legal determination of filiation, article 2.634. The Position of the Attorney of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation protects the rights of the parties. Argentina is a modern country, surrogacy is open to all profiles of families: couples of the same or different sex, married or in de facto convenience, and also for men and women who are not a couple. In Argentina, fertilityworld has its gamete bank, Ovo bank, which also implies an important advantage for families who want to carry out surrogacy. Contact the fertilityworld today.
Surrogacy laws in Canada.
Surrogacy laws in Canada have been present since 2004 under the Assisted Human Reproduction Act and allow altruistic procedure. This option is open to all types of family profiles. However, they must satisfy the required conditions to pursue surrogacy. A contract agreement must be signed that complies with the legal provisions of the province where the treatment is carried out, which is why Toronto, Ontario, is considered one of the best destinations for this purpose. At fertilityworld Canada, we innovate and commit to the family’s growth. Foreign parents are also allowed to undergo surrogacy here, and highly recommended to have a Post-Birth Legal Parentage, which we include for you without any extra cost.
Surrogacy laws in the USA.
In the USA, surrogacy has been legal since 1993 with a solid legal foundation for this procedure being placed. Florida has been a pioneer destination, establishing laws that guarantee fair treatment and the protection of the rights of all parties involved in surrogacy. The law in Florida allows for both altruistic and compensated surrogacy, depending on whether the pregnancy is via IVF or natural. The requirements include being at least 18 years old to be a surrogate mother or intended parent. Consider the fertilityworld Florida the best destination in the USA for surrogacy. Surrogacy is permitted in a total of 42 states, including California, Washington, Oregon, New York, and Nevada. A contract agreement is signed between parents, surrogates, donors (if needed), and the providing clinic. It mentions all legal rights and illegal of the involved parties
Surrogacy laws in Colombia.
There are no strict surrogacy laws in Colombia as of today and a loophole may persist when surrogacy is opted individually. The current laws applied are of natural childbirth. However, surrogacy is practiced bounded by a contract agreement between the involved parties. The country is considered a popular destination for gay surrogacy. Many surrogacy centres offer surrogacy openly as they have licensed to provide surrogacy. The National Constitution of Colombia pays full rights to children born through surrogacy. To pursue surrogacy in Colombia certain eligibility criteria are involved, including:
- A surrogate is between 21 to 35 years & has given birth to at least one healthy child.
- The surrogate cannot donate her egg.
- A contract is signed by the surrogate, intended parents, & clinic.
- Any infant delivered from a surrogate has automatic Colombian citizenship and is eligible for a Colombian passport.
- The Colombian constitution protects parental rights, children’s interests, surrogate rights, and donor rights.
Surrogacy laws in Mexico.
In Mexico, surrogacy is considered legal due to a 2021 Supreme Court ruling that determines a protected medical procedure. However, the laws are not fully regulated and vary by state Sinaloa and Tabasco are two Mexican states that have civil codes that regulate surrogacy for married couples with proven infertility. The Supreme Court of Justices of the Nation ruled that surrogacy is accessible by every individual regardless of sexuality, nationality, or marital status to build a family and that the intended parents should be deemed the legal parents of the newborn, not a gestational relationship. Foreign parents or same-sex intended parents must seek court orders to establish parental rights when utilizing a surrogate mother. Contact the fertilityworld for more legal surrogacy information.
Which country’s laws are the best to go for surrogacy?
Kenya is the country having the best surrogacy law. It legally allows all types of family profiles, of any origin to pursue surrogacy at the utmost reasonable and guaranteed package with donor eggs. It also enables Kenya-India cross-border surrogacy with pure Indian egg donors. The fertilityworld is the greatest and oldest surrogacy centre in Kenya, at your service. Other countries with good surrogacy laws include the USA, Georgia, Colombia, Argentina, Greece, Mexico, and Canada. Contact the fertilityworld for detailed information.
Is surrogacy legal in India?
Yes, surrogacy is legal in India, but only in the form of altruistic gestational surrogacy. The Surrogacy (Regulation) Act of 2021, prohibits commercial and only altruistic surrogacy is allowed to Indian married couples, widowed/divorced single women, foreigners with Indian passport(s), OCI parents, and POI parents. However, the India-Kenya cross-border surrogacy program is obtainable under the fertilityworld surrogacy provider.
Why choose fertilityworld for your surrogacy journey?
The fertilityworld is ranked as the greatest, oldest, and most successful surrogacy-providing agency in the world. It has the highest connectivity with other top surrogacy centres where it shares the techniques of the procedure and technology upgradation. Our centre is available in different parts of the world headed by the finest surrogacy specialists, Gynaecologists, embryologists, andrologists, endocrinologists, psychologists, nurses, and trained staff at every centre. Our team also functions in the form of a surrogacy agency assisting all origins of intending parents. We assist them in finding the best surrogacy destinations that have smooth laws and affordable guaranteed surrogacy packages. We have legal representatives in different countries where surrogacy is legal, easy, and smoother. They represent our patient’s legal documentation and framework as demanded by that performing country. We assure complete satisfaction to our patients without compromise. Contact us today.