- The leading Fertility (IVF/Surrogacy) centers in pan India- Fertilityworld
- Only Altruistic surrogacy is legal to practice in India (New law 2022).
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Are you hopeful intended parents, single parents, and international intended parents either one of you with an Indian passport and searching for a surrogate mother in Delhi? If yes, then make an appointment with the Fertility World and get the Healthiest surrogate mother to carry your biological child at the Lowest Cost in pan India.
Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproduction technology where intended parents work with a gestational surrogate/surrogate mother. She carries and cares for the baby(ies) in her womb until birth and hands over the child to you (intended parents). Intended parents use surrogacy to start or grow a family when they can’t do so on their own. Select the right surrogate mother from the legally certified surrogacy center- The Fertility World
Under which conditions is surrogacy considered?
In India, intended couples are allowed to undergo surrogacy when medical conditions rule out the inability of conception through any other means of reproduction, natural or assisted. Therefore, the intended couples must prove that they are unable to conceive for medical reasons via a doctor’s report and recommendations. Some of these reasons are listed below:
- Uterine conditions: Removal or absence, fibroids, etc.
- Pelvic: Pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, etc.
- Systemic: Cardiomyopathy, Renal transplants, epilepsy, diabetes, etc.
- Fertility: Multiple failures of IVF cycle, Multiple Miscarriages.
Come! Let us understand the Surrogate Mother Process and procedures in detail…
Process For Surrogate mother in Delhi, at Fertilityworld
The decision to use a surrogate is not made easily approachable or lightly. Therefore, we want to make the journey simple and comfortable for you with a strong bond of trust between you and your surrogate. At Fertility World Surrogacy Center in Delhi. Our surrogate mother database has highly proven fertility, pre-screened, and completely experienced family background with legally verified consent forms. She is ready to undergo further detailed screening together with the intended parents.
After booking an appointment, the intending parent is provided with a list of different surrogates for you to pick. When a match has been found between the intended parents and a surrogate mother of your picked, all screenings such as:
- Blood investigations,
- Ultrasounds,
- Screening of complete medical history,
- Surgical and family history is effectively done.
She is free from any health conditions and is fit to receive the embryo in her uterus. All the legal formalities are performed in the presence of a legal advisor before processing the surrogacy procedure.
Our Surrogate Mother Qualifications
- She is psychologically fit and medically healthy
- She is between the age of 22 to 33 years
- She is a proven fertility history
- She has one healthy child of her own
- She had a pregnancy 2 years ago and delivered
- She is supported by her husband
- She doesn’t smoke, Drink, or Chew tobacco, and is free from drugs.
- She is acknowledged of full surrogacy programs
How surrogate mothers are screened at Fertility World in Delhi?
- Background Check and Documentation: Our legal professionals perform detailed background checks and their documentation is verified and collected concerning their name, proof of residence, date of birth, spousal details, bank details, no. of children, etc.
- General health screening: Surrogates are checked like routine nutritional requirements for pregnancy.
- Medical Screening: All the surrogates are provided with proper counseling explaining all the complications which can arise out of a pregnancy. They are given extensive medical counseling from our fertility professionals and take up various medical tests like ECG, Chest X-Ray, Hormone profiling, pelvic condition, etc.
- Legal Counselling: A lawyer is presented to make the surrogate and her husband understand all the nuances of the Surrogacy Contract in a language they are most comfortable i.e. English or Hindi.
- Terms of Payment: All financial aspects are explained in detail to the surrogate and her husband. The surrogate mother’s bank account details are noted and payments are deposited per the achievement of each landmark of the Surrogacy process. All prices are made directly to the Surrogate in her name.
- Psychological Screening: Extensive psychological screening is done to establish the surrogate mother is psychologically and mentally fit to carry out the entire process till the handing over of the Baby.
- Partner Screening: In the event that the surrogate mother has a sexual partner, the accomplice might likewise be obliged to experience blood tests to screen for sexually transmitted diseases.
Preparation of our Surrogate Mother
Birth control pills
The preparation of our surrogate mother starts by administering birth control pills on the first day or the second day of her menses. The pills are given such that she withdraws them four to five days before the Intended Mother stops her pills for planning the fresh cycle. If Frozen embryo transfer is used, the use of the pills is stopped 20 days to 25 days before the scheduled date of frozen embryo transfer (FET).
The Lupride injection is given to the surrogate mother as a depot preparation on the 18th day of the blood control pills. This Lupride injection suppresses the egg follicle formation for the upcoming cycle. Lupride, in a small dosage, can be combined with Estradiol and can be given on the first day of her cycle. This combination can be continued till the transfer of the embryo is completed.
Other Additional Supplements
Folic acid along with other multivitamins and calcium are given at least a month before the transfer of the embryo. Folic acid prevents neural tube defects.
Endometrial Preparation
Once the Surrogate Mother starts her periods in the scheduled month for the embryo implantation. The following steps are followed for receiving the embryo:
First Day: Examine, if there is any presence of a Follicular cyst in the ovaries. Also, conducts a pelvic scan for determining the quality of the endometrial lining of the Uterus.
Second Day: She is given Estradiol Valerate daily for one week (7 days) and then the Pelvic scan is repeated to determine if the endometrial lining has started forming or not. Daily small dosages of Lupride can be given along with this.
Seventh Day: On the 7th day, a pelvic scan is performed again to evaluate the flow of the blood, the endometrial thickness, and the qualities of the Ovaries.
Note: For the endometrial lining to be ready it takes about 12 to 16 days after the periods to receive the embryo. In some cases, it may take longer as well.
The pelvic scan is again repeated on 9thday and 11thday to evaluate the progress of the lining process. To perfectly determine the endometrial growth, a pelvic scan is repeated 3 to 4 times with every scanned report. The next step after the lining of the uterus is perfectly ready?
Embryo implantation into the surrogate Uterus: Injection Lupride is withdrawn and Injectable Progesterone along with other supportive medication is added to the protocol once the endometrial lining is ready. Post egg retrieval, ET is scheduled on day 2 or day 3 in a fresh cycle or 3 to 4 days before FET.
Care of Surrogates after embryo transfer, At The Fertility World
>All our Surrogates stay in our Surrogate Homes under the supervision of our supervisors.
>Extensive care is given more on their food and nutrition for proper physical and mental well-being.
>Children of the Surrogate Mother can stay with her and their husbands also visit them periodically under our supervision.
>Various activities are carried out to ensure the bonding between surrogates of different castes and religions.
>Special care is taken to ensure that they have a satisfying, happy, and fulfilling experience.
>Fertility World also provides insurance to Surrogates in case of any calamity or unforeseen circumstances.
>Proper arrangement like an ambulance and a doctor is done to ensure preparedness in case of any medical emergency.
>The surrogate mothers are also made to undergo vocational courses to make them financially independent after their life as a Surrogate is over.
>Finally, all basic amenities like water purifiers, refrigerators, Television, etc are provided to make their stay comfortable.
>We celebrate all occasions and festivals collectively with all the Surrogates to make them feel wanted and cared for.
>Surrogate Mothers are being monitored on daily basis and their activities are noted in the specialized formats to ensure proper Nutrition & medication intake and also ensure compliance with – Medicine Chart & Nutrition Chart
>Periodic screening test and ultrasounds are performed as per – Antenatal schedule
Inclusive Surrogacy costs covers:
At Fertility World in Delhi, The surrogacy Cost starts at Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs.15 lakhs. You would be responsible for the costs of finding your surrogate, the procedures necessary to impregnate her, and her care for the duration of her pregnancy. So, you need to cover the following costs during the surrogacy programs:
- Screening test
- IVF Process
- Injections and other medication
- Egg collection
- Embryo transfer
- Medication before, during, and after egg collection, embryo transfer, and during the entire pregnancy period
- Blood tests and scans during the pregnancy
- Personal toiletries
- Medical consultations
- Delivery of the baby
- Post-delivery care for 3 months
- Insurance for the surrogate
Separate additional charges:
- Donor egg or Donor sperm, if required
- Hospital stay,
- medication and care if the surrogate develops complications during pregnancy
- Medication is given to improve the weight of the baby
- Care of the baby after birth
To Get the best surrogate Mother in this Pandemic at a lower cost and fulfill your dreams of parenthood through surrogacy. Contact us today!
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