ivf clinic in Muscat ivf cost in Oman

The fertility world IVF clinic in Muscat (Oman) is an excellent cutting-edge ART providing IVF services at a lower IVF costs @1,500 OMR per IVF cycle. The clinic is equipped with the best international standards of medical facilities and standards fertility instruments bonding with the team of dedicated IVF Doctors in Muscat (Oman). The clinic produces the highest success rates in IVF pregnancy aligned with advanced IVF treatments.

Fertilityworld available treatment facilities in Muscat

  1. In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) 
  3. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  4. Frozen Embryo transfer (FET)
  6. Male infertility treatments
  7. Female infertility treatments
  8. Surrogacy
  9. Cryopreservation
  10. We have an Excellent Donor Bank
  11. Young and healthy Surrogate mother

India as your IVF destination

India is among the best preferred IVF destinations across the world because of its advancement in medical and health research, giving the best treatment and services as per the requirement and satisfaction in terms of lower cost (up to 4,500 USD for self-IVF Cycle and up to 6000 USD for Donor-IVF cycle), in terms of treatment to all international infertile couples and infertile parents by our Best IVF Doctors in India with High success rate.

The fertility world has the best IVF center in metro cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad, and other cities. The center provides these services:

  • Free first consultations,
  • IUI treatments,
  • IVF treatments or so-called test-tube babies,
  • ICSI,
  • Surgical sperm retrieval (TESE, PESA, TESA)
  • Egg, sperm & embryo donation
  • Cryopreservation of Gametes
  • Laser-assisted hatching
  • Surrogacy- (one of the partner must have to have Indian Passport),
  • Blastocyst Transfer and gynecological 
  • Laparoscopy

Fertilityworld IVF Center in India is equipped with world-class fertility facilities and the best team of IVF doctors such as Dr. Pammy Murthy at Miracle advanced reproductive Center Chennai, and other finest doctors from across India are  Dr. Mohit Saraogi, Dr. Brigadier R K Sharma, Dr. Adinarayana Makam, Dr. Swapna Chekuri, Dr. M Niharika, Dr. Mukesh Agarwal, Dr. Indira Hinduja, Dr. Abha Majumdar, Dr. Hrishikesh Dattatraya Pai, etc. 

The total IVF package in any one treatment covers the following expenditures:

  • Visa Invitation,
  • Travel assistance (flight) via our travel consultant,
  • Arrangement of apartment,
  • Entire IVF processes- All IVF medications, ovarian stimulation, ultrasound examinations, egg retrieval, embryo transfer, and pregnancy tests.

To get IVF treatment at the lower IVF cost in India:

Fertilityworld IVF success rates

Fertilityworld 10+ years in the fertility field have served thousands of families. With these experiences, we learned and developed the best approaches to fertility care bringing together the best expertise, research, and technology. The fertility world is proud that molded struggling parents by welcoming 1,500+ babies into the world. The pie chart below shows the statistics IVF success rates:

Causes of Female infertility

  • Advance in age (beyond 40 years).
  • Obesity
  • Underweight
  • Abnormal menstrual cycle
  • Ovulation problems- eating disorder, thyroid, stress, pituitary tumors
  • Poor quality of eggs- Menopause
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome- How to cure PCOS
  • Fallopian tubes problems- Pelvic inflammatory issues
  • Problems with the uterus- Fibroids, Polyps, septum
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine or cervical causes
  • Unexplained infertility

Causes of Male Infertility


  • About 35% of fertility problems originate in women and 30% in males, the rest is from lifestyle and unexplained infertility.
  • You need not worry about having such problems- it is well with IVF (in-vitro fertilization)Treatment, surgery, hormone treatment.

Best options to treat your infertility, fertilityworld

Our best fertility specialists in Muscat (Oman) work together as a team bonding a cohesive and supportive environment for the treatment. Their fertility dedication draws them in the deep understanding of education and equality for everyone involved needing fertility treatment. Therefore, they put their best knowledge earned and provide an overall satisfaction without compromising to all its patients.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): IUI is a method of artificial insemination for treating the infertility factor. IUI involves the use of washed concentrated sperm by injecting directly into the uterus (womb) to assist in fertilization by the time a female ovary releases one or more eggs. The productive idea behind IUI treatment is to allow the sperm to reach the fallopian tube and directly fertilize a waiting egg, bypassing all the fertility conditions:

  • Women who need donor sperm to get pregnant.
  • Couples with unexplained infertility.
  • Women with endometriosis-related infertility.
  • Male with below-average sperm concentration, weak motility, or abnormal sperm morphology.
  • Women with cervical factor infertility. 
  • Women with ovulatory factor infertility. 
  • Male with semen allergy. 

IUI can be coordinated with a normal menstruation cycle or with fertility medications based on fertility reasons. The cost of IUI treatment in Muscat (Oman) is pocket-friendly and affordable for everyone. 

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF): In-Vitro fertilization means fusing the egg and sperm for fertilization outside the female body. IVF is a simple series of assisted reproductive technology procedures whereby an egg from a female is retrieved and sperm is collected from the male by the embryologist. The collected gametes are fused in the Petri-dishes or test tubes under the laboratory. The fertilized egg is called an embryo. One or more embryos are implanted into the uterus (womb) to conceive pregnancy- IVF Implantation process. Read the detailed IVF Process Step By Step by double-clicking on the link. Also, reading is IVF a painful procedure or painless.

Fertilityworld serves two types of IVF treatment.

  1. Self-Cycle IVF: Self-Cycle IVF uses self egg and self sperm or Donor sperm for fertilization in the laboratory. To understand thoroughly the self-cycle IVF process read on the link provided above.

Couples can undergo Self-Cycle IVF if they satisfy these conditions:

  • Women partners have AMH levels between 1 to 1.6ng/mL AMH and Male partners with sperm count 15*10(6)/mm in semen.

The cost of self-cycle IVF is less expensive compared to other forms of IVF treatments (Donor-IVF cycle).                              

  1. Donor-Cycle IVF: Here, the couple uses the egg of another female (Donor) to achieve IVF treatment success. The fertilityworld possesses a Good Donor Bank where the couples are allowed to select their donor depending on their preferences. If couples are stationed outside and want to know our donors we provide detailed information about our donor profiles to you; however, our donor identity (name) remains anonymous. All the IVF process is the same as that of self-cycle, the only difference is the egg retrieved from a healthy donor.   

The cost of Donor-Cycle IVF in Muscat is worth investing in as it guarantees success rates with a healthy baby(ies).

Donor-Cycle IVF is required:

  • When a female partner has an AMH level between 0.4 to 1ng/mL AMH and Donor sperm is needed if a male partner is below 15*10(6)/mm sperm in semen. 


Advanced IVF treatments in Muscat, fertilityworld.     

ICSI-IVF treatments: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a wonderous treatment for men with infertility factors. ICSI is performed in conjunction with in-vitro fertilization (IVF). The ICSI process involves the sperm being injected directly into the middle of the egg for assisting fertilization. ICSI treatment bypasses the following infertility conditions:

  • Very low sperm count
  • Poor sperm morphology, poor motility. 
  • Unable to fertilize an egg in previous IVF treatment. 
  • Had a vasectomy, or had sperm blockage. 
  • Have genetic condition. 
  • You’re using frozen sperm. 
  • You’re having embryo genetic testing. 

To understand how ICSI is done in conjunction with IVF treatments- continue reading IVF Vs. ICSI treatment. What are the signs of infertility in males?  

IVF with Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET): FET is a form of IVF treatment where a cryopreserved embryo (frozen preserve) is generated into a full IVF cycle which is thawed and transferred into the uterus (womb) by the experts. Mostly FET uses extra embryos a couple has permitted to preserve from a previous conventional IVF cycle or it can be from a donor. 

Why is FET preferred by couples? 

Most couples prefer IVF with FET due to certain health conditions, other pertinent circumstances, or lifestyle considerations. Some of the valid reasons to undergo IVF with FET are mentioned below: 

  • Preserved extra embryos from previous IVF failure- What are the reasons for IVF failure
  • Wants 2nd child after successful in a 1st IVF cycle 
  • Using Genetic Screening
  • You’re at high risk of OHSS
  • Fresh embryo transfer is canceled due to certain conditions,
  • You’re using a Donor embryo        

Different types of artificial sperm Extraction

Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE): TESE is a surgical method for extracting the sperm procedure where a tiny surgical incision on the patient’s scrotum is created and testicular tissue is excised to express a small tissue- The tunica is exposed and small tissue is expressed out. The extracted tissue is examined for the presence of sperms under the IVF laboratory. TESE is done:

  • With Non-obstructive Azoospermia.
  • With Obstructive Azoospermia.

For men with such conditions, TESE+ICSI+IVF is the best option to achieve parenthood. 

Testicular sperm aspiration (TESA): TESA is an alternative procedure to TESE treatment. Under the TESA procedure, it is performed for men who are having a poor and weak quality of sperm whereby a needle is inserted in the testicle where tissues or sperm are aspirated. It is done with local anesthesia that is coordinated with the female partner’s egg retrieval. TESA is the best option for men with obstructive azoospermia, non-obstructive azoospermia, Vasectomy. 

Fertilityworld commitments:

Fertilityworld commits to building together with your family. Our competent doctors have always demonstrated an ongoing commitment to excellence in their field. The embryologists at the fertility world IVF Center are skilled, demonstrate precision, and are well versed with the latest ART techniques.

Final Thoughts

If you’re a couple experiencing infertility (unable to get pregnant) after trying unprotected regular intercourse. You don’t have to worry at all, IVF is the best option for you to decide, it gives you a healthy baby. The Fertility World IVF Center is the best in Muscat (Oman) offering IVF at the lowest cost with top fertility services.

We Serve you better with 24*7 affordable services.

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