The IVF Cost in Nairobi (Kenya) starts from 4,30,000 KES for Self-cycle IVF and up to 4,80,000 KES for donor egg IVF in the fertility world center, it is the lowest affordable, pocket friendly for any individual. The fertility world IVF clinics in Nairobi (Kenya) are the most distinguished and successful IVF clinics with our highly dedicated team of IVF doctors, psychologists, nurses, and staff molding up your parenthood dreams with a healthy baby via IVF. Get IVF treatment at the lowest IVF cost in Kenya:

The fertilityworld IVF in Nairobi (Kenya).

  • The fertility center is verified, distinguished,
  • Available state-of-the-art technology,
  • It offers free first consultations to all individuals,
  • The IVF cost it offers is friendly understandably lower,
  • It produces higher IVF success rates with self/donor eggs,
  • It has been working in the field for 20+ years,
  • It offers all fertility solutions under its single roof.

India as an IVF destination for Kenya

The fertility world has its IVF center all over the world and has become the best IVF center in Pan India with the highest success rates. The IVF Center in India is equipped with world-class fertility facilities along with the best team of IVF doctors such as Dr. Pammy Murthy at Miracle advanced reproductive Center Chennai, and other finest doctors from across India are  Dr. Mohit Saraogi, Dr. Brigadier R K Sharma, Dr. Adinarayana Makam, Dr. Swapna Chekuri, Dr. M Niharika, Dr. Mukesh Agarwal, Dr. Indira Hinduja, Dr. Abha Majumdar, Dr. Hrishikesh Dattatraya Pai, etc. 

It provides IVF treatments to all International infertile parents such as Kenyan patients at the lowest possible IVF cost starting from 4,500 USD for Self-Cycle IVF and up to 6,000 USD for Donor IVF cycle and adding up to 2000 USD. The total IVF cost will cover the following expenditures:

  • Visa Invitation,
  • Travel assistance (flight) via our travel consultant,
  • Arrangement of apartment,
  • Entire IVF processes- All IVF medications, ovarian stimulation, ultrasound examinations, egg retrieval, embryo transfer, and pregnancy tests.

To get IVF treatment at the lower IVF cost in Pan India:

Let’s discuss the IVF cost along with its advancement treatment in Nairobi (Kenya).

IVF Pre-treatment Procedure costs: All these pre-treatment costs are covered in an inclusive IVF package.

Sl.#Pre-treatmentsCost in KESCost in USD
1First Consultation00
2Return Consultation1,50013
3Screen test for both11,00097
4Female Hormonal test10,00088
5Male Hormone test (if needed)5,00044
6Pelvic Ultrasound scan1,50013
7Semen Analysis3,50030
8AMH level in female9,00080

IVF Treatments Cost including pre-treatments costs:

Sl.#TreatmentsCost in KESCost in USD
1Self-Cycle IVF430,0003,775
2Donor IVF Cycle480,0004,215
3Own Donor IVF cycle450,0003,950

Donor Egg, Donor Sperm, and Donor Embryo Costs:

These Donor assistance costs are also included in IVF with Donor Gametes(sperm/egg or both).

Sl.#Gamete AssistanceCost in KESCost in USD
1Donor sperm25,000220
2Donor Eggs50,000439

Advanced Supplementary treatment along with IVF:

Sl.#TreatmentsCost in KESCost in USD
2Cryopreservation 1year9,00080
3Laser-Assisted Hatching18,000158
5ICSI+IVF treatment683,4006,000

Cost of Insemination procedures:

Sl.#InseminationsCost in KESCost in USD
2Self sperm natural cycle25,000220
3Donor sperm natural cycle48,000422

The fertilityworld IVF success rate in Nairobi, Kenya

All though there are several factors affecting the IVF success rates- these factors are treatable. The utmost role required for the hopeful IVF success rates is played by the age of the female. The best age of women where IVF success is certain falls between the age group of 21 to 35 years. IVF success beyond 35 years of age is uncertain (50/50). For males, IVF is possible beyond 55 years. 

The pie chart shows the statistics of IVF success rates at the fertility world in Nairobi (Kenya):

Also, see the best IVF doctors in India with High success rates.

Discussing the IVF cost in detail at Nairobi (Kenya), at fertilityworld: 

Nairobi (Kenya) has attracted numbers of international patients for the fertility treatments- IVF along with advanced treatments has become the most demanded sector because the IVF treatment cost is lesser than other well-developed IVF destination countries and the success rate of taking home baby(ies) is higher.

Cost of IUI treatments in Kenya

The fertility world is offering IUI at a low cost to any infertile individuals in Kenya.

IUI244,885 KES2,150 USD

IUI- Intrauterine insemination is an artificial insemination process bypassing the male sperm refusing to fertilize an egg due to reasonable male infertility/unexplained male infertility problems. 

IUI is done before trying IVF treatment. Under the IUI process, the sperm is directly injected into a female uterus during menstruation to help fertilize and get pregnant. IUI is less expensive than any other fertility treatment, however achieving pregnancy is uncertain. Its success may depend on various infertility factors, male and female unexplained infertility conditions.

Cost of Self-Cycle IVF: 

Self-cycle IVF treatment cost is less expensive and affordable. The fertility world in Kenya is offering the following package: Self-Cycle IVF-

Self-Cycle IVF430,000 KES3,775 USD

The cost covers total IVF expenses from IVF pre-screening, Complete IVF medications, Complete IVF process, Doctors charges, pregnancy, and confirmed pregnancy.

Under this self-cycle IVF treatment, self egg and self sperm or donor sperm are fused and allowed to get fertilized outside the body in the fertility laboratory. The fertilized egg called an embryo is monitored under incubation and the best stage is selected by the experts and implanted (IVF implantation process) into the uterus (womb) to conceive a pregnancy. Also, for understanding the complete IVF Process Step By Step double click on the link and read on.

Cost of IVF with Donor eggs

In General, the cost of IVF with Donor eggs is a little expensive than the cost of the self-IVF cycle because the egg is retrieved from the donor and it provides guaranteed success rates while that of self-cycle success rates depending on the infertility conditions;

Donor IVF Cycle480,000 KES4,215 USD

The process of the Donor IVF cycle is the same as that of the self-cycle IVF, the only difference is that donor eggs are procured from the fertility world donor bank. 

Our donors are young, healthy and at their best reproductive age i.e between 21-35 years old. The egg retrieval process is very crucial and is performed by our highly experienced IVF specialists Dr. Pammy Murthy from Chennai with over 35+ years of experience in the fertility field.

The cost covers the total IVF expenses from IVF pre-screening, Complete IVF medications, Donor compensation, Donor egg, Complete IVF process, Doctors charges, pregnancy, and guaranteed confirmed pregnancy. You can read and understand what are the reasons for IVF failure.

Cost of ICSI-IVF treatment 

In Nairobi (Kenya) the fertility world is offering ICSI procedures at an affordable cost along with the IVF procedure cost:

ICSI+IVF treatment683,400 KES6,000 USD

ICSI known as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is a specialized form of treatment for male infertility to achieve successful IVF treatments. Under this ICSI, the egg (donor/self) is allowed to be fertilized outside the body in the laboratory by directly injecting a single sperm into the middle of the egg. This bypasses male infertility mentioned below:

IVF vs ICSI treatment is the best option for males with such infertility as it produces a high success rate when male sperm motility is low.

Cost of TESA with IVF treatment

TESA is an abbreviation of testicular sperm aspiration whereby the sperm is retrieved directly from the testicles using special equipment by professionals. TESA is commonly used for male infertility having non-disruptive azoospermia. This procedure is performed timing with the egg retrieval of the self/donor egg to undergo a fresh IVF cycle. In Kenya, the TESA procedure is cheaper than others. 

TESA19,000 KES167 USD

Who can undergo IVF treatments?

IVF treatment is an alternative option for couples or parents who are unable to get pregnant normally after 1-2 years of having regular unprotected intercourse. You can be suffering from one of the conditions provided below:


  • Normal Miscarriages
  • Endometriosis in women
  • Fallopian tube damage or blockage, 
  • Problems with ovulation
  • Poor quality of eggs 
  • Having inherited genetic disease of mother or father
  • Antibody problems that harm eggs
  • Recurrent IUI treatment failure
  • Unexplained infertility.


  • Low sperm counts in male
  • Antibody problems that harm sperm 
  • Abnormal sperm morphology,
  • Having inherited genetic disease of mother or father
  • An unexplained infertility

The fertility world is equipped with all the treatment facilities of world standards to recover infertility and make your parenthood fruitful.

Final Decision:

If you’re an infertile couple looking for IVF treatment in Kenya or India, the fertility world is the best IVF center that provides all the fertility-related solutions at the lowest possible cost. We understand the struggles faced by you. Therefore, we’re always ready to be part of your struggles and give you back the healthy child you deserve at an affordable package. Together we built your families. 

Why you should prefer fertilityworld in Kenya

The fertility world is the distinguished IVF clinics center in Nairobi(Kenya). Today, we’ve created over 2500+ families and born 3000+ healthy babies fulfilling the dreams of many infertile people in Kenya. We consist of a team of dedicated best IVF doctors in providing all fertility solutions under one roof: IUI, IVF, ICSI, Assisted Hatching, Blastocyst Transfer, Embryo Freezing, Donor Egg, Donor Sperm are available here, and surrogacy. To embark on IVF journey with the fertility world at a lower package:

We’re 24*7 available at your service. 

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