Egg freezing cost in Pune

Egg freezing programs reaches their highest peak today as thousands of young women are exploring its efficiency and approaching it. Most of them seek the fertilityworld to freeze their egg, for the center offers a reliable low egg freezing cost in Pune. The center is also the most efficient egg donor agency in Pune based on the perspectives of successful patients.

Egg freezing in Pune cost

How much does it cost to freeze an egg?

Cost of egg freezing in Pune

Are you looking for an affordable cost to freeze your eggs in Pune? Like any kind of treatment cost, the cost of egg freezing differs from clinic to clinic, standards of the types of machinery used, and the professional class of the Doctors. But the fertilityworld rated as the best egg freezing center in Pune offers lower egg freezing costs to those women hoping to build their families in the future. To learn more about the egg freezing cost in India, read this: Freezing your Eggs | Cost of Egg Freezing in India

Look at the table given below for egg freezing costs in Pune:

Followed Procedures          What is includedCost in INR
Initial ScreeningFertility hormone test & health check8000 – 10,000
Ovarian stimulationInjections & Medications70,000 – 80,000
Cycle MonitoringUSG, Hormone tests, Consultation10,000 – 15,000
Surgical ProcedureEgg retrieval under anesthesia20,000 – 25,000
IVF laboratoryEgg screening & denudation25,000 – 30,000
CryofreezingFreezing & maintenance10,000 – 15,000
Initial total Cost…………………………………………153,000-175,000

From the table, it is conclusive that when you come to the fertilityworld for egg freezing in Pune. You have to undergo certain required procedures mentioned which will cost you about Rs.1,53,000/- to Rs.1,75,000/-. After this process is done, you have to pay only the cost of egg freezing per month or per year of your choice. The monthly egg freezing cost you need to pay is Rs. 10,000/ only. And Rs.100,000/- to Rs.120,000/- per year. I wish to know the egg freezing cost in other metro cities like Delhi for cost comparison, kindly visit the link here; Egg Freezing Cost in Delhi.

The cost can be reduced after your reproductive health examination. If the results show healthy, then the cost of medications, hormone tests, and consultation (free) costs can be reduced, if they are not needed. The fertilityworld in Pune looks for the patient’s overall satisfaction rather than the cost. We are flexible and very transparent in terms of cost and fees, we also offer free consultations.

Egg Freezing Success Rates by Age

The fertilityworld provides the highest egg freezing success rates in Pune. Look at the bar graph below, it depicts the egg freezing success rates in Pune by the women’s age:

Egg Freezing Success Rates by Age

Egg freezing success rates are dependent upon the women’s age between 18-35 years, this age produces the best qualities of eggs in harvesting for freezing. From the bar graph shown above, the egg freezing success rate mostly relies on the age of women.

  • Women between 18 to 25 years can have a 90% to 99% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 25 to 30 years can have an 80% to 90% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 30 to 35 years can have a 75% to 85% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 35 to 40 years can have a 60% to 65% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 40 to 45 years can have a 50% to 60% chance of at least one live birth.

To learn more about egg freezing success rates, or egg freezing side effects, simply click the link; Egg Freezing Success Rates | Egg Freezing Side Effects.

Best Egg Donor Agency in Pune

Best Egg Donor Agency in Pune

The words “Agency” can put you into deep thoughts of financial absorption for common individuals. However, Egg Donor Agency such as the fertilityworld in Pune has been smoothly running a huge Egg Donor database for the past 20 years. It has been providing Egg Donor Assistance to any infertile woman hoping to get pregnant with her partner’s sperm at a reasonable cost. 

Also, the center is leading EGG DONATION IN INDIA | DONOR EGG BANK. Egg donation is when a young, healthy woman donates her eggs to another infertile woman allowing her to fulfill their parenthood dreams. Donor eggs are only utilized when the female’s eggs are not suitable to create an embryo to get conceived. It is a part of assisted reproductive technology (ART). Egg donation frequently benefits women who cannot use their eggs to achieve pregnancy.

The fertilityworld not only preserves the women’s eggs but preserves the male semen (sperm) via SEMEN FREEZING OR SEMEN CRYOPRESERVATION. Best sperm banking with its cutting-edge techniques in semen freezing or semen cryopreservation performed by the best clinical technicians at the cost of Rs.10,000 to 15,000 per year. The one-time analysis test will cost Rs 2,500 in India.  Fertilityworld’s standardized storage period for sperm is 10 to 15 years. However, we can store the sperm for up to 55 years in certain male circumstances. Sperm Freezing is a technical privilege for couples or single parents to preserve their chances of conceiving a biological baby in the future. If you’re in Pune and searching for the best donor egg, the fertilityworld provides priceless Egg Donor Assistance for you. Contact us today and get free consultations.

Choose the best fertility Doctors in Pune

Best Fertility doctors in Pune

The joyous moment shared by previous patients in the fertility journey is about finding her the best fertility Doctor in Pune, she exclaimed of being served a complete at-home atmosphere by very friendly specialists. The fertilityworld doctors are adapting to new technology every day, to put a smile on someone’s life. You can read and learn about the best fertility doctors in Pune from this link: 21 Best IVF doctors in Pune. Among these best doctors, Dr. Sunita Pandit is the most renowned fertility specialist who has mastered every fertility condition.

Egg Freezing Process in Pune

Egg Freezing Process in Pune

After the immediate harvesting of the woman’s egg, it is cooled down to subzero temperatures to preserve them for future use (egg freezing). The makeup of an unfertilized egg makes it a bit more difficult to freeze but it leads produces successful pregnancy than fertilized embryo freezing. The technology used in egg freezing is called vitrification. The process involves 3 main critical components, which are discussed here below:

  1. 1st component is exposing the unfertilized eggs to high concentrations of cryoprotectants for rapid dehydration of cells. 
  2. 2nd component is loading the eggs into tiny storage devices (usually straws), which facilitates ultra-rapid cooling.
  3. 3rd component is cooling the content of egg straws as fast as possible, under thousands of degrees per minute.

The development of a high cooling rate along with using high concentrations of cryoprotectants allows the contents in the straw (eggs, or embryos) turning to a glass-like structure instead of ice formation. This prevention of ice formation successfully protects the eggs, or embryos from damage and allows them to be warmed later for fertility treatments giving survival rates consistently above 90%. This vitrification procedure can store the eggs or embryos indefinitely.

Is the egg freezing process painful?

No, the egg freezing process is not painful. It may feel some mild pain during the egg harvesting procedure but this pain is avoided by using sedatives like anesthesia. Also, after the egg retrieval process is done, you may come across some discomfort like itchy and a little bleeding from where the fine retrieval needle passed through your vaginal wall. But this will disappear after a few days without medication.

Who should freeze the eggs?

Egg freezing has opened a wide door for women wishing to preserve their fertility and conceive them in the future. Let’s discuss below some important points that women should freeze their eggs:

  • Women should freeze their eggs if they want or need to delay childbearing and focus on their educational, career, or other personal goals. 
  • It is fact that a woman’s fertility declines with age. Therefore, freezing your eggs at an early reproductive age will best insure your chance for a future pregnancy between 18 to 37 years.
  • Women diagnosed with cancer. Egg freezing offers a chance to preserve eggs prior to chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation. Most of these treatments destroy the eggs and lead to infertility. In some cases, viable eggs may be present after cancer treatment. Fertility preserving options vary depending on age, type of cancer, and cancer-treatment plan.
  • Many individuals or couples produces excess eggs during IVF. You can freeze the remaining un-fertilized eggs for having another baby or for donor assistance to another couple who needs them.
  • Also, women with a family history of early menopause, and premature ovarian failure. Egg freezing offers a chance to preserve eggs before they are all depleted.

How many eggs should I freeze at 35 years?

Women between 35 to 40 years can still freeze their eggs. However, sometimes egg freezing at this age may not be successful from the first cycle, they can consider successful freezing after the second round. At 35 years old, women should freeze at least 10 to 20 eggs. This will give an estimated 65% to 70% chance of having a live birth when later using these eggs to get pregnant. So freezing 10 to 20 eggs is ideal for securing future parenthood but every person is different. so it’s best recommended to get your fertility tested or speak with the fertilityworld reproductive endocrinologist about your options for egg freezing in Pune.

What are the benefits of egg freezing?

Today, most young women and some aged women have learned about how egg freezing works. But they may not be known why they might want to do it, or how it could improve their life. Therefore, we have discussed here, the benefits of egg freezing that make it an excellent choice for some women.

  • The egg is freshly protected by freezing despite aging women.
  • Egg freezing benefits women who wish to pursue other priorities before having a child.
  • It benefits women’s biology to better match the way they actually live.
  • Egg freezing can help reduce women’s fertility anxiety.
  • It provides a reliable time to find the right partner.
  • Egg freezing can protect your eggs from disease or preserve them before invasive medical treatments

How long can the eggs be frozen?

With fast pace improvement of egg freezing methods, any woman in Pune can freeze the eggs indefinitely without weakening them performed by the fertilityworld in Pune. However, till today we have experienced successful parenthood with 15 years of frozen eggs. Some countries like the UK have even proposed legislation to increase the storage limit up to 55 years, while in the US there is no limit on the number of years. Time is therefore not a factor if the retrieval and freezing are done properly.

When patients return to use their vitrified embryos or eggs, the vitrification procedure is reversed. Reversing back the egg and embryo from a frozen state to room temperature and then 37°C, and rehydration is made. The procedure “warms” the eggs in just 20 minutes and they are placed back in the incubator at 37°C in the laboratory. Embryos formed after fertilization with the sperm can be transferred back to the uterus immediately in IVF, and Surrogacy or eggs can be injected with a single sperm 3-4 hours later for fertilization in ICSI use.

To know more information about Egg Freezing Cost and Donor Egg Bank in Pune contact the fertilityworld…

If you have any confusion or did not understand this page and want to know more about Egg freezing, Donor Egg Ban, Best Egg Donation agencies, FET, IVF, ICSI,  cryopreservation, or Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo) in Pune, please feel free and write to us at we’re right away to answer and solve your problems with free consultations. 

Further, if you want to directly discuss the cost of Egg freezing, Egg Donation, Best Donor Egg Bank agencies,  FET, IVF, ICSI, cryopreservation, Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo) in Pune, or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount. Please feel free and write to us at We provide free consultations and no charges for your query.

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Egg Freezing process in Pune?

After the immediate harvesting of the woman’s egg, it is cooled down to subzero temperatures to preserve them for future use (egg freezing). The makeup of an unfertilized egg makes it a bit more difficult to freeze but it leads produces successful pregnancy than fertilized embryo freezing. The technology used in egg freezing is called vitrification.

What is the cost of Egg Freezing in Pune?

The fertilityworld rated as the best egg freezing center in Pune offers lower egg freezing costs to those women hoping to build their families in the future. The cost of Freezing eggs in Pune range from Rs 10k per month or 1.20 Lakhs per annum. Contact us for free first consultations C/W: +91 9311850412


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