IUI Cost in India

The Fertilityworld finest team considers Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) as the first fertility treatment option to be given to all infertile patients because it is pocket-friendly and helps to grow a family before any other treatments.

IUI is the cheapest method of achieving parenthood among all infertility treatments bypassing treatments and costs involved like IVF, ICSI, Surgical sperm aspiration process, surrogacy, etc. IUI techniques also bypass various infertility factors including unexplained infertility, infertility related to endometriosis, mild male factor infertility (low sperm count or quality), cervical factor infertility, ovulatory factor infertility, semen allergy, etc.

IUI is generally referred to as the less-invasive fertility treatment because its total cost falls between Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 30,000 only. Factors contributing to IUI’s overall cost include screening, diagnostics, medication, procedures, doctor’s fees, and healthcare maintenance expenses.

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Break-down of IUI treatment costs


break down of IUI treatment cost

IUI involves careful clinical preparations for couples or individuals before and during the procedures by the experts to ensure its potential success rate. Each step involves some costing summing up the break-down of IUI treatment costs. Let’s understand the IUI cost breakdown in detail below:

  • Initial step: Free consultation and review of the patient’s medical history and family-building goals.
  • 1st IUI cost breakdown: A diagnostic test including, a saline infusion sonogram (SIS) or a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) which costs from Rs. 2,500 to Rs. 3,000, makes sure the woman’s fallopian tubes are open and the uterus appears normal. This diagnosis also helps experts to navigate what other fertility treatments can be most beneficial for you.
  • 2nd IUI cost breakdown: Fertility medication, such as clomid which costs between Rs. 3,50 to Rs. 1,000 is prescribed/dosages, to stimulate ovulation and males to increase FSH and LH secretion. Then regular ultrasounds and bloodwork will determine the best time for the insemination procedure.
  • 3rd IUI cost breakdown: Andrologists will prepare sperm through a special technique called a sperm wash in the laboratory and obtain the best quality sperm. The cost of sperm ranges from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 2000.
  • 4th IUI cost breakdown: IUI procedure; during the procedure, a doctor will first insert a speculum to view the cervix (opening to the uterus). Then, insert a small tube and place the washed semen sample into the uterus. After 2 weeks pregnancy test is done following IUI. If pregnant, we will monitor your pregnancy closely via bloodwork and ultrasound to term for a healthy child. IUI procedure cost can vary from Rs.10,000 to Rs. 30,000 including the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd IUI cost breakdown.

IUI Treatment Cost in India


IUI treatment cost

The average IUI treatment cost in India is between ₹10,000 to ₹30,000. India is the most affordable country for any type of fertility treatment including IUI, IVF, ICSI, FET, Surrogacy, etc of which IUI treatment is the cheapest fertility treatment offered in India. The estimated minimum cost of ₹10,000 and maximum cost of ₹30,000 are mentioned because each individual’s fertility conditions respond to IUI treatment differently.

Some patients achieve IUI on the first try while some conditions require repeated IUI cycle and some patient conditions may require additional services to support the IUI treatment success rate. Each procedure, repeated cycle, and additional treatments add up to the IUI cost, not exceeding the maximum cost.

The best IUI affordable destination in India is the cost of IUI in Delhi NCR,  and IUI Cost in Guwahati, Assam. IUI treatment costs in Mumbai, IUI treatment costs in Hyderabad, IUI treatment costs in Kolkata, and IUI treatment costs in Bangalore are the same as those in Delhi.

Insurance Coverage for IUI

IUI insurance coverage

Generally, fertility treatments are not considered medically necessary for all and so they are not covered under the insurance policy in India. Fertility treatments including sterilization or contraception, assisted reproduction services, artificial insemination, and advanced reproductive treatments such as IUI, IVF, GIFT, ICSI, reversal of sterilization and gestational surrogacy, etc. are not covered. However, there can be few companies that may offer partial coverage based on the severity of the fertility issue, in their basic or additional health policies.

Some countries may cover IUI costs under the insurance policy and some have laws that require insurers to cover all or part of IUI. However, even in states that allow IUI insurance coverage permit, not all patients are eligible for IUI coverage. For instance, if your employer self-insures, they are exempt from state laws that require fertility treatment coverage. Additionally, sometimes coverage has a limit on the number of IUI cycles or a limit on the amount of money they will cover. Consult with the fertilityworld and know whether you’re eligible or alternatives. They can reach out to the insurance provider and help you optimize financial support.

IUI Additional Services and Procedures

IUI Additional Services and Procedures

In some major infertility cases for IUI, the fertilityworld team prescribes additional services and procedures for patients to start with either a clomiphene citrate dose of 100 mg daily or Letrozole oral medications, for five days shortly after the menstruation cycle begins. Also, they may advise you to take injectable fertility drugs, which are more aggressive in stimulating multiple egg releases, Inj hMG 150 IU of Rs.1,400. may be administered from day 7 of the menstruation cycle and continue until the lead follicle reaches 17-18 mm in mean diameter.

After that, Injection hCG 5000-10000 units at Rs. 500 to Rs. 1,000 is administered on that day and the IUI procedure is performed on the next 2 days. These additional services and procedures can add to the additional cost of the IUI procedure. However, these services lead to IUI’s excellent success rate.

Clinic Reputation and Success Rates

Clinic Reputation & Success rate

According to the fertility statistics count, the fertilityworld is the most reputed IUI clinic worldwide. It connects a wide range of fertility networks and collaborates medically allowing them to analyze the strategy of IUI success rate. It has the finest team of IUI experts committed to cracked IUI for all intending parents.

Whenever you search for IUI fertility treatments, knowing the standards and reputation of the clinic makes a huge difference in determining the IUI success rate and impacts the cost of IUI. Renowned and popular clinics will produce better success rates with transparent and flexible IUI costs than other clinics where you may have to undergo repeated cycles and double the cost. Contact the fertilityworld today. The pie chart below shows the IUI treatment success rate:

IUI Success rate

IUI Financing Options and Payment Plans

IUI financing options

As mentioned above, IUI is not considered a necessary medical treatment and it has lower chances of insurance policy from the companies. However, IUI is a less invasive treatment than all other fertility treatments. It costs between Rs. 10,000 to Rs.30,000 only, payable by any intending patients. You can see the cost of IUI in Delhi NCR,  IUI Cost in Guwahati (Assam), and compare the international package; IUI Cost in Qatar.

A clinic like the Fertilityworld offers free consultations and makes financing options and payment plans available for patients to pay the cost in different installments. We encourage patients to explore this privilege provided by the fertilityworld and explore the options to make IUI financing more accessible and manageable.

IUI Cost Optimization Strategies

IUI cost optimization

To get IUI treatment at the most efficient cost and excellent success rates, follow the points mentioned below for your IUI cost optimization strategies:

  • Google it, see ratings & the patient’s success story.
  • Research and understand the clinic’s standards.
  • Dial the clinic & use the free consultation privilege.
  • Analyze the clinic’s success rate.
  • Know the transparent IUI cost of the clinic.
  • Compare the cost with other clinics.
  • Ask whether an insurance option is available or alternative.
  • Learn additional services and their costs.

Importance of Open Communication

Open communication is the key factor in easing the questions and cost confusions that may be pondered in the patient’s mind. The fertilityworld clinic team openly welcomes and diligently answers the problems incurred in the patient’s mind.

The clinic will always provide transparent and flexible IUI cost information in detail so the patient can be ready for the exact IUI package and no further financial concerns. The clinic also encourages individuals to seek clarification on costs, insurance coverage, and available support services so that the IUI procedure proceeds in full swing without any further burdens. Contact the fertilityworld today and rebuild your parenthood dream through the IUI treatment.


  • IUI is an amazing and prior fertility treatment in which the sperm is placed directly into the uterus (womb) using a small catheter. The target of this treatment is to boost the fertilization of the egg by increasing the number of healthy sperm and reaching the fallopian tubes when the woman is most fertile between 21-35 years.
  • During IUI certain medications or injections will be administered and some additional procedures may be performed in major infertility cases such procedures will enhance the IUI success rate.
  • Medications/injection costs, laboratory charges, instrument usage fees, IUI procedures, doctor’s fees, healthcare maintenance fees, and other additional IUI services are the inclusive factors that affect the IUI treatment cost.
  • To receive the finest IUI treatment always learn comprehensive understanding and proactive communication with the deciding fertility clinics.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the main components contributing to the overall cost of IUI treatment?

Medication (Clomid, clomiphene citrate, or hMG, hCG injection), diagnostics tests (saline infusion sonogram, hysterosalpingogram), IUI procedure, Doctor fees, clinic fees, etc. are the main components contributing to the overall cost of IUI treatment.

  1. Does insurance cover IUI, and how can individuals navigate insurance options to optimize coverage?

No, IUI fertility treatment does not come under insurance coverage but individuals can directly contact the clinic and enquire about alternative options to optimize IUI cost coverage. Everything involved in the IUI procedure will be navigated by the clinic consultant.

  1. Are there additional services or procedures that may influence the overall cost of IUI?

Yes, in some major and recoverable infertility conditions fertility experts can suggest some additional services like administering specific medications/injections and suggest other standard procedures that can go along with IUI treatment.

  1. How can a clinic’s reputation and success rates affect the cost and quality of IUI treatment?

Clinic reputation and success rates can hugely affect the cost and quality of the IUI treatment. A good standard clinic follows certain IUI treatment protocol that results in successful IUI in 1st or 2nd try but some clinics may not do so and couples have to undergo many cycles adding more cost and can cause unsuccessful after many cycles also.

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