Best surrogacy clinic in Nagaland

The fertilityworld is the best surrogacy clinic in Nagaland for its excellent success rate and its best lawyers maintains surrogacy laws 2022 i,e (only altruistic surrogacy is legal in India) in seeking the approval to proceed further from the supreme court, legal parentage order, signing the contract agreement e.t.c), lawyer makes ease the entire process of surrogacy for the intended parents. 

Surrogacy centre in Nagaland India

Surrogacy Success rates in Nagaland

See the pie chart below about Surrogacy success rates in Nagaland:

Surrogacy using donor eggs, donor sperm produces highest success rates up to 99% (determined by the quality of egg and sperm) but using self egg/sperm it produced upto 75% at first attempt (as the age grows the quality of egg/sperm gets declined) and makes it tough to get success, some patients achieve successful surrogacy on the first cycle and some need multiple cycles to achieve successful surrogacy depending on various infertility factors.

Understand what is the new surrogacy law?

Surrogacy law in India

The supreme court with the consent of the importance of surrogacy has brought forward new surrogacy law january 2022 allowing only an altruistic surrogacy is allowed, where the surrogate should be known either of relatives, or friends etc of the intended parents. The supreme court has enforced the new surrogacy law from January 2022, stating that:

  • Surrogacy is a practice where a woman gives birth to a child for the intended couple and hands it over to them right after the birth. 
  • Intending couples must have proven infertility or disease with a record from the Doctor. 
  • Surrogacy is prohibited for commercial purposes such as for sale, prostitution, or any other forms of exploitation.
  • The child born will be deemed to be the biological child of the couple. 
  • Abortion of a fetus is allowed only with the consent of the surrogate mother and the authorities and must adhere to the provisions of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act.

Why the fertilityworld is the best surrogacy Clinic in Nagaland?

Fertilityworld centre for Surrogacy in Nagaland

The fertilityworld is considered the best surrogacy clinic in Nagaland, India because of its excellent services provided to any individuals seeking help related to surrogacy. Since fertilityworld has been recognised as the best surrogacy centre in India, and the centre has committed to provide its services to the Northeast India. As fertilityworld works with the best surrogacy agency in India with excellent record of surrogacy services over the past decades and has been achieved great success because of involvement of the best surrogacy doctors in India: 

  • Get Free first consultations with our doctors and lawyers.
  • Suggest the best possible treatments by it best doctor
  • It provides the best legal surrogacy lawyers to the parents.
  • Offers surrogacy at an affordable package than others
  • Provides 100% guaranteed success rates with donor eggs.
  • All its services and treatments are available under a single roof.

Who should go for surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a practice where another woman carries a pregnancy for those childless (infertile) couples. There are various reasons why some people are not lucky enough to get pregnant like any other normal people and such couples are known as “intended parents”. Below are some reasons mentioned that the intended couples should go for surrogacy:

  • Couples with infertility such as a blocked fallopian tube, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, etc., and various male infertility, low sperm count, poor sperm morphology e.t.c.
  • A couple should possess certificates of eligibility and essentiality to undergo surrogacy.
  • A married couple for 5 years with proven infertility.
  • The age of the female is 25-50 years and a male is between 26-55 years for surrogacy.
  • The couple must not have any biological, adopted or surrogate child.
  • Couples can use surrogacy if they have a child with mental or physical disabilities, or suffering from a life-threatening disorder or illness.
  • Same-sex couples wishing to have a child.
  • Anybody unable to safely carry a pregnancy to term.
  • Couples with multiple IVF failures.
  • Couples having genetic diseases, cancer, and cancer treatments can go for surrogacy.

Who should be your surrogate mother?

Surrogate Mother from intended parents should have the following qualities:

  • She can be from any background.
  • She should have the desire to assist people in an incredibly unique and important way.
  • She should have completed her very own family that is generally married.
  • She should be between the ages of 25-35 years and has been a surrogate only once in her life. 
  • She must also possess a certificate of medical and psychological fitness for surrogacy.

Now let us understand the process of surrogacy

Process of Surrogacy in Nagaland

Surrogacy treatments use assisted reproductive technology (ART) to produce a child in the laboratory. Various processes are performed to accomplish the treatments, read here for the complete surrogacy process in India. Various specialists such as Surgeons, embryologists, gynecologists, nurses, lawyers, and other trained staff together make this successful program. The following are the basic steps and most important involved in the surrogacy process:

  • Step 1: Registration, or booking an appointment by the intending parents.
  • Step 2: Scheduling an appointment with our best doctors arranged by the co-ordinators
  • Step 3: Free consultations with intended parents, whether surrogacy is good to go for their infertility.
  • Step 4: Discuss and sign a contract agreement among all involving parties under our best lawyers. Then he/she takes approval from the supreme court to proceed with legal surrogacy.
  • Step 5: Complete screening and examination of the intended parent’s infertility issues.
  • Step 6: Matching of the surrogate mother of the intended parents, relatives, or friends: Surrogate mother home in India.
  • Step 7: Then Comes the actual medical process of surrogacy. Starts with ovulation induction by using hormones, Egg retrieval either self or donor, sperm collection, fertilizing the egg and the sperm, embryo development, and embryo implantation.
  • Step 8: Confirmation of the pregnancy via blood tests and ultrasounds.
  • Step 9: Welcoming the baby and legally handing it to the intended parents as signed in the contract agreement.

What is Guaranteed Surrogacy?

What is Guaranteed surrogacy

Those intended couples that undergo surrogacy treatments with egg donor assistance along with male partner sperm are known as guaranteed surrogacy. Surrogacy using donor eggs produces 100% guaranteed success rates so it is termed. You can completely understand guaranteed surrogacy by reading further: Guaranteed Surrogacy in India. Guaranteed surrogacy benefits those:

  • Women who are unable to conceive with their eggs.
  • Women with premature menopause, poor ovarian reserve, and multiple IVF failures.
  • Female with an AMH level below 1ng/ml.

How to get the Donor Egg in Nagaland?

The fertilityworld is running an excellent Donor Egg Bank where all our intending parents receive donor eggs at an affordable cost. Our Donors are young, healthy at their best reproductive age between 21-35 years, they volunteer to donate their eggs keeping in their mind to help some childless couples experience the dreams of parenthood dreams. We retrieve the eggs following the protocol of assisted reproduction technology (ART). This procedure involves the doctor taking an egg from the donor and fertilizing them in a laboratory, or preserving them at our donor bank. The embryos are placed into the patient’s uterus. This is done using an in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure. Specialists at the facility might freeze embryos to be used later or implanted in another woman.

Qualities of our Egg Donors and Sperm Donors in Nagaland.

  • Normal sperm count: 60 million/ml & above
  • Normal motility rate: above 40%
  • Normal Morphology of sperm: Oval head with Longtail
  • AMH level for female: 1.5 ng/ml
  • Good egg reserve is follicle count in Ovaries. 

Where can you get Donor Sperms in Nagaland?

The fertilityworld is the best surrogacy clinic in Nagaland as it serves all the requirements involved in IVF technology and Surrogacy. It offers Donor sperm to those intended parents that need them at an affordable cost from its semen cryopreservation bank. It provides fresh sperm, or preserved sperm based on the requirements. It also maintains sperm for the couples who wish to undergo surrogacy in the future by freezing. 

What is Self-Cycle Surrogacy?

The term self-surrogacy refers to those intended parents who proceed with surrogacy with their egg and sperm is known as self-cycle surrogacy. This program is the best approach to receiving a pure 100% biological child, of course, the surrogate will carry the pregnancy here also but she will not share any genetic relationship with the child.

However this surrogacy journey is possible only when the female partner does not have a uterus (genetic or surgical removal) or has a defective uterus (septum, bicornuate, arcuate, or due to infection like Tuberculosis) but she has a viable egg and viable male sperm to get fertilized and conceive a child. Female with an AMH level between 1ng/ml to 1.6ng/mL and a male with a sperm count of 106 is a good candidate to undergo self-cycle surrogacy.

Another reason we use surrogacy is when the couple has had numerous failed IVF cycles. All the surrogacy processes are the same except for the use of self gametes or donor gametes. All this is discussed and explained to the couple beforehand. There is regular communication through email, telephone, WhatsApp, video calls e.t.c.

Where is the fertilityworld surrogacy clinic in Nagaland?

The fertilityworld has been serving successful surrogacy programs for the past 20 years all over India to the intended parents making their parenthood dreams successful. Today, it is largely extending its clinics in the Northeast and most of the parts of Nagaland. You can find the fertilityworld best surrogacy clinic in the following capital and districts of Nagaland:

  • Kohima
  • Dimapur
  • Wokha
  • Phek
  • Zunheboto
  • Peren e.t.c

If you are an intended parent from Nagaland looking for surrogacy, or any fertility assistance, stop searching for other places because the fertilityworld is at your doorstep in Nagaland to make your parenthood dreams into reality. For any queries about surrogacy in Nagaland:

For more information about infertility in Nagaland.

If you want to know more information relating to any fertility treatments such as Surrogacy, IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, Surgical extractions, surrogacy, Donor assistance (egg/sperm), surrogate mother arrangements, and any other fertility treatments or services information in Nagaland please write to us at we’re right away to answer and solve your problems. We provide free consultations. 

To directly discuss the cost of any fertility treatments such as surrogacy, cost of IVF with self gametes, cost of IVF with donor gametes, cost of ICSI treatments, cost of Donor sperms, cost of Donor Eggs, Cost of the surrogate mother compensation, or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount a please write to us at We provide free consultations.

Is Surrogacy Legal in India?

Yes, Altruistic surrogacy is legal to practice in India according to new law 2022. An intended parents who are infertile couples can opt for surrogacy and for that they need approval from supreme court to began their treatment. To make things easy Fertilityworld has its best lawyers who works closely to study individual and helps them with the detail process of Surrogacy. Contact Via call or whats app: +91 9311850412 or Email:

What is the meaning of Surrogacy?

Surrogacy generally means a contract sign between govt, surrogate, and hospital/Clinic where women called as surrogate carries pregnancy on behalf of intended parents due to their infertility issues that doesn’t support natural pregnancy. After the birth of baby there is no right of surrogate and all the documents made in the name of its original parents. Today only altruistic surrogacy is performed in India.

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