IVF In India

IVF is a procedure in which the woman’s eggs from her ovaries are removed and fertilized with man’s sperm in an artificial laboratory. To achieve a pregnancy, the embryos are placed back in the uterus. IVF in India is the ultimate destination for infertile couples. India is a known medical hub around the globe for its excellent service in infertility treatment. IVF process and success are higher than any other country in the world. Most couples visit for the best IVF treatment in India.

IVF Treatments are available for anyone who is interested.

Patients with bilateral tubal block were initially eligible for IVF. It is now used for mild to moderate male factor fertility, couples who cannot conceive after IUI and ovulation injection (OI), and patients with endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndromes (PCOS) who have not had a normal procedure. For couples who require donor oocytes, IVF can also be used.

What are the chances of IVF success?

It depends on many factors such as age, type and length of infertility, ovarian responses, and type of procedure (fresh, vitrified embryo transfer, donor eggs, or self-embryo transfer). After a thorough evaluation, your consultant will be able to give you a prognosis. Although there’s no guarantee of happiness, we will do our best to help you.

The process

  • Preparatory tests

These will depend on your and your partner’s medical history and age. These include the basic evaluation described in infertility assessments. We will also recommend routine blood tests to assess your physical health. As needed, we may recommend additional tests to determine hormone levels and ovarian reserve.

a. The treatment begins

A check-up must be done on the day you have your period at Fertility World Centre.

b. Ovarian stimulation

In order to increase your chances of having a baby, medication will be given to stimulate the ovaries ability to produce many eggs. Based on your case and reports, you could choose one of the two options. This will be discussed with you by your doctor. The Long Protocol will give injections starting on the 21st day after your previous menstrual cycle. To initiate ovarian stimulation, you will need to return on the 2nd or third day of your next menstrual cycle.

Antagonist Protocol is less painful and requires fewer injections. The entire treatment starts on the second day of your menstrual cycle. Both protocols require that injections be given at approximately the same time each day. Although it is best to visit the hospital to get your injections, if you are unable to, our medical staff can teach you how to self-administer the injections. Or you can have them administered locally by a doctor. Some side effects of these medications, such as acidity or discomfort, can be mild.

c. Ultrasound examination

Regular intervals are conducted to check the response of your ovaries to the injections. Your doctor may recommend that you cancel your IVF cycle if the response is not satisfactory. This is a joint decision between your doctor and you.

d. HCG injection/GnRH inject

This is used to activate the final maturation and make the eggs ready for collection. It usually takes between 34 and 36 hours.

e. Ovum picks up (egg collection).

Transvaginal sonography is used to remove eggs from the ovaries. It takes between 15 to 30 minutes. Your response to the injections will determine how many eggs are collected. After the procedure, you can return home in about 2 hours. You may experience some discomfort in the abdomen and vaginal spotting, but these symptoms usually resolve within a few days.

Sperm collection

A fresh sample of semen is usually collected the day after ovum pick up (egg collection). It is not always possible for men to provide a sample of their semen on request. In these cases, the sample may be taken to another location and returned to the center within 30 min. To get the best sample, it is recommended to abstain for at least three days. Lubricants are not allowed. If a fresh sample is not possible or the husband is unavailable on the day of egg collection, you can use a previously frozen sample. We recommend that you keep a frozen sample of your semen for such an eventuality.

After ovum collection, the eggs will either be fertilized in the laboratory by ICSI or standard IVF. The embryologist will inspect the eggs the next day for fertilization and then for the development of the embryos. If more than three embryos are fully developed, they can be frozen for later transfer if needed.


This takes place 2,3, or 5 days following egg collection. We will discuss with you the date of the embryo transfer as well as the number of embryos that will be transferred. The embryo is placed through the cervix and into the uterus using a thin, flexible tube made of soft plastic. This procedure can be guided by sonography. You will receive medication to support the luteal stage after the transfer. It is possible to freeze embryos that are not of good quality for later use.

Pregnancy test

Two weeks after embryo transfer, you will receive beta-hCG testing to confirm that gestation has occurred. A vaginal ultrasound scan 1 week later will confirm pregnancy and show the gestational sac if the test is positive. The treatment you receive if your beta-hCG test comes back negative will depend on whether or not you have frozen embryos.

Precautions after an IVF treatment

All vigorous exercise, heavy lifting, and any other activities that require jarring or potentially damaging movements (cycling/jogging/skiing/tennis, etc.) are discouraged. They are generally discouraged. All activities that are routine in daily life are permitted.

As prescribed by your doctor, you should take the medications that are prescribed for you to increase your chances of getting pregnant. You might be asked to continue taking these medications until you are 12 weeks pregnant. This is when your body normally starts producing enough. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and exposure to X-rays. Before you take any medication, please consult your physician.

Factors That Can Impact the Cost of IVF Treatment in India

Certain factors, such as:

  • Age and the number of treatments needed
  • IVF treatment costs may include the cost of donor eggs and sperm.
  • Cost of donor embryos
  • T.E.S.A. (Testicular Sperm Aspiration) is the rate
  • The intracytoplasmic rate of sperm injection (ICSI).

What is the true cost of IVF?

Many couples across India and the globe are affected by infertility. It can be treated. One of the most common fertility treatments in India is IVF. This treatment is not only available to Indians, but also to couples around the globe. Couples from America, Europe, and other countries travel to India for IVF treatment because of the low cost.

One IVF cycle costs on average $13,000. The cost of basic IVF can range from $15,000 to $10,000. It is rare to find a lower price. These figures do not include medication costs, which can be as low or high Couples spent an average of $6,955 for each additional cycle. According to the study, couples spend an average of $6,955 more for each additional cycle. This amounts to just over $33,000 in out-of-pocket expenses if a couple goes through three cycles. as $1,500 per cycle.

One study asked couples to keep track of their out-of-pocket expenses for a period of 18 months at a fertility center. They also had to pay for IVF, medications, and monitoring. On average, $19,234 was spent by a couple. 

Don’t panic! There are many ways to get IVF at a lower price (yet it depends on if any medical complications). You can also get bulk IVF or refund programs.


MUMBAI1.20 lakhs – 3 lakhs
DELHI1.20 lakhs – 2.50 Lakhs
BANGLORE1.20 lakhs – 3 lakhs
CHENNAI1.20 lakhs – 2.50
PUNE1.20 lakhs – 3 lakhs
HYDERABAD1.20 lakhs – 3 lakhs
KOLKATA1.20 lakhs – 2.50 lakhs

Are you looking for help? Our fertility experts can help.

Have you had an IVF failure? Get a second opinion.

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