The best surrogacy centre in Delhi is the fertilityworld, one of the oldest and the most successful surrogacy centre that was established 25 years back. Today, the centre has tremendously excelled and emerged as the best leading surrogacy centre in Delhi. The best surrogacy Doctors and staff from pan India serve all intended patients with utmost dedication and fulfill their dreams of parenthood through surrogacy Programs.
- Book an online appointment: Get a free consultation for Surrogacy Process:
- Call/W:+91 9311850412 Email:

Ferilityworld infertility treatments and services

Today, the fertilityworld is providing all the latest and most successful infertility treatments available. They include:
- Surrogacy using self or donor assistance.
- IVF using self or donor assistance.
- Advanced ICSI procedure.
- Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
- Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).
- Laser-Assisted Hatching (LAH).
- Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.
- Surgical Sperm Aspiration.
- Donor Assistance.
- Egg freezing, sperm freezing, and Embryo freezing.
- Semen Analysis Test.
Surrogacy Regulations in Delhi

A new Indian surrogacy regulation Act 2022 is also applied to Delhi. Only altruistic surrogacy is permitted, that is a surrogate mother must be a close relative of the intending parents. The intending patients shall purchase general health insurance coverage in favor of the surrogate mother for a period of 36 months from an insurance company or an agent like the fertilityworld recognized by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority established under the provisions of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, for an amount which is sufficient enough to cover all expenses for all complications arising out of pregnancy and also covering post- partum delivery complications.
What is the surrogacy success rate in Delhi?

The highest surrogacy success rate in Delhi is produced by the fertilityworld team. A 99% success rate is assured in self-gametes surrogacy once the embryo gets aligned with the surrogate uterus and 100% guaranteed with donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo). Generally, it is seen that the best surrogacy success rate in Delhi is produced in the women between the age group of 21-35 years for the bear’s good quality eggs. However, advancing age above 35 years needs additional medical attention before surrogacy because the egg slowly declines or deteriorates which may also invite reproductive concerns. The chart below represents the surrogacy success rate in Delhi:
The Fertilityworld is a leading fertility chain that endeavors to provide world-standard and holistic integrated surrogacy services in Delhi. Best surrogacy in Delhi with the best state of the assisted reproductive technology (ART) infrastructure. Our Prime centers are Green Park, Dwarka, Greater Kailash, Rohini, and Saket. We are committed- Together We make parenthood possible!
Step-by-step surrogacy process and its timeline

1. Registration and inquiring: The first step is booking an appointment online. A free first consultation is provided, where our doctors will examine your previous medical report and suggest you the best fertility treatments.
2. Signing a legal contract agreement: if you are satisfied with our professional’s consultation and agree to undergo surrogacy with the fertilityworld. An agreement is signed. The agreement requires various formalities to be done, don’t worry our legal attorney will make everything possible legally, with your documents attached.
3. Surrogate Matching: Once the agreement is legally finalized, we start the matching of the surrogates with intending parent’s reproductivity (applies that the surrogate is a close relative of the intending parents). The matching of the surrogates involves various steps that are taken care of by our professionals. Intending parents IVF cycles and menstruation dates are inquired and confirmed, based on this confirmation the surrogate is kept under birth control pills to match cycle timing. If you’re using an egg donor, the egg donor, and the surrogate are synchronized for a controlled IVF Cycle. If needed we allow Intended Parents to meet the donor and the surrogate before starting the medical procedure.
Note: For single male parents surrogacy process the egg/sperm donor is a must and we provide guaranteed surrogacy with the donorpe309re egg.
4. Screening: Once the surrogate is matched, legal documentation and medical preparation start. The parents’ fertility is evaluated through a blood test and a sperm analysis test is done for positive IVF. A surrogate mother undergoes various screening, tests, and scans for her robust health to carry a baby. The most important part of the evaluation involves her reproductive health and uterus lining. The possibility of cysts or fluid in the uterus and the thickness of her endometrium lining is examined.
5. Synchronized with the Surrogate: To exactly match the menstrual cycle of the female partner or an egg donor with the surrogate for having a positive IVF cycle, you may be prescribed birth control pills. If a self-egg is used, then our professionals recommend you take control pills on specific dates for timing your menstrual cycle.
6. Next is the IVF process step by step: IVF process includes ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer into the uterus.
7. Uterus lining preparation: The surrogates are prepared for uterus lining, where she is injected/orally prescribed medications for building thickness of the endometrium up to 10mm before embryo implantation. After 18 to 21 days of the surrogate menstrual cycle, the embryo is implanted.
8. Embryo transfer: This process is simple, easy, and painless. A device called a catheter is used to transfer an embryo into the surrogate uterus. This whole process involves 15 to 20 minutes. After 2 to 3 days of transfer, the surrogate resumed her daily normal activities.
9. Pregnancy Confirmation: After two weeks, a surrogate comes to the clinic for Beta-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (BHCG) tests; to confirm pregnancy. A urine sample is collected in the morning and tested for hCG hormonal level (a pregnancy hormone) or most accurately using a blood test 100%.
10. Positive pregnancy: Once pregnancy is confirmed, a surrogate is externally supported with hormonal medicine till 12 weeks. After that surrogate will carry a baby normally to the term. Many parents come to see the surrogate scanning to listen to the heartbeats of their biological child.
11. Welcome the baby: The date for delivering a child is known to the surrogate and the prospective parents well in advance. The birth of the child is carefully nurtured by our experienced nurses who hand over the baby to you.
How do we assure a Surrogate mother?
A surrogate must be 100% healthy and at their best reproductive age, she will be thoroughly evaluated through various means and processes:
- Medical Screening: It involves blood tests, ultrasounds, screening of the reproductive organs including the uterus, and abdominal cavity.
- Psychological Screening: Both the surrogate mother and her husband must acknowledge the surrogacy procedure and support the requirements.
- Partner Screening: The surrogate and her partner if married are evaluated to check for any sexually transmitted diseases.
Why surrogacy with Donor Assistance?

Today, many intended female & male partners are unable to produce quality eggs and viable sperm due to various infertility factors including aging, absence of a uterus, no sperm count, problems in the tubes or to avoid genetically linked diseases passing to the child. Surrogacy using either donor egg or donor sperm is the best option to have healthy parenthood. Most of their stories feel devastating, losing their hope of building a family. Therefore, we rejuvenate their dying hopes and fulfill their dreams of parenthood with donor-assisted reproduction.
Guaranteed surrogacy in Delhi

The fertilityworld provides the best affordable Guaranteed Surrogacy package in Delhi. The use of donor eggs with partner sperm is known as guaranteed because it is more effective with up to 100% success than using a self-egg. Surrogacy is also guaranteed to those couples whose infertility is caused due to the following:
- Ovarian Functional abnormalities in females
- Women advanced in age, in their late 30s and 40s
The option of using surrogacy with Donor eggs is becoming increasingly common today, it is estimated that more than 20,000 families usually use this to create their families.
Assured Surrogacy
The use of donor sperm with a female partner egg in surrogacy is called assured surrogacy. This type of surrogacy is the best option for those males whose sperm is not viable for reproduction. The Fertilityworld can provide a healthy sperm donor from its semen freezing database. Our sperm donor is young, healthy, and free from any sexually transmitted disease or genetic disease. We are also collaborating with many nationally certified sperm banks. After your preference of donor is selected from the database, the bank ships a frozen sample of the semen to our facility.
What is the cost of surrogacy in Delhi?
The Cost of Surrogacy in Delhi is comparatively affordable when compared to other metropolitan cities in India and foreign countries. There are two types of surrogacy and the cost also differs accordingly. One is surrogacy with self-gametes known as self-cycle surrogacy and the cost ranges between Rs. 18 lakhs to Rs. 20 lakhs. The other surrogacy type is donor-cycle and the cost starts from Rs.20 lakhs. This is the best affordable surrogacy offered only by the fertilityworld in Delhi.
Surrogacy Programs | Surrogacy cost (Rs) |
Surrogacy with self gametes | 18 Lakh |
Surrogacy with donor eggs | 20 Lakh |
Surrogacy with Donor Embryo | 20 lakh |
Surrogacy with Donor sperms | 20 Lakh |
Surrogate mother preparations. | Up to 1 lakh |
Normal Vaginal Delivery Cost | Up to 35,000 |
C-section delivery cost | 1 to 2 lakhs |
The surrogate mother stays & fooding | Up to 2.5 lakhs |
Surrogacy Hospital in Delhi

The fertilityworld surrogacy hospital in Delhi is the best for surrogacy treatment. It has a completely designated team including Doctors, lawyers, medical experts, and supporting staff. So far this surrogacy hospital has a record of assisted birth to 2500+ babies through surrogacy to Indian couples alone. The fertilityworld team helps and guides patients in every step of surrogacy and makes it 100% sure to deliver your parenthood dreams into reality. The fertilityworld believes in complete transparency during the process of altruistic surrogacy and offers a flexible surrogacy cost.
Top surrogacy Centre in Gurugram

When surrogacy becomes the only ultimate option to enjoy parenthood. Do research and inquire about that center beforehand. If you’re looking for the top surrogacy centre in Gurugram, the fertilityworld will be the right choice because it is the top leading surrogacy centre in pan India with its main centre in Gurugram established 25 years ago. The centre is one of the longest and most alleviating in advanced infertility treatments and services. The best teams guarantee surrogacy success rates at an affordable cost. It has the best-state-of-the-ART facilities, an ultra-embryology laboratory, and a comfortable environment. The center strictly follows the surrogacy regulation 2022 and provides only altruistic surrogacy (the surrogate is a close relative of the intending parents). The fertilityworld has the best legal surrogacy attorney who ensures a legal surrogacy program and provides the right of intending parents, the surrogate, and the donors (if used).
Best surrogacy centre in Noida

The fertilityworld is rated as the best surrogacy centre in Noida attracting thousands of intending patients from across the country since 25 years ago. At fertilityworld in Noida, surrogacy is excellent and the success rate is guaranteed with Donor Eggs. The centre is equipped with highly sophisticated instruments, the best state-of-the-art, and the best fertility medication. It has the best surrogacy doctors with more than 35 years of experience, the best psychologist who emotionally supports and counsels the struggling intended parents, highly skilled and experienced nurses who take good care of patients, and the best legal surrogacy lawyers that handle your surrogacy documentation. The fertilityworld help and guide the patient unless their parenthood dream is achieved.
Best surrogacy centre in India

The fertilityworld is rated as the best surrogacy centre in India. This rating of the best surrogacy centre is done depending on the highest success rate produced, the favorable environment provided to the intended patients by the centre, the affordable surrogacy cost than others, and the standards of the ART facilities. The fertilityworld has withstood all these following features and stands as the best surrogacy centre in India. Not only this but the centre is served and strongly supported by the best surrogacy Doctors, embryologists, gynecologists, and highly skilled nurses. The commitment and dedication invested by these specialists at the fertilityworld are uplifting thousands of intended patients building their dreams of parenthood.
Best Surrogacy Agency in India

The Fertilityworld is a leading legally certified best surrogacy agency in India that renders complete surrogacy services in pan India. The Fertilityworld has been providing surrogacy services for over 25+ years with a success rate of 99% in donor-cycle surrogacy. Services include assisted gamete donation, surrogate mother arrangements, and gametes freezing facilities.Surrogacy is considered to be the best alternative helpful option for couples, and parents who cannot conceive naturally (infertile). Even for single parents or those who find age to be a barrier to natural pregnancy. Today altruistic surrogacy is the best way in building a complete family for millions of intending parents.
Best Surrogacy Doctors in India

Today, finding a surrogacy Doctor is easy but the most renowned and most successful best surrogacy Doctors in India are provided by the fertilityworld. Some of the best surrogacy Doctors include Dr. Nidhi Sharma, Dr. Pammi Murthy, Dr. Rukkayal Fathima, Dr. Vinita Das, Dr. Mohit Sarogi, Dr. Shobha Gupta, Dr. Jaya Sharma, Dr. G. K. Bedi, Dr. Shrutika Thakkar, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dr. Sandhya Mishra, Dr. Gunjan Gupta Govil, Dr. Kamini Patel, Dr. Vandana Jain, Dr. Pragya Mishri Choudhary, Dr. Mythrayi Mlugu, Dr. Anita K Sharma, and Dr. Ashish Kalay. Any intending parents can speak to these Doctors in the first free consultation by booking an online appointment with the fertilityworld.
Surrogate Mother home in India

Most of all things in the human life-cycle, love is what we all want, then marriage, and then the baby in a carriage. But all loving couples are not fortunate enough to have a baby and surrogacy is the best option to fill in the gap with a child. A surrogate mother in India will carry your dream of parenthood by injecting intending parents’ embryos into her uterus. The fertilityworld comes with a pool of healthy surrogates in its database and helps those intended parents by arranging healthy surrogates to carry their babies at an affordable cost. The cost of a Surrogate mother in India is almost the same in metropolitan cities.
Surrogacy Centre in Chandigarh
The fertilityworld surrogacy Centre in Chandigarh is one of the largest and most approached surrogacy centres. In a day, more than 100s of intending patients seek the fertilityworld expert’s suggestions and recommendations either through online appointment or by visiting the centre. First free consultation is provided to any patients that seek the fertilityworld. During this consultation, our best surrogacy Doctors evaluate your medical issues and medical reports. After a thorough investigation, a suitable treatment is recommended depending on the fertility conditions.
Why choose the fertilityworld surrogacy centre?
Most of the fertilityworld team is a successfully intended patient themselves. They completely understand the struggles and emotions faced by infertile patients, so they commit to rendering the surrogacy service to them with a transparent and reasonable mode of surrogacy treatment that guarantees fulfilling parenthood dreams. For 25 years now, the fertilityworld is offering the following privileges to all intended parents:
- Free first consultation;
- Affordable cost of altruistic surrogacy,
- Complete care throughout the program,
- Ultra embryology laboratory standards,
- Better surrogacy success rates,
- A complete overall satisfaction without any compromises.
We provide the affordable cost for surrogacy in Delhi which starts from 18lakhs for using self gamets and 20 Lakhs for using donors. Surrogacy has been the game changer for childless couples or those who have multiple failure IVF cases. FertilityWorld provides transperent and low-cost surrogacy in Delhi NCR.
The fertilityworld provides the best affordable Guaranteed Surrogacy package in Delhi. The use of donor eggs with partner sperm is known as guaranteed because it is more effective with up to 100% success than using a self-egg. Surrogacy is also guaranteed to those couples whose infertility is caused due to the following:
Ovarian Functional abnormalities in females
Women advanced in age, in their late 30s and 40s
The option of using surrogacy with Donor eggs is becoming increasingly common today, it is estimated that more than 20,000 families usually use this to create their families.
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