The fertilityworld is leading in egg freezing for its most delicate Egg Freezing Process in PAN India. It is served by highly qualified experts ensuring the highest possible success rate of up to 99%. The center froze your eggs for up to 10-15 years or indefinitely.

Egg Freezing Process India

Understand the Egg Freezing Success rates in India

The egg-freezing success rate depends on the age of the woman at the time she freezes her eggs. On average, 9 of 10 frozen eggs survive the freezing and thawing process. The surviving eggs give the highest possible chance of live birth from 60% to 99% based on the women’s age. See the bar graph below, it shows the egg-freezing success rates:

Egg Freezing Success Rate in India

From the egg-freezing success bar graph:

  • Women between 18-25 years have a 90% to 99% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 25-30 years have an 80% to 90% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 30-35 years have a 75% to 85% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 35-40 years have a 60% to 65% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 40-45 years have a 50% to 60% chance of at least one live birth.

If you wish to know more details about egg-freezing success rates or its outcome, please visit this link: EGG FREEZING SUCCESS RATES | EGG FREEZING SIDE EFFECTS

Egg Freezing Process In India

Egg Freezing Process

The egg-freezing process has various steps, they include:

  • Consultation: Already discussed above.
  • Ovarian stimulation 
  • Egg retrieval 
  • Freezing.

Ovarian stimulation

Ovarian stimulation

Synthetic hormones will be administered to stimulate the ovaries so that it produces multiple eggs rather than the single egg that typically develops monthly. Synthetic medications that might be needed include:

  • Follitropin alfa or beta or menotropins: This medication is injected/administered for ovarian stimulation. 
  • Leuprolide acetate or cetrorelix: This injectable medication gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist or a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist that will prevent premature ovulation. 
  • Blood test: During medication treatment, the doctor will monitor you via blood tests to measure your response to ovarian stimulation medications. 
  • Vaginal ultrasound: During follow-up visits, a vaginal ultrasound is done to monitor the development of fluid-filled sacs where eggs mature (follicles). 
  • Pre-egg Retrieval: After 10 to 14 days when the follicles have prepared the egg and are ready for egg retrieval, an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin or another medication is given to help the eggs well-matured.

Egg retrieval

Egg retrieval

The Egg retrieving procedure is performed by the chief embryologist under sedation. The procedure is typically carried out in a doctor’s office or at the fertilityworld clinic. A transvaginal ultrasound is used for aspiration. An ultrasound probe is inserted into the vagina and identifies the follicles. 

A special needle is then inserted through the vagina and into a follicle. A suction device attached to the needle suck out the egg from each follicle. Generally, multiple eggs are removed, so that it produces better chances of egg survival during freezing.

Egg Freezing Step:

Egg retrieval

Immediately after the eggs are harvested, they’re cooled to subzero temperatures via vitrification technology which stores them for future use. Know that the freezing of an unfertilized egg is a bit more difficult but it leads to a successful pregnancy higher than that of the fertilized egg known as an embryo. In Vitrification technology, higher concentrations of substances (cryoprotectants) are used which prevent the eggs from ice crystals formation.

What happens after the egg-freezing procedure?

What happens after the egg-freezing procedure?

After egg retrieval, one can experience mild cramping, feelings of fullness, or pressure that can continue for weeks because the ovaries are enlarged. However, you can resume daily activities within a week of egg retrieval. Only avoid unprotected sex to prevent unintended pregnancy. You can always contact the fertilityworld if you experience the following conditions after the egg-freezing procedure:

  • A fever higher than 101.5 F (38.6 C)
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Weight gain of more than 2 pounds (0.9 kilograms) in 24 hours
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding- filling more than 2 pads an hour.
  • Experienced difficulty urinating.

How do frozen eggs create a baby?

How do frozen eggs create a baby?

When you want to use your frozen eggs, vitrification is reversed, they’ll be thawed, fertilized with the partner sperm or donor sperm in a fertility laboratory, and implanted into your uterus or a gestational carrier’s uterus via implantation procedure: IVF Implantation Process in India

Your appointed healthcare team can recommend using a fertilization technique called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Whereby a single healthy sperm is injected directly into each mature egg. The chances of becoming pregnant after implantation depends on your age at the time of egg freezing. The older you are at the time of egg freezing, the lower the likelihood that you’ll have a live birth in the future. See here which procedure is best for using frozen eggs: IVF VS ICSI.

Are children from frozen eggs healthy?

Are children from frozen eggs healthy

Yes! Children born from frozen eggs are absolutely healthy like any other normal children born naturally. The studies have clearly shown that children born using frozen eggs have the same health as natural birth normal children. Always know that you are lucky enough to freeze your eggs because egg freezing has nothing to do with the child’s health. You can cherish motherhood with frozen eggs. Based on 2009 study which tracked 900 babies born using frozen eggs shows no difference in the rate of birth abnormalities compared with the rate for babies born with fresh eggs. 

How long can I keep my eggs frozen?

How long can I keep my eggs frozen?

It is proven Scientifically that the eggs or the embryos can be frozen indefinitely which will create a baby for you in the future. The fertilityworld experiences in the fertility field have seen and proved that numerous healthy babies have been born from frozen eggs and frozen embryos for two decades.

The center has the longest records of successful healthy children from 15 years of frozen eggs and 25 years of frozen embryos till today. Therefore, we have indicated up to 15 years of egg freezing and 25 years of embryo freezing for all our patients. Currently, we don’t have evidence for the health or viability of the frozen eggs or embryos decreasing over time.

However, it is of utmost importance to know that the older maternal age of carrying a pregnancy is associated with higher risks of pregnancy complications, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cesarean section. Therefore most clinics have an upper age limit on when these gametes can be used to achieve pregnancy. The fertilityworld can help you understand how egg freezing works, the potential risks and whether this method of fertility preservation is right for you or not, based on your needs and reproductive history. 

What is the cost of egg freezing in India?

What is the cost of egg freezing in India?

If the cost of egg freezing concerns you, you can ask for information about the costs associated with each step of the procedure and the annual storage fees, at the fertilityworld egg freezing center in India. If you wish to read and learn more about egg freezing costs in different cities of India, you can follow the link provided below and read accordingly:

Best Egg Donor Agency in India

Best Egg Donor Agency in India

Apart from leading the best egg-freezing process PAN India. The fertilityworld is also the best Egg Donor Agency in India for its leading Donor Egg Bank database. It has been trustworthy in its banking technologies serving at its lowest cost of 10,000 INR per month or 120,000 INR per year for maintenance cum freezing of the eggs, giving the highest periods of egg durability.

The center provides detailed helping hands to all its patients. The fertilityworld best specialists will help you navigate through your journey answering all your questions, then building your future plan of becoming a parent. Over 20+ Years of excellence in the fertility field.

Who should freeze their eggs?

Who should freeze their eggs?

Egg freezing can be the best alternative option for all young women having certain goals, circumstances, or personal reasons. Women should get their eggs frozen if they have the following situations:

  • Not ready to become pregnant now but want to get pregnant later.
  • A family medical history of early menopause.
  • The loss of ovarian function before the age of 40 due to chromosomal abnormalities (e.g. Turner syndrome, fragile X syndrome). 
  • Women with cancer patients. Before proceeding with chemotherapy or radiotherapy which can affect the eggs. 

At what age should I freeze my Eggs?

At what age should I freeze my Eggs?

A woman’s advancing age is inversely proportional to the qualities of the egg, as the women’s age plays a vital role in fertility decline. As women advance in age, the quality and quantity of the egg decline, which can be rescued by egg freezing and you can have children whenever you want in your 30s, or 40s.

Fertility starts to decline from the age of thirty and is greatly reduced after forty years of age. Therefore the optimum age to freeze your eggs is between 21 to 37 years. However, freezing eggs beyond 37 to 45 years is also quite common but the success rates are uncertain. To receive the highest chances of success, the fertilityworld typically recommends freezing your eggs between the age group of 21 to 37 years. However, women with certain medical conditions can freeze their eggs earlier.

What are the benefits of egg freezing?

What are the benefits of egg freezing?

Freezing eggs sooner rather than later always improves a woman’s chances of having a baby later in life.

  • Women can have the advantage of delaying the conception of their personal decision.
  • Egg freezing allows women’s biology to better match the way they actually live.
  • Egg freezing helps reduce “fertility anxiety”.
  • Egg freezing gives you time to find the right partner.
  • Egg freezing protects the eggs from disease or preserves them before invasive medical treatments.
  • Women’s eggs can be frozen without being fertilized.
  • Egg freezing preserves the highest quality of eggs.

How are you prepared for egg freezing?

How are you prepared for egg freezing?

If you considered egg freezing at the fertilityworld, our reproductive endocrinologist experts will have a thorough consultation, on what you should do, and how you have to get prepared. Before the egg-freezing process, you’ll likely have some tests, including:

  • Screening: You’ll be screened for certain infectious diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis B and C.
  • Blood tests and ultrasound: A blood test and an ultrasound of the ovaries are done to get a more complete picture of the ovarian function.
  • Ovarian reserve testing: This test is done to know the quantity and quality of your eggs.
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone test: This test determines the concentration of FSH level and estradiol in your blood on day 3 of your menstrual cycle. Results can help predict how your ovaries will respond to fertility medication.

To know more information about the Egg freezing process in India…

If you have any confusion or did not understand this page and want to know more about the Egg freezing process in India,  cryopreservation, or Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo) at fertilityworld in India, please feel free and write to us at we’re right away to answer and solve your problems with free consultations. 

If you want to directly discuss the cost of Egg freezing (per month, per year), cost of IVF, cost of ICSI, (egg/sperm/embryo) cost, cryopreservation, or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount. Please feel free and write to us at We provide free consultations and no charges for your query. Ask Our Specialists your questions- get answered and receive instant free online consultations with the best advice.

The fertilityworld is dedicated and committed to building your parenthood together. Contact us today.

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