10 Questions To Ask Before Starting an IVF Treatments

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the most discussed topic in history. In the year 1959, the first nonhuman mammal was born from In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) technology, and in 1978 the world’s first human baby was born via IVF. 

Today with the advancement of medical science and reproductive technology, IVF has become a boon to those childless couples who are not being able to conceive because of:

There have been many refinements in the IVF process from natural research to a simulated clinical treatment. Globally millions of children are being born with the help of IVF today. Understand from here how IVF is practiced today: IVF Process step by step. To know more details about IVF; read this; What is IVF Pregnancy?

If you are a married couple for about a year, trying to have a child but not able to get pregnant after having regular unprotected sex, you’re at the risk of infertility. However, IVF treatment is never the first step in the treatment of infertility except in cases of complete tubal blockage. IVF can suppress other methods such as fertility drugs, surgery, and artificial insemination but fails to restore fertility. And such couples are turning their hope into IVF treatment to conceive again. Before going further steps of IVF, couples must consider a few questions as the most important points: Read below;

1. What other treatments should I try before IVF treatment?

Yes, there are some less invasive infertility treatments available for you to try before trying IVF treatments; other infertility treatments include:

  • Ovarian Stimulation Medications: Hormonal imbalances can be corrected efficiently with ovarian stimulation medications, by using controlled ovarian hyperstimulation medications (COH) like various gonadotropins. women can have regular periods and reduce failure of impregnation without IVF.
  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): IUI is much less invasive & can lead to promising results for couples as IUI treats male infertility factors. IUI directly injects sperm into the uterus. IUI procedures involve a female partner with a healthy reproductive system and a male partner dealing with low sperm count or poor sperm volume. IUI bypasses any failed attempts by transferring a strong concentration of sperm at peak ovulation times, which are monitored through blood work and hormone medications. Hopeful couples or individuals can enjoy moderately high success rates during their first attempts. 
  • Laparoscopy: If female partners’ certain growths or adhesions are preventing them from getting pregnant, then laparoscopic surgery is the best option to get pregnant without facing complications. It detects the presence of any cysts, fibroids, adhesions, or damage to the reproductive organs. Also, the recovery time after the procedure is fairly quick. Consulting with a fertility specialist first is the best way to know whether it is right for you or not.

2. What is the IVF success rate?

To have safe and secure IVF treatments one must know the live births and pregnancy rate during general infertility consultations. Although they may not be able to determine accurate chances of success, it allows you to analyze the general standards of the clinics. IVF includes the use of donor egg, donor sperm, donor embryo, and surrogate mother; it can overcome almost all biological infertility limitations. It can also be used for single people and other non-traditional family buildings.

  • The IVF success rate is based on the individual’s infertility, causes, medical responses, and standards of treatments used in IVF.
  • Male with a sperm count of 15 million/ml of semen and women with AMH levels between 1-1.5 ng/mL are the best candidates for self-cycle IVF (use self egg & self sperm). It produces 80% success.
  • Women with AMH levels below 1ng/mL, and males with a sperm count less than 15 million/ml of semen should go for IVF with gametes (Eggs, and sperm) donation assistance or Guaranteed surrogacy with a guaranteed 100% success rate. Know more about; the IVF success rate in India.

3. Who needs IVF treatments?

IVF is the best successful infertility treatment for almost all patients, including couples with the following problems:

  • Ovulation problems
  • Fallopian tube damage/obstruction
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic adhesions
  • Poor semen quality
  • unexplained infertility
  • Prolonged infertility

Remember, IVF does not generate new eggs for patients, so if the uterus is incapable of implanting and carrying a pregnancy, IVF cannot solve that problem. For such infertility problems, couples should go for IVF using a surrogate known as surrogacy.

4. Which tests should I take to know my specific infertility problems?

To know your specific infertility problems, there are various test options available for both males and females before starting an IVF treatment. These tests also evaluate your health; blood sugar level, blood group, presence of STDs, and liver damage among others. The test includes;

  • Ovarian Reserve Testing: The test analyzes the content amount and quality of eggs in the ovaries, monitors follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), anti-müllerian hormone (AMH), estrogen levels, and how she is likely to get pregnant compared to other women of the same age group.
  • Uterine tests: These tests can be done to diagnose or rule out uterine cancer. Also, it allows the doctor to examine how the space inside the uterus is shaped. Sonohysterography tests examine the inner lining of the uterus’s abilities to support the fetus’s development.
  • Semen Analysis Test: It analyzes the male’s sperm count, sperm motility and viability, sperm morphology, sperm liquefaction time, sperm quantity and quality, sperm color, sperm pH, sperm viscosity, and Fructose content in Semen.
  • Prolactin Test: This test diagnoses a type of tumor of the pituitary gland (prolactinoma). It also helps to find the cause of a woman’s menstrual irregularities, and analyze the prolactin hormone levels in the female body. Also, it helps to find the cause of a man’s low sex drive or erectile dysfunction. Lesser or excessive production of prolactin may reduce the chances of conception.
  • Infection Screening Test: A recurrent miscarriage and STDs may be due to infection. Infections are caused by chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, etc. they impact the ability to carry a baby to term. This test rules out and restores the problem/provides alternate option treatments.
  • Mock Embryo Test: This test can allow the doctor to perfect the technique needed to do your actual transfer, it can increase the higher chances of getting pregnant.

5. Which IVF treatments will favor my infertility?

Generally, the IVF treatments involve combining the retrieved eggs and collected sperm to achieve fertilization and incubation overnight- then the resultant best stage matured embryo is transferred into the uterus and carries the pregnancy. 

However, the favorability of IVF treatments is based on the results of the test performed at the beginning: if the female partner egg is not viable then IVF with a donor egg and male partner sperm is the best option, if the male partner sperm is not viable then IVF with Donor sperm is the best, if both the couples reproductive cells are not viable then IVF with donor embryo is excellent, if low sperm count, impaired sperm is diagnosed then Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with IVF is done where only a healthy single sperm is injected directly into each retrieved egg. Compare this link; IVF VS ICSI.

6. What should I do to have a better chance of IVF success rate?

The best recommendation is to seek an expert because your personal medical history will interpret what you should do. But there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of IVF success rate like doing low-intensity exercise, Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating well, maintaining a healthy weight and BMI for your age and height, reducing stress levels, and avoiding alcohol and smoking can improve the chances of success in IVF at any stage.

7. How long can it take to have a complete IVF cycle?

For a complete IVF cycle, it takes about 6 to 9 weeks from consultations, screenings, processes, and confirming pregnancy. But if you’re under a preconception health regimen (proper dieting and exercising), it can take up to 5 months.

8. Can I deliver a normal child with a genetic disease in my genes?

Yes, couples can deliver a normal child even though one of the partners or either of them is suffering from a genetic disease. In such cases, a screening test known as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is provided. Under this procedure, the fertilized embryo via IVF of the couples is tested for abnormal chromosomes before they are transferred into the uterus. Only the free genetic disease embryo is selected and transferred into the female uterus to carry the normal baby.

9. What if we failed IVF from a single IVF cycle?

It is difficult to assume that you achieve IVF on a single cycle, or after multiple cycles, because the success rates entirely depend on the individual’s infertility conditions, response to medications, and the standards of the treatments used. Some couples can have a baby from the single IVF cycle, while some couples receive the baby after the 2nd and 3rd IVF cycles.

Also, a female’s age plays a vital role and the duration of infertility. One of the best-recommended options is to seek infertility specialists as early as possible. Remember that advancing age leads to a declining quantity and quality of reproductive cells. If you want to know more about IVF treatment failure, read this link; What are the reasons for IVF Failure?

10. Are there any disadvantages to IVF treatment?

Anything that yields will have some or few disadvantages borne in it by nature. Likewise, the IVF procedure can produce some mild risks such as ectopic pregnancy, premature birth, low birth weight, multiple births, and lower I.Q child. However, all these impacts can be restored following different infertility treatments and the standards of the treatments used.

11. What is the cost of IVF treatments?

One of the most important questions among deciding on IVF couples is the cost of IVF treatment. Well, The cost of IVF differs from clinic to clinic, location to location, and the standards of the clinic. In India, IVF cost ranges from Rs. 90,000 to Rs. 2.50 lakhs per IVF cycle. You can see the difference in IVF cost in different cities; IVF Cost in Delhi, IVF Cost in Chennai, IVF Cost in Guwahati Assam, IVF Treatment Cost in Mumbai. Fertilityworld! is the best IVF Center in India

These questions and answers are written by the fertilityworld specialists based on the experiences learned from the patient’s queries during consultations for almost 20 years. It has been noted as the top and must-know question and answer for all individuals and couples before starting the IVF treatments.

The fertilityworld has the best IVF Doctors from India, who are committed and dedicated to serving infertile patients with 100% satisfaction. If you’re among those infertile looking to receive parenthood via IVF, contact the fertilityworld and receive free consultations in restoring your fertility. 

For more information about any fertility problems:

If you want to know more information relating to any fertility treatments such as Surrogacy, IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, Surgical extractions, Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo), cryopreservation, surrogate mother arrangements, best lawyers, and other male and female infertility causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and available treatments or services at fertilityworld, please feel free and write to us at  support@fertilityworld.in. we’re right away to answer and solve your problems with free consultations. 

To directly discuss the cost of any fertility treatments such as Surrogacy, IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, PGT, Surgical extractions, Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo), cryopreservation, surrogate mother arrangements, best lawyers, and any other male and female infertility treatments or services or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount discussed in this page. Please feel free and write to us at  finance@fertilityworld.in. We provide free consultations and no charges for your query.

We believe in togetherness, and building parenthood is possible.

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