The fertilityworld is the best fertility clinic where thousands of childless couples look to embrace their biological child via fertility treatments in Imphal, Manipur. As this fertility clinic provides promising treatments in overall satisfaction without compromises. It offers complete male and female fertility treatments with advanced technologies available today.
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Available Fertility treatments in Imphal, Manipur
These are some of the most approached fertility treatments today. It serves as an outstanding outcome for all the infertile couples in Imphal, Manipur:
- Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) fertility treatments.
- Invitro fertilization (IVF) fertility treatments.
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
- Surgical Sperm Extractions
- Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
- Semen Analysis Testing
- Donor Assisted Hatching
- Egg, Sperm, and embryo cryopreservation.
Know the fertility success rates in Manipur
As you can see the fertility success rates from the above bar graph- these success rates can be implemented in you. However, these successful treatments may take an average or more time based on the fertility conditions. Some people can achieve success from a single cycle of treatments while some people have to undergo 2nd to 3rd round of treatments to get the success rates.
Now, let’s understand male and female infertility in detail:
What is female infertility?
Female infertility means the inability of the female in getting pregnant after having regular unprotected intercourse for 6-12 months. Female miscarriage is also related to female infertility. Female infertility can result from age, physical problems, hormone problems, and lifestyle or environmental factors.
What is the cause of female infertility?
Some of the common causes of infertility in females include;
- Failure to Ovulate
- Problems in the Menstrual Cycle
- Structural Problems of the Reproductive System
- Infections
- Failure of an Egg to Mature Properly
- Implantation Failure
- Endometriosis
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)
- Uterine Fibroids
- Autoimmune Disorders
Around 80% of couples, the cause of infertility is an ovulation problem, blockage of the fallopian tubes, or a sperm problem. In 5%-15% of couples, all tests are normal, and the cause is unexplained infertility.
What are the symptoms of female infertility?
The signs and symptoms of female infertility can vary significantly from one individual to another individual. Therefore, sometimes women may experience the following symptoms which indicate infertility:
- Painful periods: Pelvic pain, Back pain, and cramping.
- Heavy periods.
- No periods: You have never had a period, or periods suddenly stop.
- Irregular periods, or unpredictable vaginal bleeding.
- Hormone Imbalances: Skin changes, more acne, Changes in sex drive and desire, Dark hair growth on the lips, chest, and chin, Loss of hair or thinning hair, Weight gain
- Other symptoms: Milky white discharge from nipples unrelated to breastfeeding, and Pain during sex.
At what time females should seek infertility Doctors?
Females should probably seek infertility Doctors or health care providers if they have been trying regular sex to get pregnant for at least one year but unsuccessful. Also, women should talk with a care provider earlier, if they:
- Are beyond 35 years.
- Have irregular or absent periods
- Have very painful periods
- Have known fertility problems
- Have been diagnosed with endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease
- Females have had multiple miscarriages
- Have undergone treatment for cancer
What are the tests needed to diagnose female infertility?
To determine female infertility, the doctor first goes over your health history, medications, sexual history, and sex habits, like how often you have sex.
- The tests begin with a medical history and physical examination, and pelvic exam.
- It confirms ovulation regularly and sees that their ovaries are releasing the eggs.
- Blood tests are done to measure hormone levels.
- Endometrial biopsy examines the lining of the uterus.
- The ovaries and uterus are examined by ultrasound,
- The specific X-ray test checks the uterus and fallopian tubes.
- Hysterosalpingography(HSG): This method, allows the doctor to see if the tubes are blocked.
- Laparoscopy: This views the outside of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes to check for abnormal growths.
What are the treatments for female infertility?
Various infertility treatments are available to restore female infertility. The most common with highest success infertility treatments method are discussed below:
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI): IUI involves the sperm getting rinsed with a special solution, then injects directly into the female uterus during ovulation. Sometimes IUI is performed while taking fertility medication which helps trigger the release of an egg.
- IUI is often performed as the first treatment in women with unexplained infertility along with ovulation-inducing medications.
- Women with Endometriosis infertility: Using fertility medications for a good-quality egg along with IUI is the first treatment approach and yields great success.
- Fertility Medication treatments: Fertility drugs like clomiphene citrate (Clomid, Serophene), gonadotropins (such as Gonal-F, Follistim, Humegon, and Pregnyl), or letrozole are a great option with ovulation problems. Also, Gonadotropins trigger ovulation when Clomid or Serophene don’t work. These drugs also help females to get pregnant by making the ovaries release multiple eggs. Gonadotropin is also another option for unexplained infertility or if other treatments haven’t helped you get pregnant. Metformin (Glucophage) is another type of medication that also helps in normal ovulation if insulin resistance or PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is the infertility cause.
- Laparoscopy treatments: This is a keyhole surgical mode in treating female infertility such as tubal or pelvic disease, repairing the reproductive organs, and scar tissue, treating endometriosis, opening blocked tubes, or removing ovarian cysts in the ovaries. Read more about laparoscopy: Laparoscopic surgery in Pune.
- Hysteroscopy: This mode of female infertility treatment removes polyps and fibroid tumors, divides scar tissue, and also opens up blocked tubes. The procedure involves placing a hysteroscope into the female uterus through the cervix.
- In vitro fertilization (IVF): IVF is an advanced and most common assisted reproductive technology (ART). IVF treatment techniques involve placing the generated embryos in in-vitro (fertilized in a dish, outside) into the female uterus.
The initial step in IVF is taking gonadotropins to trigger the development of multiple eggs. When the eggs mature, ultrasound guidance is used to retrieve the mature eggs with a needle. On the other hand, the partner/donor sperm are then collected, washed, and mixed with the eggs in the petri-dish. Several days later with regular monitoring, (embryos/ fertilized eggs) are implanted into the uterus with a device called an intrauterine insemination catheter. If you and your partner agree, extra unused embryos can be frozen via cryopreservation and saved to use later. For the complete process of IVF at fertilityworld in Imphal (Manipur): IVF Process step by step.
- Gamete intrafallopian tube transfer (GIFT) and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT): Similar to IVF procedures, GIFT and ZIFT procedures also involve retrieving an egg, and combining it with sperm in a laboratory, and immediately inserted into the fallopian tubes to get fertilization from inside the tubes. In ZIFT, the fertilized eggs of the zygotes stage are placed into the fallopian tubes within 24 hours. In GIFT, the sperm and eggs are mixed before placing them into the fallopian tube.
- Donor Assistance infertility treatments: If women are unable to get pregnant due to problems with their ovaries or with the quantity and quality of their eggs but they have a normal uterus. Then donor eggs can be fused with partner sperm. After the IVF process, the doctor transfers the fertilized eggs into your uterus to get pregnant.
Now, let’s see the male infertility problems in detail:
What is male infertility?
Male infertility means a man’s inability to impregnate his female partner (she has a viable reproduction system). Infertility males may not generate enough sperm or healthy sperm due to genetic problems like cystic fibrosis, and blockage in the genital tract.
What causes male infertility?
There may be various forms of male infertility, but here we have discussed the most important causes of male infertility:
- Undescended testicles: It makes abnormal sperm production or function, genetic defects, health problems such as diabetes, or infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps, or HIV.
- Varicocele (Enlarged veins in the testes): It can affect the quality of sperm.
- Sexual problems (premature ejaculation), Certain genetic diseases (cystic fibrosis): Causes problems with the delivery of sperm.
- Overexposure to environmental factors (pesticides, chemicals, radiation): can raise body temperature and affects sperm production.
- Lifestyles: Smoking, alcohol, marijuana, anabolic steroids, and taking medications to treat bacterial infections, high blood pressure, and depression also can affect fertility.
- Cancer Treatment: Damage related to cancer and its treatment (radiation or chemotherapy) can impair sperm production, sometimes severely.
What are the symptoms/signs of male infertility?
In general, the main symptom or sign of male infertility is not being able to impregnate a woman due to various causes as discussed above. There may be no other obvious symptoms. Read here for detailed signs of male infertility: What is the sign of Infertility in Males? In some cases, men with infertility may have some signs of hormonal problems, such as changes in hair growth or sexual driver functions.
At what time male should seek an infertility Doctor?
Men should seek an infertility Doctor or talk to a health care provider if they have:
- A low sperm count or other problems with sperm.
- A history of testicular, prostate, or sexual problems
- Undergone treatment for cancer
- Testicular Atrophy: Small testicles, swelling in the scrotum.
- Others in your family with infertility problems
What are the tests for diagnosing male infertility?
If you’re a couple who has trouble having a baby, there’s about a 50-50 chance that the man has a problem contributing to the pregnancy. Doctors will perform a complete history and physical check, as well as several tests to find out the specific causes of male infertility. The following tests can be suggested:
- Semen analysis testing: The first test Doctors suggest is to perform a Semen analysis test. Semen is the whitish fluid released when a man has an orgasm, it carries the sperm. The semen analysis provides pieces of information about Sperm count, Motility and viability, Morphology, Liquefaction time, quantity and quality, color, pH, viscosity, and Fructose content. The semen sample is tested within an hour of collection, which usually takes place at a doctor’s office. This test is repeated to have exact diagnosis confirmation.
- Testing hormone levels: Sexual Hormones such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone (T). control sperm production, interest in sex, and the ability to have sex. Therefore, hormonal imbalances (too much or too little) can cause problems with sperm production, and having sex. Blood work is performed to detect the right amount of these hormones.
- Male infertility treatments in other cities: Male Infertility treatment in Bangalore.
What are the available male infertility treatments Today?
If you fall under the category of male infertility, don’t worry! Today with the advancement of medical science and reproductive technologies can heal or restore your infertility and makes you a proudful father. Depending on the causes of infertility, treatments include:
- Fertility Medications Treatments: Hormone therapy to increase the number of sperm.
- Lifestyle changes: Maintain a healthy diet, Stop smoking, Stops drinking, Stop using marijuana, and Stop any illegal drug use that can improve or heal your infertility.
- Surgical treatments: Vasectomy reversal surgery is a common procedure, the vas deferens (tube in the scrotum) through which the sperm passes is viewed via a high-power surgical microscope.
- Vasopididymostomy: The blockages present in the vas deferens are repaired with vasoepididymostomy. By surgically splitting the vas deferens, the blockage is removed and the ends of the tube are reconnected by the surgeons. Blockage at the epididymis occurs due to infection or injury.
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): ICSI is an advanced artificial technique of reproduction by simply injecting only a single sperm into each egg. This ICSI has dramatically treated male infertility factors making 90% of all infertile males conceive their genetic child.
- In vitro fertilization (IVF): IVF is highly suitable for couples dealing with male infertility. In the process, the female ovaries are stimulated with fertility drugs/hormones to develop multiple eggs to mature. The eggs are retrieved and combined with the collected sperm in the laboratory accomplished Fertilization. After fertilization, the embryo development is regularly monitored over the next three to five days, after that two to three embryos are transferred into the uterus by way of a small catheter inserted through the cervix.
In Imphal (Manipur), the fertilityworld provides an affordable IVF cost: IVF Cost in Imphal Manipur. You can also see the cost of IVF in other cities; IVF Cost in Delhi, Cost of IVF in Pune, IVF Treatment Cost in Mumbai, etc.
Let’s see some of the surgical procedures for sperm Extractions:
Testicular sperm aspiration (TESA)
TESA is a surgical sperm extraction procedure performed for men who can’t ejaculate enough sperm/no sperm ejaculate but have the viability sperm to reproduce who are having sperm retrieved for IVF/ICSI treatments. TESA is performed under local anesthesia in the operating room or office and is coordinated with their female partner’s egg retrieval. The process involves inserting a needle in the testicle and tissue/sperm, allowing the specialists to aspirate enough quantities of sperms. TESA is the best option for those men with obstructive azoospermia.
Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)
PESA is also performed for those men who are going for IVF/ICSI treatment. PESA is the best procedure to surgically extract sperm in men who have obstructive azoospermia (either by vasectomy or infection). It is done with local anesthesia in the operating room or office and is coordinated with their female partner’s egg retrieval.
Testicular sperm extraction (TESE)
TESE is also a sperm collection procedure directly from the male testes. It is required to be done when there is no sperm found in semen (milky white substance where sperm live). Also, men may have TESE procedure when:
- Testes aren’t making enough sperm in semen.
- A blockage in the penis during ejaculation.
- Samples of tissue will be taken from your testicles and sent to a Semen Cryopreservation, or sperm bank. Sperm preservation before cancer treatment increases the best chance of having a biological child in the future using the preserved sperm.
Microdissection TESE (microTESE)
MicroTESE is a sperm extraction procedure for men with sperm production problems (azoospermic). MicroTESE is performed with general anesthesia under the operating microscope. It is performed the day before egg retrieval. Patients frequently have donor sperm backup in case sperm are not found in the male partner. MicroTESE is a safer procedure since less testicular tissue is removed. Patients cryopreserve sperm during this procedure for future IVF/ICSI.
Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA)
MESA is performed for men who have vasal or epididymal obstruction (vasectomy, congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens). MESA is performed with general anesthesia using an operating microscope. MESA creates an extensive collection of mature sperm as compared to aspiration techniques, and it is the preferred method of retrieval for men with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens as it does not impact steroid production of the testis.
What is azoospermia?
Azoospermia is a condition leading to male infertility in which there is no measurable sperm in a man’s ejaculate (semen). Azoospermia can be caused by the following factors:
- Obstruction and non-obstruction sources.
- Blockage along the reproductive tract,
- Hormonal problems,
- Ejaculation problems or issues with testicular structure or function.
Many causes are treatable and fertility can be restored, available at fertilityworld Kohima, Nagaland. For other causes, it may be possible to retrieve live sperm to be used in assisted reproductive techniques (ART). About 1% of all fertile men and 10%-15% of all infertile men have azoospermia conditions.
What is oligospermia?
Oligospermia is a condition that impacts male infertility, which is characterized by a low number of sperm. This condition can also affect the sexual health and well-being of men. This condition can also affect the ability to erect and produce ejaculation during orgasm. Your sperm count can fluctuate throughout your lifetime. Male Fertility is dependent on a healthy level of sperm. The World Health Organization (WHO), considers sperm counts above 15 million sperm/mL of semen to be an average. Any lower than that level is classified as Oligospermia.
- Mild oligospermia can have 10 to 15 million sperm/mL.
- Moderate Oligospermia refers to 5-10 million sperm/mL.
- If sperm counts fall below 0 to 5 million per hour, it is called severe oligospermia.
To understand complete details of oligospermia, causes, symptoms, and possible treatments; kindly visit this link: What is oligospermia | What causes oligospermia?
For any fertility-related information…
If you are infertile, searching for more information relating to any fertility treatments such as Surrogacy, IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, PGT, Surgical extractions, Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo), cryopreservation, surrogate mother arrangements, best lawyers, and any other male and female infertility causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and available treatments or services in Imphal (Manipur) please feel free and write to us at we’re right away to answer and solve your problems with free consultations.
To directly discuss the cost of any fertility treatments such as Surrogacy, IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, PGT, Surgical extractions, Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo), cryopreservation, surrogate mother arrangements, best lawyers, and any other male and female infertility treatments or services or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount discussed in this page for Imphal (Manipur). Please feel free and write to us at We provide free consultations and no charges for your query.