The fertilityworld is the best fertility clinic in Shillong (Meghalaya) providing all the infertility treatments at an affordable cost. Couples can also get an online consultation before visiting the clinic.
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Infertility Treatments available in Shillong (Meghalaya)
Being the most successful fertility clinic for 20+ years, the fertilityworld has learned and is well-experienced from its previous patients. Therefore, today it is well equipped with all the infertility treatments available, some of which are given below:
- Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) fertility treatments.
- Invitro fertilization (IVF) fertility treatments.
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
- Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)
- Surgical Sperm Extractions
- Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
- Semen Analysis Testing
- Donor Assisted Hatching
- Egg, Sperm, and embryo cryopreservation.
Fertility Treatments Success Rates In Shillong (Meghalaya)
The bar graph depicts how successful infertility treatments are, and it is favorable, especially for all young married couples. However, all the couples do not receive the success rate in one go. Some couples will receive success rates from a single infertility treatment cycle, while some couples will receive success rates from the 2nd or 3rd cycle.
Let us make you understand more about Female Infertility, its causes, Diagnosis, infertility tests, and its available treatment:
Female Infertility is a disease in which a female is not being able to get pregnant naturally after at least one year of trying (or 6 months if the woman is over age 35), also female with repeated miscarriages is considered infertility.
What causes female infertility?
Generally, infertility is due to a male problem, one-third are due to female problems, and one-third are due to a combination of unknown reasons. Female infertility can result from age, physical problems, hormone problems, and lifestyle or environmental factors. Some of which are discussed here:
- Problems with the uterus: It includes problems with polyps, fibroids, septum, or adhesions inside the cavity of the uterus. Polyps and fibroids can form naturally at any time, whereas abnormalities like septum are present at birth. Adhesions can develop after a surgery like dilation and curettage.
- Fallopian tube problems: Blocked fallopian tube or Damaged fallopian tube is the most common cause of infertility (pelvic inflammatory disease) which is usually caused by chlamydia and gonorrhea.
- Problems with ovulation: Some women may not ovulate or release an egg regularly because of eating disorders, hormonal imbalances, substance abuse, thyroid conditions, severe stress, and pituitary tumors.
- Problems with quantity and quality of the eggs: Some women may stop the supply of the egg early before menopause. And some eggs can have the wrong number of chromosomes which cannot get fertilized or grow into a healthy fetus.
- Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), history of pelvic infections are often associated with causing female infertility.
What are the symptoms of female infertility?
Apart from the inability in conceiving, female infertility symptoms can vary significantly from one person to another. Depending on the specific reason for infertility such as:
- Some women will have pelvic pain,
- Some women will experience heavy periods,
- Some women will skip periods or have unpredictable vaginal bleeding (irregular periods).
- Painful during sex due to endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease.
- Vaginal soreness or itchiness during discharge could mean a vaginal infection.
- It is most important to discuss any unusual symptoms with fertility specialists.
Can women’s infertility be treated?
Women’s Infertility may or may not be cured but it can be treated. In many cases, factors that lead to female infertility can be restored with treatments. Know that current problems with conception cannot necessarily stop you from starting a family in the future. Many females with infertility issues can have successful pregnancies. Following are the advanced forms of female infertility treatments:
- Fertility drugs: Fertility drugs work as a stimulant of the hormones responsible for the maturing and release of the egg, it restores ovarian disorders. Following are the fertility drugs used in restoring female infertility Clomiphene citrate, Gonadotropins, Ovidrel & Pregnyl, Metformin, Letrozole/Femara, and Bromocriptine/Cycloset/Parlodel.
- Surgical procedures: These surgeries correct abnormalities or blockages in the uterus and fallopian tubes. Surgical procedures are now rarely used because of the high success rate of other infertility treatments.
- Laparoscopic or hysteroscopic surgery: It can correct the infertility problems dealing with uterine anatomy, remove endometrial polyps and some types of fibroids that misshape the uterine cavity, or removes pelvic or uterine adhesions.
- Tubal surgeries: If the fallopian tubes are blocked or filled with fluid, tubal surgery can be performed to remove adhesions, dilate a tube or create a new tubal opening.
- Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Fertility specialists can also suggest IUI treatment. Here millions of healthy sperm are injected into the woman’s uterus at the time of ovulation.
- In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF): The most effective assisted reproductive technology (ART) is IVF treatment. A mature egg is taken from the mother and fertilized with the sperm in a fertility laboratory. The fertilized egg is then placed back into the uterus to continue carrying the pregnancy like all fertile mothers.
Now, we will discuss male infertility, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and its treatments below.
In very short and easy definitions male infertility means a man is unable to impregnate her woman after having regular unprotected sex for about 6 to 12 months. This is due to various male infertility factors either medically, physically, or environmentally.
Causes of male infertility
Male infertility can be caused by various factors such as:
- Sperm production problems: These problems are caused/arise by chromosomal or genetic, undescended testes, torsion, varicocele, and radiation damage.
- Blockage of sperm ejaculate tube: This problem is caused/arises by infections, prostate-related problems, absence of vas deferens, and vasectomy.
- Sex drive problems: It is caused by the factors such as retrograde/premature ejaculation, failure of ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, infrequent intercourse, spinal cord injury, prostate surgery, and damage to the nerves.
- Hormonal Problems: Male reproductive hormonal imbalances can be caused by pituitary tumors, congenital lack of luteinizing hormone (LH) or Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and anabolic steroid abuse.
- Sperm antibody production: More sperm antibodies are generated in vasectomy, injury or infections in the epididymis, and some unknown causes.
What are the symptoms of male infertility?
Following are the most common signs and symptoms of male infertility; they are:
- Changes in sexual desire: A man’s fertility is relatively linked with hormone health. Therefore, changes in fertility are often controlled by hormones, which indicates the signs of infertility.
- Pain or swelling of the testicle: Several different conditions could lead to pain or swelling in the testicles such as testicular atrophy, many of which could contribute to infertility.
- Problems in maintaining sperm erection: Hormonal changes, psychological factors, or physical issues can make it difficult to keep an erection. Irregular dysfunction can interfere with sex. Therefore, reduced hormones can result in trouble conceiving.
- Problems with sperm ejaculation: Uncertain changes in the ejaculate like less sperm causes male infertility.
- Small and firm testicles: The testes house a man’s sperm, so testicle health is paramount to male fertility. Small or firm testicles could indicate potential issues with infertility.
What determines a man’s specific infertility?
To determine specific infertility suffered by the male, there are various tests and diagnoses to try. Before going further tests, the fertilityworld specialists always examined both the partner’s fertility to find the causes of infertility. They will review their health history and do a physical exam. Other tests for male infertility include:
- Semen analysis testing: The sperm analysis testing determines the sperm count, Motility and viability of the sperm, Morphology of the sperm, Liquefaction time of the sperm, The quantity and quality of semen, and sperm, The color of the sperm, The pH of the sperm, The viscosity of the sperm, and Fructose content in Semen. To know the sperm count, 2 semen samples are collected on separate days and analyzed.
- Blood tests: Blood tests are done to check the hormone levels and rule out other problems.
- Imaging tests like an ultrasound: may be used to look at the testicles, blood vessels, and structures inside the scrotum.
- Testicular biopsy: If semen analysis shows that you have only a few sperm or no sperm, then a small piece of tissue (biopsy) is removed from each testicle. The sample is checked under a microscope.
Available treatments for male infertility
The fertilityworld best fertility clinic in Shillong (Meghalaya) provides all the best available male infertility treatments, they are: However, all these treatments are decided based on the individual infertility factors:
- Intrauterine Insemination(IUI): This IUI treatment involves placing much healthy sperm directly at the entrance of the cervix or right into the partner’s uterus by injection. Then the sperm makes their way into the fallopian tubes bypassing all the barriers to reaching the uterus and getting assistance to fertilization.
Sperm is collected and placed directly inside the woman’s uterus while ovulating. This IUI bypasses sperm motility and the thickness of the fluid present in the cervix. IUI is a less invasive procedure and the fertilityworld offers the lowest cost of IUI in Shillong (Meghalaya). Also, know the cost of IUI in big cities and the treatments like IUI cost in Delhi | IUI treatment in Delhi.
- IVF, GIFT, and other techniques: In vitro fertilization (IVF) and gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT) work like artificial insemination. Male sperm are collected, then mixed with the retrieved female partner’s eggs in the fertility laboratory or the partner’s fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg is then transferred into the female uterus and conceived in pregnancy.
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): In ICSI the specialists will inject a single sperm into the middle of the egg. The fertilization then takes place and is observed under a microscope. The fertilized egg is then implanted into the partner’s uterus for pregnancy.
- Fertility Medicine to restore male infertility: Fertility drugs such as hormone treatment may help if you have a hormone disorder. Hormone imbalances can affect how sperm develop. They may be caused by a problem in how the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and testes interact. Hormonal drugs include gonadotropin therapy or antibiotics.
- Surgical treatment for male infertility: A surgery can be performed to fix problems that hold the sperm from being made, matured, or ejaculated. Surgery to remove twisted, swollen veins in the scrotum (varicocele) can sometimes improve the quality of sperm.
How do male sperm are collected surgically?
There are various surgical methods for sperm collection when the male suffers from infertility that is having low sperm count, and poor motility but they are viable to fertilize the egg. Let’s see and understand them below:
- Testicular sperm aspiration (TESA): This surgical procedure is performed on men for IVF/ICSI process, or for Semen Cryopreservation. The procedure is done under local anesthesia in the operating room or office and is coordinated with their female partner’s egg retrieval. A needle is inserted in the testicle and tissue/sperm are aspirated. TESA is performed for men with obstructive azoospermia (vasectomy). Occasionally, TESA doesn’t provide enough tissue/sperm and an open testis biopsy is needed.
- Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA): PESA is performed for men for IVF/ICSI. PESA is the best option for men with obstructive azoospermia from either a prior vasectomy or infection. It is done under local anesthesia in the operating room or office and is coordinated with their female partner’s egg retrieval. The urologist sticks a needle attached to a syringe into the epididymis, then gently withdraws the fluid
- Testicular sperm extraction (TESE): TESE is a common technique to diagnose the cause of azoospermia, and also extract enough tissues for sperm extraction. The process involves making a small incision in the testis, then examining the tubules for the presence of the sperm. It is either done as a scheduled procedure or is coordinated with their female partner’s egg retrieval. TESE is performed with sedation but can be performed in the office with local anesthesia alone. Patients usually cryopreserve sperm during this procedure for future IVF/ICSI. MicroTESE is a more refined form of the TESE procedure.
- Microepididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA): MESA procedure also retrieved sperm from the epididymal tubes utilizing a surgical microscope, it yields high amounts of motile sperms.
MESA is the best option for men who have vasal or epididymal obstruction (s/p vasectomy, congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens). It is either done as a scheduled procedure or is coordinated with their female partner’s egg retrieval. MESA is done with general anesthesia. Patients can usually cryopreserve sperm during this procedure for future IVF/ICSI.
- Microdissection TESE (microTESE): MicroTESE is the best procedure for sperm extraction for those men who have a sperm production problem and are azoospermic. MicroTESE is performed with general anesthesia using a surgical microscope. MicroTESE is carefully coordinated with the female partner’s egg retrieval and is performed the day before egg retrieval. MicroTESE has significantly improved sperm retrieval rates in azoospermic men and is a safer procedure since less testicular tissue is removed. Patients can cryopreserve sperm during this procedure for future IVF/ICSI and build their families.
Both Male and Female infertility can be treated with the following assisted reproductive technology ART. There are several types of ART:
- In vitro fertilization (IVF): The sperm and stimulated eggs are collected/retrieved and brought together in a laboratory and allowed to fertilize under the culture medium. The fertilized eggs are allowed to develop for 3 to 5 days. After that, a mature developed fertilized egg known as the embryo is transferred to the woman’s uterus, or into the surrogate mother known as Surrogacy. Know more about; what is surrogacy. Complete Surrogacy process in India.
To understand the complete IVF procedures read here: IVF Process step by step or What is IVF Technology? IVF Cost in Kohima Nagaland.
- Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT): The sperm and the egg are collected and quickly placed in a fallopian tube. With GIFT, both the sperm and eggs are placed into the fallopian tube. With ZIFT, the sperm and eggs are combined in a laboratory and fertilized and then a fertilized egg is placed into the tube for 24 hours.
Can I have a healthy child despite my genetic diseases?
Yes, there are two kinds of treatments available for couples having genetic problems and hoping to receive a healthy child. It involves selecting the free genetic disease embryo before transferring it into the uterus via IVF treatments. Let us discuss below:
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT): PGT is a cutting-edge procedure that identifies genetic abnormalities in embryos created with IVF. PGT techniques allow the physician to pick the embryos that are freed from a selected genetic condition or chromosome abnormalities for transfer. PGT proceeds with careful patient counseling. If patients are candidates and therefore desire to proceed, an IVF cycle is initiated. Embryos that are formed by IVF can have one or more cells examined for the condition in question. 1 to 3 embryos not affected by the conditions are transferred into the uterus.
For more information on infertility treatment…
If you want to know more information relating to any fertility treatments such as Surrogacy, IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, PGT, Surgical extractions, Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo), cryopreservation, surrogate mother arrangements, best lawyers, and any other male and female infertility causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and available treatments or services in Shillong (Meghalaya) please feel free and write to us at we’re right away to answer and solve your problems with free consultations.
To directly discuss the cost of any fertility treatments such as Surrogacy, IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, PGT, Surgical extractions, Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo), cryopreservation, surrogate mother arrangements, best lawyers, and any other male and female infertility treatments or services or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount discussed in this page for Shillong (Meghalaya). Please feel free and write to us at We provide free consultations and no charges for your query.
