Best Surrogacy centres in India
  • Fertility World surrogacy center is the best center in pan India
  • The new surrogacy law (2022) enforced by the supreme court allows only Altruistic surrogacy
  • Our surrogacy center offers affordable costs from Rs.18 lakhs onwards
  • Make an appointment and get a free consultation with doctors & Lawyers.
  • Call/W : +91 9311850412 Email:
Surrogacy ProgramSuccess rate
Surrogacy with Donor Egg100%
Surrogacy with Self Egg80%
IVF with Donor EGG80%
IVF with Self Egg70%

In India Surrogacy has become the only alternate, promising option for many couples who are unable to deliver the baby naturally. Surrogacy helps those Couples who have been married for a long time and are unable to conceive due to various medical conditions. Guaranteed Surrogacy in India becomes the only option once the couples face failure with other infertility treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles.

Looking at an Indian context based on the studies from World Health Organisation (WHO), The causes of infertility cases vary across states and districts. According to WHO reports presented on Infertility, it is believed that many infertile couples around the globe are diagnosed with issues associated with primary infertility followed by secondary infertility. Primary infertility can be described as a population of women who have never conceived or gotten pregnant in their lifetime. Secondary fertility can be witnessed by women at any time in their life even after having a successful first pregnancy. 

The Fertility World surrogacy center offers Comprehensive Surrogacy Solutions under one roof in India. The Fertility Surrogacy center is one of the professionally run Surrogacy Centre in India with 360 Degree in collaboration in every city in India. Equipped with advanced technologies with affordable Surrogacy costs in India with solutions under one umbrella. We the Fertility World are committed and confident to be the front runners in building many families to make it medically, legally, socially & ethically accountable, through our Pioneering Surrogacy Protocols. Today, the Fertility World has become one of the fastest-growing Surrogacy centers in India. 

Why should you pick the Fertility World Surrogacy center?

One of the primary reasons that you should choose the Fertility World is expertise in the field. We are experts at handling all the challenges that arise throughout the process of Surrogacy. Our teams are well deserved, they will accompany you in every step of your surrogacy journey till the very end, i.e. till the baby has been granted the exit visa. In the last 4 years, we have had an impeccable track record of sending back each & every baby to their respective country successfully.

We have standardized the entire process and made it highly transparent and accountable. Our expertise, technology & global practices have led to further optimization of the process, thereby achieving significantly higher take-home baby rates than the industry standards. The Fertility World offers detailed solutions that are required in surrogacy programs. Some of which are mentioned below:  

The Fertility World offers an advanced treatments such as:

For complete information about our advanced programs. Contact us via our provided platforms above, we are ready to clarify your queries into meaningful information.

Our complete surrogacy steps are highlighted 

Surrogate Mother Arrangement

Out of its experiences, the Fertility World has developed Standardized Operating Procedures (SOPs) for screening, recruiting, monitoring, compensating, and housing surrogate mothers making all the processes easy and short to save time. We also have a large database of healthy, pre-screened surrogate mothers. We house our surrogates in our own Surrogate mother homes in India where a dedicated team ensures their safety, security, nutrition & compliance with important medical norms. If you’re seeking a surrogate mother. She is ready to receive an embryo. Book an appointment with us and get your preferred surrogate mother.

Guaranteed surrogacy with Egg Donation

An egg donation has guaranteed surrogacy in Delhi for many infertile people to conceive. A surrogacy program with donor eggs has resulted in guaranteed healthy 100% live birth success rates than using own eggs. About 95% of embryo transfers result in a pregnancy when a donor egg is used.


The child is genetically linked to the intended parents only if the male partner contributes its sperm to fertilize the egg. Egg donation requires in vitro fertilization (IVF), as the eggs are removed from one healthy donor woman, fertilized in the fertility laboratory, and the resulting embryo is transferred to the recipient’s uterus (surrogate mother). 

Finding your egg Donor

The donor can be either someone who is known to the intended parent(s) or an anonymous donor. If you know someone for egg donation, it will reduce the cost and save time. If you don’t have a donor, don’t take the stress. We have a young, healthy egg donor database that is already prepared or experienced in egg donation. You can select your choice of a donor that you want to be in your child.

How do we retrieve the donor egg?

To remove the Donor Egg and Fertilize it, the following steps are required:

  • The donor is given medication to stimulate her ovaries to produce multiple eggs and the eggs are collected. Sometimes, to share costs, the eggs from an egg-donation cycle are split among several recipients.
  • Sperm from a male partner or a sperm donor is used to fertilize these eggs in the fertility laboratory.
  • The best stage embryo (fertilized egg) is chosen and implanted to the uterus of the intended carrier and, hopefully, pregnancy is established. The intended carrier can be the intended parent or another woman (gestational carrier), depending on the health conditions applied.

How do we handle Legalities? 

The Fertility World surrogacy center in India has an in-house team of surrogacy Legal experts that is adept at catering to the specific legal requirements of clients from India and also from various countries across the globe. Our team is legitimate at carrying out the entire process as per the latest ICMR guidelines. Once you choose us by registering and consulting. We handle every step and let you relax and receive your child.

Surrogacy Qualifications in India 

  • In India surrogacy is permitted only for heterosexuals who are married for more than 2 years.
  • It is also allowed to foreigners if one of them has an Indian passport.
  • Surrogacy is not allowed for gays, lesbians & singles from foreign countries in India
  • A medical visa is required to travel to India for Surrogacy
  • It allows altruistic and not the commercial surrogacy 

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

How do we arrange for your Surrogate Delivery?

The Fertility World takes special care that the delivery of your baby happens at our state-of-the-art hospitals, fully equipped with a world-class delivery system. We take care of the issue of birth certificates as per the requirements of the process. This makes the Fertility World a truly comprehensive Surrogacy Centre that provides 360-degree surrogacy solutions under one roof.

The Fertility World’s main Surrogacy Center is located in Delhi, why?

Delhi being the national capital of India offers significant advantages for surrogacy over other Indian metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Pune, Hyderabad, and many more. Also, it is the center of India and we can render our surrogacy programs across 360 degrees in every state and capital, even in the remotest corners.

  • Being the capital, we boast the best healthcare facilities in Delhi 
  • We are reached with all embassies, High Commissions, or consulates
  • Closely located with ICMR center, thereby making the coordination easy
  • Every corner is plied by Metro-rail that interconnects the entire city & offers an easy mode of transportation at the cheapest fare.
  • Much cleaner & greener as compared to other cities.
  • Vast tourist attractions that symbolize modern development & rich cultural heritage.
  • Delhi is the dream of many Dreams
  • All our treatments are equally standardized all across India.  
Difference between Indian Surrogacy and developed countries?

Today!! India is considered the hub for surrogacy, why? Let us understand in a short formula the difference: The best valid reason is because of the surrogacy cost. Surrogacy in India = Treatment in USA/UK + Savings+ Tourism + Waiting Time.

  • The cost of surrogacy in India is 5 to 10 times lower than in other developed countries. 
  • Surrogacy treatment in India costs between $20,000 to $25,000 USD against Western countries that cost around $1,20,000 USD.
  • India is advanced with World-class Doctors, Hospitals for IVF, surrogacy treatment, and ante/postnatal care
  • Unlike U.K., Australia & other western countries where the surrogate is considered to be the legal mother, 
  • India is one of the very few countries where the commissioning mother (the female counterpart of the infertile couple) is considered to be the legal mother
  • Availability of a wide choice of surrogates, egg donors, and sperm donors due to the low socioeconomic status of many families
  • No legal hassles- Indian laws on surrogacy are liberal and favor Intended Parents.

Book an appointment Now!!!!

If you are facing any infertility problems, please feel free to write your concern, and the medical team will get in touch very soon. We welcome all infertility patients from across the Globe. We provide an advantage of free consultations and up to 10% concession from the inclusive surrogacy package.

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