Egg Freezing costs in Guwahati

The fertilityworld center is the most approached agency for egg freezing by thousands of women in Guwahati, Assam. It offers affordable egg freezing costs ranging from Rs. 10k/month or Rs.1.20 lakhs per year (two flexible choices). You will also get a Donor Egg at 30k to 40k INR for IVF treatment. 

Egg Freezing in Guwahati Assam

Egg Freezing Success Rates

Before proceeding any further, the fertilityworld utmost priority is to let you understand the egg freezing success rates. Let’s look at the bar graph provided below, it depicts the egg freezing success rates based on the women’s age:

Egg Freezing Success Rates in Assam

From the table, signifies egg freezing success rates are based on the age of the women. The younger the women’s age, the highest their egg freezing success rates. You can understand the egg freezing success rates in the following manner based on the graph shown above:

  • Women between 18 to 25 years receive a 90%-99% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 25 to 30 years receive an 80%-90% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 30 to 35 years receive a 75% to 85% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 35 to 40 years receive a 60% to 65% chance of at least one live birth.
  • Women between 40 to 45 years receive a 50% to 60% chance of at least one live birth.

If you wish to learn more about egg freezing success rates apart from Guwahati (Assam) or egg freezing side effects, please visit this link- Egg Freezing Success Rates | Egg Freezing Side Effects.

Know the Cost of Egg Freezing in Guwahati (Assam)

Know the Cost of Egg Freezing in Guwahati (Assam)

The cost of freezing the egg varies from clinic to clinic, location to location. The fertilityworld has been working in egg freezing and Egg Donation for 20+ years. It is rated as the best agency for its lowest egg freezing and egg donation with its highest success rates. If you wish to know the average cost of freezing the egg in India, read this link; Freezing your eggs | Cost of Egg Freezing In India.

Look at the table below, it shows the transparent Egg freezing cost in Guwahati (Assam):

Followed Procedures          What is includedCost in INR
Initial ScreeningFertility hormone test & health check8000 – 10,000
Ovarian stimulationInjections & Medications70,000 – 80,000
Cycle MonitoringUSG, Hormone tests, Consultation10,000 – 15,000
Surgical ProcedureEgg retrieval under anesthesia20,000 – 25,000
IVF laboratoryEgg screening & denudation25,000 – 30,000
CryofreezingFreezing & maintenance10,000 – 15,000
Initial total Cost153,000-175,000

The costs mentioned are transparent and flexible. It is a must to undergo thorough reproductive health scanning and other mentioned above if you wish for freezing your eggs. However, if the scanning test results show positive, some of the test mentioned above is avoided and the cost is reduced.

After the egg retrieval, you only have to pay 10k INR monthly or 1.20 lakh INR yearly. These are the two flexible options you can choose to pay for egg freezing. The cost covers maintenance fees and egg freezing. If you wish to know the cost of freezing the egg in other cities, the link is provided below:

Which is the best egg donor agency in Guwahati (Assam)?

Which is the best egg donor agency in Guwahati (Assam)?

Today, the fertilityworld is the best egg donor agency in Guwahati (Assam) from its reputed egg donor database i.e. EGG DONATION IN INDIA | DONOR EGG BANK.

Every month, hundreds of women are visiting the fertilityworld for Egg Donation assistance, to understand the procedures, to know the cost of Donor eggs, and most of all to secure egg donor success rates. Therefore, the fertilityworld leading team of chief embryologists provides free consultations and lends their knowledge with overall satisfaction. It provides both offline and online consultations based on the convenience of the patients.

It is guaranteed a 100% success rate of achieving parenthood dreams using Donor Eggs. Apart from egg donation, the fertilityworld also provides donor sperm to those males whose sperm cannot fertilize their partner’s eggs, in Guwahati (Assam). From its sperm donor database or via SEMEN FREEZING OR SEMEN CRYOPRESERVATION.

Know the best Fertility Doctors in Guwahati (Assam)

Know the best Fertility Doctors in Guwahati (Assam)

Connecting with the best fertility Doctors gives you another hope for your parenthood dreams, even though you fail to conceive naturally. Generally, you can find many Doctors but they may not provide you with complete satisfaction.  If you are looking for the best fertility doctors in Guwahati (Assam), from the link you will find a list of the finest leading fertility Doctors and; Best IVF doctors in Guwahati, Assam

Also, if you want to proceed with your fertility treatments from the best fertility Doctors in India, visit the link; Best IVF Doctors in India, from the link you can directly contact them and discussed them with free consultations. Among the best leading fertility Doctors in Guwahati (Assam), Dr. Pammy Murthy, and Dr. Nidhi are the most approached from the patient’s perspectives. You can directly book an appointment with the fertilityworld for consulting the best fertility Doctors.

If you’re worried about your fertility, these list of doctors can perform imaging and blood work, such as an anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) test (estimate if a person has a high, normal, or low amount of eggs), that helps determine your egg quantity and quality, in addition to predicting how well you might respond to hormone injection therapy and how your ovaries are currently functioning.

What is the best age to freeze your eggs?

What is the best age to freeze your eggs?

The younger you are when you freeze your eggs, the better your chance of becoming pregnant and giving live birth through this process. All studies suggest that women who freeze their eggs between 30 to 37 years have a better chance of achieving a successful pregnancy than those women who freeze their eggs after 37 years. This is because studies have proved that the more eggs retrieved and frozen, the better the chance of a successful pregnancy in this age group. Age is often the most common predictor of successful egg freezing because the number and quality of eggs of a woman gradually decline as one advances in age until menopause. 

What is the procedure for egg freezing?

What is the procedure for egg freezing?

The Egg freezing process is also called mature oocyte cryopreservation. The procedure includes;

  • Free Consultations
  • Fertility hormone test & health check-up
  • Injections & Medications of fertility hormones
  • USG, and Hormone tests.
  • Egg retrieval from the ovaries under anesthesia
  • Egg screening & denudation
  • Freezing & maintenance

Immediately, after the eggs of the woman are harvested from the ovaries and are frozen when unfertilized and stored to be used later via Vitrification techniques- the eggs are flash frozen and stored at ultra-cold temperatures under liquid nitrogen. Egg freezing is also combined with in vitro fertilization (IVF). 

When you are ready to get pregnant, the frozen eggs are reversed from the vitrification process, thawed, and combined with sperm for fertilization. The best-developed embryos are then transferred into the uterus for implantation via the IVF Implantation Process in India.

But before retrieving your eggs, about 10 days of hormone injections are done- it stimulates ovulation and helps the ovaries to mature several eggs at once, instead of just one egg normally. Mature eggs are then collected through a painless procedure performed while you are sedated. It’s best if at least 10 eggs can be harvested. This part of the process is similar to preparing for in vitro fertilization (IVF)- What is IVF Technology?

Is the egg freezing process painful?

Is the egg freezing process painful?

A common question: Almost everyone asks if egg freezing is painful when they’re figuring out if they should freeze their eggs. The actual procedure of egg freezing is painless. The egg retrieval procedure is a surgical procedure but it is conducted under a sedative, and you won’t notice any pain. 

However, when you come around there could be some discomfort and a little bleeding from where the fine retrieval needle passed through the vaginal wall. Most women report feeling better when they come around after the surgery, as the bloating they were feeling before the retrieval starts to subside within 1 to 2 days.

Who should consider freezing their eggs?

Who should consider freezing their eggs?

Women having the following reasons or consequences should consider freezing their eggs:

  • Considering delaying childbearing, focusing on their education, career, or other personal goals. 
  • Women before undergoing cancer treatment, as some cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radiotherapy, can affect a woman’s fertility. 
  • Women undergoing IVF and by any chance, her male partner does not produce sufficient sperm on the day the woman retrieves the eggs, then the best option is Egg freezing.
  • Women with a family history of early menopause, and premature ovarian failure. Egg freezing offers a chance to preserve eggs before they are all depleted.

How many eggs should I freeze at 35 years?

Women between 35 to 40 years can still freeze their eggs. However, sometimes egg freezing at this age may not be successful from the first cycle, they can consider successful freezing after the second round. At 35 years old, women should freeze at least 10 to 20 eggs. This will give an estimated 65% to 70% chance of having a live birth when later using these eggs to get pregnant. So freezing 10 to 20 eggs is ideal for securing future parenthood. But every person is different. so it’s best recommended to get your fertility tested or speak with the fertilityworld reproductive endocrinologist about your options for egg freezing in Guwahati (Assam).

What are the benefits of egg freezing?

  • The egg is freshly protected by freezing despite aging women.
  • Egg freezing benefits women who wish to pursue other priorities before having a child.
  • Egg freezing benefits women in becoming a genetic parents in the future using their frozen-thawed eggs.
  • Egg freezing protects the eggs from diseases like cancer, endometriosis, and other illnesses.
  • Egg freezing gives you time to find the right partner.
  • Egg freezing preserves the eggs indefinitely before invasive medical treatments.
  • Egg freezing allows women’s biology to better match the way they live.
  • Egg freezing helps to reduce “fertility anxiety”.

What can I expect from my frozen eggs?

You can expect 100% positive results from your frozen egg. When you return to the fertilityworld after freezing your eggs for many years, the vitrification procedure is reversed. Reversing back the egg and embryo from a frozen state to room temperature and then 37°C, and rehydration is made. The process “warms” the eggs in just 20 minutes and they are placed back in the incubator at 37°C in the laboratory and fertilized with the partner sperm or the donor sperm. 

Embryos formed after fertilization with the sperm are transferred back into the uterus immediately in IVF, and Surrogacy or eggs can be injected with a single sperm 3-4 hours later for fertilization in ICSI use. Learn from here: IVF VS ICSI. and Surrogacy with Frozen eggs in India.

To know more about egg freezing, and egg donor assistance…

If you have any confusion or did not understand this page and want to know more about Egg freezing, Donor Egg Bank, Best Egg Donor agencies, FET, IVF, ICSI,  cryopreservation, or Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo) in Guwahati (Assam), please feel free and write to us at we’re right away to answer and solve your problems with free consultations. 

Further, if you want to directly discuss the cost of Egg freezing, cost of donor egg, cost of donor sperm, cost of donor embryo, cost of IVF, cost of ICSI, or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount in Guwahati (Assam). Please feel free and write to us at We provide free consultations and no charges for your query.

Is the egg freezing process painful?

The actual procedure of egg freezing is painless. The egg retrieval procedure is a surgical procedure but it is conducted under a sedative, and you won’t notice any pain. 
However, when you come around there could be some discomfort and a little bleeding from where the fine retrieval needle passed through the vaginal wall. Most women report feeling better when they come around after the surgery, as the bloating they were feeling before the retrieval starts to subside within 1 to 2 days.

Best Egg Donor Agency in Guwahati?

Today, the fertilityworld is the best egg donor agency in Guwahati (Assam) from its reputed egg donor database. Every month, hundreds of women are visiting the fertilityworld for Egg Donation assistance, to understand the procedures, to know the cost of Donor eggs, and most of all to secure egg donor success rates.


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