Surrogacy cost in Manipur

All intended parents are now able to undergo an altruistic surrogacy with affordable cost in Manipur offered by the fertilityworld surrogacy clinic starts from 15 lakhs. The clinic follows legal new surrogacy law enforced by the supreme court from January 2022 that permits only altruistic surrogacy. The clinic’s best lawyers maintain all legal procedures for you in Manipur.

Surrogacy centre in Manipur

Surrogacy success rates in Manipur?

Look at the pie chart below, you will understand the statistics of the surrogacy success rates in Manipur:

With over 20 years of working in the fertility departments, the fertilityworld has produced Low-cost surrogacy in India with a high success rate. However, all intended parents are not the same, some achieve success after a single cycle while some achieve after the 2nd or 3rd cycle. The fertilityworld help and guide any intended parent and give them 99% success with donor eggs, 100% success with donor embryos, 80% success with Donor sperm and self egg, and 70% success rates with self-cycle (self egg+self sperm). Every individual reproductive system responds to fertility differently depending on various factors.

What does the new surrogacy law 2022 say?

surrogacy law 2022

The new surrogacy law enforced by the supreme court in January 2022, states that:

  • Only altruistic surrogacy should be followed.
  • A surrogate mother will carry the pregnancy for the intended couple and hand it over to them right after the birth of the child.
  • The intended parents will bring their surrogate- she can be from family members, relatives, friends, etc. 
  • Intended parents should have proven infertility or illness from the Doctor. 
  • Surrogacy must be solely for intended parenthood and not commercial purposes such as for sale, prostitution, or any other forms of exploitation.
  • The child born is deemed as the biological child of the intending couple. 
  • Abortion of a fetus is allowed only with the consent of the Surrogate mother (SM) and the authorities and must adhere to the provisions of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act.

What is the cost of Surrogacy in Manipur? 

cost of Surrogacy in Manipur

In Manipur, any intended parents can achieve the surrogacy program at an affordable cost at fertilityworld best surrogacy clinic. The clinic is dedicated and committed to helping those hopeful intending parents looking to complete building the family. The clinic offers fixed and transparent surrogacy costs in Manipur, its cost is always flexible. Check the table provided below and understand your budget convenience:

Surrogacy Process Surrogacy Package In Rupees (Rs)
Surrogacy with self gametes(15 to 17) Lakh
Surrogacy with donor eggs & own sperms(17 to 20) Lakh
Surrogacy with Donor Embryo(18 to 20) lakh
Surrogacy with Donor sperms(16 to 18) Lakh
Surrogate mother(SM) selection, blood test, SM preparation (cost)Upto  1 lakh
Normal Vaginal Delivery CostUpto  35,000
C-section delivery costUpto 1 to 2 lakhs
Surrogate mother stays and foods Up to 2.5 lakhs

Now, let’s discuss the detailed surrogacy cost in Manipur

The surrogacy cost is expensive and can lead to financial draining without the help and guidance of the professionals. It is costlier because it is done with great professionals, top lawyers, different equipment, tools, and a laboratory to make it successful. Today, the Surrogacy cost in India has risen a little more with the new law allowing only altruistic surrogacy. However, the fertilityworld offers surrogacy at an affordable cost, see also the Cost of Surrogacy in Delhi, and Surrogacy cost in Guwahati Assam. You might think; why is it very high?. Read here and understand the Complete Surrogacy process in India and the expenses involved. Below, we have discussed the different costs of surrogacy in Manipur.  

Cost of self-gametes Surrogacy

Any intended parents hoping to undergo surrogacy using a self partner egg and self-partner sperm is a self-gametes surrogacy program. Self-surrogacy benefits those intended parents whose reproductive gametes (eggs & sperm) are viable for fertilization but are unable to carry the pregnancy due to various reasons such as the absence of a uterus, Blocked fallopian tubes, defective uterus, low sperm count, and weak motility. The program is executed by the best top Surrogacy doctors in India and the best lawyers. The fertilityworld offers a self-cycle surrogacy program at the cost of Rs. 15 lakhs to Rs.17 lakhs in Manipur.

Cost of Guaranteed Surrogacy in Manipur

Intending parents who undergo surrogacy with the help of Egg donor assistance (Donor Egg Bank) is termed Guaranteed surrogacy. Many intended parents need to undergo Guaranteed surrogacy in India due to various infertility reasons, and personal problems such as.

  • Couples with repeated IVF failure: What are the reasons for IVF Failure?
  • Poor ovarian reserve (very low AMH below 1ng/mL)
  • Ovarian failure ( Natural / surgical removal of ovaries / radiation / chemotherapy)
  • Serious genetic disorder
  • Multiple intrauterine insemination (IUI) failure.

In Manipur, the cost of Guaranteed Surrogacy Starts from Rs.17 Lakhs to Rs.20 Lakhs at fertilityworld.

Price breakup of Guaranteed Surrogacy @17 lakhs to 20 lakhs (Complete Package)

Stage 1 (Rs. 4 Lakhs).

  • Egg Stimulation, Egg Retrieval, and Semen Collection. 
  • Embryo Preparation through IVF, ICSI.
  • Prepare Surrogate uterus (or FET) with blastocyst or not (As needed), Up to 4 ET until pregnancy is achieved

Stage 2 (Rs. 4 Lakhs).

After 30 days of successful pregnancies, scan the fetus to determine if there is any cardiac activity in the fetal heart.

Stage 3 (Rs. 5.5 Lakhs).

  • Prenatal Baby’s Major Organ Check
  • This stage is completed in the 4th month of the baby. To ensure the prenatal health and well-being of the baby, all major organs are examined.
  • Schedule for Payment of Miscellaneous Charges

Stage 4 (Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 5 lakhs).

  • Donors of premium eggs from Donor Egg Bank, then fertilization and embryo preparations, Rs.1.50 lakhs to Rs. 2.50 lakhs/­Fetal Deduction.
  • Nutrition of a Surrogate Rs.1.50 lakhs to Rs.2 lakhs for 8-Month Nutrition (In the event of your specific advice about nutrition)
  • Pre-delivery Hospitalization Rs.1 lakhs to R.2 lakhs- (If a surrogate needs hospitalization during her pregnancy, between 4th and 32 weeks),
  • Delivery: Rs.50K to Rs.1.5 lakhs (Delivery Included in the Package)
  • Twins ChargesExtra: Rs.1.50 lakhs to Rs.2.50 lakhs

Cost of surrogacy with Donor sperm in Manipur

Any intended couples going for surrogacy using donor sperm and female partner egg fertilized is known as an assured surrogacy program/ Donor sperm surrogacy. Donor sperm bypasses male partner infertility factors. Read here and you can understand What are the signs of Infertility in Males? Some of the male factors of infertility are:

  • Azoospermia (absence of sperm)
  • Severe oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (very less abnormal sperm), or Low sperm count
  • Ejaculatory dysfunction, such as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection or to ejaculate
  • Severe oligozoospermia (decreased sperm count)
  • Genetic abnormalities

Couples with Repeated IVF failures due to poor sperm quality, single women who wish to become parents, or lesbian couples who desire pregnancy can also go for Assured surrogacy. The fertilityworld offers the cost of surrogacy with Donor sperm starting from Rs.16 lakhs and up to Rs. 18 lakhs (depending on infertility factors). This cost covers the total inclusive process and procedures till the intended parents embrace the child in their arms.

The inclusive package also covers the donor sperm from Semen Cryopreservation Bank and sperm donor compensation. The fertilityworld provides free consultations about whether you are fit to use donor sperm.

Cost of Surrogacy with Donor Embryo in Manipur

Some intending people are not as lucky as others, in that their reproductive cells are not productive. The fertilityworld believes the naturality for all married couples to have a child of their genetic relationship. But in some cases, either self-cycle or Donor assistance to fertilization attempts may not favor them. Don’t worry, in such cases, surrogacy with embryo donation is an exciting new option that is being made available in modern infertility treatments for such couples.

Intended parents can complete their family building using other people’s embryos at an affordable cost in Manipur starting from Rs. 18 lakhs to Rs. 20 lakhs. This package covers an entire process from legalities in the supreme court, then screening, matching the surrogate, IVF Process step by step, followed by the IVF Implantation Process, confirming pregnancy, and the delivery of the child by the surrogate for you.

Oocyte or embryo donation from young individuals is an established standard and effective treatment for age-related infertility because the pregnancy rates with such methods are significantly higher than those obtained with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation or IVF in women of advanced reproductive age Surrogacy with embryo donation is strongly recommended for both partners dealing with serious infertility or other health conditions. 

  • A couple who cannot conceive through IVF technology using their egg and sperm
  • Men with absolutely no sperm or azoospermia, testicular cancer, undergoing chemotherapy, etc.
  • Females with poor egg quality, advanced reproductive age, or premature menopause, can opt for a donor embryo that is fertilized with the use of donor sperm or donor eggs.

What factors can affect the surrogacy cost?

There are various factors affecting the cost while working with a surrogate to build your family is expensive because this journey requires very high experienced characters such as the following:

  • Multiple experienced and expert professionals, all with associated fees for services are provided. 
  • Best legal lawyer fees.
  • Using a surrogate to build your family includes the medical treatment provided by a fertility clinic. 
  • Legal expenses cover the legal agreements and legal processes that are a part of the surrogacy journey. One major factor that influences the cost is the state in which your attorney practices, and where your baby will be born.
  • Other potential expenses such as travel, incidentals, co-pays, deductibles, child-care, and lost wages. 

Why is it best to work with a surrogacy agency?

Undergoing surrogacy independently can be a cost-saving strategy but not always successful as planned, it can ultimately cost you more money in the long run if the process does not go as expected, add more stress, and consume much longer time to complete the process, and the psychological/emotional costs. All these expenditures when calculated can be much more than expected.

Working with professionals is the ultimate pathway, as it always helps and guides the intended parents. However, the Best Surrogacy Agency in India will take care of you from the start till you embrace the child in Your arms. The intended parents have to cooperate with the professionals then the entire process is taken care of legally.

Are you looking for affordable surrogacy in Manipur?

The fertilityworld best surrogacy clinic in Manipur is the best clinic where any intended parents are welcome to proceed with surrogacy at an affordable cost. The fertilityworld has prepared an easy way of booking an appointment. It can be done by anyone easily from their comfort home by simply registering, contacts via Whatsapp or calls, and emails. We provide free consultations for all the Intended patients searching for surrogacy programs in the hope of making their parenthood possible from Manipur.

Our coordinators will contact you right away once you register for an appointment and schedule for you with our best surrogacy doctors and lawyers (ensures all the surrogacy process is legal from the supreme court), they also provide you with the best suggestion and advice free of cost.

For more information…

Directly discuss the cost of any fertility treatments such as Guaranteed surrogacy, Assured Surrogacy, Self-cycle surrogacy, cost of IVF with self gametes, cost of IVF with donor gametes, cost of ICSI treatments, cost of Donor sperms, cost of Donor Eggs, Cost of the surrogate mother compensation, or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount please write to us at We provide free consultations.

If you want to know more information relating to any fertility treatments such as Surrogacy (Guaranteed surrogacy, Assured surrogacy, self-cycle surrogacy, and donor embryo surrogacy), IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, Surgical extractions, surrogacy, Donor assistance (egg/sperm), surrogate mother arrangements, best lawyers, and any other fertility treatments or services information in Manipur please write to us at we’re right away to answer and solve your problems. We provide free consultations. 

Contact us today! Together we fulfill your parenthood dreams.

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