Best IVF Centre in Dispur Assam

The fertilityworld is awarded as the best IVF Centre in Dispur (Assam) because of our outstanding execution of IVF with cutting-edge technology. We provide cost-effective IVF treatments with our compassionate staff, transparency in pricing, and seamless administrative process at our IVF center in Assam.

We provide successful IVF treatments- IVF with self gametes (Eggs & Sperms), IVF with Donor Gametes, advanced IVF treatments such as ICSI, FET, Laparoscopy, Surgical procedures (TESA/PESA/TESE/MESA/MESE), etc.

Other available infertility services in Dispur (Assam)

The best IVF Center in Dispur (Assam) also provides other infertility related services such as 

  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatments, 
  • Donor Eggs (Donor Egg Bank), 
  • Semen Analysis testing,
  • Donor Sperms, 
  • Semen Cryopreservation, 
  • Egg freezing, 
  • Male and female fertility treatments, 
  • Best fertility medications available.

IVF Success Rates in Dispur, Assam

The pie chart depicts the IVF success rates in Dispur (Assam):

The fertilityworld, Best IVF Center in Dispur (Assam) produces higher IVF success rates not only in Dispur but also in Pan India: IVF success rate in India with the help of the best IVF Doctors- IVF doctors with a High Success rate.

Generally, the IVF success rates depend on the age of the women, fertility conditions of the couples, and the type of IVF treatments i.e. fresh embryo transfer, frozen embryo transfer, and type of advanced treatments used in collaboration with the IVF treatments. One can read and understand the failures behind IVF treatments- What are the reasons for IVF failure. Here are the IVF success rates provided based on the age of the women and fresh or frozen embryo transfer:

  • Women between 21 to 35 are 95% using Donor eggs.
  • Women between 35 to 42 years are 70% using donor eggs. 
  • For women beyond 45 years is 35% using self eggs.
  • For the fresh embryo transfer success is 98%.
  • For thawed embryos, (frozen) transfers are 75%.

What is In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a simple process and is the most popular fertility treatment to help those infertile (unable to conceive naturally) people fulfill their dreams of parenthood possible. Today, 1 in every 4 couples suffers from infertility due to male and female infertility factors. IVF involves retrieval of the egg from the women’s ovaries and fertilization with the male sperm in the laboratory.

The resultant fertilized egg called an embryo is then returned/transferred into the women’s womb to carry the pregnancy like fertile couples. IVF can be fulfilled by using self gametes, or those from Donor Gametes.

Who should go for IVF treatments?

Infertility means the inability to conceive after trying unprotected regular intercourse for about a year. There are certain infertility factors in women as well as in men, some of the infertility factors are mentioned below and those couples having the following infertility factors should go for IVF treatments: 

Women Infertility Factors

  • Age-related infertility
  • Blocked fallopian tubes/damaged fallopian tubes
  • Ovulation disorder due to irregular periods
  • Diminished Ovarian functions due to aging
  • Women with tubal ligation
  • Presence of high blood levels of anti-sperm antibodies
  • Women with 3 unsuccessful infertility treatments
  • Couple with IUI treatment failures
  • Endometriosis
  • Women with PCOS- PCOS diet and pregnancy.
  • Having the risk of genetic disease
  • Unexplained Infertility

Male Infertility Factors

Who should not go for IVF treatments?

IVF was originally developed for women with tubal factor infertility where the fallopian tubes are non-functional but it has helped in treating certain factors in both men’s and women’s infertility giving them an amazing gift. However, IVF is not as lucky for some people having the following conditions;

  • Women with very serious health complications,
  • Having untreated acute infectious diseases,
  • Women with severely damaged endometrial lining, cannot support pregnancy.

However, there is the possibility of conceiving where IVF seems not easy. Surrogacy is a good option for those couples. Here another woman known as the surrogate mother will carry the pregnancy for the couple- The surrogate mother’s home in India.

What is the process of IVF treatments?

We all have heard about In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), but most parents do not procure the miracles behind IVF treatments and pregnancy. However, most couples go for IVF trying to conceive a baby but often they fail to acquire it. It is because the most important knowledge lacks in them about what to do? Where to go? How to proceed?

IVF Journey will be miraculous and exciting for those childless couples when they understand the IVF process from the beginning. From here, you can learn the detailed IVF and find your answers to the infertility- IVF process step by step. The process of IVF treatments is a simple series but it requires very soft skilled specialists because it handles very fragile reproductive organs such as the eggs and the sperms. The process consists mainly

  1. Ovulation
  2. Trigger Injection
  3. Egg retrieval
  4. Semen Sample Collection
  5. Fertilize the egg with the sperm
  6. Embryo Transfer into the Uterus
  7. The luteal phase
  8. The pregnancy test.

Once pregnancy is confirmed, we monitor the mother simultaneously until she attains normalcy and is ready to carry the pregnancy to a term like fertile parents.

Is the IVF procedure painful or painless?

The majority of IVF processes are not painful such as IVF injections at the same time pain can be subjective. That some more sensitive people may have some pain or discomfort while others who are less sensitive do not experience that same pain. The reaction during the procedure varies from one person to another person.

The transfer of the embryo is almost painless but one could feel the sensation, you could feel little discomfort during the insertion of the vaginal speculum. To understand the complete IVF reactions during the procedures please visit here and read in detail: Is IVF a painful procedure?.

What are the types of IVF treatments?

IVF treatments can be achieved successfully either by using one of the options but it depends on the fertility conditions of the couples. Let us see the types of IVF:

  1. Self-cycle IVF: This type of IVF involves the use of only the self gametes i.e. using own eggs and own partner sperms, combined and fertilized (Embryo). The embryo is then re-implanted into the woman’s uterus (Womb) and carries the pregnancy.

To undergo self-cycle IVF treatment:

  • The best age for women is between 21 and 35 years old. Male fertility is possible beyond 45 Years old.
  • Women between 1 to 1.6ng/mL AMH level and Male with sperm 15*10(6)/mm of semen.
  1. Donor-Cycle IVF: Donor-Cycle IVF involves the use of a donor egg and donor sperm or self sperm. It is costlier than self-cycle IVF treatments because it involves the Donor egg and it ensures up to 95% success rates. 

All the donor IVF process is the same but a little longer than in Self-cycle IVF. And the sperm can be collected by using various surgical sperm extractions methods- TESE, TESA, MESA, PESA (if the sperm is weak or abnormal), or conventional methods that do not ejaculate enough sperm. 

  1. ICSI with IVF treatments: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an effective treatment for those men suffering from infertility and it is performed as part of the IVF treatments- IVF VS ICSI

Working of ICSI procedure: The ICSI process involves single sperm being directly injected into the middle of the partner egg, so to achieve fertilization (embryo) and reimplanted into the uterus (womb) to carry the pregnancy. 

ICSI is exactly similar to the IVF process, the only difference is that the sperm does not combine with the egg but only single sperm is directly injected into the egg by the chief embryologist. However, if the male doesn’t produce quality sperm or has no sperm at all then in such cases the sperm is extracted using surgical extractions methods such as TESA, PESA, MESA, TESE, etc.

Who needs ICSI treatments?

ICSI treatments are recommended by the specialists to those males if:

  • You have a low sperm count,
  • Your sperm are abnormally shaped, poor sperm motility,
  • Your sperm fails to fertilize an egg in previous IVF cycles,
  • You have had a vasectomy, sperm blockage due to disease or injury, genetic conditions, or because you have an extremely very low sperm count.
  • You’re using frozen sperm from semen cryopreservation,

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) in Dispur (Assam)

FET involves transferring the frozen embryo of the couples who have frozen their embryo previously in their best reproductive ages, or those couples who need a donor embryo when their gametes are not viable to generate a self embryo. The embryo is well prepared, thawed carefully by the embryologist, and implanted into the uterus of the prospective mother via the IVF Implantation Process in India. Frozen embryo transfer exhibits a higher success rate than fresh embryo transfer.

Laser-Assisted Hatching in Dispur (Assam)

Laser-assisted hatching is one of the most successful and the best-advanced treatments that gives 100% success rates in IVF treatments. Today, most couples look forward and specialists are advanced in using this method to fertilize an egg/hatch an egg. This method is more successful than the traditional methods of hatching. 

You Decide! Together we make parenthood possible

If you wish to undergo fertility treatment at fertilityworld in Dispur (Assam). Please register here for free consultations with doctor.

Contact us to schedule an appointment with the fertilityworld IVF experts.

If you want to know more information relating to any fertility treatments such as IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, Surgical extractions, surrogacy, Donor assistance (egg/sperm), surrogate mother arrangements, and any other fertility treatments or services information in Dispur (Assam) please write to us at We provide free consultations. 

For a detailed discussion about the Cost of fertility treatments such as the Cost of IVF with self gametes, cost of IVF with donor gametes, cost of ICSI treatments, cost of Donor sperms, cost of Donor Eggs, Cost of the surrogate mother compensation, or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount please write to us at We provide free consultations

Best IVF hospital in Dispur?

Today the Fertilityworld-(IVF&Surrogacy clinic) is the best infertility centre in Dispur, Assam. The success rate is as high as 90 to 99 percent because of the 30+ years of experience doctor like Dr. Nidhi sharma who is running the clinic to provide the successful pregnancy result to the infertile couples of North-East India.

Best IVF and fertility clinic in Dispur?

Many infertile couples from Assam got positive pregnancy from the Fertilityworld clinic from last 5 to 6 years also this clinic has the highest number of positive reviews from the couples of other states of North-East.

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