Complete Surrogacy Process in India
  • The new surrogacy law (2022) enforced by the supreme court allows only Altruistic surrogacy
  • Guaranteed surrogacy package available with 100% surety of a healthy baby,
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Surrogacy in India contacts

Surrogacy in India is an arrangement where a woman known as a surrogate mother offers to carry a baby in her womb (Pregnancy) on behalf of an intended couple, single parent, married couples without a biological link to the baby and hand over the baby to the prospective couples under the Laws for Surrogacy in India. Indian surrogacy program, over the years India has become the Hub of the Global Fertility Industry for international intended parents and couples, to grow their families with an easy and transparent Surrogacy process in India. Thousands and thousands of Indian intending parents have used these opportunities and have extended their families.

Surrogacy in India

Millions of parents and couples worldwide were unable to have a child of their own because they suffered from infertility. It is a disease of the reproductive system that is defined to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular sexual intercourse. Today, with the advancement of technologies in medical science, infertility problems are being solved by the process of surrogacy. Surrogacy in India and Indian surrogates have increasingly become popular amongst Intended parents in these industrialized nations because of the relatively low costs and easy access which is being offered by Indian Surrogacy Agencies compared to other countries.

Fertility World center with Clinics and hospitals in India are offering assisted reproductive technology (ART) services to infertility disease parents and couples to have children via gamete donation, intrauterine insemination (IUI), In-vitro Fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Laparoscopy, and gestational surrogacy. Surrogacy in particular paved the way globally for many childless parents and couples to India in the last few decades, and are parenting with the help of surrogacy. Even today, surrogacy programs are being offered by many agencies in India.

If you’re considering India as your surrogacy destination, The Fertility World is available 24*7 to help you navigate the surrogacy process in India, procedures, and all the legal formalities involved throughout the surrogacy Program to worldwide intended couples. Our team consists of world-class trained expert professionals of Doctors, Legal surrogacy attorneys, coordinators, and managers. We are dedicated and proud of our services as being a part of your wonderful journey. We stand and safeguard your rights beginning from consultation till the custody of a child in your arms.

Surrogacy process In India

Considering becoming a parent!! Fertility World Surrogacy process. Following is our comprehensive process of leading you to become a parent with Fertility World and how surrogacy works in fulfilling your dreams of parenthood.

  1. Our first step- we begin with complimentary consultations with anyone (all prospective parents, heterosexual or LGBT+ couples and single parents, surrogates, and Gametes Donors) domestic or International via phone calls and video calls on our provided website Our coordinators will give you a direct contact appointment with our professional fertility experts. We’re great listeners and love to hear all your stories and what brought you into our Fertility World. 

Our experts are ever ready to quench all your queries and resolve them at a go. After all your questions are cleared and if you get influence and satisfaction from our experts, they will further demystify you how the surrogacy process works in Fertility World. Further, you will be consulted by our Doctors and legal surrogacy attorney and clarify all the legalities to be involved in our surrogacy program. Also, all the detailed information regarding the process of matching your surrogates with egg/ egg donors (if needed), your traveling (either domestic or international) to our Fertility World location, insurance details, surrogacy costs, and basic medical information.

Fertility Word has its base in India and is in collaboration with many fertility centers around the Globe. We understand what is needed for LGBT+ and heterosexual intended parents, so we’ve equipped all the legalities that are related to our patients and send them back home securely with a completed family (a baby). Our process is designed and performed in such a way that no intended parents or couples are disappointed after the surrogacy journey with us. We’re dedicated and proud to be a part of your wonderful journey.

  1. Choose Fertility World for your Surrogacy journey: If you’ve chosen a surrogacy journey with us after a complimentary consultation. You’ll sign an agreement with us for our services, once it is executed. You’ll be navigated and introduced to your coordination team, separate doctor, surrogacy attorney, and psychologist to make your environment favorable-friendly from infertility (emotions, stress, pressures from others, etc.). Also, your program coordinator is responsible for all the logistics involved with scheduling medical screenings, monitoring the IVF retrieval, and transfer for your surrogate and egg donor (if applicable).

If you’re intended international (parents, couples, singles, heterosexual, same-sex, married, or unmarried), all the information related will be shared through contacts, video calls, documents through email, or WhatsApp if necessary. But we ensure and safeguard the information kept among us regarding your legal documents, and profiles. All the coordination teams assigned to you will stand with you from the beginning till welcoming a baby in your arms. Most of our previous successful parents are still having a strong bonding relationship with us, we expect from you the same.

  1. Matching with egg Donors and the surrogate mother: The coordination team will work with you to choose an In-vitro fertilization (IVF) clinic if you don’t have one. An egg donor if needed and a gestational surrogate. All the arrangements will be based on your choice.
  2. The first stage of the surrogacy journey is the matching process, upon your choice of IVF clinic and an egg donor (if needed). It can be done through phone calls or video calls with your program coordinator.

In the next step, the program coordinator will find you an appropriate gestational surrogate from our qualified surrogates’ profiles or based on your choice. The matching process will take approximately 1 to 4 months, also it depends on your matching requirements.

  1. Embryo implantation and pregnancy: After the surrogate is medically cleared and qualifies for the requirements, she is ready to receive the embryo in her womb. The best-stage embryo is selected and transferred to the surrogate uterus.

After implantation, the surrogates are monitored regularly to check the positive pregnancy, and lining of the uterus and do an ultrasound. The surrogates will conceive pregnancy during the 6th-7th week. You will feel the first heartbeats of your prospective child and be excited. After full-term pregnancy, your coordination team will start arranging hospitals for the delivery of your surrogate.  During the time of delivery, the legal team will coordinate the completion of the legal paperwork for your baby(ies).

  1. Take your baby home: This step is the most anticipated stage of the journey, filled with excitement, and surprising wonders and you may feel like an end. But it will be your most awaited new beginning for your family. Our team will arrange all your formalities for your return back home safe and secure with your child.

Types of surrogacy:

  1. Traditional surrogacy: It involves the insemination naturally or artificially with the intended husband’s sperm or donor sperm and fertilized with the surrogate mother’s eggs. However, traditional surrogacy is does not performed today because the child born is genetically related to the surrogate mother. It raises several unethical complications.
  1. Gestational Surrogacy: It involves the creation of an embryo using the intended couples’ eggs and sperms or using donor gametes and fertilized via in-vitro fertilization (outside the body) infertility laboratory and implant into the surrogate uterus to carry the pregnancy. A child born through this surrogacy has no genetic relation to the surrogate mother.

This surrogacy program is popularly common for International intended couples of any origin. Most of the agencies focused on Gestational surrogacy.

  1. Altruistic Surrogacy: This surrogacy involves no monetary compensation to the surrogate mother other than medical expenses and insurance coverage during pregnancy.
  1. Commercial surrogacy: It includes surrogacy and its related procedures which are undertaken for a financial benefit or reward in the form of cash or kindness. Generally, commercial surrogacy benefits exceed medical expenses and insurance coverage.

To avail of Free consultation regarding information about surrogacy, surrogates or gamete donor, Invitro fertilization (IVF), and laparoscopy, book an appointment by filling out our application form provided.

We’re available 24*7 in your service and clarify all your queries within a very short time.


A rapid phase increase of surrogacy children in India had raised major concerns, like most surrogacies today, India has undergone major legislative reforms to bring the surrogacy process under legal Surrogacy laws & regulations. When Indian surrogacy became a booming surrogacy industry, there were no legal laws in the place where unsafe and unethical practices developed. To avoid many complications that lead to harmful results and to provide safeguards to Intended parents and surrogates. 

The women who became surrogates in India were subjected to unethical treatment, poor living conditions, and exploitation. To keep up with the demand of international intended parents, Indian surrogacy agencies effectively ran “baby factories,” where Indian women were forced to live until they gave birth to the intended parents’ babies, usually with no assistance for the family they had left behind while pregnant.

Additionally, the surrogates in India only received a fraction of the expenses that the intended parents paid the surrogacy agency — only $4,000 to $5,000 for compensation. Their poverty and lack of education drew them back into the surrogacy process over and over again for this financial gain, and their health declined as they effectively became “baby-making machines” year after year. They also did not receive the kind of supportive services they needed for themselves and their family during this emotional journey.

To tackle these issues emerging over time, the Indian government attempted to take steps to make the process safer for all involved. The surrogacy regulation bill was passed in 2019. However, this bill has not been amended yet, and the agencies are still helping international intended parents and Indian-origin couples to grow their families through a surrogacy program.

What does The Surrogacy Regulation Bill 2019 say:

The bill defines surrogacy as a practice where a woman carries a pregnancy and delivers a child to the intended couple. The surrogate’s intention is to hand over the child after the birth to the prospective couple. The bill prohibits commercial surrogacy and allows altruistic surrogacy. Surrogacy is permitted to those intending couples:

  1. Who has a certificate of essentiality’ and ‘certificate of eligibility issued by the appropriate authority?
  2. Who has proven infertility problems?
  3. Who is choosing to undergo altruistic surrogacy?
  4. Whose intention is not about doing commercial business (selling babies, prostitution, or other forms of exploitation)?
  5. Who has specified conditions or diseases of infertility?

A certificate of essentiality is issued upon the fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • Proven Infertility certificate for either one or both intending parents from District Medical Board.
  • An order of parentage and custody of the surrogate child passed by a magistrate court.
  • Insurance coverage for 16 months, covering postpartum delivery complications of the surrogate.

A Certificate of Eligibility of intending couples is issued upon the fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • The intended couple should be Indian citizens and have been married for at least five years.
  • The Intended wife’s age should be 23 to 50 years old and the intended husband should be 26 to 55 years old.
  • They should not have any surviving child (biological, adopted, or surrogate). It does not include a child who is mentally and physically challenged or suffering from a life-threatening disorder or chronic fatal disease.

The eligibility criteria of the surrogate mother should meet the following conditions:

  • Certificate of eligibility from appropriate authority.
  • She should be closely related to the intended couples.
  • She should have gotten married.
  • She should have at least one child or currently nursing a baby.
  • She should be between 25 to 35 years old.
  • She must have been a surrogate only once in her lifetime.
  • She must possess a certificate of medical and psychological fitness for surrogacy.
  • She cannot give her a gamete for surrogacy.

Who is the appropriate authority for surrogacy approval

The central and the state government shall appoint one or more appropriate authorities within 90 days after the BILL BECOME AN ACT. They will be responsible for the following functions:

  • Granting, suspending, or canceling the registration of surrogacy centers.
  • Enforce standard procedures for the surrogacy centers or clinics.
  • Investigate and take action against the breaching of the bill.
  • Recommend to Modify or amend the regulations of surrogacy.

Terms and conditions of parentage and abortion of the surrogate child.

  • A baby delivered out of a surrogacy program is deemed to be the biological child of the intending couple.
  • For abortion, the surrogate child must have the written consent of the surrogate mother and authorization from the appropriate authority.
  • The appropriate authority should approve abortion based on the medical termination of the Pregnancy Act 1971.
  • The surrogate mother has the option to withdraw from surrogacy before the embryo is implanted in her uterus.
  • The Fertility World follows all the regulations provided in the Surrogacy Regulations 2019 Bill:
  • Eligibility of the intended parents.
  • Eligibility of the surrogate.
  • Parentage order and abortion.

To avoid future risks and complications, we’re in advance following all the legalities from the bill and providing our services to intended couples to grow their family.

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