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Best Fertility clinic in Guwahati Assam

The fertilityworld clinic provides cutting-edge fertility treatments such as IVF, ICSI, IMSI, IUI, FET, Surgical Procedures, Laser-assisted hatching, PGD/PGS, surrogacy, semen analysis test, Cryopreservation, Blastocyst Culture, and Transfer, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy & Donor Programs, etc. All the services are affordable, with no hidden charges.

Fertility treatment in Guwahati Assam

Why the fertilityworld is described as the best fertility clinic in Guwahati, Assam?

The fertilityworld is described as the best fertility clinic in Guwahati, Assam because for the following reasons:

  • The clinic’s dedicated aim is to help every couple who hopefully wishes to have children of their own despite their infertility. 
  • The clinic has excellent embryologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists, and various staff, nurses with 20+ years of experience in the fertility field. 
  • The clinic experts are very friendly and provide innovative & progressive solutions for infertility. 
  • Any infertility treatments cannot be initiated until and unless their fertility conditions are thoroughly examined and screened by the doctors, Our doctor’s suggestions are always effective and tailored according to each patient’s needs. 
  • The fertilityworld has world-class equipment and is ideal for preserving gametes, embryos, and many more. 
  • Most of all, the clinic provides most infertility treatments at very cost-efficient and reliable for any patients. 
  • The clinic’s plus point is having an excellent staff who takes care of the patients, fixes their appointments, and answers every question they may have.

The fertility treatment success rates, Guwahati (Assam)

From the bar graph, one can easily estimate how fertility treatments can fulfill your dreams of parenthood. Analyze the fertility treatments success rates in Guwahati (Assam):

The fertility treatment success rates, Guwahati (Assam)
The fertility treatment success rates, Guwahati (Assam)

Analyzing the overall success rate of fertility treatment it can be concluded the average success rate is 60% indicating that about half of all couples who seek treatment conceived pregnancy. However, the success of treatment varies from person to person, depending partly on what causes your infertility. some infertility causes may be harder to treat than others. Also, age is the most important factor in determining fertility treatment success rates. Described below are the percentage of the fertility treatments success rates based on the women’s age:

  • 45% to 95% in women younger than 35 years of age,
  • 30% to 75% in women aged 35 to 37 years,
  • 25% to 55% in women aged 38 to 40 years,
  • 15% to 40% in women aged 42 to 44 years,
  • 10% to 35% in women beyond 45 years.
  • Also, visit IVF success rate in India.

Why fertilityworld is the best clinic in Guwahati, Assam?

Why fertilityworld is the best clinic in Guwahati, Assam?

The Fertilityworld produces the highest success rates in Guwahati (Assam) up to 95% of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) successful per treatment cycle. We compare treatment cycles using various in vitro techniques (IVF, ICSI, and IUI) and it includes women from all age groups. Having the best team of fertility specialists, and coordinators are embarking the fertility services to any patient having complete satisfaction without compromisation. Above all the fertility clinic offers affordable fertility treatments cost with free consultations.

Let’s discuss here female infertility, its causes, symptoms, and diagnosis:

Let's discuss here female infertility, its causes, symptoms, and diagnosis:

Female infertility in simple terms is described as the inability of the woman to get pregnant after having regular unprotected sex with male partners for about 6 to 12 months. Females having continuous miscarriages is also described as infertility.

What causes female Infertility?

What causes female Infertility in Guwahati Assam?

There are various possible causes of female infertility. However, all the infertility factors are not well defined. Some women can have “unexplained” infertility or “multifactorial” infertility. Some of the common causes of female infertility are discussed below: 

  • Ovulation Failure: The most common cause is the failure to ovulate, about 40% of women suffer from this infertility issue. The ovulation failure is due to primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), diminished ovarian reserve due to aging, and Endocrine disorders (thyroid disease or problems with the hypothalamus) which affect the hormones produced by the body causing too much or too little of a hormone or group of hormones, and lifestyle and environmental factors.
  • Abnormal Menstrual Cycle: Menstrual cycle prepares the female body for pregnancy. Therefore abnormalities can lead to infertility. The natural cycle process follows several phases, and issues with either phase lead to difficulty getting pregnant or to infertility.
  • Reproductive structural problems: Encountering abnormal tissue in the fallopian tubes or uterus are a reproductive structural problem. When the fallopian tubes get blocked (Blocked Fallopian Tube), the eggs get stuck and cannot move from the ovaries into the uterus, and male sperm cannot reach the egg for fertilization. Uterus structural problems can interfere with implantation processes and can cause infertility. These structural problems are commonly caused by endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polyps (non-cancerous), scarring in the uterus, and the unusual shape of the uterus.
  • Abnormal Egg Maturity: Some female eggs may not mature completely due to various reasons such as PCOS, obesity, and lack of specific proteins. This immaturity eggs may not release at right time, may not pass the fallopian tube, or cannot be fertilized.
  • Egg fails to implant: Some women fertilized eggs may fail to get implants into the uterine wall and cause miscarriages. Implantation failure can be caused by genetic defects, endometrium, embryonic defects, endometriosis, antibodies to hormones, and scarring tissues.

Diagnosis for Female Infertility

To determine female infertility reasons, certain diagnosing tests are available in Guwahati (Assam). One of the best-suggested options is that both partners should be evaluated. 

Female infertility diagnosis tests include:

  • Ovulation testing: The test detects the surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs before ovulation. It is an ovulation predicting kit and can be done at home.
  • Blood Test:  It determines the progesterone levels (produced after ovulation). It can also know whether you’re ovulating.
  • Hysterosalpingography: An X-ray contrast is injected into the female uterus and an X-ray is taken to know the problems inside the uterus. The test can also determine whether the fluid passes out of the uterus and spills out of the fallopian tubes. If any problems are encountered, then further evaluation is required.
  • Ovarian reserve testing: It helps to determine the quality and quantity of eggs available for ovulation. 
  • Imaging tests: It is a pelvic ultrasound that looks for uterine or fallopian tube disease. Sometimes saline infusion sonogram or hysteroscopy is used to see details inside the uterus that can’t be seen on a regular ultrasound.
  • Laparoscopy: It involves creating a small incision beneath the navel and inserting a thin viewing device that examines the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus. It can identify endometriosis, scarring, blockages or irregularities of the fallopian tubes, and problems with the ovaries and uterus.
  • Genetic testing: The test determines whether there are any changes to the genes that may be causing infertility.

What are the available female infertility treatments in Guwahati (Assam)?

What are the available female infertility treatments in Guwahati (Assam)?

Ferilityworld, the best fertility clinic in Guwahati (Assam) generally offers 3 main forms of female infertility treatments. They’re through:

  1. Medicines
  2. Surgical procedures
  3. Assisted conception
  4.  Intrauterine insemination (IUI), 
  5. In Vitro fertilization (IVF), 
  6. Advanced treatments with IVF such as ICSI, FET, PGD/PGS, and Laser-assisted hatching.

Know all about female Infertility treatments in detail:

1. Medicines for Infertility in Women: The common infertility medicine that can treat women’s infertility includes the following:

  • Clomiphene- This medicine encourages the monthly release of an egg in women who do not ovulate regularly or cannot ovulate at all.
  • Tamoxifen- This medicine helps as an alternative to clomiphene which is given for ovulation problems.
  • Metformin- This medicine is particularly beneficial for women who have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)- Read more about the PCOS diet and pregnancy
  • Gonadotropins- This medicine helps to stimulate ovulation in women, and can also improve fertility in men.
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) & dopamine agonists- This medicine is prescribed by specialists to encourage ovulation in women.

Note: Medicine that stimulates the ovaries is not recommended for women with unexplained infertility because it has not been found to increase the chances of getting pregnant. Speak to our doctor for more information about the possible side effects of specific medicines.

2. Women’s infertility surgical treatments

Some women’s infertility can be restored using surgical procedures which can also investigate and treat infertility in women. Some are discussed here:

  • Tubal surgery: If female fallopian tubes are blocked or scarred, tubal surgery is done to repair them. The process will break up the scar tissue in the fallopian tubes, making it smooth for the eggs to pass through them and reach the uterus. However, the success rate of the surgery is dependent on the extent of the damage to the fallopian tubes.
  • Laparoscopic surgery: This surgery is often used to treat endometriosis by destroying or removing fluid-filled sacs called cysts. It is also performed for the removal of submucosal fibroids, which are small growths in the womb. polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also be treated by this surgical procedure.

3. Assisted conception treatments

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments: IVF is the best assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedure to conceive a pregnancy. The process involves the fertilization of the gametes (eggs & sperm) from outside the body under the culture medium in the fertility laboratory. Read the complete IVF process step by step from here. 
  • The initial step of the IVF process involves taking fertility medicine that encourages the ovaries to produce more than one egg than usual.   
  • The eggs are retrieved from the ovaries by the embryologist- The best IVF doctor in India and allowed to be fertilized with sperm in a laboratory.
  • The embryo is then implanted/transferred into the woman’s womb to grow and develop into a fetus. Read about IVF Implantation Process in India.

Donor Egg & Donor sperm assistance for IVF, ICSI, IUI

If both of the partners have infertility conditions where the reproductive system is unable to achieve fertilization. In such cases, the couples can receive eggs or sperm from a donor to help them to conceive and achieve parenthood. Couples can easily get donor assistance in Guwahati (Assam) from the fertilityworld for donor eggs assistance; Donor Egg Bank and Donor Sperm assistance; fresh sperm or preserved sperm via Semen Freezing | Cryopreservation.

  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) procedure: This IUI procedure is also known as artificial insemination. The procedure involves inserting/injecting a single sperm into the uterus (womb) through a fine and thin plastic tube passing via the cervix. Firstly the sperm (partner/donor sperm) is collected and washed in a fluid and concentrated. Then, the best quality specimens of the sperm are selected and injected directly into the female uterus to carry the pregnancy.

Now let us discuss male infertility, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis test, and available male infertility treatments.

Male infertility treatment in Guwahati Assam

Male infertility is the term used to describe a man’s inability to naturally get somebody pregnant (female partner). There are 2 forms of male infertility:

  1. Primary infertility: You and your partner have never had children together or in previous relationships.
  2. Secondary infertility: You and your partner have had children together (or in previous relationships), but are now having problems getting pregnant.

Causes of male Infertility

Several causing factors can contribute to men’s infertility. To learn more details about male infertility read this link: What are the signs of Infertility in Males? Or Symptoms of male infertility. However, some man infertility can be caused by “Unexplained Infertility”. Some of the most common causes of male infertility are discussed below:

  • Sperm disorders: Low sperm count, motility of the sperm is weak, sperm morphology is abnormal, a male can have all three of these problems at the same time. 

Some men might not have any sperm in the semen, a condition called obstructive azoospermia. The tubes that carry the sperm from the testicles to the penis (seminal ducts) get blocked. Or may not develop as they should have when you were a baby. You may establish obstructive azoospermia after an infection, surgery on your bladder, or scarring after an inguinal hernia repair operation, for example.

  • Hypogonadism: This condition refers to the insufficient production of semen or any hormone. This can affect the sperm count and sex drive (libido), or one can’t get an erection and ejaculate.

The man could be born with hypogonadism or may develop it after an illness or treatment for an illness, such as chemotherapy. It can also develop by taking several medications, such as spironolactone (a water tablet or diuretic), and cimetidine (an antacid).

  • Ejaculation disorders: Several problems can affect how you ejaculate (releases semen). 
  • Erectile dysfunction: One can’t keep an erection for long enough to have sex.
  • Retrograde ejaculation: Semen is ejaculated backward into the bladder rather than out of the body when a man orgasms.
  • Delayed ejaculation means you can’t ejaculate inside your partner’s vagina. This may be a psychological problem.
  • Anorgasmia: you don’t reach an orgasm and ejaculate. This may be because you don’t have enough feeling in your penis. 

Diagnosis of male Infertility

The best and the most successful approach for male infertility diagnosis is semen analysis testing. The Semen analysis tests, determine, or investigates the functionality of the male semen. This test increases the chances of having a baby as early as possible. The semen analysis determines the following parameters using high magnifying microscopes.

  • Sperm count,
  • Motility and viability of the sperm
  • Morphology of the sperm
  • Liquefaction time of the sperm
  • The quantity and quality of semen and sperm. 
  • The color of the sperm
  • The pH of the sperm
  • The viscosity of the sperm
  • Fructose content in Semen

In Guwahati, the fertilityworld is the best Semen Analysis Test performing clinic. The clinic welcomes any males or couples with free consultations, seeking to confirm their fertility conditions. Not only that, the clinic offers a semen Analysis Test at a low cost in Guwahati (Assam) starting from Rs.300 to Rs.1,000 depending on the different parameters that are tested. 

With this analysis technology, our doctors can determine the precision of male infertility and guide them to follow the suitable step to receive a child. The clinic also shares a great chain of laboratory establishments in most Indian Cities such as Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, Gurgaon, and other major cities providing Semen Analysis. Know that the average cost of the test varies depending on the city’s policy.

Most infertility treatments that will be suitable for males are prescribed by a specialist doctor, only after the semen analysis test cum consultations. Get semen analysis Done at a lower cost. Contact the fertilityworld in Guwahati (Assam).

What are the treatments for male and female infertility?

There are lots of treatment choices for male infertility. If you’re male having a health condition that’s causing your fertility problems, the following options will improve your infertility into parenthood:

  1. Fertility Medications
  • Gonadotropin injections: This medication is suggested for low testosterone levels (hypogonadism) to improve your fertility. This triggers the body to make testosterone and produce sperm.
  •  Pseudoephedrine; This medicine is prescribed for males with retrograde ejaculation. This will help to close the opening of the bladder. 
  • Sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis®), or alprostadil: These medicines can be helpful for trouble getting an erection.


If male infertility problems are due to erection problems, and medicines don’t help, doctors may suggest a vacuum pump. You place your penis into a tube and pump out the air, then the blood will flow into your penis. A constriction band at the base of the penis will be placed that keeps the erection going, which can be removed after 30 minutes.

  1. Surgical treatments: If you’ve had a vasectomy earlier but want to become parents, then it is possible to have a vasectomy reversal via surgery. Or you may need surgery to remove a blockage in the tubes that take sperm from your testicles to your penis (obstructive azoospermia).
  • If you have only swollen veins in your scrotum (varicoceles). Then the doctor may suggest surgery. We don’t usually encourage this surgery treatment. But some research suggests that surgery may improve your chances of pregnancy.
  1. Assisted reproduction treatment for male infertility: Assisted conception means helping to conceive a baby using ways other than having sex.

If other discussed fertility treatments are not suitable for your infertility. The fertilityworld best fertility clinic in Guwahati (Assam) doctors will always suggest assisted reproduction/assisted conception. 

  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): ICSI is artificial insemination of male fertility treatments. ICSI involves the selection of the best single sperm and directly injecting them into the middle of each egg in a laboratory before they are transferred into the female womb. The doctor will recommend ICSI if a male has the following:
  • Low sperm count,
  • Difficulty in having sex, 
  • To have ICSI alongside IVF treatments.

IVF involves combining the eggs with sperm (yours or a donor’s) in a laboratory under the culture medium. IVF helps if there doesn’t seem to be a specific cause of infertility, or other alternative treatments haven’t worked. It can also help if you have retrograde ejaculation, or if you’re using surrogacy (Complete Surrogacy process in India) to have a baby at a reasonable surrogacy cost, read here for more information about the Surrogacy Cost in India.

  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI): IUI can help in case males have trouble maintaining an erection and find it difficult to have sex, or if you’re in a same-sex relationship. It involves placing the sperm directly (self sperm or a donor’s) into a woman’s womb when she releases an egg. Then pregnancy is possible.
  • Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT): GIFT involves the transferring of both the egg and sperm into a woman’s fallopian tubes before the egg gets fertilized by the sperm.

Why Surrogacy with Donor Egg is Guaranteed Surrogacy?

Surrogacy with Donor Egg is known as Guaranteed Surrogacy because the success rate of this program is guaranteed up to 98.3% healthy live births. The Donor Egg is collected from the Egg Donor Bank and prepared so that the partner sperm can fertilize them via the IVF process. The resultant fertilized egg known as the embryo is implanted into another woman’s (surrogate mother) uterus, then she carries the pregnancy to term and hands over the Baby to the prospective parents as per the agreement signed among all the involved parties at the beginning under the legal Notary @ Best Surrogacy center in Guwahati, Assam.

The fertilityworld offers a surrogacy program at a reasonable cost, lower than any other center in Guwahati (Assam). Read here and know the detailed Surrogacy cost in Guwahati Assam. Each positive result of the treatment causes a lot of happiness for the patients and all of our team members. Because we believe in fulfilling your parenthood Dreams possible “TOGETHER”.

Your Final Decisions are based on the information provided for the best fertility Clinic in Guwahati (Assam)

If you want to know more detailed information relating to fertility treatments, IVF, ICSI, IUI, FET, Surgical extractions, surrogacy, Donor assistance (egg/sperm), surrogate mother arrangements, and any other fertility treatments or services information in Guwahati (Assam) please write to us at We provide free consultations. 

For a detailed discussion about the Cost of fertility treatments such as the Cost of IVF with self gametes, cost of IVF with donor gametes, cost of ICSI treatments, cost of PGD/PGS, cost of Donor sperms, cost of Donor Eggs, Cost of the surrogate mother compensation, or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount please write to us at We provide free consultations.

What is the Cost of IVF in Guwahati?

IVF Cost in Guwahati at Fertility world Clinic starts in the range of 1.20 Lakhs to 2,50 Lakhs depending on an individual medical case study to perform with the additional process (if required) that makes difference in costs.

Best fertility doctor in Guwahati?

At Fertilitywold clinic Dr. Nidhi Sharma is the best infertility specialist in Guwahati, Assam today because of the maximum positive reviews from the infertile couples that she is delivering the highest success rate in IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, etc.

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