- The leading Fertility (IVF/Surrogacy) centers in pan India- Fertilityworld.ivf
- Only Altruistic surrogacy is legally practiced in India (New Law 2022).
- Surrogacy costs range from 18 to 20 lakhs approximately.
- Guaranteed surrogacy package available with 100% surety of baby.
- Book an online appointment: Get a Free consultation with our Doctors & Lawyers.
- Call/Wa +91 9311850412 Email: info@fertilityworld.in


Today, only Altruistic surrogacy is legal to practice for infertile couples and surrogates should be known as friends, relatives, etc of intended parents. the lawyer will guide or brief the entire process of surrogacy for the intended parents & get the approval to proceed further from the Supreme Court (legal parentage order, signing the contract agreement, etc.),
Surrogacy is a method where the fertilized egg is implanted into the womb of a surrogate mother who carries the pregnancy to term. Strictly, only the best-fertilized eggs (embryos) at their best potential growth stages are implanted into the womb of a surrogate known as gestational surrogacy.
Are surrogate mothers legally permitted in India?

Surrogate motherhood has been permitted in India since 2002 for both residents and non-residents. However, the Law of surrogacy was amended back in 2015, when the Indian Government determined that, in the case of foreign citizens, only heterosexual couples whose country allowed surrogacy had the right to have a baby through a surrogate mother in India.
Who Needs Surrogacy?

Surrogacy can open doors to parenthood for people who might otherwise never be able to have a child who is genetically linked to themselves. There are so many reasons why a surrogate may be the answer to your infertility problems. Here are a few of the most common:
- Hysterectomy or genetic lack of uterus
- Defective Uterus (such as the unicornuate uterus).
- Poor Endometrium Lining.
- Uterine issues
- Life-threatening conditions
- Severe postpartum depression
- Advanced Maternal Age
- Repeated IVF failures.
- Recurrent abortions are not amenable to treatment.
- Severe medical condition incompatible with pregnancy.
- Single parents.
The Surrogacy Process at the Fertility World:

Our surrogate mothers are kind and humble likewise we understand each other’s needs. Though we have surrogate home facilities, we don’t encourage them to stay for all nine months of pregnancy at our surrogate home because they are young, healthy, and have their small children at home, after some months they come to the surrogate home till the birth of a child. We believe in providing a happy pregnancy to our surrogates. Our well-trained surrogate team of experts visits the pregnant surrogate frequently and ensures that proper care is being taken. Our fertility doctors monitor the pregnancy every 2 to 3 weeks and ensure a healthy fetus. Our clinic coordinators also make frequent visits to the surrogates’ homes to ensure complete care is being taken so, the process of surrogacy should be healthy and safe. Antenatal visits and regular ultrasounds are done with a higher frequency than a normal pregnancy to ensure a healthy pregnancy. However, if any medical issues arise during the pregnancy we immediately admit the surrogates. In case any intended parent specifically wants a surrogate to stay at a surrogate home, we have provisions for the same.
Cost Of Surrogacy at the Fertility World Centre:
The cost of surrogacy is approximately Rs 18 up to 20 lakhs depending on the type of surrogacy (self-egg or donor-egg surrogacy). in the self egg, it includes 3 attempts but in guaranteed surrogacy, it goes till the live healthy baby is born that’s why it costs apx 20 lakhs.
India as a Surrogacy Destination for Global Intended Parents

Back in 2012, India was considered the surrogacy capital of the world. Based on the data published by the Confederation of Indian Industry the surrogacy market rose to about 2.3 thousand million dollars during that period. Reasons, why non-residents (Foreigners) saw India as the ideal destination for surrogacy, were associated with:
- The cost is five times cheaper than in the United States.
- Easily accessible to the process, as intended parents were deemed the rightful parents straight away after childbirth.
Today commercial surrogacy is not suggested to foreign citizens according to the surrogacy regulation bill passed in 2019. However, the bill has not been amended till today, and surrogacy access is allowed to Indian spouses with fertility problems only to either one of the partners with Indian Passports.
Factors Influencing Surrogacy Cost In India
Several elements determine the Surrogacy costs in India
- The cost might vary significantly according to the region or state in which you decide to use surrogacy. The cost of living is frequently greater in larger towns, which raises the total cost.
- Costs can vary depending on whether a surrogate utilizes her eggs for conventional surrogacy or utilizes a prospective mom’s or donor’s egg; gestational surrogacy, on the other hand, is usually more costly because it requires more IVF treatments.
- The amenities that various clinics provide might have an impact on the cost. While certain facilities might charge individually for every procedure, others might offer full plans that cover all the legal, medical, and operational fees.
- Every attempt might increase the total cost because sometimes getting pregnant requires several tries.
- Legal processes, including agreement writing and parental rights acquisition, are involved in surrogacy. The intricacy of such procedures can affect the cost of legal representation.
- Pregnancy, childbirth, and fertility therapies are all included in medical expenditures. They are contingent upon the surrogate’s health and the particular therapies needed.
- The payment made to the surrogate accounts for a sizable portion of the expenses. Depending on the area, the surrogate’s background, and her medical needs, it may vary.
- Counseling may be necessary for intending parents and the surrogate, and such facilities may come with extra costs.
- If you’re from a different nation or location, you’ll have to plan for lodging and travel while the surrogacy procedure is underway.
- Unexpected costs like prolonged hospitalization for surrogates or medical issues might potentially affect the total cost.
Note that each of these variables may affect the entire surrogacy expense in India, so it’s critical to go over each one in detail with Fertility World, your trusted preferred surrogacy service, to have a clear idea of your overall expectations.
How is the surrogate mother arranged in India?

Many women are willing to become surrogates for infertile couples to carry their baby(ies). However, today with the effect of the new bill, a woman to be allowed to apply for becoming a surrogate must have consent from her husband. In other words, becoming a surrogate depends ultimately on the decision of the male partner. The following are some basic requirements to become a surrogate in India:
- A surrogate must be the age limit of 21 to 35 years old,
- She must have carried at least one healthy pregnancy during her life (no repeated miscarriages), or currently nursing a baby.
Surrogate Screening and Signing the contract

Before accepting her as a Surrogate, her entire personal history, her background, and family member history are looked into carefully by the doctors.
- The surrogate and her partner are screened for infectious diseases like sexually transmitted diseases, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV.
- Pelvic Sonography and other tests for uterine receptivity are examined for achieving a good chance of pregnancy.
- A financial and legal agreement or bond signing is done before Surrogacy.
- Once the contract is signed, she won’t have the right to stop the pregnancy voluntarily anymore (except under exceptional circumstances)
Indian Surrogate Mothers typically live near the surrogacy located area. So it’s easy for her to focus on taking care of the pregnancy and her family.
Why do surrogates have to be paid?
The Fertility World staff and intended parents recognize and appreciate your incredible commitment to choosing a gestational carrier. Becoming a surrogate is not an easy activity, it requires a special person that can commit her body and time throughout the surrogacy process. The amazing gift that surrogates give to emotionally infertile parents is both remarkable and generous. With the feeling of joy you experience as a surrogate, we are proud to ensure that you are paid for your sacrifices, including generous compensation for surrogacy-related expenses.
Surrogacy is a complex legal and medical process that requires significant time, energy, and discomfort. This leads many potential surrogates to ask, How much does it pay to be a surrogate? Let us know about surrogate fees in India. Surrogate mother Cost in India is very reasonable and easily accessible by each sterile couple. The surrogate charge in India is about 5 to 6 lakh only.
How much does a surrogate get paid?
Intended parents have to provide three types of surrogate pay, usually totaling INR 5 lakhs to 6 lakhs in the following:
- Base compensation
- Additional payments based on the course of the pregnancy
- Coverage of all surrogacy services and reimbursement for any expenses incurred during the procedure.
The table below provides the average payments that used to be made by the Intended couples but now after the New law 2022 (Altruistic surrogacy) says a surrogate must be known by the intended parent she should be from friends, family members relatives:
Fresh Surrogates | Rs. 3.5 to 4 lakhs |
Experienced Surrogates | Rs. 5 to 6 lakhs |
Medical screening process | Rs. 50k to 60k |
Cycle medication and transfer fees | Rs. 60 to 80k |
Extra pay for carrying twins | Rs. 1.5 to 2 lakhs |
For C-section delivery | Rs. 90k to1.2 lakhs |
For maternity clothing | Rs. 30k to 40k |
Monthly allowance during pregnancy | Rs. 20k to 30k |
How much does the surrogate get in base compensation?
Gestational base compensation is a flat rate that is agreed upon before the embryo transfer. This surrogate base compensation is well-deserved and is provided in exchange for the surrogate year-long commitment to the intended parents, as well as the many physical and emotional demands of a surrogate pregnancy. Many surrogates decide to invest in their new home, fund their children’s college educations, pay off loans, and more.
The base compensation is paid in monthly installments after the pregnancy is confirmed. Our surrogates receive competitive base compensation based on their circumstances and negotiation during the contract process, often starting at Rs 5 lakhs for surrogates with appropriate medical insurance. In addition, we offer an additional Rs 1 lakhs per previous successful Surrogacy program for experienced surrogates.
How much does a surrogate get paid in Supplemental payments?
The surrogate mother receives other additional payments throughout the surrogacy process. This compensation is for extra procedures, discomfort, and the lost daily wages and may vary depending on the circumstances of surrogate pregnancy conditions.
Some of the additional payments made to our gestational surrogates include:
- Forgoing through the medical screening process
- For contract signing bonus
- For cycle medication and transfer fee
- Extra pay for carrying twins
- For C-section delivery
- For maternity clothing
- Monthly expense allowance during pregnancy
In addition to these payments, surrogates may receive an additional amount for invasive medical procedures, bed rest, childcare, housekeeping, lost wages, provision of breast milk, and more. So, above is everything, you need to know about updated Surrogate Cost in Indian Rupees 2021, hope you have got what you were looking for on this page.
How Surrogate is screened at Fertility World?
To avoid running around, we have thorough surrogate screening equipment, and professionals in place to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby at the end of surrogacy. By being comprehensive, we try to rule out any unpleasant risk surprises. We screened the surrogate in the following manner:
- A complete background check of the surrogate, her family, and her educational background.
- Medical tests and investigations such as blood studies for infectious diseases, a Pap smear, and hysteroscopy are performed to evaluate her health and capacity to carry her baby to full term, as well as a general health check.
- A psychological evaluation covers an IQ test, mental and emotional well-being, and her habits.
- General health check-ups are a routine nutritional requirement for pregnancy.
- Legal documentation and contract agreements are needed for the surrogacy program.
Any woman who volunteers to be your surrogate must meet all our requisites in the parameters listed above.
Are Surrogacy programs reliable for advanced-age women?
Age plays a crucial role in conceiving a pregnancy in females, those females who have crossed the age limit above 45 years better go for Gestational Surrogacy programs to achieve parenthood. Also, those women should opt for Gestational Surrogacy who have no time and are busy in their career lives or are involved in building their future.
When should you consider Gestational Surrogacy?
In India, couples are accepted for gestational (surrogate) surrogacy programs when their medical conditions are proven to be unable conception through any other means, natural or assisted reproduction technology (ART). This means you must prove, conclusively, your inability to conceive for medical reasons, health risks, or a letter from the doctor with inability reasons. Some of the accepted factors for undergoing a Gestational Surrogacy program are:
- Have Normal ovulation cycle but no uterus or removed due to some disease, deformity (fibroids)
- Pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis,
- Heart condition (cardiomyopathy), renal (transplants), epilepsy, diabetes,
- Multiple failed IVF, Multiple Miscarriages.
- Females include both uteri and have a good quality of eggs, but the uterus is unable to hold the pregnancy
- Same-sex couples
- Chronic Reproductive loss
Make an appointment and get the Healthiest surrogate to carry your biological child at the Lowest Cost in pan India.
Fertility World Center has the best surrogacy hospitals/Clinics in all metro cities but in Delhi and Chennai doctor has achieved a higher success rate than in other cities due to their 30+ years of experience and excellent research in the fertility field, couples are choosing Delhi & Chennai for their surrogacy journey. Both cities provide Guaranteed Surrogacy with donor eggs with a 100% success rate. Free first consultations: Book an appointment
The Total Cost of Surrogacy in Delhi & Surrogacy cost in Chennai with self egg is 14.5lakhs and the donor egg/sperm will cost 15lakhs including delivery charges. All the documents and lawyer’s fees are included in the package by Fertility World. (No extra cost).
Yes, surrogacy is legal in India for its citizens and the couples who live outside must be Indian passport holders.